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随着全球经济一体化的演进,国际直接投资日趋自由化流动.国际直接投资自由化的兴起在全球经济的增长和国际分工深化的进程中发挥了越来越重要的作用.我国是利用国际直接投资的大国,目前正处于向市场经济转轨的关键时期,经济体制和市场结构还不完善,如何在确保国家经济安全的前提下,推进国际直接投资自由化进程,积极合理地扩大引资规模,应成为人们关注的焦点问题.因此,本文试图探寻国际直接投资自由化的经济机理,总结出国际投资自由化的有效制度安排对现行制度进行调整,以期更好地把握和指导我国改革开放实践及进一步融入国际直接投资自由化进程.  相似文献   

柏山  谭彦 《经济纵横》1997,(7):45-48
调整外资政策提高外商直接投资效益□柏山谭彦近几年,引进外商直接投资(以下简称FDI)成为一个热点,众说纷纭。有的从引进资金技术的角度表示赞成,有的从国有资产流失的角度表示反对。本文认为,要正确认识外商直接投资,必须澄清引进FDI的目的和可能带来的后果...  相似文献   

国际投资自由化是经济全球化在国际投资领域中的反映,国际投资自由化的发展使外资大量进入我国,本文首先对国际投资自由化趋势下我国的有利因素进行分析,进而提出了我国对外资大量涌进的形式准备不足的观点,最后,针对各种不足提出了自己的观点和看法.  相似文献   

国际投资自由化是经济全球化在国际投资领域中的反映,国际投资自由化的发展使外资大量进入我国,本文首先对国际投资自由化趋势下我国的有利因素进行分析,进而提出了我国对外资大量涌进的形式准备不足的观点,最后,针对各种不足提出了自己的观点和看法。  相似文献   

外商直接投资与我国国家经济安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来,我国成为了世界投资的热点。到1996年底,外商对华直接投资达1777.5亿美元。1998年前7个月,在亚洲金融危机影响的情况下,我国利用外资的合同金额仍出现了7.25%的增幅,实际利用外资较去年同期只下降1.74%,总体保持了平稳态势。从世界范围来看,从1993年起我国已连续4年成为世界上仅次于美国的吸引外商投资第二多的国家。国家经济安全是指一个国家的经济竞争力c一个国家经济抵御国内外各种干扰、威胁、侵袭的能力;一个国家经济得以存在并不断发展的国内、国际环境。克林顿上台后,提出经济安全是叨年代美国国家安全的首…  相似文献   

<正>由经济管理出版社出版的《探索中的手——中国外商直接投资政策及其有效性研究》一书,是一部以探索创新的精神研究中国外资政策的著作。作为国家  相似文献   

国际直接投资规则剖析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘恩专 《现代财经》2000,20(1):42-47

加快西部开发的外资政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志指出,“在发展社会主义经济的条件下,加快开发西部地区要有新的思路,充分考虑国内外市场需求的新变化,客观规律办事。”我们认为,加快西部大开发,需要积极引外资,以全面开发战略为核心,实行先开放,建设开放型的经济,这既是全球化时代参与国际他工和国际竞争、实施新的追赶战略的客观要求,也是解决目前西部地区经济生活中改革与发展动力不足的必然条件。在西部大开发的过程中,通过大规模吸引外资参与西部的生产和建设,可以有效地促进西部地区的经济增长,充分利用工业国的剩余资本,为中国和西部地区的剩余劳动力创造更多的就业岗位,大大节省西部地区获取最新技术的投资成本和时间成本,促进西部地区产业结构的调整和升级,就可能使西部地区从其发展伊始就纳入良性发展轨道,实现经济增长质和量和同时提高。  相似文献   

Previous studies on home country effects mainly focused on FDI from large developed economies to other countries. But today's super recipient is a relatively larger economy than its investors and many of these investors are not classified as “developed economies.” A simple Ak type model implies that a small and more developed country investing in a large and less developed country will experience decreases in both employment and income disparity (compared to the recipient country) as the less-developed recipient country gains the higher technology of production through FDI inflows. The empirical results for the Four Tigers (source countries) and China (recipient country) are consistent with our theoretical model of FDI outflows. We also find that FDI outflows to China decrease the ratio of exports to GDP only for small source countries, even though a higher investment in China raises the share of these countries' exports-to-China to China's total imports.  相似文献   

The preferential tax policies for foreign direct investment (FDI) in China were terminated by a tax reform in 2008. This article uses the provincial-level panel data for 1998?2008 before the reform in order to study whether the tax incentive had been a significant determinant of foreign investment decisions. We find that market size and geographic location had significant impacts on the FDI inflow into China but the tax incentive policies were not a sufficient determinant of FDI inflow into China over the periods studied, which provides a rationale for the termination of the tax incentives in FDI at 2008 reform in China.  相似文献   

How does inward foreign direct investment (FDI) affect a transitional economy? This study attempts to analyze the role of FDI in China’s income growth and market‐oriented transition. We first identify possible channels through which FDI may have positive or negative effects on the Chinese economy. Using a growth model and cross‐section and panel data for the period 1984‐98, we provide an empirical assessment, which suggests that FDI seems to help China’s transition and promote income growth, and that this positive growth effect seems to rise over time and to be stronger in the coastal than the inland regions. JEL classification: F21, F23, O53.  相似文献   

Evidence on corruption as an incentive for foreign direct investment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper assesses the relationship between corruption and inward foreign direct investment (FDI). Previous research has presumed that corruption directly enters the cost function of multinationals, suggesting a negative relationship between corruption and FDI. For a sample of 73 developed and less developed countries and the time period 1995–1999, we find a clear positive relationship between corruption and FDI. Corruption is thus a stimulus for FDI.  相似文献   

Economic freedom (freedom from the intervention of government) is essential for doing business, so economic freedom of both the home country and the host country are important for bilateral foreign direct investment. However, though some literature has investigated the role of host country's economic freedom in bilateral direct investment, no literature has studied the role of home country's economic freedom. This paper has studied this issue in a gravity model with a sample of 155 countries. This paper has also employed some effective estimation techniques of gravity model to incorporate the zero observations and adopted quantile regression method. The findings indicate that economic freedom of both the home country and the host country are positively correlated with bilateral direct investment, and the economic freedom of home country has even stronger explanatory power for foreign direct investment. Hence, promoting the economic freedom may encourage more outward foreign direct investment than inward direct investment.  相似文献   

Using a panel dataset of bilateral flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), we study the determinants of FDI from Western countries, mainly in the European Union (EU), to Central and Eastern European ones. We find the most important influences to be unit labor costs, gravity factors, market size, and proximity. Interestingly, host country risk proves not to be a significant determinant. Our empirical work also indicates that announcements about EU Accession proposals have an impact on FDI for the future member countries. Journal of Comparative Economics 32 (4) (2004) 775–787.  相似文献   

This contribution to the discussion on the impact of foreigndirect investment in developing countries is based on an empiricalstudy of the consequences of transnational corporations' presencein the Mexican retailing sector, particularly Wal-Mart. First,it is shown that the arrival of foreign firms accelerates themodernisation but has a negative impact on local firms' performanceas well as local worker remuneration as a result of the growingcompetitive pressure in the sector. Second, the changes thatoccurred in supply chain governance and the tremendous increaseof imports initiated by Wal-Mart are described, and some probableimplications for local suppliers are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between cluster development andinward foreign direct investment. The conventional policy approachhas been to assume that inward foreign direct investment (FDI)can stimulate significant clustering activity, thus generatingsignificant spillovers. This paper, however, questions thisand shows that, while clusters can generate significant productivityspillovers from FDI, this only occurs in pre-existing clusters.Further, the paper demonstrates that foreign-owned firms thatenter clusters also appropriate spillovers when domestic firmsundertake investment, raising the possibility that clustersare important locations for so called technology, or knowledgesourcing activities by MNEs.  相似文献   

The present paper provides further insights on the relationshipbetween home country employment and foreign direct investment(FDI) undertaken by national firms. The unit of analysis iseach ensemble of firms operating in the same industrial sectorand localised in the same geographical region. That allows usto capture both direct and indirect effects of foreign productionon the parent's environment, which arise through the generationof linkages and externalities. Empirical evidence has been providedwith reference to the Italian case in the decade 1985–95.Results suggest that the impact of outward FDI on the labourintensity of domestic production is negative in the case ofvertical investment undertaken—especially by smaller firms—inless developed countries, and positive for horizontal and market-seekinginvestments in advanced countries.  相似文献   

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