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拆船市场回顾与展望 2008年.发生了百年罕见的一场全球性金融和经济危机,此前5年里.世界海运业一直前景辉煌.很多船东因此开始大量订购船舶。但在金融危机的冲击下.国际航运业受到了重创.新增订单锐减.全球船东及船公司纷纷把过剩的老、旧、残船出售,大批接近报废船舶提前报废。此后,拆船市场从2008年9月起慢慢回暖。显示了翘翘板的特性。时至今日.全球待拆船总数将超过1000艘,拆船市场呈现出空前的繁荣景象(详见表1)。  相似文献   

节能减排,是海事界多年来追求的目标。近年来,挪威船级社(DNV)联合设计单位、船厂、船东打出一系列船舶节能减排组合拳,在艰难的市场环境中共同创造竞争力。针对新船型设计、燃料电池的应用、燃油效率指南的颁布以及LNG船等话题,记者采访了DNV有关人士及相关合作伙伴。  相似文献   

During the last 25 years, co-operation within the Dutch container transport industry has served in various ways as Q means of reducing rkk. Co-operation has been aimed chiefly at reducing financial risks, pooling financial resources, and regulating com- petition. In most cases, a direct solution of the problem of match- ing supply and demand has not been an important motive for CO- operation. In the early days of containerisation, industry culture was facilitating co-operation in liner shipping more than in the stevedoring and road haulage industries.  相似文献   

智能调度系统是综合智能统计系统、GPS车辆定位系统、智能视频监控及分析系统、自动喷灌、无线网络系统的一个信息化管理系统.  相似文献   

航行于世界各地的多种大型货船。尤其是油船安全是半个世纪以来国际船舶运输业界越来越关注的重大议题。而连续发生的船舶事故,往往造成重大海洋污染,促使联合国等国际组织一再采取执法行动,制定、充实和更新国际船舶航运安全法律法规.目的就是不断强化国际航运船舶公司和当事人社会责任,提高船舶安全操作规程,优化海洋生态环境.国际公约的制定和修改经常源于事故。  相似文献   

集装箱船市场近年来一直处于高速发展的阶段,2008年年初,其船队运力已经突破1000万箱的规模,是与油船、散货船并驾齐驱的主力船型,但从目前的发展形势看,其航运市场与建造市场已经在三大主力船型中率先出现下滑的苗头。  相似文献   

The international intermodal ocean shipping industry has, until recently, been highly regulated and operations-oriented, offering a commodity service at rates fixed by cartels of steamship companies. Deregulation and other environmental changes, however, are forcing intermodal steamship companies to focus on strategic marketing as a means of survival and successful competition. This paper provides industry background, attempts to predict emerging marketing strategies of ocean liner operators, and draws some implications (largely positive) for international marketers. Finally, research needs in this area are identified, and a preliminary research plan is offered.  相似文献   

This paper examines the need for liner conferences, or cartels, in international shipping, and compares investment in shipping to investment in housing, an industry which is not usually organized into private cartels. Then the paper discusses how the quantity of goods being shipped is likely to grow in the future, and how that growth can be expected to affect shipping conferences.  相似文献   

分析了通用飞机上装载综合航电系统的测试与维修现状,讨论了搭建综合航电测试平台系统的必要性。结合生产实际需求,提出了将虚拟仪器、自动测试相关技术引入到综合航电系统的测试平台中。以GPIB仪器、VXI模块为依托完成硬件方面的设计;在软件设计上,利用Labview驱动模块实现对测试仪器的控制。实际应用表明,设计的系统具有自动化程度高、可靠性和稳定性高等优点。  相似文献   

有统计数据显示.从2000年至今,美国、比利时、加拿大、德国、瑞典、芬兰、荷兰及中国等国已有约24个港口使用了岸电电源系统.采用岸电技术的船舶达到了100余艘。不仅如此.随着欧美各国有关船舶在靠港期间废气排放的法规日趋严格.靠港船舶使用岸电系统将成为航运业的一大发展趋势。对此.中国的航运企业是否做好了准备,义将如何应对?  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change impacts is a key research topic in business ethics that poses substantial implications on the good lives of human beings. The commercial port sector is a highly relevant study focus with its pivotal roles in supply chains and international trade. Hence, it is important to investigate whether the port planning system and practice is appropriate in tackling climate change impacts. But beforehand, we must thoroughly understand the attitude and behaviors of port planners and operators on ports’ climate adaptation planning. Through a survey towards 21 ports (seaports and dry ports) in Canada, the paper investigates the attitude and behaviors of port planners and operators on ports’ climate adaptation planning. Towards the end, we propose a new approach so as to enable port stakeholders to carry out climate adaptation planning effectively. The paper offers important insight to researchers to investigate the ways in developing effective climate adaptation plans and practice for ports and other business sectors.  相似文献   

Mobile devices and social media have led to a profound revolution of modern society, obliging many companies to reorient their sales systems towards more successful commercial formats (mobile commerce and social commerce). The mobile payment, for instance, as an emerging and supplementary service to these new commercial formats, is now undergoing the adoption process. Mobile payment has long been discussed, but it has not yet reached the usage levels expected by the different mass market players (financial institutions, telephone operators, etc.) in Western societies. The purpose of this paper is to analyze users’ acceptance of mobile payment systems on social networks. In order to explain acceptance, we have integrated trust and perceived risk into the traditional TAM model. To complete this study, we have established the decisive factors of this payment system by analyzing user’s gender, age and experience level. The study was conducted through an online survey among a national panel composed by 2.012 social network users. The results of this research support previous studies and provide alternatives for companies to consolidate this new business model by means of the new technical developments.  相似文献   

我国大力发展内河水运,通过水运带动城市经济,推动港产城融合发展。湖北省政府强调争取到2030年建成具有产业支撑力的以武汉新港为核心的长江中游航运中心。为探究武汉城市圈产业与武汉新港港口物流协同发展水平及影响因素,采用优化耦合协同度模型对2008—2017年武汉城市圈产业与武汉新港港口物流耦合发展水平进行实证研究,进一步利用灰色关联模型探究内河港口物流与区域产业耦合度主要影响因素,研究发现:武汉城市圈各市产业发展差距明显;港口物流与武汉城市圈产业耦合作用显著;各市港口物流与区域产业耦合类型空间差异明显;港口物流与区域产业关联性强。  相似文献   

本文从国际比较的角度分析了我国海运服务业面临的竞争环境及其国际竞争力现状,在此基础上提出了进一步提升我国海运业国际竞争力的竞争策略:规模化经营,调整船队结构,提高航运企业综合技术水平,以及政府给予合理扶持和保护。  相似文献   

上海国际金融与航运中心联动发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂峰 《中国市场》2007,(45):90-91
本文在考察上海国际金融中心和航运中心建设已有进程和成绩的基础上,分析目前阶段的约束条件和潜在机遇,从进一步推进国际航运中心软环境和良性循环的金融中心生态体系建设等方面入手,探索走出一条不同于其他国家国际金融与航运中心建设经验的独特发展道路。  相似文献   

船舶融资问题的爆发,距今已近两载。业界虽多方寻求解决方案,但效果难以尽如人意,就现今的市场环境来看,欧亚大陆两端的船舶融资机构各自正面临着不同的困境,短期内对世界航运造船业亟待解决的资金问题似乎都难以提供根本性的解决方案。  相似文献   

The third session of UNCTAD adopted six resolutions on shipping and ports. They relate to: the development of ports; the international combined transport of goods; freight rates; the development of merchant marines; economic cooperation in merchant shipping; and a code of conduct for liner conferences.  相似文献   

针对传统大型三维视景模拟训练系统存在的真实感差、成本高、人工干预程度大等问题,构建了一种基于星载自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)信息的船舶模拟训练平台。该平台引入星载AIS数据提取实船静动态消息,经数据清洗、插值和融合后生成完整航线,能够用AIS真实数据驱动二维电子海图显示,生成三维视景。平台集成多元电子海图数据源,提供融合AIS和雷达目标信息的二次开发接口。在保证航行安全的前提下,船舶态势形成追越、会遇局面时,模拟船能够自动完成车舵操作并给出相应的灯光音响信号。该平台能够为复杂条件下航行与编队运动训练课目提供基础支撑。  相似文献   

本文介绍了数据仓库的组成,并探讨了口岸公共信息平台数据仓库建设过程,认为通过数据仓库建设,可实现对港航客户信息增值服务。  相似文献   

广州已进入服务经济时代或城市自增长阶段,港城关系进入到一个矛盾与冲突较多的时期。国外港城关系发展的经验表明,港城关系良性互动与协调发展是港口城市或所在地区可持续发展的重要条件。对广州的启示有:应有针对性地发展临港产业;构建发达的集疏运网络;加快港口管理体制改革步伐;建设好港口型城区;大力发展现代航运服务业。  相似文献   

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