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This paper makes a beginning in the comparison of real ads on source credibility in the context of the marketing of “fitness” related goods and services. While the results establish the greater credibility of celebrity endorsed ads vis à vis non-celebrity endorsed ads in the context of the test product, the authors nevertheless empirically substantiate that certain ad characteristics may have potential for use as screening items to aid in effecting choice between a celebrity and a non-celebrity endorser in other product/service contexts. Additional exploratory analyses and results are reported.  相似文献   

Economic and political imperatives of the 1980s have seen governments turn to private sector managerial techniques, practices and orientations to enable them to deliver services more efficiently and effectively. Among these is marketing which has received increasing attention as governments have looked to privatize, corporatize or simply introduce some level of “user‐pays” principle into their operations.

Despite the ambitious claims of the marketing discipline, the transposition of marketing to the public sector has not proved to be without problems. This paper reviews why such a transposition might be difficult. It also reviews the claim of marketing to be an appropriate discipline at all for widespread application in the public sector.

The paper concludes that marketers should be cautious as to the extent to which their discipline can be transposed or modified to assist governments identity, plan, deliver and evaluate services more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   


This commentary reinforces the importance and need for developing the student's knowledge, abilities, and understanding of what is required to collaborate with the firm's internal and external constituencies, in the context of B2B marketing environment. It is an important goal to be achieved in the B2B marketing course. The new era of business marketing is built around achieving “collaborative advantage” with the new breed of customers who demand relatively more complex product and services arrangements as well as nature of relationships from their vendors. Today's customers also expect intellectual input and consultative selling approaches from group of diverse and independent marketing entities, whom they expect to work together to meet their requirements. The firm's success or failure in the market place may indeed be predicated on their ability to achieve this “collaborative advantage”. The commentary also expands the authors' suggestions in the areas of course pedagogy and design for building the student's know-how and capability for practicing the art-of-collaboration.  相似文献   


The marketing of professional services is different from marketing in other areas. Indeed, several “distinctive problems” of marketing professional services have been identified. In order to obtain evidence as to whether these “problems” apply to public accounting services and if current accounting graduates understand them, two surveys were conducted of chairpersons of accounting and marketing departments at AACSB accredited schools of business. The results indicate that respondents from both groups of chairs believe that the majority of the “problems” are concerns for the public accounting profession and that current accounting graduates should understand them. However, both groups appeared neutral as to whether current accounting graduates are exposed to many of these “distinctive problems.” It is difficult for students to understand and be prepared to deal with the issues, if they have not been exposed to them.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the unique role of ethnic foods in value-added food product marketing. In particular, the case of Korean kimchi is used to provide several examples of concepts introduced within the paper. When Korean kimchi export markets were disaggregated into groups of “culturally similar” and “culturally distant” markets, striking differences in the pattern of trade flows were observed. Exports of kimchi to culturally similar markets were more stable, predictable and higher volume. Exports of kimchi to culturally distant markets were more variable and had lower volume. A literature review of 28 articles published from 1979 through 1998 revealed a growing consistency in model formulation for the study of ethnic food markets. The niche markets that ethnic foods represent may be an important part of future value-added food product marketing strategies in an increasingly global society.  相似文献   

While many organizations are investing large amounts of money to provide computer‐based data to their managers, little is known about how, or even whether, managers use these data to learn about the business environment. This issue is explored by examining how grocery product managers use supermarket scanner data to learn about changes in the marketing environment. Managers’ stories play a central role in the four‐step process used by one product management organization as it learns from analyzing computer‐based data. First, a manager examines the data and looks for unexpected results—findings that contradict one or more of her stories about the marketing environment. If something is found, the manager carries out a relatively unstructured, multistage process to make sense out of the unexpected result. This process can be viewed as a dialogue between the result and a set of tools at the manager's disposal (including analyses of computer‐based data). Next, the manager tells the story to share her insights with peers and superiors, developing a common understanding. Finally, the manager creates an official story, which is used to “sell”; new marketing approaches to people outside the product manager organization—the sales force and supermarket buyers.  相似文献   

现代市场经济社会的财政职能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李茂生 《财贸经济》2005,(11):17-22
随着社会经济总量增加和剩余价值率的提高,社会公共需要的范围将不断扩大,要求满足的程度也将不断提高,相应地,财政职能也随之增加.目前我国已进入现代市场经济社会,本文不赞同流行的将财政职能表述为资源配置职能、分配职能、监督职能的提法,提出并阐述了财政的四大具体职能:(1)提供原生意义上的公共产品和服务;(2)调节收入分配和实行社会保障;(3)纠正外部不经济(负的外部效应)和促进广义效率的提高;(4)调节经济和促进经济发展.  相似文献   


The continuing development of regional trade blocs, such as COMESA (The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), ECOWAS (The Economic Community of Western African States) and the resurgence of a new EAC (East African Co-operation), will depend significantly on consumer confidence in products from within the region. Ninety-six Commerce undergraduates from Tanzania estimated the preference patterns, among relevant home market segments, for a range of consumer goods produced in Tanzania, East Africa, and the West. For each comparison, the three goods were described as identical in terms of the “4 Ps” (Product, Promotion, Price, and Place). Tanzanian consumers were consistently reported to prefer Western foreign goods over equivalent regional imports, with home-produced goods faring least well of all. Such “consumer cringe” (which has also been identified in West Africa and South America) suggests that at least in terms of the East African Co-operation (EAC), regionally-produced goods can indeed be relatively attractive, provided a bias in favor of Western goods can be addressed by appropriate marketing initiatives.  相似文献   


Purpose: The research reported on here set out to develop a tailored branding model for business to business (B-to-B) services by applying the brand resonance pyramid to a selected B-to-B services context.

The brand resonance pyramid was developed based on research that was predominantly consumer product or individual brand oriented, though one of the objectives when the model was developed was that “the model had to be versatile and applicable to all possible kinds of brands and industry settings. As more diverse applications of branding continued to emerge for products, services, organizations, people, places, and so forth, the model needed to have far-ranging relevance”. The brand resonance pyramid therefore had to be applicable to any context, including B-to-B services contexts. However, consumer goods branding strategies are not directly transferable to B-to-B or services markets and there are documented differences between the B-to-B and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets and products and services contexts. There is also doubt regarding the validity of the contention that the brand resonance pyramid should be applicable to the B-to-B sector.

Methodology: Using an interpretivist qualitative research approach and an exploratory research strategy, the Servbrand framework was developed empirically by applying the brand resonance pyramid to a selected B-to-B services context. Fourteen useful in-depth interviews were obtained from appropriate and information rich participants that represented more than 14 of the 89 organization that were included in the selection frame. Some of the participants were responsible for the relevant decisions of more than one organization.

Findings: The results from the study reported on here (summarized as Figure 5) prompted the inclusion of a people dimension and elevated the importance of relationships in an amended B-to-B services brand equity framework. The people brand-building block includes the dimensions of attitude and demeanor, personality and values, personableness, product knowledge and client knowledge. Relationships, as the ultimate aim of the framework, concern both interpersonal relationships and partnerships.

The article presents a conceptual framework to guide effective brand building strategies in a selected B-to-B services context. Researchers can use the framework to test its applicability in other contexts, which will contribute to the amendment of a significant brand equity management framework.

The Servbrand framework can assist marketing practitioners to improve the effectiveness of strategic brand management for B-to-B services.

Contribution: The empirical research contributes to three areas of brand equity research, namely: 1) the offering type – by investigating service offerings rather than product offerings; 2) the brand level – by investigating organization-level brands rather than product-level brands; and 3) context – by investigating a B-to-B context rather than a B2C context. A revised brand resonance pyramid is proposed and called the Servbrand framework.  相似文献   

Small- and medium-size growers use direct marketing and farmers’ markets to access customers and avoid supply chain intermediaries that increase costs of getting products to consumers. This study examined consumers’ use of agricultural product information sources and their shopping outlet patronage preferences for one type of locally grown produce: avocados.

Two farmers’ market segments were identified: 1) shops only farmers’ markets and 2) cross-shops grocery stores. Product information came from a variety of sources: media, retailers, and organizations. “Buy Local” or “product origin” were considered in produce shopping decisions. One dimension, “Buy Local,” was significant in differentiating farmers’ market segments.  相似文献   


Roughly one-third of edible food produced in the world is wasted, that is, it is never consumed by humans, despite the persistent demands for nutrition throughout the world. The American Marketing Association defines marketing as “…the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” When it comes to food, an increasing number of these key stakeholders question how a global marketing system that routinely wastes a startling fraction of its product comports with “…value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large,” and whether the food marketing system can do more to sustainably convert scarce planetary resources into global nutrition. We introduce the articles in this special issue, which provide an intellectual and empirical basis for exploring how the global marketing system generates a substantial amount of food waste and how the food marketing system can do more to reduce the amount of wasted food.  相似文献   

A host of advantages will flow to companies that learn to make and deliver goods and services faster than their competitors. However, four key questions must be answered to determine if a turbo marketing approach is suitable for your company.  相似文献   


In today's China, consumers not only have the chance to sample products and services from around the world, but to experience cultural influences from a vast range of countries. In particular, Western products and services—and cultural values—have become increasingly popular. Consumers now shift between different worlds (Chinese and Western) with seeming ease. This research identifies the factors that encourage consumers to shift between these different worlds—and values. The factors include the situation and context (of the shopping experience), peer influence and dynamics, the role of conversation at or near the time of purchase, and the nature of the product and service. The role of “time,” “chance,” and “intuition” in the shopping experience and cultural shifts are also examined. What emerges from the study is a changeable, mobile, and flexible community quite capable of shifting between different sets of values (and consumer attitudes) easily and often very quickly. For companies, the key to success (at least to some degree) is to place their goods and services in a context that helps to create a complementary, integrated, and supportive image of the world they wish to create in the minds of their Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

Companies that contribute to charitable organizations rightly hope that their philanthropic work will also be good for the bottom line. Marketers of good corporate conduct must be especially careful, however, to market such conduct in a morally acceptable fashion. Although marketers typically engage in mild deception or take artistic license when marketing goods and services, these sorts of practices are far more morally troublesome when used to market good corporate conduct. I argue that although mild deception is not substantially worrisome with respect to the marketing of most goods and services, it is a far greater moral blunder to use such methods in the marketing of good corporate character. These erode trust and demonstrate alack of adequate respect for the moral good. In light of these concerns, I suggest that such practices must be re-examined when applied to the marketing of corporate character and good conduct. Finally, I develop a revised set of ethical guidelines that are needed in order to address the problems peculiar to the marketing of morally praiseworthy behavior.  相似文献   


The present study attempts to discuss: (1) how the allocation of the purchase price to individual assets affects the after-tax cost of acquiring a professional services marketer; (2) define the “customer based intangibles” affected by the Supreme Court ruling; (3) discuss the tax conflict between goodwill and customer based intangibles; (4) review the recent Supreme Court ruling and set forth the tests and conditions which must be met in order to gain a deduction; and (5) discuss the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 and its impact on acquisition of customer based intangibles after August 10, 1993. In addition, the present study will discuss the environmental implications of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 will have on the professional services marketing sector.  相似文献   

Customer Service     

Maintaining a high level of customer service is one of the best methods of retaining current clients and attracting new ones. Two concepts currently in favor, Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement, dominate recent thought. This paper builds on these concepts and the basic principles of marketing, to simplify the implementation process. For want of better terms, the author has adopted “LCD” (Lowest Common Denominator) and “Fail-Safe” to describe this approach. LCD encourages simplification so that the newest and least trained employee will be able to work within the system. A Fail-Safe system is designed to be “Customer Friendly” even when an error takes place.  相似文献   

Marketers have traditionally evaluated products and practices on the basis of whether something could be sold. It is also important to evaluate products and practices from a societal perspective, “Should a product be sold?” The first idea reflects a managerial orientation and what must be done to sell a product; the second idea reflects a societal orientation and the impact of selling a product. In relation to the second idea, the societal marketing concept was introduced in 1972. There has been little advancement in our understanding of a societal orientation since that time. The current study presents a conceptualization of a societal orientation based on a review of literature and qualitative interviews. The construct was conceptualized as “attention to the long-term well-being of individuals and society at large by enhancing positive impacts from and reducing negative effects associated with production and consumption of a product.” Five domains comprising a societal orientation are proposed: physical consequences, psychological well-being, social relationships, economic contribution, and environmental consciousness.  相似文献   

香港的旅游营销活动具有一定的阶段性和延续性。从20世纪80年代的“专题促销计划”,到90年代的“综合促销计划”,再到新世纪的“全球营销推广计划”,每一阶段的旅游营销策略不同,营销主题和宣传口号也各有特色。在主题旅游产品的开发、推广、消费模式的建立、服务质量的完善及旅游计划的可持续发展方面,内地旅游业明显地存在许多不足,需不断完善和发展。  相似文献   


Conventional wisdom suggests that advertisers should approach the use of negative advertising with a great deal of caution. Perhaps because of its success in the political arena, negative advertising has recently been featured more prominently in the marketing of goods and services. Such a tactic is risky given that so little research on the subject is currently available. Prior to using negative advertising (if this genre of advertising should be used at all) in the marketing of non-political goods and services, a better understanding of the factors influencing its effectiveness must be achieved. This paper examines the literature, models, and theory applicable to the study of negative advertising. Thirteen research propositions are suggested.  相似文献   


From having focused almost entirely on exchange transactions in consumer goods markets, in the 1970s, academics expanded their analysis to include relational exchanges-in particular business-to-business markets and service markets. The contextual changes of the 1990s (i.e., the explosion of IT and the Internet) resulted in the introduction of relationship marketing as an alternative marketing approach in consumer goods markets introducing the notion of a shift in exchange paradigms. However, in the late 1990s, a number of authors on service marketing (e.g., Liljander & Strandvik, 1995), on business-to-business marketing (e.g., Anderson & Narus, 1999) and on contemporary marketing practices (e.g., Brodie, Coviello, Brookes & Little, 1997) supported the thesis that in many markets the process that actually takes place is one of co-existence of transactional exchanges and relational exchanges. Based on the “pluralistic approach” (Pels, Coviello & Brodie, 1999, 2000), this paper develops four cases that seek to exemplify the different exchange situations that may occur in a given marketplace.  相似文献   

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