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Book Reviewed in this article: RETAILING Costs and Competition in Retailing. By W.G. Mc Clelland RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Organizing the R & D Function. By Alexander O. Stanley and K. K. White The Organization of Research Establishment. Edited by Sir John Cock -Croft Research Management: Principles and Practice. By J. E. Walters EDUCATION AND TRAINING Selecting and Training the Training Officer. By Nancy Taylor Incidents in Applying Management Theoy. By Richard N. Farmer , Barry M. Richman and William G. Ryan Problems in Business Administration. By Thomas Cicchino Raymond Policies for Management Edutation. Edited by Arthur Henderson The Academic Teaching of Management. Edited by Derek Pugh Total Job Training. By Paul M. Stokes Techniques of Leadership. By Auren Uris Writing the Executive Report. By Ralph Ironman ECONOMICS Preface to Econometrics. By M. J. Brennan The Theory of the Firm. By K. J. Cohen and R. M. Cyert Business Growth By R. S. Edwards and H. Townsend Comparative Management and Economic Progress. By R. N. Farmer and B. M. Richman Investment Proposals and Decision. By B. R. Williams and W. P. Scott MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE Improving Management Performance. By J. W. Humble How To Manage By Results. By Dale D. Mc Conkey What To Do About Performance Appraisal. By Marion S. Kellogg Managers’ Peformance and Personality. By Thomas W. Harrell MANPOWER PLANNING Organization and Manpower Planning. By G. Mc Beath MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND METHODS The Theory and Management of Systems. By Johnson , Kast and Rosenzweig Planning and Control Systems: A Framework for Analysis. By R. N. Anthony Systems Analysis: A Computer Approach to Decision Models. By Claude Mc Millan and Richard F. Gonzalez Systems Analysis for Business and Industrial Problem Solving By Stanford L. Optner Operations Economy: Industrial Applications of Operational Research. By W. J. Fabrycky and Paule . Torgersen An Inrrodutton to P.E.R.T.-C.P.M. By B. N. Baker and R. L. Eris Project Management and Control: Volume II Applied Operational Planning. By R. L. Martino Project Management and Controi: Volume III Allocating and Scheduling Resources. By R. L. Martino MARKETING The Marketing of Industriai Products. Edited by Aubrey Wilson Marketing in a Competitive Economy. By Leslie W. Rodger Marketing Research Management. By A. B. Blankenship and J. B. Doyle Distribution in a High-level Economy. By Reavis Cox in association with Charles S. Goodman and Thomas C. Fichandler On Knowing the Consumer. Edited by Joseph W. Newman Marketing Communications: a Behavioral Approach to Men, Messages, and Media. By Edgar Crane Marketing Management: A Behavioral Systems Approach. By George A. Field , John Douglas and Lawrence X. Tarpey  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Personnel Practices of American Companies in Europe . By HERBERT J. CHRUDFN and ARTHUR W. SHERMAN, JR
Theory and Management of Systems . By R. A. JOHNSON, F. E. KAST and J. E. ROZENZWEIG
Computer Organization, Personnel and Control . By TOM WARD
Manpower Planning Models . Edited by D. J. CLOUGH, C. C. LEWIS and A. L. OLIVER
Leadership and Management Appraisal . Edited by K. W. TILLEY
Planning for Human Resources . Edited by C. MARGERISON and D. ASHTON
Personnel Planning and Occupational Choice . By STUART TIMPERLEY
Personnel: A Diagnostic Approach . By WILLIAM F. GLUECK
Human Resource Planning: Technology, Policy, Change . By ELMER H. BURACK and THOMAS J. MCNICHOLS
Transport Organization in a Great City - The Case of London . By MICHAEL F. COLLINS and TIMOTHY M. PHARAOH
Whre Have All the Robots Gone?: Worker Dissatisfaction in the '70's. By HAROLD L. SHEPPARD and NEAL Q. HERRICK
Job Satisfaction: A Study of Computer Specialists . By ENID MUMFORD
Workers on the Move: The Sociology of Relocation . By MICHAEL MANN
People, Jobs and Organizations . By LIAM GORMAN and EDDIE MOLLOY
Managerial Motivation and Compensation: A Selection of Readings . Edited by HENRY L. TOSI, ROBERT J. HOUSE and MARVIN D. DUNNEITE
Industry's Democratic Revolution . Edited by CHARLES LEVINSON
A Guide to Manpower Planning . By ANGELA M. Bowey
Alienation: Concept, Term and Meanings . Edited by FRANK JOHNSON
Community and Occupation: An exploration of work/leisure relationship. By GRAEME SALAMAN
Beyond Contract: Work, Power and Trust Relations . By ALAN FOX
The First Shop Stewards' Movement . By JAMES HINTON
Social Stratification and Trade Unionism . By GEORGE BAIN, DAVID COATES and VALERIE ELLIS  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The R & D Game - Technical Men, Technical Managers and Research Productivity . Edited by DAVID ALISON
Managing Advancing Technology . Edited by the staff of Innovation Magazine.
Research and Innovation in the Modern Corporation . By E. MANSFIELD, J. RAPOPORT, J. SCHNEE, S. WAGNER and M. HAMBURGER
Wealth from Knowledge - a study of innovation in industry . By J. LANGRISH, M. GIBBONS, W. G. Evans and F. R. JEVONS
The Management of Research and Development . By G. F. THOMASON
Applied Meusures for Promoting Technological Growth . By S. A. HETZLER
Labow: The Unions and the Parg . By BILL SIMPSON
Piecework Bargaining . By WILLIAM BROWN
Management by Agreement. By W. E. J. MCCARTHY and N. D. ELLIS
Workers' Participation in Management in Britain . By R. O. CLARKE, D. J. FATCHETT and B. C, ROBERTS
Tbroagh No Fault of Their Own . By SANTOSH MUKHERJEE
Man and Organization . Edited by JOHN CHILD
The Sociology of the Workplace . Edited by MALCOLM WARNER
British Fattory—Jupunese Factory . By RONALD DORE  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
THE MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISE AND THE GOVERNMENT International Business-Government Communications . By J ack N. B ehrman , J. J. B oddewyn and A shok K apoor
Emerging Forms of Transnational Community . By B ernard M ennis and K arl P. S auvant
Money in the Multinational Enterprise: A Study of Financial Policy . By S idney M. R obbins and R obert B. S tobaugh
Foreign Disinvestment by U.S. Multinational Corporations . By R oger L. T orneden
Multinational Corporations and East European Socialist Economics . By G eza P. L auter and P aul M. D ickie
Multinational Oil . By N eil H. J acoby
Multinational Corporations and Governments; Business Government Relations in an Internationaal Context . Edited by P atrick M. B oarman and H ans S chollhammer
Management of the Multinational: Policies, Operations and Research . Edited by S. P rakash S ethi and R ichard H. H olton (The Free Press, 1974. Pp. 425).
COSTS AND PRICES Studies in Pricing . By P. W. S. A ndrews and E. B runner
L.S.E. Essays on Cost . Edited by J. M. B uchanan and G. F. T hirlby
Selected Economic Essays and Addresses . By S ir A rnold P lant  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Sociai Psychoology of Work . By M ichael A rgyle
Perceptions of Work . By H. B eynon and R. M. B lackburn
The Receding Ideal . By G. D. N ewbould and A. S. J ackson
Six Approaches to the Person . By R alph R uddock
Mathematics for Managers . By A. F letcher and G. C larke
Modern Mathematics . By K. W illiams
Calculus – A Short Course . By M ichael G emignani
Winkler on Marketing Planning . By J ohn W inkler
Planning for Products and Markets . By D ouglas W. F oster
Marketing Management . By H arper W. B oyd J r . and W illiam F. M assy
Integrated Marketing . By B. G. S. J ames
Marketing Logistics and distribution Planning . Ed. by M artin C hristopher and G ordon W ills
How To Do Business in Branded Goods . By E ric A. G. M organ
Profit From Figures; A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods . By C yril J. A nson
Statistical Analysis for Business; A Conceptual Approach . By L ee H. S mith and D onald R. W illiams
Statistical Methods for Business Decisions . By C harles T. C lark and L awrence L. S chkade
Sources of Economic and Business Statistics . By Bernard Edwards
Guidance, Selection and Training - Ideas and Applications . By P eter C. M orea
Managing the Training Function - U sing Instructional Technology and Systems Concepts . By C hristopher G ane
Performance Appraisal in Management . By M. R. W illiams
Management Controls in Action . By W illiam M urray
Productivity Committee Development Division 1970
Personal and Organkational Effectiveness . By R ichard H acon
The Reality of Organisations . By R osemary S tewart
Organisational Desip . By P eter A. C lark
The Study of Organisations . By D avid D unkerley
The Applicability of Organisationaal Sociology . By C hris A rgyris  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Cases and Materials in Company Law . By L. S. S ealy
Measurement and Control of Indirect Work . By D. A. W hitmore
A Design for Business Infelligence . By C. W. S ymonds
Modern Marketing Management . Edited by R. J. L awrence and M. J. T homas
Consumer Behaviour . Edited by A. S. C. E hrenberg and F. G. P yait
Multinational Business Management . By H ow M artyn
The Multinationals . By C hristopher T ugendhat
Capital, Inpation and the Multinationals . By C harles L evinson
The Multi-national Enterprise . Ed. J ohn H. D unning
Transnational Indurtrial Relations . Ed. H ans G unter
Management and the Social Sciences . By T om L upton
The Social Scientist in American Industry: Self Perception of Role, Motiuation and Career . By M atthew R adom
Work, Creatiuio and Social Justit . By E lliott J aques
The Management of Supervisors . By A nthony F. D onovan
The Successful Supervisor in Guvemnient and Business . By W illiam R. van D ersal  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article OPERATIONS RESEARCH Decision and Control. By Stafford Beer Operational Research and the Social Sciences. Edited by J. R. Lawrence Applied Queueing Theory. By Alec M. Lee Operations Economy: Industrial Applications of Operations Research. By W. J. Fabrycky and P. E. Tergerson Operations Research Models for Business and Industry. By Guiseppe M. Ferrero di Roccaferrera ORGANIZATION AND INNOVATION A Manager's Guide to Making Changes. By Arnold S. Judson The Creaitve Organization. Edited by Gary A. Steiner Organization and Innovation. By Chris Argyris STATISTICS Statistics and the Manager. By P. G. Moore Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics. By John R. Stockton Basic Statistics with Business Applications. By Richard C. Clelland LONG RANGE PLANNING Long Range Planning—The Executive Viewpoint. By E. Kirby Warren ORGANIZATION OF INDUSTRY The British Building Industry. By Marion Bowley Mergers in Modern Business. By Nicholas A. H. Stacey Economic Organization of Modern Britain. By Noel Branton BUSINESS FINANCE Business Finance, A Management Approach. By Louis K. Brandt Financial Planning and Policy. By Ernest W. Walker and William H. Baughn The Economics of Corporate Finance. By Seymour Friedland Finance for Management. By C. S. Page and E. E. Canaway MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Management Accounting Principles. By Robert N. Anthony Accounting For Management Control. By C. T. Horngren Managerial Accounting. By C. L. Moore and R. K. Jaedicke Managerial Accounting. By J. H. Rossell and W. W. Frasure An Introduction To Business Accounting For Managers. By W. C. F. Hartley Essential Accounting For Managers. By A. P. Robson Budgeting: Key To Planning and Control. By R. L. Jones and H. G. Trentin Meaningful Interpretation Of Financial Statements. By D. E. Miller Capital Budgeting And Company Finance. By A. J. Merrett and A. Sykes Working Capital Management. By W. Beranek How To Read A Balance Sheet. By International Labour Office Significant Accounting Essays. By Maurice Moonitz and A. C. Littleton  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition and Innovative Potential . Edited by R obin M arris and A drian M ood
The Juggernants . By G raham B annock
Acquisitions and Mergers in Canada . By D esmond B. M orin and W arren C hidpindale
The Pure Theory of International Trade and Investment . By M urray C. K ehid
Labour Markets Under Different Employment Conditions . By D. I. M ackay , D. B oddy , J. B rack , J. A. D iack and N. J ones
Labour Market Economics: A Short Survey of Recent Theory . By J. C orina
Managing the Multinational Enterprise. Organisation of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries . By J ohn M. S topford and L ouis T. W ells , J r .
The Multinational Company in Europe. Some Key Problems . Edited by M ichael Z. B rooke and H. L ee R emmers
The Rise and Decline of Small Firms . By J. B oswell
Small Businesses: How they survive . By P. C larke
Business in Britain . By G raham T urner
The Economic Theory of Medium and Small Industries in Japan . By N oboru I naba  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: USING COMPUTERS How to Live with Your Computer. By Paul T. Smith Business Data Processing and Programming. By Robert H. Gregory and Richard L. Van Horn Computer Programming Techips. By Theodore G. Scott MANAGEMENT The Theory of Practice in Management. By R. W. Revans The Business Executive in a Changing World, By W. N. Mitchell The Business Establisbmen. Edited by Earl F. Cheit THE LABOUR MARKET Manpower Planning in a Free Society. By Richard A. Lester Manpower Policy and Employment Trends. Edited by B. C. Roberts and J. H. Smith Elderly Employed. By Douglas R. Snellgrove Britain's Married Women Workers. By Viola Klein Manpower Planning. By Daniel H. Gray Occupation and Pay in Great Britain, 1906-60. By Guy Routh The Labouw Market. By John Corina Tbe Development of Incomes Policy. By John Corina Wage Trends, Wage Policies, and Collective Bargaining: the Problems for Uderdeveloped Countries. By H. A. Turner ECONOMICS Public and Private Enterprise. By John Jewkes Modern Capitalism. By Andrew Shonpield The British Economy in 1975. By W. Beckerman and Associates Trade Prospects for Developing Countries. By Bela A. Balassa The Balance of Payments. By Max J. Wasserman and Ray M. Ware The World Economy at tbe Crossroads. By Harry G. Johnson The Geograpby of Economics. By Geoffrey Parker OPERATIONS RESEARCH Management Operations Research. By N. L. Enrick Operational Research for Management. By M. J. Sargeaunt MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION AND INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY The Analysis of Organizations. By Joseph A. Litterer Eupychian Management. By Abraham H. Maslow Industrial Psychology. By Joseph Tiffin and Ernest J. Mccormick Readings in Management: landmarks and new frontiers. By Ernest Dale PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT The Mamgemenf of PersonneI Relations - History and Origins. By Cyril C. Ling. Personnel Management. By Herbert J. Chruden and Arthur W. Sherman Jnr. BOOKS RECEIVED Man in Employment. By A. B. Badger I was There - The Memoirs of H. S. Tremenheere. By E. L. and 0. P. EDMONDS Present System of Trade and Payments versus Full Employment and Welfare State. By Éaprime Eshag Psychology - General, Industrial, Social. By J. Munro Fraser Programed Learning - a critical evaluation. By Ed. John L. Hughes Industrial Economics. By H. G. Hunt Economic Growth and Structure. By S . Kuznets  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Efficiancy and uplift. By SAMUEL HABER
Multiproducts ltd. By LILS DLEIN
The Dynamics of a changing technology. By PETER J. FENSHAM and Douglas HOOPER
The Law of Restrictive Practices and Resale Prce Maintenance , (2nd edition). By JEREMY LEVER
Thc Restrictive Practoces court, A Study of the Judicial process and Economic PoIicy . By R. B. STEVEN and B. S. YAMEY
Resale Price Maintenance . By IAN. MACDONALD
Resale Prices Act 1964.
Restrictive Tradng Agreements in the Common Market , Texts and Com- mentaries. By A m CAMPBELL
Modles for Decision . By C M. BERNERS-LEE (Ed.).
Science and the Manager . By R. W.REVANS
Scientific Metbod in Production Management . By G. R. GEDYE
Conceptual Foundations of Bnsiness Rcsearcb . By PAUL. H. RIGER
New Thinking in Management, A Guide for Magagement . By F. DE F. HANIKA
The Dynamics of Research and Development . By EDWARDB. ROBERTS
Managemmt Uses of Rcsearch and Development . By WARRENt. LOTHROP
Management for Research and Development . By H. A. CoLLINSON
The Efficiency Experts . An imparsial study Management Consdtancy. By LAURA TATHAM
Science in Marketing . GEORGE SCHWARTZ
Models, Measwremen & Marketing . PETER LANGHOFF
Marketing in Action . SHULTZE and MAZZE
Cases In Marketing Management . By EDWARDC C. BURSK
International Marketing . By JOHN FATERWEATHER
InternationalBusiness Magagement, Reading and Cass . By JOHN S. EWING and FRANK MEISSNER
Management of the Adwertisibg Function . By ALFRED R. OXENPELoT and CARROLL SWAN
Thrusters and Slepers. A study of Attitudes in Indusurial Management . P.E.P.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Consumer Product Development . By R oderick W hite
Marketing New Industrial Products . By M ichael J. B aker
Effective Marketing logistic . By G raham B uxton
Legal Aspects of Marketing . By J ohn L ivermore
Ofensive Marketing . By J. H. D avidson
Economics and Transport Polig . By K. W. G william and P. J. M ackie
The Management of Urban Public Transport . By P. J. H ovell , W. H. J ones and A. J. M oran  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: ACCOUNTING Accounting and Analytical Metbods. By Richard Mattessich Accounting for Management. By Eric L. Kohler Accounting for Management Analysis. By David H. LI. Accounting for Industrial Management. By Roy Sidebotham Case Strudies: Pillars of Management Accounting Series, Vol.4. By E. D. C. Evans Topics in Business finance and Accounting By J. W. BFJWETT, J. McB. Grant and R. H. PARKER The Mathematics of Money By H. Jones MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The Managing of Organization. Volumes I and 2. By BERTRAMM GROSS Men, Management and Morality. By ROBERT GOLEMBlEWSKI Glacier Project Paprs By WILFRED BROWN and ELLIOTT JAQUES PROFESSIONAL WORKERS The Qualifying Associations: A Stdy in Profcssionalization. By GEOFFREY MILLERSON Professional Employees: A Stndy of Scientists and Engneers. By KENNETH PRANDY GENERAL MANAGEMENT Management -Organisation and Practice. By FRANKLING MOORE Administrative Action -the Techips of Organisation and Manugemnt. By WILLIAM H. NEWMAN Organisation for Profit - Management for the Age of Tecbnohogy. By GERALD G. FISCH Elements of Manugmal Action. By MICHAEL J. JUCRUS and WILLIAM E. SCHLENDER Principlees of Organisation and Management (Second Edition). By HENRY H. ALKERS The Maaugemen of Improvement: Concepts, Organisation and Strategy. By ROBERT N. LEHRER INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IndustriaI Relations in Engineering. By ARTHUR MARSH MANAGEMENT EDUCATION Management Education in Five European Cosntries. By T. M. MOSSON Management Education in Belgiumm. By G. A. G. Ormsby Management Recrsaitment and Development. DECISION THEORY Decision and Value Theory. By P. C. FISHBURN The Theory of Decision Making. By W. SADOWSKI Management Sciences in the Emerging Nations. Ed. by NORMANN. N. BARISH and MICHEL VERHULST Plnning and theExecution OfEconomic Development. By LOUIS J. WALINSKY MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT Manpower Deveslopment. By ELIASH PORTER  相似文献   

COMMUNICATIONS The Art of Communication. By A. C. Leyton The Speech Writing Guide. By James J. Welsh A Manager's Guide to Speaking and Listening. By J. Campbell Connelly Impromptu Speaking. By Vera Gough , Second Edition Towards Efficiency in Reading. G. Wainwright How to Use the Case Study in Training for Decision Making. By David R. Willings Case Studies in Marketing Finance and Control. By Michael Ivens and Frank Broadway CHURCH MANAGEMENT Ministry and Management. By Peter F. Rudge ECONOMICS Investments for Capacity Expansion: Size, Location and Time Phasing. Studies in the Economic Development of India. By Alan S. Manne Mathematical Reasoning in Economics and Management Science: Twelve Topics. By J. C. G. Boot Price Policies and Practices. A. Source Book of Readings. By Donald F. Mulvihill and Stephen Paranka INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY Industrial Democracy: The Sociology of Participation By Paul Blumberg Industrial Democracy and Industrial Management. By Eric Rhenman INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Industrial Relations, Comparative Aspects with particular reference to Ireland. By George F. Daly Labour Management Relations in India. By K. N. Subramanian Personnel Management in Context. By Anne Crichton Social Services in British Industry. By A. F. Young Trade Unions. By Allan Flanders INDUSTRIAL SECURITY Design for Security. By Richard J. Healy RACE RELATIONS Immigrants in Industry. By Sheila Patterson The Coloured Worker in British Industry, By Peter L. Wright RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Innovation for Profit Uncertainty in Research Management and New Product Development. Edited by Raymond M. Hainer , Sherman Kingsbury and David B. Gleicher Handbook of Industrial Research Management. Edited by Carl Heyel , 2nd Edition SOCIOLOGY The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour. I. By John H. Goldthorpe , David Lockwood , Frank Bechnofer , Jennifer Platt The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour. 2. By John H. Goldthorpe , David Lockwood , Frank Bechnofer , Jennifer Platt The Sociology of Industry. By S. R. Parker , R. K. Brown , J. Child M. A. Smith STATISTICS Calculus for Students of Business and Management. By Bevan K. Youse and Ashford W. Stalnaker Mathematics for Accountants and Managers. By R. F. J. Dewhurst Introducing Statistics: Statistics for the social scientist, Vol. 1. By K. A. Yeomans Applied Statistics: Statistics for the social scientist. Vol. 2. By K. A. Yeomans  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Chief Accountant in the System of Economic Management. (Glavniyat Schetovoditef v Sistemata na Stopanskoto Upravlenie.) I van D ushanov
The Industrial Relations Act: A Review and Analysis . By A. W. J. T homson and S. R. E ngleman
Unfair Dismissal: How and Why the Law Works . By D udley J ackson
Power Sharing in Industy: A Practical Guide of Emphyee Participation in Company Operations . By I nnis M acbeath
The Interview in Staff Appraisal . By W. E. B everidge
Retraining and Tradition; The Skilled Worker in an Era of Change . By K enneth H all and I sobel M iller
The Development of Japanese Btlsiness 1600–1973 . By J. H irschmeier and T. Y ui
Japanese Private Economic Diplomacy . By W. E. B ryant
Private Enterprise and Public Intervention - The Courtaulds Exterience . By A rthur K night
Elites and Power in British Society . By P hilip S tanworth and A nthony G iddens
Bosses in Britain Business . By F. R. J ervis
Business and the Changing Environment . By R. J oseph M onsen
Changing Hospitals - A report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project . Edited by G eorge F. W ieland and H ilary L eigh
Hospitals: Communications, Choice and Change - The Hospital Internal Communications Project seen from within . Edited by R. W. R evans  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Marketing and the Computer. By Wroe Alderson and Stanley J. Shapiro
Fundamentals of Management ( Business Management in Transport No. 1). By W. S. Barry
Managing a Transport Business ( Business Management in Transport No. 2). By W. S. Barry
The Reality of Management. By R. Stewart
How to Become a Managing Director. By H. Whitehead
Business Economics. By James Bates and J. R. Parkinson
Concepts of Management Science. By D. J. Clough
Psychology in Administration: A Research Orientation. By Timothy W. Costello and Sheldon S. Zalkind
The Social Science of Organisations: Four Perspectives. By Henry A. Latané, David Mechanic, George Strauss and George B. Strother
Organizations, Structure and Behaviour. By Joseph A. Litterer
On the Shop Floor, Two Studies of Workshop Organisation and Output. By T. Lupton
Production Management. By Raymond R. Mayer
Plant Layout and Design. By James M. Moore
Evaluation of Supervisory and Management Training Methods. By R. Meigniez et al.
Managers—Personality and Performance. By Kenn Rogers
T. T. Paterson
Coal and Conflict: A Study of Industrial Relations at Collieries. By W. H. Scott, E. Mumford, I. C. McGivering and J. M. Kirby
Organisational Choice. By E. L. Trist, G. W. Higgin, H. Murray  相似文献   

ECONOMICS Economics for Managers. By Eric Chalmers Managerial Economics. By Norman F. Dufty . Introduction to Managerial Economics. By Christopher I. Savage and John R. Small LAW Redundancy and the Law. By Michael H. Whincup Industrial Law. Rights and Duties in Employment. By Michael H. Whincup The Law and the Business Manager. By A. Harding Boulton Law in the Study of Business. By Derek Roebuck The Role of the Judicial Process in the Regulation of Competition. By W. J. Kenneth Diplock MARKETING Innovations in Marketing. By Theodore Levitt Planned Marketing. By Ralph Glasser The Practical Approach to Marketing Management. By Stephen Morse Careers in Marketing. Institute of Marketing Review. Edited by J. Straton Ferrier Creating a Market. An I.L.O. Programmed Book Creating Customers. By Richard Graves and Allan Campbell Marketing Planning. By Ernest C. Miller Selling Industrial Products. By David Rowe and Ivan Alexander Sales Forecasting. By Albert Battersby OFFICE MANAGEMENT Office Automation in Social Perspective. By H. A. Rhee How to Cut Office Costs. By Harold H. Longman Office Operations Improvement. By Bruce Payne and David D. Swett How to find out about Secretarial and Office Practice. By Norman Burgess REGIONAL PLANNING Plant Relocation. By Edmund S. Whitman and W. James Schmidt Community Economic Development Efforts. Five Case Studies prepared for the Area Development Committee of the Committee for Economic Development Papers on Regional Development. Edited by Thomas Wilson Problems of Regional Economic Planning. By J. R. Boudeville SOCIOLOGY The Lorry Driver. By Peter G. Hollowell Industrial Disputes. Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations. By J. E. T. Eldridge SUPERVISION Supervision – Principles and Techniques. By Bruce Yuill Supervisory Studies. By P. W. Betts The Principles and Practice of Supervision. By David A. Peters Principles and Practice of Supervision. By R. J. Barnes Supervisory Selection and Training in Manufacturing Industry. By David Jenkins  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Practical Performance Appraisal: Designing, Installing and Maintaining Performance Appraisal Systems . By V alerie S tewart and A ndrew S tewart
Appraising Performance . By D eirdre G ill
STRATEGY STUDIES Strategy and Structure = Performance: The Strategic Planning Imperative . Edited by H ans T horelli
Strategies in Business . By S hea S mith III and J ohn E. W alsh , J r .
TECHNOLOGY Umwelt, Technologie und Organisationsstruktur . By G eorg S chreyögg
Forecasting Technology for Planning Decisions . By H arry J ones and B rian T wiss
ORGANIZATION THEORY Organization Theory: a Macro-perspective for Management . By J ohn J ackson and C yril M organ
Designing Organizations for Satisfaction and Efficiency . Edited by K aren L egge and E nid M umford  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDUSTRY Corporate Social Responsibility. A Reassessment . By M ichael B eesley and T om E vans
Marketing in a Regulated Environment . By G eorge S. D ominguez
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT A New Look at Portfolio Management . By D avid M. A hlers
Industrial Pricing in the United Kingdom , University of Cambridge, Dept. of Applied Economics, Monograph 26. By K. C outts , W. G odley and W. N ordhaus
PRODUCTION AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Information Systems Concepts for Management . By H enry C. L ucas J r .
Managing Manufacturing Operations. A Casebook . By T. A. J. N icholson
Managing Manufacturing Operations: Analysis and Discussion. Teacher's Manual . By T. A. J. N icholson
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Power, Innovation and Problem-Solving in Personnel Management . By K aren L egge
The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity . By B rian E. M oore and T imothy L. R oss
MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Metadevelopment: Beyond the Bottom Line . By R oberi K irk M ueller
ORGANIZATION THEORY Organizational Strategy Structure, and Process . By R aymond E. M iles and C harles C. S now
THE LABOUR MARKET Working Couples . Edited by R hona R apodort and R obert N. R adoport with J anice B umstead  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Work Revolution . By PAUL DICKSON
Productiviy Gains Throngh Worklife Improvenent. By EDWARD GLASER
Humanising The Workplace. Editd by RICHARD OTTAWAY.
The Daily Power Game. By MAUK MULDER
Business and Society. By KEMPNER, MACHMILLAN and HAWKINS
The Individual, The Enterpruse and The Stat. Edited by R.I. TRICKER
Forecasting Methods in Business and Management. By MICHAL FIRTH
Statistical Forecasting. By WARREN GILCHRIST
Forecasting for Businss: metgids abd Applications . By DOUGLAS WOOD and ROBERT FILDES
management in the Armed Forces: an anatomy of th military profession. By JOHN DOWNEY
Economic Calculation under Inflation. Edited by HELEN E. SCHULTZ
Production Control in Enginering By D.K. CORKE
Product Planning. By MERLIN STONE
Health Care in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. By Michael Kaser
Morals and Politics. By William Ash
The Sociology of Power. By Rodrick Martin
Executive and Managment Devlopment for Business and Government. By Agnes O. Hanson
Putting the Corporate Board to Work. By Countney C. Brown
Mathematical Statistical and Financial Tabls for the Social Scinces.
Modern Business Administration. By Robert C. Appleby
Epidmiology and Health. By Walthr W. Holland and Susi Gilderdale
Basic Managment. By Hyler J. Bracey and Audrey Sanford  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Price Theory and Price Control. By M. A. C. van M eerhaeghe
Introduction to Price Theory. By M icha G isser
Price Theory and Applications in Business Administration . By W. D avid M axwell
Personnel Management. Ed. by D. E. M c F arla
Minpower Planning - The Management of Human Resources . By G arexh S tainer
Training in Industry & Commerce. By E. J. S inger
T-Groups - A Survey of Research. Ed. by C. L. C ooper and I. L. M angham
Motivation and Control in Organizations. Ed . by G. W. D alton and P. R. L awrence
Organizational Structure and Design. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and J. W. L orsch
Organisational Change and Development. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and L. E. G reiner
Writers on Organisatons . By D. S. P ugh , D. J. H ickson and C. R. H inings
The Management of Northern Ireland Industy . By J ames B ates and M aeve B ell
Civil Engineering Management . By J ames M. A ntill  相似文献   

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