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海恩法则是德国飞机涡轮机的发明者德国人帕布斯·海恩提出一个在航空界关于飞行安全的法则。海恩法则指出:每一起严重事故的背后,必然有29次轻微事故和300起未遂先兆以及1000起事故隐患。按照海恩法则分析,当一件重大事故发生后,我们在处理事故本身的同时,还要及时对同类问题的“事故征兆”和“事故苗头”进行排查处理,以此防止类似问题的重复发生,及时解决再次发生重大事故的隐患,把问题解决在萌芽状态。  相似文献   

建立健全成本考核制度是强化成本控制的保证。煤炭企业在生存发展过程中 ,外有同业竞争和经济环境恶劣等不利因素制约 ,内有员工要求改善待遇的压力 ,抵御内外压力的唯一出路就在于降低成本。成本考核要遵循两项法则 :一是“鱼缸”法则 ,二是“热炉”法则。“鱼缸”法则指的是透明度问题。考核政策的出台、考核的执行情况及对结果的处理要全程公开 ,象玻璃鱼缸一样 ,从任一角度看都是透明的。“热炉”法则指的是政策的预警作用、及时性、公平性问题。热炉是碰不得的 ,不论是谁碰了 ,都会立即被烫伤。考核政策事先告诉员工 ,完不成考核目标 ,…  相似文献   

“塔里木河流域水资源管理决策支持信息系统”国内招标时严格按世界银行贷款“质量和费用招标法则”(QCBS)规定的程序选择高水平的咨询人,并取得了良好的效果。结合“塔里木河流域水资源管理决策支持信息系统”招投标实践,介绍了“质量和费用招标法则”的招投标程序和评审办法。  相似文献   

对几道经济“命题”的再思索郑德仁在推动社会主义市场经济走向成熟的进程中,人们对许多疑难问题进行了艰苦的探索,提出了若干“命题”,有的成为重要的市场经济“法则”,有的具有极高的阶段性价值,也有的则似是而非。对我们曾经认定的某些“命题”进行再思索,无疑有...  相似文献   

经常遇到一些厂长、经理抱怨说:忙、忙、忙,忙得不可开交,忙得焦头烂额!究其原因之一可能是,在管理上“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”,或是“眉毛胡子一把抓”。那么不妨试一试“马特莱法则”这帖方剂吧。“马特莱法则”是国际上公认的一种现代企业管理法则,又称“二八法则”。其主要内容是:80:20管理法则:企业将主要精力放在20%业务骨干的管理培养上,抓住企业发展的骨干力量,再以20%的少数骨干带动80%的多数职工,以提高企业职工整体素质和工作效率。80:20的决策法则:就是抓住企业20%的普遍问题中最关键的问题进…  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下 ,市场竞争归根到底是成本的竞争。企业为了自身的生存和发展 ,都必需进行成本控制 ,否则终将被市场淘汰。这是一条不变的市场规律。谈到成本控制 ,可以列举许许多多的理论、思想、方法和法则 ,但这些理论、方法、法则往往不区分有效消耗和无效消耗 ,不认识二者的经济性质差异 ,而把成本看成是一个笼统的整体 ,从而忽略了成本控制的核心和实质 ,即成本控制是对什么进行控制 ,控制之“矢”指向何“的”。这一问题是人们常常忽略 ,而又恰恰是非常重要的。为此 ,本文提出“损失性成本”这一概念 ,并对其进行分析。一、损失性成…  相似文献   

作为美邦设计力量的第一代创始人之一,美特斯邦威前董事、研发副总裁徐卫东在设计管理、品牌营销、商品企划、供应链管理、消费市场趋势等领域的研究有着独到的见解和极深的造诣。此次讲座“服装设计师与你面对面--聊聊面料开发那些事”,主要围绕“国际面料开发的那些传奇”、“面料开发本质”、“面料开发的盈利模型”、“面料开发成功率倍增法则”、“如何打造一个成功的面料开发团队”及“移动互联网时代的面料”等方面展开。  相似文献   

国际上有一种公认的企业科学法则,叫“巴特莱法则”,又称为“80/20”法则,其主要内容是: 80/20的用人法则:企业可把主要精力主用在20%的业务骨干管理上,抓企业发展中关键(人)的关键(骨干),以提高企业的效率。  相似文献   

实话 《中国石化》2006,(10):25-25
早在50年前.美国工程师海恩曾就航空事故进行过统计.得出了这样一个规律性结论:每一起重大事故的背后,必然有29起轻微事故,300起未遂事故和1000处事故隐患。这就是后来成为国际上通用的事故法则——“海恩法则”。  相似文献   

包装装潢形式美法则探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美的规律存在于大自然中。人类最初对美的认识来源于自然界的均衡、对称、调和、韵律等。人们在长期的社会实践活动中总结了这些符合美感的形式美法则,然后运用这些形式美法则进行艺术设计。包装装潢设计应该遵循形式美法则,讲求表现内容的形式美。只有精妙的形式美,才能完美体现设计主题,达到宣传产品的目的。我们研究形式美的法则,主要是为了提高美的创造能力,培养我们对形式美变化的敏感性,以便创造出更多、更美的包装设计作品。   1.变化与统一   在形式美的诸多法则中,变化与统一规律是它们的集中与概括,是形式美的总法则…  相似文献   

Regulating the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) presents a Collingridge dilemma regarding the great demand for common legal principles to mediate the practical conflicts between privacy and efficiency, autonomy and authority, and safety and accountability. This study compares the enforcement by legitimate authorities in the European Union, the United States, and China of the laws and regulations applied in practical FRT cases and explores the fundamental principles and values manifested in these judgments and their results. The findings presented here indicate that (1) the E.U. regulations tend to move from downstream to upstream based on the notions of “privacy by design” and “privacy by default,” (2) the U.S. regulations are not limited to private contexts but tend also to target the (semi-)public sector, and (3) the Chinese regulations have been shifting from a practice represented by the phrase “nine dragons playing with a pearl” to a practice of “learning by doing”. Specifically, with respect to the determination of violations, the E.U. jurisprudence endorses deontological ethics and the U.S. jurisprudence a kind of universal egoism while the core FRT legislation in China valorizes utilitarianism. Overall, a top-down regulatory framework relating to FRT usage was apparent in the E.U. countries, a self-regulatory approach was observed in the United States, and a “presumption of fault” principle was manifested in China's process of assessing damages.  相似文献   

Two clusters of factors —the “corporate strategic posture” and the New Venture Department (NVD) “political posture” — appear to determine the direction of an NVD's evolution. The “corporate strategic posture” refers to the cycles of diversification and consolidation that typically characterize corporate growth. A corporation's “strategic posture” at any given point in time can be positioned on a continuum, one end of which is a “diversifying” posture, while the other end is a “consolidating” posture.  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情对全球经济及能源产业链产生了巨大的影响。本文通过与其他全球性能源危机进行比较,发现了此次疫情危机的“突发性”、“全面性”以及“双向性”等独有特点,并对疫情前后全球能源大国的能源产业链发展趋势进行汇总分析,提出疫情冲击下能源产业链的“四阶段”模型,认为能源产业链均会经历“突发期”、“应对期”、“报复回升期”以及“缓和期”4个阶段后恢复至正常水平,最后从“四阶段”出发,对疫后能源产业的恢复以及风险防范提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper draws on theories of interorganizational learning, social networks, and transaction cost economics to investigate the formation of tie strength between first‐time alliance partners. It focuses on a strategic alliance's first new product development (NPD) project, which is characterized by a lack of prior experience and insufficient trust between partners and explores how the interaction between (1) interorganizational learning (the “degree” [amount of knowledge shared] and “type” [tacit or explicit nature of the knowledge]); (2) the required communication (“frequency level” and “degree of media‐richness”) to transfer and exchange knowledge; and (3) economic transaction considerations (reducing cost and avoiding opportunism), in highly uncertain and dynamic environments, and, in the absence of an assumption of trust, will determine the future strength of the ties between partners. We argue that the “degree” and “type” of interorganizational learning that are required to efficiently develop an alliance's first NPD project determine the strength of the ties between the partners. Each “degree and type” of learning has a different impact on the frequency and media richness of the partners' communication, and consequently each leads to a different level of social tie strength between the partners. This relationship is moderated by the partners' market overlap. We suggest that the required “degree and type” of interorganizational learning is contingent on the project characteristics (degree of innovation; “radical versus incremental,” and the mode of development; “modular versus integrated”). This relationship, however, is moderated by the partners' technical skills (complementary versus similar).  相似文献   

For over a century, assessments of competition or the lack thereof have been central to how public policy treats the telecommunications industry. This centrality continues today. Yet, numerous foundational questions about this concept persist. In this paper, we chronicle how the definition of “competition” has evolved in economics and has been applied in the communications arena. The academic literature on competition hits an important inflection point in the mid-20th century with the development of “workable competition”: a term that is equated to “effective competition.” We find that while the concept of “effective competition” is central to policy formation at the FCC, the Commission’s own applications of “effective competition” are inconsistent. Given the centrality of this concept, and its inconsistent applications to date, we draw upon the seminal contributions to the development of the notion of “effective competition” to offer a modern definition suitable for application in 21st century communications markets.  相似文献   

本文介绍了用TRIZ创新方法解决生产过程中流程问题,以化工研发项目“碳纤维增强聚醚醚酮复合材料的制备与性能研究”为例,通过利用TRIZ理论中的功能分析、因果分析、冲突理论、物场模型、知识库、创新原理等方法,得到了若干个解决问题的方案,完善了制备复合材料过程中的制备工艺,并提高了复合材料强度。  相似文献   

In the present article, the concept of “zero” is discussed using three examples, chemical contaminants/residues in foods, radionuclides, and GM foods. These examples share several common features. First, the risk reduction is generally quantified as the “fold” reduction, i.e., risk reduction by twofold, 10-fold, etc., as no other convenient parameters are available. Second, there are situations where “zero” virtually does not exist, such as in the case of toxicants in GM plants or of radionuclides, because the background always exists. Third, assuring “zero” is often impossible on technological and other reasons. This shows the critical importance of understanding and communicating “zero” in terms of food policy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses vertical unbundling of networks from the commercial businesses in the European energy markets. The current status quo in the political field in Brussels is to implement a choice between three options: ownership unbundling, the “deep-ISO”, the “third way”. The “third way” is the strengthening of the current unbundling regulations, but will change hardly anything in the industry structure. The “deep-ISO” requires the separation of system operations into an independent entity, whereas transmission ownership does not change hands and thus possibly remains in one hand with the power plants. If the ISO decides and orders network investment, we speak of a “deep-ISO”. The more controversial proposal is ownership unbundling. A social-cost-benefit-analysis of the German transmission system operators (Brunekreeft, 2008) suggests that the likely overall effect for social welfare is slightly positive, but effects are small.  相似文献   

Consequences of acrylic resin reactor runaways can be devastating, as it is evident in investigation reports of industrial accidents. Critical in preventing major accidents is the safety screening of any acrylic resin formula to be manufactured in large scale. Computer model simulations facilitate the evaluation of “layers of protection” against acrylic polymerization runaways. This work describes the adaptation of a chemical process dynamic simulator (DuPont™ TMODS™) for use in simulating acrylic polymerization runaways. “Loss of cooling” and “monomer pooling (accumulation)” scenarios are the causes of these runaways. Simulations show that scenarios leading to “monomer pooling” result in more energetic runaways and to larger emergency relief capacity requirements than “loss of cooling” scenarios. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

The overall question that this research seeks to answer is the following: Are there individual and/or organizational resources related to “divergent thinking” that enhance or inhibit the firm's market visioning competence in the case of radical innovation? In order to answer this question, in this paper, the key focus is on the realm of potential divergent thinking‐related resources that the firm may possess and access to aid in the creation and development of an effective market visioning competence. In particular, individual‐level factors related to divergent thinking capabilities and, at the organizational level, encouragement of such capabilities, are investigated. Specifically, we propose that two organizational‐level factors related to organizational encouragement of divergent thinking (“encouraging ideas” and “encouraging diversity”), two individual‐level divergent thinking attitudes factors (“openness” and “ability to move from divergent thinking to convergent thinking efficiently and effectively”), one individual‐level ideational behavior factor (“ability to generate new ideas”), and a further individual cognitive factor (“need for cognition”) have direct impacts on market visioning competence. Scales are then developed and tested for measuring these potential antecedents, and they are included in a measurement model with market visioning competence to enable further research.  相似文献   

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