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This research investigates the effectiveness of double negative ads relative to positive, self-promoting ads as it relates to impression formation. The study was conducted using a 3 (ad valence/intensity: extreme double negative, moderate double negative, positive) x 2 (impression type: incidental, intentional) repeated measures design study using print ads designed for fictitious brands. Overall, brands in double negative ads received less positive impression ratings and the double negative ad format was less memorable. These effects were even more pronounced as the valence of the double negative ads became more extreme.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of mood on consumers' implicit and explicit responses to false advertising. In our first experiment, we find that those consumers in a positive (versus a negative or neutral) mood state are more likely to notice the false information in the advertising, but paradoxically, are also likely to develop positive feelings toward the brand. In that experiment, we used both a hedonic brand (Disney) and a hedonic/emotional ad (autobiographical). In our second experiment, we extend the ad stimulus context beyond Disney to Wendy's to more readily facilitate autobiographical versus informational manipulations. We find that, indeed, the hedonic advertising execution (autobiographical vis-à-vis informational) is associated with more elaborate processing (but only for those in a positive mood). The observed positive affect transfer continued, however, despite the greater detection of the false information in the positive mood condition. We propose that the negative feelings toward the ad associated with detecting the false information are momentary and are replaced by positive feelings toward the brand that are engendered by positive mood and the advertising, as suggested by the synapse model of memory. Our third experiment varies the timing of our measures to investigate this proposition and finds that timing does matter. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of the findings for research on mood, deceptive advertising, and implicit versus explicit effects of advertising response.  相似文献   

Four good reasons for avoiding a negative sentence in advertising whenever possible are its relative difficulty of comprehension, its uninformativeness, the fact that it presupposes or implies precisely what it negates and its sheer wastefulness. However, for certain pragmatic reasons, a negative may be useful in cases where the grammatical subject of a sentence presupposes something positive.  相似文献   

郑斌 《广告大观》2007,(7S):59-60
我观察到中国广告趋势论坛的两个明显特点:一个是新媒体和网络媒体在论坛中占到50%。以前类似于这样的论坛,网络媒体都是在分会场,或者只有1/4的时间,这可能意味着网络新媒体已经开始半分天下。在这个论坛当中汇聚了重要的各方参与者,有北京大学、强势媒体央视、江苏广电总台,还有业界著名的研究杂志《广告大观》,这一切意味着广告的质量越来越提升。  相似文献   

While some work has been done in specialty advertis- ing's impact, most has been anecdotal. This paper reports an experi- ment which tests the effects specialty advertising has on building goodwill with present customers. A questionnaire designed to measure goodwill was developed, tested, and found to be unidimensional in its construction. Confir- matory factor analysis was performed to rule out the possibility of multiple underlying dimensions. A field experiment was conducted to determine whether the gift of appreciation would.have a significant impact on the goodwill of present customers toward their bank. According to the results of the goodwill scale, neither of the two specialty advertising items nor the letter of appreciation by itself produced differential responses in the bank's customers. The implications of using specialty advertising to generate good- will among present customers as well as future research possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

黄升民 《广告大观》2007,(7S):51-52
对媒体分化的趋势要重新审视。我们讲过细分、分众,讲过碎片化,把营销学上的理论体系做了一些整理,分析无止境进行,如果答案是肯定的话,那市场怎么构建?越来越碎片,规模就成问题,虽然有长尾理论做补充,但业内都很困惑。另外,企业的经营价值在哪儿?一对一服务怎么办?对管理学、营销学来说这都是非常困惑的问题。改一下思路,出路在哪儿?所以就有了分化不断下的重聚思考。  相似文献   

A mail survey was conducted of 314 residents of two California cities to measure consumer perception of the prevalence of misleading advertising. Information was obtained concerning the extent of misleading advertising in the various media, for 30 products and services and for three age groups. The findings indicate that over half of the sample viewed “most” or “all” mail and telephone advertising as misleading, and that 38 percent of the respondents regarded “most” or “all” television advertising as misleading. Newspaper advertising was considered the most credible. Findings indicate that “most” or “all” advertising for products and services was viewed as misleading by 30 percent of the respondents. Findings for actions taken concerning misleading advertising indicate that nearly half of the sample had registered a complaint to the store or person advertising and that 29 percent of the respondents had complained to a manufacturer. Also, findings for the age groups indicate that two out of three respondents regarded “most” or “all” advertising directed at children as seriously misleading. Advertising directed at senior citizens was viewed as seriously misleading by 45 percent of the sample, and advertising directed at young and middle-aged adults was viewed as only slightly less misleading.  相似文献   

马震 《广告大观》2006,(3S):142-143
小时侯喜欢过年,原因有很多,最实惠的应该就算是可以穿一身新衣服和得到寄托着亲戚长辈以及伟大领袖殷切希望的压岁钱了。虽然这笔小财最终会被父母以替你保管为由给搜刮去,可就凭从手上过那一遍的兴奋,就足够自己乐着把年给玩完了。  相似文献   


Nationally syndicated product-media data services are very useful for analyzing the nature of target markets. They are not, however, generally considered useful for estimating television reach and frequency. This paper explains how selectivity indices derived from national product-media data can be combined with data from more specialized television-usage data services to yield an estimate of target market ratings. The paper describes a pilot study designed to test the plausibility of this approach.  相似文献   

With increased marketing expenditures, managers need to be equipped with valid and reliable measures capable of showing links between marketing investments and a firm's profitable performance. In this paper we demonstrate that traditional return on advertising (ROA) can be a misleading metric if a firm's goal is profit maximization. Then, we introduce a new diagnostic tool: the elasticity of ROA and show how this metric can help marketing managers to choose more profitable levels of advertising. This new measure has the same virtues as other traditional measures of elasticity and provides real advantages over the conventional metrics.  相似文献   

The creation of advertisements is the most widely researched topic in the advertising literature. However, the extant literature on advertising agency dynamics during campaign development remains vague and imprecise. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new framework that can be used in the practice of studying advertising agencies. Twelve face-to-face interviews were conducted with executives at an advertising agency. A qualitative discourse analysis revealed parallels that exist between the major skill areas of an advertising agency and a theatrical troupe. In particular, the roles of producer, director, designer, technical crew, house manager, actors, and audience are similar to roles in an advertising agency.  相似文献   

This study explores the concept of jury bias based on exposure to lawyer advertising. Attitudinal and demographic differences are identified which distinguish respondents who felt they might be biased due to exposure to advertising. Legal precedents and implications for jury selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Direct advertising—sending promotional messages to individual customers—is increasingly used by marketers as a result of the recent improvements in consumer reachability. Most current methods to calculate optimal budgets for such advertising campaigns consider customers in isolation and ignore word-of-mouth communication (WOM). When the customer base forms a network (as is the case in telecom or social network databases) ignoring WOM clearly leads to suboptimal advertising budgets. This paper develops a model to help address this challenge. We assume that firms know the network structure formed by customers but do not know (or are not allowed to use) data on individuals’ connections. Under this scenario, we compare the optimal campaign of a monopolist to that of firms competing in simultaneous-move or sequential-move games. The analysis provides two key insights: (i) we show that ignoring the existence of WOM leads to significant profit loss for firms and this is more so under competition. In particular, knowing the “density” of consumer connections is crucial for the design of optimal campaigns. (ii) Competition in direct advertising exhibits strong first-mover advantages and, even in a simultaneous-move game between identical firms, highly asymmetric outcomes are possible. The paper also explores two extensions. First, we study the nature of the trade-off between increasing network size versus increasing the connectivity between existing network members. Second, we investigate how firms’ advertising activity may endogenously grow the membership base.  相似文献   

This article argues for the need to abandon traditional models of advertising effect, if a theory is to be developed which is capable of fitting the observable reality that people use advertisements deliberately rather than being used by them. Using information processing theory as the best available organizing principle, it proposes a number of candidate elements of a future, fully grounded theory of advertising effect.  相似文献   

Identity appeals—marketing communications that invoke one of the target market's identities—are typically well liked by consumers. In contrast with this notion, this research examines a situation when consumers respond negatively to identity appeals in advertising. Through three studies, we find that identity appeals fail when consumers judge an identity-congruent ad as portraying information about them that they would rather not have widely broadcast. In these cases, self-presentation concerns arise, leading to ad dislike. Thus, although identity-congruent ads resonate with consumers, such ads may lead to negative responses if consumers believe the ad airs their “dirty laundry.” We discuss implications for targeted advertising and identity marketing strategies.  相似文献   

The concept of low involvement has attracted considerable interest, particularly over the last ten years, but its implications f or advertising (strategy, execution and research) are still not clear. This paper reviews the low-involvement literature and attempts to define what is meant by the concept, predict when low involvement is likely to occur and identify its key determinants. The paper then reviews and assesses what the literature has to say about the specific implications for advertising strategy in high- and low-involvement situations and concludes that the potential and power of advertising in low-involvement situations have been misunderstood and underestimated.  相似文献   


Two competing hypotheses relative to the formation of attitude toward the ad (Aad)provide the basis for an experiment. The peripheral-cue hypothesis views Aadas an outcome of consumer response to executional elements of an ad while the combined-influence hypothesis anticipates a joint effect of central message arguments and peripheral cues in Aadformation. Results supported the combined-influence hypothesis across varying levels of processing motivation and opportunity with differences in the relative magnitude of argument and cue effects consistent with The Elaboration Likelihood Model.  相似文献   

Communication effectiveness research is moving away from investigations of advertising’s forms, content and the degree and type of consumer involvement, to a greater focus on the process of reception and the social and cultural roles that advertising plays in society and in individual lives. This shift in emphasis has been influenced by communication and media studies, which have prioritised the psychological, social and cultural contexts within which consumers relate to commercial information and the roles that advertising media play in their lives. The focus on the ‘receiver’ as the key actor in the advertising communication process has also coincided with increasing interest in consumer culture theory, brand communities and the new service dominant logic of marketing. This paper provides a useful perspective from which to view contemporary developments in advertising effectiveness research, and has important implications for future studies.  相似文献   


As the world braces itself for a unified European marketplace, it is critical that we look at the industries likely to be influenced by, and in turn shape, European integration. The advertising industry and its handling of unification are particularly important given that advertising is the voice of the marketplace and a major communications force, shaping cultural norms and values. In order to ensure the free movement of goods, communications about those goods must also move freely. At this time, however, each European country has its own rules and regulations for advertising. One of the major issues facing European advertising as the European Union (EU) comes together is the regulation of cross-border advertising. In 1991 the European Commission issued a call to action for the European advertising industry and almost immediately the industry began work on a trans-border complaints system. Since then the European Advertising Standards Alliance has worked diligently to iron out issues resulting from international advertising disputes. As this article shows, European regulators must determine how advertising will fit into the larger scheme of European law; who will be responsible for controlling advertising; and whether it should be monitored at the national or pan-European level. Certainly the advertising industry is not the only one struggling to determine which controls can remain at the national level and which should be raised to the European rank. But this analysis of how advertising self-regulation fits into the European legal scheme does provide a useful case study of the hurdles ahead. It will be interesting to watch as Europe works to find the proper balance between free trade and national autonomy to control industries.  相似文献   

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