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如何加强县级供电企业的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改制后的县级供电企业将移交政府管电职能,定位于经营实体,因此,无论是趸售代管或是股份制改造,县供电企业自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展已成定局。自身体制的转变和电力的社会属性决定了县级供电企业必须以经济效益为中心,最大限度地追求自身利益和社会效益的高度统一,促进社会经济的繁荣发展。这就是国家大力推行电力体制改革的初衷,也是当前我们光荣而艰巨的任务。从改革发展的趋势和现行经验来看,改制后的县级供电企业大都要由地市供电公司代表母公司承担管理职能,发挥管理和技术优势,充当农村电网管理、农电经营管…  相似文献   

供电企业是自主经营、自负盈亏的经济实体,在政企还未彻底分开的情况下,供电企业一方面是经营性的,另一方面却具有电力监督管理的行政职能。《电力法》第6条规定,县级以上地方人民政府经济综合主管部门是本行政区域内 的电力管理部门,负责电力事业的监督管理。《电力法》自1996年实施以来,地方政府一直把上述行政管理职能委托给供电企业。而第7条规定,电力经营企业依法实行自主经营、自负盈亏,并接受电力管理部门的监督。  相似文献   

建议之一:修改后的《电力法》必须严格地明确电力管理部门的行政职责和电力企业的权利义务供电企业是自主经营、自负盈亏的经济实体,在政企还未彻底分开的情况下,供电企业一方面是经营性的,另一方面却具有电力监督管理的行政职能。《电力法》第6条规定,县级以上地方人民政府经济综合主管部门是本行政区域内的电力管理部门,负责电力事业的监督管理。《电力法》自1996年实施以来,地方政府一直把上述行政管理职能委托给供电企业。而第7条规定,电力经营企业依法实行自主经营、自负盈亏,并接受电力管理部门的监督。实行自主经营,…  相似文献   

发电厂是以生产和经营电力为主的工业企业。随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善和国有企业改革的不断深入,电力企业将成为“自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,自我约束”的法人实体和竞争主体。在市场经济中,要求企业以最小的投入获得最大的收益。转变观念、降低成本和技术革新是当前企业生存和发展的基本前提。  相似文献   

构建发电企业安全管理新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电力体制“厂网分开、竞价上网”改革的实现,大多数发电企业已走上“自主经营,自负盈亏,自我管理,自我发展”之路。作为一个独立的发电企业如何构建符合自身特点的安全管理体系,已成为当务之急。笔者结合《中华人民共和国安全生产法》(以下简称《安全生产法》)的学习谈自己的一点体会。一、改制前电力企业安全管理体系的分析电力体制改制前的安全管理,是“一竿子插到底式”的管理。这个体系是以国家电力公司为龙头———集团公司为纽带———省公司为主体———发(供)电企业为执行层的自上而下的安全管理体系。在多年的实际运转中,这种…  相似文献   

西部电力市场需要一个良好的依法管电、依法办电、依法用电的法制秩序和市场秩序。一是建立完善电力市场主体法规。关于电力市场主体组织形式和法律地位的法律 ,主要是按我国《公司法》执行。从目前看西部电力企业在《公司法》执行上深度不够。在分配制度、用人制度上还是计划经济时代的思路。企业内部没有形成一个激励、约束和“三会”制衡的机制。企业本身也没有真正成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的市场主体。这将不利于各级电力企业的现代企业制度建立 ,从而影响西部电力发展和“西电东送”的速度。二是建立完善电力市场交…  相似文献   

长期以来,《电力法》对解决困扰电力企业的三个“老大难”问题(电费回收、窃电查处、电力设施保护)显得软弱无力,迫切需要有更明确和更具操作性的法律法规及实施细则出台。随着市场化进程的加快,新的难题又凸显出来,诸如电力市场规范问题、电力损害赔偿问题、电力监管问题等。电力市场规范问题电力由“卖方市场”转向“买方市场”后,供电企业开始探索市场经济条件下新的工作模式,在客观上加快了完善电力市场的步伐。但是,在电力市场进行竞争的主体,必须是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展的电力企业。因此,在建立和开放电…  相似文献   

正要按照改革、发展和规范管理相结合的思路,以业务为核心,坚持"有所为有所不为"的原则。通过制度创新、体制创新和机制创新,加强管理体系建设。近期目标:瘦身健体,规范管理。健全管理体系,构建职责明确、流程清晰、制度标准完备、考核到位的管理体系。健康发展,优化运行机制,转变经营模式。远期目标:发挥既有优势、改革盘活存量、创新培育增量,实现专业化经营、差异化竞争、市场化考核和多元化激励,最终成为"自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束,自我  相似文献   

自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展(简称“四自”)是市场经济中企业应具备的基本能力。然而,电力多经企业虽具企业的普通属性却缺乏这种权能,存在一定的制约因素需要解决,企业才能法人化、人格化。主办单位应站在更高的角度,放手让多经企业成为名符其实的市场主体。  相似文献   

房产公司汽车运输公司是房产公司首家推向市场,实行资产经营承包的单位,已经历了八年"自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束,自我发展"的艰难历程。几年来,在运输市场日渐萎缩,行业竞争激烈,设备多数老化等严峻困难面前,汽车运输公司努力实行民主管理,积极推行事务公开,全体职工齐心协力,共渡难关,尤其是经过几年来市场经济的洗礼,职工队伍得到了锻炼,主人翁责任感日益增强,创造性得到了充分发挥,公司已连续六年完成和超额完成房产公司下达的承包任务。我们的作法是:一、抓住机遇,转变观念,增强职工资产经营承包意识汽车运输公司由一个计划体制下的多年亏损的费用单位转变成为市场经济条件下的自负盈亏的经济实体,这是一个循序渐进的过程。当初,我们面临的难题是职工思想观念的转变。"不管有没  相似文献   

逐步推进电力主辅分离的改革是"十一五"深化电力体制改革的重要任务之一。实施改革后,电力多经企业面临新的战略环境。电力多经企业要实现可持续发展,必须深入分析其战略发展条件,应建立现代企业的法人治理结构、真正建立市场化的用人机制、树立积极开拓的市场观念、培育形成企业核心竞争力。电力多经企业可持续发展的战略举措是:实施集团化运作、集约化发展,优先发展主导产业,协同发展和建立企业战略联盟等。  相似文献   

简要介绍了国外电力公司为了满足客户日益增长的个性化需求,将客户关系理论应用在电力营销和需求侧管理的具体作法。针对我国供电企业营销和服务工作中存在的问题,供电企业在实施客户关系管理时一定要树立以客户为中心的服务意识,改造业务流程,实施和完善客户经理制,建立客户价值和营销效果评价体系,为客户提供增值服务,不断提高服务能力和服务水平。  相似文献   

供电服务质量是电力客户对供电服务质量的预期同其实际感受的供电服务水平或体验质量的对比,它由服务的产出质量-电能质量与服务过程质量两方面构成,树立全面质量管理观,提高供电服务质量客户满意度,要求供电企业注意服务质量管理的全员参与性与全过程性,加强企业服务文化建设,激励员工参与和受教育以及建立健全供电服务的质量监督体系。  相似文献   

文章以电力上市公司2005年年报为研究基础,考察了电力上市公司的经营绩效与其高级管理层薪酬的关系,讨论了高管人员薪酬与管理绩效、公司规模、国有股比例等因素的相关性,并对上市公司高管的薪酬激励机制进行分析。  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of private rules in exercising power in asymmetric business relationships. In asymmetric business relationships, the stronger party is likely to be able to dominate and exercise power over the conclusion of contracts and, thereby determine the processes and outcomes of the relationship. The study demonstrates how companies exercise their power in asymmetric relationships through private rules. Private rules are typically expressed in the General Terms and Conditions of Trade (GTCT) of the more powerful actor in a business relationship and are continually adapted to changing business and market requirements. Drawing on an empirical investigation in the German grocery retail business conducted in the years between 2011 and 2013, the present study demonstrates that power is exercised by the stronger parties through intervention–enforcement–sanctioning practices that are codified in private rules. Private rules frame, standardize and legitimize the terms and conditions under which exchanges among counterparts may take place thus institutionalizing the inherent power asymmetry.  相似文献   

Relationship building is about ‘mutuality’ and how an organizational cultural value system enhances the development of long-term relationships that influence the marketing strategy process. This paper explains how senior managers embrace the concept of mutuality in order to establish a partnership arrangement in the context of a vertical marketing system. From the literature, four propositions relating to customer service policy, the process of innovation, relationship marketing and comparative national culture were developed and placed in the context of a Japanese and a South Korean electronics company based in the UK. The propositions were validated using in-depth, personal interviews with a limited number of senior managers in the two global companies. Evidence suggests that managers in Japanese companies formulate industry and country specific customer service policies, dictate R&D programmes, and spend a long time getting to know an individual in a potential partner organization(s) before they engage in any form of business integration. Whereas managers in South Korean companies are keen to communicate extensively and seek to acquire additional skills and knowledge so that they can innovate and implement cost effective strategies.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the economics, international business, and law literatures, we hypothesize that variations in governance characteristics, associated with firms being public limited companies, private limited companies, or unincorporated enterprises, influence the internationalization patterns of the software and information technology (IT) companies in India. The results provide some support for our hypotheses, as variations in legal form were found to significantly impact regional sales in the US and Canada, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Organizational size and business type were also significantly related to sales in a number of regions. Implications of our findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study derives from a need that is both practical and theoretical: the need to increase knowledge of how KAM teams might ensure more successful value co-creation with their business customers in the service sector. The KAM teams in this study are formed of members originating from several supplier companies that integrate and apply resources with their customers in a business network. In the co-creation of integrated solutions within such business networks, KAM teams – drawing on organizational learning theory and knowledge management – are considered as knowledge integrators. The purpose of this study is to analyze the KAM teams' absorptive capacity — that is, how knowledge is acquired, assimilated, and applied in the co-creation of integrated solutions. The study employs a qualitative case study approach, based on 30 in-depth interviews in nine supplier companies operating in advertising, marketing and consulting, and in three key customer companies. The study contributes to the KAM literature by providing new conceptual understanding and empirical insight in respect of networked co-creation of integrated solutions and the influence of the KIBS context on the solutions process.  相似文献   

Research on servitization of manufacturing companies concentrates on typologies of product–service bundles, on transition pathways to increased servitization, and on resource and capabilities configurations necessary to accomplish this transition. Missing from existing research is an analysis of the degree of novelty of service innovations introduced by manufacturing companies. Therefore, this article shifts the focus from the transition process itself to the question of how manufacturing companies can introduce radical service innovations to the market. This article links servitization literature with service innovation literature and investigates how manufacturing companies can introduce radically new services in terms of three forms of innovations: service concept innovations, customer experience innovations, and service process innovations. Service‐dominant logic (SDL) is applied as the theoretical lens because it covers four significant factors influencing the success of companies’ innovation activities: actor value networks, resource liquefaction, resource density, and resource integration. Based on a multiple case study of 24 Danish business‐to‐business manufacturing small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises and through a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, different configurations of the principles of SDL are analyzed. They describe the paths to radical service innovation. Digitalization appears as a central causal condition in the bulk of the configurations. Big and rich data generated internally within the focal company in combination with for instance customer data can enhance the innovativeness of the service offerings. However, digitalization is not a sufficient condition for launching radical service innovation—it should be combined with an efficient mobilization of resources internally within the focal company and/or collaboration with other organizations within the value system. In addition, the analysis hints to a need to detach from immediate customers as the prime driver of service innovation.  相似文献   

The development of new products should be based on the needs expected to exist even several years ahead – at the moment of market introduction and during the whole lifecycle of the product. To develop successful new products in the toughening business environment, companies should be able to surpass customers' expectations and to assess emerging customer needs proactively. Early, thorough understanding of the customer's real needs, including the assessment of hidden and future customer needs and requirements, plays a very important role in the successful development of new products.
The purpose of our paper is to study the assessment of new (hidden and future) customer needs for product development in Finnish business‐to‐business companies. We have carried out a survey in 93 Finnish business‐to‐business companies and SBUs to study their common problems in the assessment of unrecognized customer needs and potentially effective ways in clarifying new customer needs and dealing with important problems. On the basis of the results, we propose several possible ways to facilitate the assessment of unrecognized customer needs.  相似文献   

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