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During the last two decades we have seen a revival of interest in the works of Joseph Schumpeter and “evolutionary” ideas in economics more generally. A professional society honouring Schumpeter's name has been founded, and linked to it we have had for more than fifteen years now a professional journal devoted to this stream of thought. However, it has been argued that, despite these developments, the link between Schumpeter's own work and the more recent contributions to evolutionary economics is in fact rather weak. This paper considers this claim. Based on an analysis of Schumpeter's contribution to economics the paper presents an overview and assessment of the more recent literature in this area. It is argued that although there are important differences between Schumpeter's work and some of the more recent contributions, there nevertheless remains a strong common core that clearly distinguishes the evolutionary stream from other approaches (such as, for instance, so-called “new growth theory”). RID="*" ID="*" Many people have contributed to this paper in various ways. Jon Hekland at the Norwegian Research Council started it all by asking me to make an overview of the contribution from “evolutionary economics” to our understanding of contemporary economies. Several people helped me on the way by supplying written material, comments and suggestions, and I am indebted to all of them. Brian Arthur, Stan Metcalfe, Keith Pavitt, Erik Reinert, Paolo Saviotti and Bart Verspagen may be particularly mentioned. A preliminary version was presented at the conference “Industrial R&D and Innovation Policy Learning – Evolutionary Perspectives and New Methods for Impact Assessment” organised by the Norwegian Research Council (“SAKI”) at Leangkollen, Asker, April 18–19.2002. I wish to thank the discussant, Tor Jakob Klette, and the participants at the conference for useful feedback. Moreover I have benefited from comments and suggestions from the editors and referees of this journal. The final responsibility is mine, however. Economic support from the Norwegian Research Council (“SAKI”) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary In both theoretical and empirical research it is a common practice to partition the economy into (at least) two sectors in order to conduct partial-equilibrium analysis. One merely hopes that general-equilibrium consequences will not obviate all of the analysis of the sector or market in question. In this paper we consider market demand functions which have a two-sector representation. In such economies the aggregate compensated demands in any one sector depend only on prices in that sector, the vector of utilities, and a scalar aggregate which in turn may depend upon everything. In particular, prices in the other sector appear only through this aggregate. In a single-consumer economy this division into two sectors carries with it no further implications. However, when there are three or more consumers, economies with a two-sector representation, which may contain public as well as private goods, must fall into a small number of broad classes which are quite restrictive. This means that the two-sector assumption is far less innocuous than one might have previously believed and that there are some phenomena which simply cannot be investigated in this framework.This research has been supported by the SSHRCC with a research grant and by leave fellowships to all three authors for the year 1984–85. Since then all three authors have been in part supported by various SSHRCC grants. In 1989–90 Blackorby was also partly supported by a Senior Killam Fellowship. The first version was written while all three of us were at CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1984–85. Later versions were written at the University of British Columbia (Blackorby and Schworm), the University of Western Ontario (Schworm), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Davidson), Queen's University (Davidson), Université d'Aix-Marseille II (Davidson), Université d'Aix-Marseille III (Blackorby) and finally GREQE-EHESS (Blackorby and Davidson). We thank all of them for their support. Earlier versions of this paper have been presented at the 1986 Canadian Economic Theory Meetings, the Nuffield Conference on Measurement and Modelling in Economics-May, 1987, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, the Université de Montréal, University of Saskatchewan, and the University of California at Riverside. We have benefited from the comments of the participants in these seminars, and from those of two anonymous referees.  相似文献   

Summary. We extend the analysis of Dutta, Jackson and Le Breton (Econometrica, 2001) on strategic candidacy to probabilistic environments. For each agenda and each profile of voters preferences over running candidates, a probabilistic voting procedure selects a lottery on the set of running candidates. Assuming that candidates cannot vote, we show that random dictatorships are the only unanimous probabilistic voting procedures that never provide unilateral incentives for the candidates to withdraw their candidacy at any set of potential candidates. More flexible probabilistic voting procedures can be devised if we restrict our attention to the stability of specific sets of potential candidates.Received: 4 February 2003, Revised: 14 September 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D71, D72.This is a revised version of a chapter of my Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. I am indebted to my supervisor Salvador Barberá for his advice and constant support. I am grateful to Dolors Berga and an anonymous referee for their detailed comments and suggestions. I thank José Alcalde, Walter Bossert, Bhaskar Dutta, Lars Ehlers, Jordi Massó, Diego Moreno, Clara Ponsatí, Yves Sprumont, and William Thomson for many helpful comments and discussions. I thank the hospitality of the C.R.D.E. at the Université de Montréal and the Department of Economics of the University of Warwick where parts of this research were conducted. Financial support through Research Grant 1998FI00022 from Comissionat per Universitats i Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya, Research Project PB98-870 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, and Fundación Barrié de la Maza is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This note shows the empirical dangers of the presence of large additive outliers when testing for unit roots using standard unit root statistics. Using recent proposed procedures applied to four Latin-American inflation series, I show that the unit root hypothesis cannot be rejected.Jel classification: C2, C3, C5I want to thank Pierre Perron for useful comments on a preliminary version of this paper. Helpful comments from an anonymous referee, and Yiagadeesen Samy are appreciated. I thank the Editor Baldev Raj for useful comments about the final structure of this paper. Finally, I also thank André Lucas for helpful suggestions concerning the use of his nice computer program Robust Inference Plus Estimation (RIPE).First revision received: August 2001/Final revision received: December 2002  相似文献   

In this paper I analyze the effect of market uncertainty in an overlapping generations economy with strategic interactions among agents. I demonstrate the existence of sunspot-like equilibria, in which arbitrarily small amounts of intrinsic uncertainty in agents’ offers generate large fluctuations in equilibrium bids and prices. I would like to express my gratitude to Stephen Spear for his guidance during the realization of this project. I thank an anonymous referee for providing insightful comments and suggestions. I have benefited from comments by Alexander Elbittar, Cesar Guerrero, and Vivek Ramachandran.  相似文献   

We consider efficiency wage effects in a union-firm bargaining model with private information. We show that an increase in the efficiency wage effects does not necessarily increase the wage level at equilibrium, even when the wage bargaining with private information is close to one with complete information. However, if it is commonly known that the firm is stronger than the union and the demand is sufficiently elastic, then an increase in the efficiency wage effects increases for sure the wage at equilibrium.JEL Classification: J41, J50, J52We thank Juan Dolado and two anonymous referees for valuable comments. Vincent Vannetelbosch is Chercheur Qualifié at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique. The research of Ana Mauleon has been made possible by a fellowship of the Fonds Européen du Développement Economique Régional (FEDER). Financial support from the Belgian French Communitys program Action de Recherches Concertée 99/04-235 (IRES, Université catholique de Louvain) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper compares the stylized facts of the European growth cycle stemming from the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the European Monetary Union with an unobserved common factor derived from a dynamic factor model with regime switching. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence about the most adequate indicator for short-term monitoring of the cyclical state of the European economy. Previous versions of this article have been presented at the 55th International Atlantic Economic Conference (Vienna, Austria, March 12–16, 2003) and at the VI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada (Granada, Spain, June 5–7, 2003). The author would like to thank the conference participants and an anonymous referee for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Environmental regulation and international trade   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper, we investigate how a country's choice of environmental policy instrument affects the international competitiveness of its firms. We show that in a Cournot-Nash equilibrium, the total market share of firms regulated through tradeable emission permits increases relative to that of the firms operating under command and control due to better allocation of total abatement among the firms in the country. Our work suggests that free trade situations should not only result in similar environmental standards but also in similar regulatory regimes. It may come as no surprise that the environmental authorities in Canada are seriously considering following the United States in instituting a tradeable emission permits mechanism.Most of the work was completed during the time that E.S. Sartzetakis was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Economics, Université Laval. He gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the department during this period. Earlier, versions of the paper were presented at the fifth conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and at the 1993 Rancontre Franco-Québécoise du GREEN. We would like to thank Joseph Doucet, Thomas Ross, and Aart de Zeeuw for extremely helpful suggestions. We would also like to thank two anonymous referees of this journal for their comments. Financial support from the LRSA of the Faculté des sciences de l'administration, Université Laval, the Groupe de rechearche en économie de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles (GREEN), Université Laval, and the Centre for International Business Studies (CIBS), University of British Columbia, is gratefully acknowledged. The responsibility for errors and omissions remains ours.  相似文献   

In maximizing the net total government take from exploitation of nonrenewable natural resource endowments, the government faces the problem that extraction companies possess private information about extraction capacities (adverse selection). In a repeated auctions model, I show that it is optimal to deviate from bidding parity, even in the absence of moral hazard. The second period auction is biased to mitigate the externality problem that stems from intertemporal dynamics in extraction costs.This research has been financed by the Research Council of Norway. I would like to thank K»re P, Hagen, Geir B. Asheim, Diderik Lund, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. I have also benefited from comments at a seminar at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, and at the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), 51st congress, Lisbon, August 1995. The paper is a refined version of Discussion paper 1/95, Institute of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper deals with implementing the efficient level of public good provision in a dynamic setting. First, we prove that when the good is provided in several stages, no sequence of Groves' mechanisms guarantees that agents will reveal their true valuations as a dominant strategy. The contribution of this paper is the characterization of those mechanisms which guarantee truthful revelation in this environment.Received: 30 December 2001, Revised: 27 March 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D61, D78, D82, H41.This paper has greatly benefited from the ideas and comments of Sandro Brusco, Luis Corchón and Roberto Burguet. I would also like to thank José Alcalde, Luis J. Alías, Javier López-Cuñat, Juan Vicente Llinares, Ashley Piggins, Juan Perote and Antonio Quesada for very helpful suggestions. I am also grateful to an anonymous referee whose suggestions aided the quality of exposition in the paper and led me to Proposition 4.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a firm's incentive to use price as a signal of quality in a duopoly competition, even though she can credibly and costlessly disclose her true quality. When a firm sets a higher price to signal higher quality, it has strategic effects on the price chosen by her rival. This could result in higher equilibrium prices and profits. Hence, a mandatory disclosure law is useful to prevent the practice of using of higher price as a device to signal higher quality, and in turn equilibrium prices would be lower. From a welfarist point of view, this argument justifies the establishment of such disclosure law.JEL Classification: D43, D82, K29I would like to thank Dolors Berga, Nicolas Boccard, Ramon Caminal, Carmen Matutes, José Luis Moraga and Ricard Torres for their useful comments. This paper has benefited from the comments of two anonymous referees. All the surviving mistakes are mine. Financial support from SEC2001-2793-C03-03 is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper investigates Nash equilibrium under the possibility that preferences may be incomplete. I characterize the Nash-equilibrium-set of such a game as the union of the Nash-equilibrium-sets of certain derived games with complete preferences. These games with complete preferences can be derived from the original game by a simple linear procedure, provided that preferences admit a concave vector-representation. These theorems extend some results on finite games by Shapley and Aumann. The applicability of the theoretical results is illustrated with examples from oligopolistic theory, where firms are modelled to aim at maximizing both profits and sales (and thus have multiple objectives). Mixed strategy and trembling hand perfect equilibria are also discussed.Received: 22 September 2003, Revised: 24 June 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D11, C72, D43.I would like to thank Jean-Pierre Benôit, Juan Dubra, Alejandrio Jofre, Debraj Ray, Kim-Sau Chung and the seminar participants at NYU and at the Universidad de Chile for their comments. I am most grateful to Efe Ok, for his comments, criticism, suggestions and questions.  相似文献   

We find that long-term uncertainty in a linear model of the interest rate term structure can have dramatic effects on variance bounds implied by the expectations theories of the term structure. We bootstrap fractionally integrated models of the term structure of interest rates. The fractional order of integration's bootstrapped standard errors simulate uncertainty surrounding long-term forecasts of interest rates, and we find that it is possible to overstate the significance of variance-bounds violations by at least a factor of three and perhaps by a factor of ten when long-term uncertainty is ignored.I wish to thank Frank Diebold, Baldey Raj, Eric Renault, Fallaw Sowell and several anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions for earlier versions of this paper. The paper also benefited from comments made by many seminar participants at the World Econometric Congress, the European Econometric Society, and the American Finance Association meetings, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, and the departments of Finance and Statistics at Penn State University.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper considers electoral competition between two office-motivated parties and one voter, in the presence of two alternative policies and under imperfect information. The theory of refinements of Nash equilibrium predicts the outcome of this three-player game: both parties faithfully use their information and try to find the best policy for the voter. We discuss the meaning of this model for Politics and prove that the same result holds for any number of voters, provided that parties are expected plurality maximizers and that voters satisfy a version of the sincere voting assumption adapted to this strategic setting.Received: 12 December 2001, Revised: 16 June 2003JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D72, D82.Correspondence to: Jean-François LaslierThanks to Gabrielle Demange, Françoise Forges, Roger Guesnerie, Jean-Fran çois Mertens, Thomas Palfrey, Sylvain Sorin and other participants in workshops and conferences in Caen, Paris, Caltech and Yale. Thanks also to two anonymous referees and to Paul Heidues and Johan Lagerlöf for their comments. This work was originated when K. Van der Straeten was at THEMA (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) and DELTA.  相似文献   

Whereas in the absence of capacity constraints the Cournot outcome is the unique coalition-proof supply function equilibrium outcome, the presence of capacity constraints may enlarge the set of equilibrium outcomes. Interestingly, if capacities are sufficiently asymmetric the new equilibrium prices are below the Cournot price. These results have important implications for merger and privatization policies: specifically, capacity divestiture will not necessarily imply lower market prices.This article is based on the second chapter of my PhD dissertation. I benefited from the comments and suggestions of Diego Moreno and Bill Hogan. I thank three anonymous referees for helpful comments. Seminar audiences at Carlos III and Harvard are gratefully acknowledged. The author is currently a Repsol YPF fellow at the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government. I am grateful to the Repsol YPF-Harvard Fellowship Program for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary This note provides axiomatizations of the discounting utilitarian rule and the Rawlsian infimum rule for an infinite setting. Contrary to the finite case, an objective function cannot at the same time satisfy anonymity and the strong Pareto principle. The Rawlsian rule is based on anonymity, and the discounting rule on the strong Pareto axiom. Furthermore, the infimum rule is compatible with an infinite version of ordinal level comparability, and the discounting rule with cardinal unit comparability.This text presents research results of the Belgian Programme of Interuniversity Poles of attraction initiated under the Science Policy Programmes of the Prime Minister's Office, Belgium. The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors.I would like to thank two referees for their most helpful comments. I am grateful to Bart Capéau, Erik Schokkaert, John Sweeney, Dirk Van de gaer, and Luc Van Liedekerke for their remarks.  相似文献   

We present a methodology to quantify market potential in the context of an economic geography model. The model is then applied to the NUTS 2 regions of Portugal and Spain. Some results can be pointed out. First, the Iberian Peninsula presents a clear centre-periphery pattern. The market potential pike is situated in the region of Madrid, followed very closely by Cataluña and Pais Vasco. Also all Portuguese regions are at the bottom of the market potential rank, i.e.: Portugal is at the periphery of Spain. Second, the regional welfare index confirms market potential results. There is therefore a direct correlation between market potential and regional welfare. Third, a scenario of complete integration between the Portuguese and the Spanish economy is favourable to the most laggard regions. On the contrary, the most advanced regions of each country loose a little. However, ‘lock-in’ effects allow the most central regions to continue in the forefront of development and welfare.Received: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, Accepted: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, JEL Classification: C68, F12, F15, R12, R13The author is in debt to Renato Flôres and Paula Fontoura for helpful discussions during the preparation of this work. A first version of this paper was presented at the conference “Portuguese Economic Development in the European Context” organized by the Portuguese Central Bank. I am thankful to José Braga de Macedo, Pedro Duarte Neves and to all participants for very useful observations and comments. This version benefited greatly from the remarks and suggestions by Mahahisa Fujita, Alireza Naghavi and two anonymous referees. I am also in debt to José Pedro Pontes for inviting me to the “Luso-Japanese Workshop in Geographical Economics” and for encouraging me to submit this paper to this special issue of the Portuguese Economic Journal. The research conducted here was supported by a grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(Praxis XXI/BM/17786/98). The usual disclaimer however applies.  相似文献   

An empirical example and a simulation study show that much more attention should be devoted to the practical issue of selecting the maximum admissible order of integration for quarterly macroeconomic time series. In fact, it is shown that when that order is too high, one may get (spurious) evidence for an excessive number of unit roots, resulting in an overdifferenced series. Besides introducing a simple and intuitive definition for the order of integration of quarterly time series, this paper also presents a simple testing strategy to determine that order for the case of macroeconomic data.Helpful comments and suggestions from João Santos Silva and Paulo Rodrigues are gratefully acknowledged. I am also grateful to two anonymous referees, whose comments and suggestions helped improving this paper. Obviously, the usual disclaimer applies. This work has also benefited from financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through Programa POCTI (ECO/33778/2000). A previous version of this paper was presented at the Royal Economic Society Conference, March 2002, Warwick.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the testable implications of Pareto efficiency and individual rationality on finite data sets in exchange economies with finitely many commodities and agents. Efficiency alone provides no restrictions other than a trivial “no waste”-condition. Efficiency together with individual rationality implies robust restrictionsI appreciate the comments of Don Brown, Truman Bewley and Charles Steinhorn. I also thank seminar participants at Yale, Zuerich and Mainz, as well as conference participants at the 12th European General Equilibrium Workshop in Bielefeld. The generous support of the Cowles Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. The paper also benefited greatly from the comments of an anonymous referee  相似文献   

Summary. Using the savers-spenders theory developed by Mankiw (2000, AER), we propose microfoundations to the existence of rentiers in macroeconomic growth models. From an OLG model which acknowledges the great heterogeneity of consumer behavior apparent in the data, we capture the dynamic considerations of potential rentiers as a natural consequence of intertemporal utility maximization and we analyze realistic characteristics (proportion, wealth, propensity to save) of rentiers.JEL Classification Numbers: E13, D64, J22.This paper is adapted from the fourth chapter of my Ph.D Thesis. Then, I thank Alain VENDITTI, my Ph.D Supervisor and Antoine dAUTUME and Pierre PESTIEAU my Ph.D Referees. Earlier version of this paper were presented at the International conference: New perspectives on (un)stability: the role of heterogeneity at Marseille, June 7-9, 2001 and at the X-th Spring School of the Associated European Laboratory (CNRS-FNRS/CORE-GREC-GREQAM) at Aix, 2001. I thank conference participants, in particular Olivier CHARLOT, Christian GHIGLINO, Kiminori MATSUYAMA and Philippe MICHEL for suggestions, helpful comments and discussions. I also thank a referee of this journal for his constructive comments.  相似文献   

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