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This article gives the first large‐scale assessment of business partnerships in England and Wales using business records within the population census for 1881. It seeks to understand the variety of ways that ‘partnership’ was used: explicit partnership, ‘de facto’ partnership, ‘joint’ activity, and asset ownership together. The article confirms that partnerships were chiefly between two people. Complexity and transaction costs largely precluded larger size and squeezed the partnership into a ‘middle ground’ between the sole proprietor and the corporation. The main size contrast was between farms with small employee numbers, and larger non‐farm business partnerships. Generally differences in the gender of business owners have greater salience than sectors. Few female business partnerships employed more than four people (mean 3.4), while male partnerships ranged up to several thousand employees (mean 33.6), and 18.6 for mixed gender. While many women were involved in businesses, their opportunities remained restricted, and most were in partnership with male partners. Family structures were important, with three‐quarters of all identifiable partnerships having some form of family relationship, with a strong preponderance of single women in female‐only partnerships, married men in male‐only partnerships, and widows in mixed gender businesses.  相似文献   

The migration of people from the developing nations to the industrialized world has created significant minority population concentrations in those industrialized countries. Invariably, the minority population (generally black, Hispanic, and/or Asian) occupies the lower end of the socioeconomic distribution spectrum because of lower levels of educational achievement and higher unemployment rates. The host countries confronted with these issues of minority inequities are exploring a variety of alternatives to alleviate the socioeconomic problems; one of which is minority business development. This article looks at the industrialized countries of Canada, France, Great Britain, Holland, West Germany, and the United States, and how they are addressing the issue of minority business development. The size and diversity of the minority population, the economic, social, and political conditions under which they migrate, and the host country recognition of their status affects the economic climate and the development success of this business sector, formed outside of their native habitats. Although conditions differ from country to country, minority businesses in general suffer from similar problems of capital access, market restrictions, and general management inadequacies. The developmental path of these business sectors are, however, affected by the host country policy and the official programs designed specifically to address their needs.  相似文献   

In order to cater to the globalization trend, a general governmental institution reform has taken place in the world, and the aim of the reform is to limit governmental power and promote governmental efficiency. The force of the reform comes from both the domestic press and oversea press. On a national level, the request for legality of governmental power and controllability of governmental decision‐making is becoming more urgent on a daily basis. On an international level, globalization has urged cooperation and rapid response from every countries in the world. Most countries focus on limiting governmental power and power dispersion.  相似文献   

The term NGO has been used more specifically to encompass nonprofit organizations engaged in international programs. In recent years, what Professor Lester Salamon of the Institute of Policy Studies of Johns Hopkins University has referred to as the ‘nonprofit sector’ seems popular worldwide. He defines nonprofit organizations as ‘organizations that share seven common features: they are formally constituted; organizationally separate from government; non‐profit‐seeking; self‐governing; voluntary to some significant degree; nonreligious; and nonpolitical (Salamon and Anheier 1994).’ To avoid confusion, the term ‘NGO’ is used in this paper in reference to nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that are independent from any particular government office or private corporation and which are pursuing public interests.  相似文献   

魏啸亮 《首都经济》2006,(11):74-75
“十一五”期间,密云县计划构建以“生态农业”,“环境友好型工业”,“休闲旅游业”为特色的生态经济体系,提高经济增长质量和可持续性,优化完善城市功能,进一步向新城集聚人口和产业,初步形成“现代化新城”格局;全面发展社会事业,大幅提升公共服务能力,建成覆盖城乡的社会公共服务体系;稳步提高水源保护和生态涵养能力.进一步增强生态涵养区和首都饮用水源基地功能。实现经济发展水平、人民生活品质,可持续发展能力,公共服务能力、水源保护和生态涵养能力显著提升,预计地区生产总值年均增长13%,财政收入年均增长12%,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入年均分别增长7%左右.到2010年城镇化率达到50%左右,全县林木覆盖率达到68%。为达到这些目标,密云县将采取一系列措施创造优良发展环境,增加投入以促进产业发展,改善基础设施条件和公共服务水平,加强生态建设.为相关领域投资者和各种相关要素供给商提供了广阔商机。  相似文献   

国际零售业发展走向与应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、沃尔玛的影响力与竞争力国际零售业目前最大的竞争胜利者无疑是沃尔玛,从2001年开始它已稳居“财富500强”排名榜首位,拥有遍布世界的店面4750家,沃尔玛2002年的销售额达到2450亿美元,是号称全球第二大零售企业———法国家乐福公司的3倍。它不仅是美国最大的零售商,也是墨  相似文献   

香港素有“购物天堂”的美誉,零售业为香港第二大的服务业,占香港服务业生产总值的24%,2000年零售业实现零售总额1870亿元港币(深圳市社会消费品零售总额为516亿元人民币左右),有从业人员21万人,分别来自56000多间零售店铺,目前香港零售业所涵盖的业态包括购物中心,百货店,便利店等多种形式,就其主导业态来讲,主要是专卖店,专业店,便利店和大型购物中心,虽然自1997年11月的东南亚金融风暴后,香港的零售业受到学生的打击,2000年零售业总销售额与1997年相比下降约25%,但就其发展来看,仍有以下几个方面值得我们研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

The present paper maintains that initiatives to promote and support small businesses need to focus on those with growth potential rather than on the small business sector as a whole, and that the human factor, especially entrepreneurial intentions and behaviour, is the overwhelming force in small business success. Empirical evidence shows that many entrepreneurs setting up businesses in the informal economy of South Africa have little business acumen. The majority of informal businesses operate as survivalist entities with limited development and growth potential. The paper suggests that only between 10 and 15 per cent of informal entrepreneurs have sufficient business skills to expand and develop their businesses. These should be the focus of policy initiatives. Separate collective support measures should be designed to make the business environment more hospitable to low-potential informal businesses.  相似文献   

郑昕 《特区经济》2004,(10):49-50
<正> 深圳零售市场活跃,保持持续发展的良好势头,但其2003年增长速度16.3%低于深圳国民经济增长速度17.3%;与上海比,深圳第三产业在3大产业的比重为40.5%,远远低于上海第三产业的比重48.4%,零售商业在总体规模、商业企业的积聚、辐射能力等方面还有一定差距,通过与上海零售商业的比较研究探求制约深圳零售商业发展的因素。 一、消费总量不足 深圳城镇居民年人均可支配收入和平均每人消费性支出均处于全国之首,并远远高于上海,但从消费总规模来看,深圳社会消费品零售总额远远低于上海,上海社会消费品零售总额居全国  相似文献   

深圳旅游电子商务发展现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒惠芳 《特区经济》2004,(10):87-88
深圳特区建立20多年来,旅游业发展从无到有,从小到大,现已成为深圳国民经济中的重要支柱产业之一和新的经济增长点。2003年,深圳市旅游业虽然遭遇到了前所未有的“非典”影响,但深圳接待国内外游客仍达到4283.60万人次。实现旅游总收入294.63亿元,相当于深圳市当年国内生产总值的10.30%,相当于当年第三产业国内生产总值的25.47%。深圳已崛起成为一座现代化的中国优秀旅游城市和中国重要的旅游创汇基地之一。 随着信息技术的发展,旅游业与互联网的关系日渐紧密,不仅网络服务内容在旅游资讯方面更加丰富充实,而且,旅游电子商务也渐成热点,旅游电子商务的发展,展现和提升了“网络”和“旅游”的价值,具有营运成本低、用户范围广、无时空限制以及能同用户直接交流等特点,提供了更加个性化、人性化的服务。深圳旅游业要想取得长足发展,发展旅游电子商务势在必然。 一、深圳旅游电子商务发展现状 对于旅游界来说,旅游电子商务、旅游网站已不是个陌生的  相似文献   

This overview paper places in context eight papers coveringa wide spectrum of views on modern business cycle modelling.Inter alia, these address some gaps in the real business cycle(RBC) literature (e.g. the extremely limited treatment of creditand asset markets) and various other anomalies (e.g. the failureto explain volatility and persistence of employment and unemployment,and the non-cyclicality of real wages). The paper then focusesfurther on two issues central to RBC models. Such models aredriven by large and persistent technology shocks. However, empiricalevidence from UK manufacturing shows that correcting for cyclicalutilization results in shocks which are small and non-persistent.The second issue is one of empirical methodology. Though theRBC approach was intended as a response to the Lucas critique,by largely assuming away government policy feedback rules, thesemodels are far from policy-relevant. The alternative vectorautoregression (VAR) approach implicitly incorporates theserules, but ignores shifts in rules. A constructive responseto the Lucas critique needs to incorporate policy rule shiftsand private-sector reactions directly, which looks hard to achieveoutside the context of structural econometric modelling.  相似文献   

国际保理,是当今国际贸易中一种重要的结算方式,是一种无追索权的资金融通方式。近20年来,保理业务在世界各国的国际贸易和国内贸易中都得到了广泛运用,随着国际贸易的发展,国际保理在国际结算中占据了越来越重要的地位。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的不断加强以及福建自贸区的成立,"离岸金融业务"成为了经济生活中不可或缺的一部分,离岸金融业务的出现对福建省来说可谓是机遇与挑战并存。离岸金融业务增进了闽台间的交流,更好地发展了福建独特的地缘优势,促进其自身及周边地区的发展,但同时离岸金融业务也存在着发展不完善、片区经济不协调、管理机制不足等诸多问题,福建省应建立有效的商业模式,创新贸易发展方式,加大创新力度,实行三大片区优势互补,以实现和台湾的产业对接,进一步完善福建自贸区银行服务离岸金融业务,使其拥有一个更好的发展前景。  相似文献   

The creation of incubators is viewed by many local and regional strategic bodies in the UK and abroad as an effective way of nurturing and facilitating the success of new technology-based companies. Drawing on a survey of 17 incubators operating in the North East of England, based on original findings, this paper empirically examines the crucial role of existing incubators in the local economy in enterprise creation and attempts to identify areas of good practice that can be used as benchmarks for the creation of future Incubators.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍台州市企业经营管理人才开发基本情况 ,企业经营管理人才开发工作存在的主要问题及原因 ;提出企业经营管理人才开发的基本思路 ,今后五年企业经营管理人才队伍建设的目标和对策措施  相似文献   

李颖  陈宪 《特区经济》2004,(8):67-68
一、发展企业法律事务管理的依据。一个企业根据企业发展层次和利益的进行法律规范方面的相应的战略规划,其进行企业法律事务管理建设的可能性主要取决于以下3方面。  相似文献   

电子商务与物流发展的若干问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈雪芬 《特区经济》2009,(2):229-231
本文就电子商务与物流关系及对其的影响进行了探讨,并基于中国现实国情指出了电子商务环境下的物流发展模式,最后分析了我国现存的电子商务发展物流的瓶颈并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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