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Surrealistic ads are common in the print media, but empirical investigations of their persuasive impact are lacking. Findings of a study manipulating surrealism and priming (i.e., leading subjects to expect forthcoming messages with product-relevant information) supports the social adaptation theory and further investigation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   


ADSPLIT is a computer-based, interactive, marketing model which optimally allocates a specified corporate promotional budget among individual brands competing for limited resources. The model requires either (a) regression-based response function coefficients based on historical data, or (b) judgments on what sales should be for different values of price and advertising expenditure for the brands, which the program then uses to estimate the function parameters. The advertising-sales response function is modeled through a flexible form that allows both concave and S-shaped relationships, while sales are related to price through a constant elasticity (Cobb-Douglas) function. The model uses the estimated or input functions to compute the optimal budget allocation for the brands, given an upper bound for the total promotional expenditures and upper- and lower-budget bounds for every brand, using nonlinear optimization heuristics. Optimal prices for the brands are also computed.  相似文献   


A content analysis of 814 advertisements from three major television networks was conducted to assess the representation and role portrayal of senior citizens in television advertising. While 12 percent of the current U.S. population is over 65 years of age, only seven percent of the advertisements containing people utilized elderly characters. In the majority of commercials, the elderly are not typically cast in major roles, but instead appear most often in home settings with members of other age groups present. In those advertisements where older persons are portrayed as major role advisors about a product or service, the advisor is likely to be male.  相似文献   

This study represents an initial empirical test of a new construct--attitude toward on-line advertising format (Aformat). An on-line survey was used to examine both antecedents and consequences of Aformat for each of six on-line ad formats (e.g., pop-ups, banners, skyscrapers). Regression analyses revealed Aformatto be significantly related to attitude toward the ad (Aad) for all formats. Furthermore, Aformat was significantly related to self-reported on-line ad behaviors such as clickthrough. Overall, the results strongly suggest that the nature of the on-line ad format is an important characteristic that influences on-line advertising response.  相似文献   


Despite cultural similarities between the United States and the United Kingdom, there are substantial differences between American and British television advertising. British commercials tend to contain less information, employ a soft sell rather than a hard sell approach, and attempt to entertain the viewer. British viewers' opinions of advertising are also more favorable than those of American viewers. It is important that scholars and practitioners concerned with these two markets and with international advertising generally be aware of these differences and understand why they have evolved. Possible explanations are evaluated and implications of these findings discussed, including areas for future research.  相似文献   


A telephone survey was conducted among a national probability sample of 330 adults to determine consumer attitudes toward the use of subliminal stimulation techniques in a self-improvement product. Additionally, those most favorable toward the product concept were profiled. The study found consumers to be skeptical toward the use of subliminal messages for the purpose of self-improvement and concerned about being influenced to do something they did not want to do. Those consumers most favorable toward the subliminal technique had prior experience with computers and video equipment, were less educated, and had some family problems. Comparisons are made with prior studies of consumer attitudes toward subliminal advertising.  相似文献   


Attempts to fund a JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING began in the early 1960s, largely through the efforts of C.H. Sandage. Although not successful in getting foundation funds, Sandage was instrumental in publishing Occasional Papers in Advertising as a forerunner of a journal. Other individuals became involved with the quest for a journal, eventually securing sufficient funds to start, and Volume 1, Number 1 of the Journal of Advertising appeared in 1972. Governance of the Journal was in the hands of a self-perpetuating Board of Directors, with loose ties to the American Academy of Advertising. This arrangement was due to philosophical differences between those desirous of establishing a journal and the then Executive Committee of the Academy. Monetary problems and differences in viewpoint of journal content plagued those responsible for the Journal in its earlier years. By 1979, efforts were underway to merge the autonomous Journal Board of Directors into a Publications Committee within the Academy proper. The consolidation occurred in 1981 through the re-writing of Academy Bylaws.  相似文献   


A review of past research on the persuasive effects of source expertise and source similarity reveals inconsistent results. In an effort to provide more direction for advertisers and other communicators, insight into source effects was sought through examining the relationship between source expertise and source similarity. Results revealed that there is no underlying relationship between expertise and similarity. The presence of one source characteristic does not impact the other source characteristic. As a result, the advertiser's decision relating to what type of communication source to use remains an important one. In view of these findings and past research, future research directions are identified.  相似文献   

Jason Scott Smith's ambitious, some might say overly-ambitious,goal is to "construct a new narrative" of the New Deal's significanceby using the lens of political economy to examine and explainhow the policies initiated during that historical phase "revolutionizedthe priorities of the American state, radically transformingthe physical landscape, political system, and economy of theUnited States" (p. 1). Smith most certainly does not see NewDeal policies as failures that were incapable of getting theU.S.  相似文献   

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