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黎李 《发展》2011,(2):54-55
一、五凉文化在中国历史上的重要地位 武威是中国历史文化名城。汉辟河西四郡后,历代王朝在这里设郡置府,建立国都,致力经营,使它成为长安以西的大都会,中西交通的咽喉,丝绸之路的重镇,民族融合的熔炉。  相似文献   

镇巴县地处陕西南端,汉中市东南隅,东与安康紫阳、汉阴两县毗邻,南与四川万源、通江接壤,西北同我省西乡县相连,有陕西“南大门”之称。镇巴在夏、商、周属梁州域,秦、西汉归汉中郡,在汉为定远侯班超食邑,清嘉庆七年设“定远厅”,民国三年以境处巴山重镇,遂更名为镇巴县。  相似文献   

雍坚 《走向世界》2015,(17):40-41
济南,因位于济水之南而得名。西汉初年,初设济南郡,“济南”之名由此开始。当时济南郡设在首县东平陵县(今章丘龙山街道)。20多年前,在对东平陵附近的城子崖龙山文化遗址发掘中,发现了距今约4600年前的城址,为中国建城最早之地。因东平陵在汉代为济南郡驻地,所以,建城4600年的桂冠常常加冕于济南头上。  相似文献   

老谭 《今日重庆》2011,(1):94-95
从汉武帝元封五年(前106年)设刺史部开始,两汉、三国时期的汉中郡都与巴郡、蜀郡等均同属益州。曹魏、蜀汉两方反复攻伐的主要故事,几乎都发生在秦岭南北及秦巴山地之间。  相似文献   

王天明 《东北之窗》2010,(16):68-69
大连市是一个悠久而又年轻的城市。 说其历史悠久,是因为远在殷商时代,辽东属青州。而西周时,辽东属幽州。燕昭王十二年(公元前300年),燕将秦开奉命率大军反击东胡。据《史记·匈奴列传》记载:"燕亦筑长城,……置上谷、渔阳、右北平、辽西、辽东郡以拒胡。"  相似文献   

汉代中央政府加强了边疆民族地区的开发与治理,在西南边疆地区实行的"开土列郡"及移民政策,适应中央集权制统治的需要,加速了中原先进的封建政治制度及经济文化在西南边疆地区的传播,有利于汉朝统治秩序的稳定和西南地区经济文化的发展.  相似文献   

江北地处宁波市的西北部,是宁波历史文化最厚重的地区之一。据八字桥、傅家山等地考古发现,慈城、洪塘、庄桥一带新石器时代就有人类繁衍生息,形成原始居住部落。周元王三年(前473)越王勾践在慈城王家坝建句章城,为宁波历史上有城之始。秦时,区境属会稽郡句章县,越两汉、三国、两晋、南北朝直至唐初未变。自唐至民国末年,江北先后或分属郧县、鄞县、慈溪县和镇海县管辖。  相似文献   

郪江古镇位于绵阳市三台县城南47公里处,南临郪江,东滨锦江,建于两江汇合处,曾是春秋战国时期郪王国的都城。郪王国存于巴、蜀两国之间,很小却很神秘,后被蜀国吞并。秦国灭蜀之后,郪江归入蜀郡。西汉高帝时置郪县,(三国)蜀汉分广汉郡,郪江成为东广汉郡治。唐宋起,郪江虽不再作行政治所,但郡县名称一直延续到明朝洪武年间。郪江古镇至今已有2000多年的悠久历史,而作为百姓民间信仰演示活动的郪江城隍庙会也已经有230多年的历史。  相似文献   

朱子彦 《老区建设》2011,(21):61-62
三顾茅庐、白帝托孤、七擒孟获、挥泪斩马谡、独创木牛流马……诸葛亮被当作智慧的化身。鲁迅先生曾评论说:"状诸葛亮之智而近妖。"那么,诸葛亮真如人们所想象的那样"近妖"、"近神"吗?乱世童年诸葛亮,东汉末年徐州琅琊郡阳都县人。父亲诸葛珪做官做  相似文献   

钧儒 《东北之窗》2013,(23):106-107
这些年来,"沓氏"这个"地名"在大连叫得很响,学者们说,今日大连行政区域,汉魏之时多属"沓氏县"地。这种说法不但出自今人之口,也出自前朝史地书籍,更有日本学者专题考究"古沓氏史"。然而笔者读书发现,古时辽东郡根本不存在"沓氏县",以讹传讹的"沓氏县"原是《汉书·地理志》的一处笔误,这个县的真实名称其实叫"沓县"。  相似文献   

Urban growth is a major theme in economic development and a policy imperative for developed countries that seek to create sustainable cities. We argue that the past weighs heavily on the ability of societies to sustainably manage urban environments. The policy implications of urban history are revealed in comparisons of cities across times and between places. The special issue presents some of the best recent work on the economic and social history of Australian cities. We aim to encourage historians to incorporate urban variables into studies of historical processes and to persuade policymakers to consider historical trends in their analysis.  相似文献   

吾乡海国,因海而生,望海而兴,港是宁波生命所系。七千年,宁波在面向大海阔步前行中,文明不断飞跃突进。河姆渡与海洋文明初光大约距今5000年,因长江携带的泥沙抬高了杭州湾南岸,导致北入海湾的姚江洪水肆泛。在大舜的带领下,人们终于让河流改道东行,故而今日姚江又称舜江。姚江可能是人类历史上最早的大型水利工程之一。河姆渡文明由此融入中华人文初成的时代。河姆渡有四个层积。最早层积距今七千年,遗存最为丰富,像陶舟、独木舟等让我们推想河姆渡人很早就发展了海洋知识、治水经验  相似文献   

The marketplace for Australian wool relocated from London to the Australian capital cities in the half-century after 1880. This represented a major institutional shift that underpinned the development of the Australian economy and made Australia the centre of the international wool market. We analyse the principal demand and supply changes underlying this market shift. Consolidation of worsted manufacturing, demand diversification, improved transport and communications, Australian dominance of international wool production and the growth of the small grazier, shifted the relative market efficiency in favour of Australian auctions.  相似文献   

基于组态视角,以全国52个城市为例,运用模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)方法,探究营商环境各要素对城市创业质量的联动效应。研究发现:单个营商环境要素不是形成城市高创业质量的必要条件;存在2条产生城市高创业质量的营商环境驱动路径,分别为人力资源匮乏下环境和服务弥补型、政府和资源辅助下环境驱动型;导致城市非高创业质量的路径有2条。研究结论揭示了营商环境影响城市创业质量的复杂机制,对各城市优化营商环境、提升创业质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

依据城市流强度分析方法,对2005年和2010年广东省21个地级市的区位熵、外向功能量、城市流强度、及其结构进行测算和分析。结果表明:①两个时段内广东省各城市的城市流强度逐步增强,但城市间及城市内部产业部门分配上差距较大;②城市间经济联系不够紧密,以广州、深圳为中心呈现核心-外围的空间结构;③各城市总体经济实力和城市综合服务能力之间尚不协调,多数城市总体经济实力较低;④2010年广东省的东翼、西翼和北部山区出现了主导型城市,小范围的区域经济发展的潜力巨大。据此提出了提高广东省城市流强度的对策,服务于广东省的经济发展。  相似文献   

This article deals with the social, cultural, and economic contributions of universities to the life of small cities in which they are located. Using a questionnaire, we estimated the direct and indirect contributions of students from two universities of the Public Universities System in the state of Oaxaca (Mexico)—SUNEO (Sistema de Universidades Estatales de Oaxaca): the Technological University of the Mixteca (UTM—La Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca) and the University of the Costa Region (UNCOS—la Universidad de la Costa) in the life of two cities, Huajuapan de Leon and Pinotepa Nacional, in which these universities are located. The results obtained make it possible to recommend the use of methodologies for developing a strategy for creating a system of universities in monofunctional cities in Russia. The cases of the establishment of universities in small and medium-sized cities of Russia, as well as the factors that contribute to and impede such diversification of the economy of monofunctional cities in the current conditions of applying digital technologies in education are considered.  相似文献   

牛国栋 《走向世界》2014,(47):78-80
济南商埠是颇有些个性的。既不归外国人管,街道布局也不像沿海城市那样欧化。商埠地势平坦,街道纵横交织,排列有序,依然保待着府城特有的风范。比起老城来,街道更加笔直而宽阔。经一路是商埠修建的第一条马路,开始时人们就叫它大马路。大马路最早尚不是柏油路,而是碎石路面,但路两侧则设有近似于柏林标准的雨水排泄装置,路中有砖砌拱形暗排水沟。  相似文献   

Gold discoveries in Australia in 1851 and New Zealand in 1861 galvanised the economic development of Australasia and had spillover effects in Britain, in ship technology, and even in the trans-Atlantic trade. The gold rushes quickly transformed economic, social, and political life. Moving around the continent in an anti-clockwise direction, they were to help found the northern port cities that grew to service the gold seekers. While the major strike in Western Australia in the 1890s out-produced the earlier period, Australia saw a third gold peak in the 1990s. The article surveys the contribution of the rushes to the development of Australasia.  相似文献   

Industrial retardation of the South is traced to the southern slave plantation with its vested interest in labor, whereas the Midwest joined the manufacturing belt based on the extensive industrial demands derived from the free family farm with its vested interest in land. The analyses focus on 304 cities in the East, Midwest, and South for the period 1860–1880. Industries in the published censuses were given two-digit SIC codes. The results demonstrate that midwestern cities had significantly larger industrial sectors and different specializations than southern cities by 1860. During the 1860s midwestern cities' industrial growth substantially outpaced southern cities, and differences between the two regions' cities continued to grow up to 1880.  相似文献   

郭海华  魏瑶 《特区经济》2009,(8):269-271
本文运用因子分析法建立模型,对我国港口城市的交通运输能力进行分析。得出货运量和行业产值,以及港口泊位规模这两个综合指标是影响港口城市交通运输业发展水平的主要因素。并以此对17个主要港口城市进行综合评价和聚类分析,给出发展政策建议。  相似文献   

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