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当前在跨文化、跨民族、跨地域的背景下,如何对商业品牌进行更符合当地文化特点与民族心理的翻译工作是摆在商业品牌翻译者面前首先需要面对和解决的问题。本文就商业品牌翻译在跨文化视域中的意义和作用,以及在翻译过程中常见的问题、商业品牌翻译的一般技巧与策略进行探讨与分析,并在此基础上提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文试从社会语言学的角度,对淮扬菜系名称进行研究,通过分析其内部的语音、修辞等语言特征及其社会历史时代与地域属性,探索其深层内涵和文化底蕴,发掘淮扬菜名与江苏的地域文化间的关系,进一步揭示语言与社会的共变关系,对淮扬菜取名艺术提出建议,从而激发人们对淮扬饮食文化更浓厚的兴趣。  相似文献   

社会经济的发展,需要英语应用水平较高、具备专业知识和技能的人才。教材是课堂教学中不可或缺的元素,是组成教学过程的基本要素之一,是实现人才培养目标的重要保障。教材评价的目的是为了更好地挑选、使用和编写教材,以带来教学上的改进。社会语言学研究语言和社会的相互关系,主张通过研究社会来研究语言,提出研究语言绝不能只研究语言形式本身,还要研究人们的言语活动及其规律。这为教材评价提供了科学的依据。ESP教材内容选材应注意真实性、多样性和趣味性.鼻且者斜晕会理的教晕方法设计.  相似文献   

1928年,在天津租界内,中法合资的井陉煤矿买办高星桥以每亩2万两白银的高价,从英国先农公司商人手里买下位于天津市中心一块5亩2分的地皮.然后由法籍工程师慕乐设计了一座法国风格的塔式建筑,它主体5层转角7层,成为当时天津的一座标志性建筑,它就是于当年12月12日开张营业的中国最早的商场"天津劝业场".  相似文献   

我们提倡商业品牌,既提倡塑造企业品牌,又可以提倡商业企业的自有品牌商品。 对于商业企业来说,应当如何自主地运作自己的品牌?  相似文献   

商业自营品牌研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先给出了商业自营品牌的定义,探讨了商业自营品牌的起源,提出连锁商业将成为我国商业自营品牌的经营主体,并对其实践中的若干问题进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

<正> 一、管理社会商业要解决认识问题 1986年国务院就提出管理社会商业问题,强调“各级商业行政部门同工商行政部门分工合作,密切配合,切实加强对社会商业和市场的行政管理”。管理社会商业,实行比较早的是湖北省武汉市,进行全社会全行业管理;其后在辽宁省、黑龙江省、北京市等部分地区在部分行业也进行了试点,这些地区在试行中都取得了一  相似文献   

International product sales are increasingly important for most companies. As a result, cross-border brand naming is becoming a significant marketing issue. This article describes linguistic assets such as phonetics (sounds), etymology (roots of words) and rhetoric (persuasive discourse) and proposes a comprehensive framework for analysing how these linguistic assets transfer (or do not transfer) to a number of target linguistic contexts. Using this analysis, managers should follow the ‘Joyce principle’ and attempt to build meaningful brand names across languages, thus adding value to their global brand names.  相似文献   

商业地产发展到今天,应该说是进入品牌策略的阶段了。按照市场的一般规律,当某种商品供应充裕以后,该类品牌的意义就会显示了出来;对今天上海商业地产而言,你要想在市场上占有一席之地,要想使项目开发成功,取得预期中的利润、收益,如果缺乏品牌策略的意识,那么成功的可能性是很  相似文献   

各位领导、各位朋友: 下午好!很荣幸能在这里和大家一起分享我们红星美凯龙的成长历程.2008年6月19日,位于上海真北路的红星美凯龙环球家居设计博览中心隆重开业,正如人们所预料的那样,这家由"红星美凯龙"掌门人--董事长兼首席执行官车建兴先生精心设计的第八代中国现代家居商场一开张,就在全国乃至世界引起了巨大的轰动.截止今日,商场的销售额已达到8亿元.  相似文献   

2002年6月3日,中国商业联合会在北京人民大会堂举行了隆重的颁奖大会,天津市津沽粮食工业有限公司加工生产的“津沽牌”小站稻米被授予“中国商业名牌”称号。此前的2002年3月,“津沽牌”小站稻米的地理标志也已通过国家质检总局的审核认证,成为国家原产地标记注册认证的唯一粮食产品,天津市唯一认证产品,并列入世界保护名录。这意味着天津小站稻米与我国的贵州茅台酒、西湖龙井茶、绍兴黄酒等享有国家名牌的商品有着同等身价。“货真价实”是名牌商品的特点,“买着放心”是顾客对名牌商品的心理认知,特别是在愈演愈烈的市场竞争中,名牌效应…  相似文献   

This study focuses on the use of we-media by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to disclose internal corporate social responsibility (ICSR) under the impact of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Study 1 interprets the catalyst effect of COVID-19 on the externalization of SMEs’ ICSR. The fuzzy grading evaluation method is initially verified. Under the impact of COVID-19, SMEs fulfilling their ICSR can enhance consumer brand attitudes. Study 2 uses a structural equation model and empirical analysis of 946 effective samples and finds that consumers perceive the self-sacrifice of corporations during the coronavirus disease period. SMEs can fulfill their ICSR to enhance the internal explanation mechanism of consumer brand attitudes and the moderating role of enterprise losses.  相似文献   

The emergence of social media is challenging the ways that marketing academics and practitioners conceptualize and manage brands. This research explores the consumers׳ specific motivations for the purpose and structure of the consumption of brands in social media community. Keeping the evolving economic relevance of social consumption in mind, the resulting conceptual model has been designed to give a better understanding of the unique branding opportunities and relationships that social media present to brand managers. The research employs a triangulated method that includes a social media-based Facebook focus group and face-to-face interviews. The findings suggest that consumers expect some very specific two-way interactions with brands and that social media may be the only way to effectively deliver these demands. This study identifies five core drivers of brand consumption in a social media community articulated in the Five Sources Model: functional, emotional, self-oriented, social and relational. These core drivers represent unique opportunities for brands to enhance their relationships with their customers and to increase the likelihood of an active and beneficial online community built around their brands. Future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of social media conversations on consumer valuation of brand characteristics and demand for carbonated soft drinks (CSDs). We formulate a random coefficient, discrete choice model of consumer demand that includes social media conversations, and estimate it matching Nielsen sales data on carbonated soft drinks to social media conversations on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Empirical results indicate that consumers’ conversations about brands and nutritional aspects of CSDs have a significant impact on their valuation of brand characteristics and ultimately on their choices of CSDs. These findings have important implications not only for firms using social media as a strategic tool for effective brand promotion and product design but also for public health policies aimed at reducing the consumption of sugary beverages and high-calorie foods.  相似文献   

The current research is concerned with identifying and testing the role of three main predictors: consumer involvement, consumer participation, and self-expressive brand on the customer brand engagement (CBE). The customer brand engagement is treated in the current study as multidimensional constructs comprising three main aspects: cognitive processing (CP), affection (AF), and activation (AC). It was also proposed a direct influence for these three aspects of CBE on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). Using online surveys, we gathered data from fans/followers of mobile phone service providers, via Facebook fan pages in Jordan. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling. Based on structural equation modelling analyses (SEM), it was supported that CBE aspects were largely predicted by the role of consumer involvement (INV), consumer participation (COP), and self-expressive brand (SEB). However, we find that activation impact one dimension of the CBBE dimensions, namely, brand loyalty. Further, we find that brand awareness/associations affect perceived quality but not brand loyalty. To validate the CBE scale, future studies could investigate the impact of the scale using other social media platforms for different brands. The limited amount of empirical research on CBE was the motivation behind this research. In particular, there is no study that has investigated the main predictors of CBE and its consequences over developing context by proposing and testing the association between the antecedents of CBE with the dimensions of CBE, which in turn affect the dimensions of CBBE.  相似文献   

本研究根据对E世代群体的调研资料,探讨在基于社会化媒体进行针对E世代的品牌营销时的影响因素和实施策略。主要研究发现:吸引E世代群体的主要有品牌深度等五个因素;基于社会化媒体的品牌营销策略可以从深化品牌的存在感等四个方面实施。  相似文献   

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