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杨保军 《商业研究》2008,(5):123-126
市场营销发展的历史表明,在现代的市场竞争下单纯依赖以4Ps策略为分析框架的交易营销范式已经逐渐失去了对新问题的解释力。关系营销范式因为缺乏明确的研究框架和分析工具还不能成为主流的营销范式。而伴随着现代竞争的日益发展,基于竞争和顾客导向的战略营销管理理论范式越来越具有影响力。SMM范式具备一个全新的理论范式的条件,将对未来我国企业的营销战略的制定,长远的营销发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Relationship marketing has won as many opponents as advocates owing to its conceptual ambiguities. This paper conceives relationship marketing as a strategic choice, rather than a marketing paradigm, delineating boundary conditions associated with such a marketing approach. We show that the appropriateness of relationship marketing depends on the nature of particular exchange relationships and the governing mechanism of the exchange involved. In assuming this position, the paper endeavours to accommodate both traditional marketing and the emerging approach, thus taking a further step in clarifying the nature of relationship marketing.  相似文献   

Growing diversity, increasing multinationalism, and a need to better understand minority consumers make recruiting minority professionals to the workplace exceedingly important. This study examines the influences of a frequently used tool in organizational recruitment, the recruitment advertisement. Specifically, this research examines the influence of the racial composition of employees portrayed in these advertisements on a diverse sample of job‐seeker reactions. These reactions include perceptions of organizational attractiveness, perceived compatibility to the organization, and evaluations of organizational image. In addition, it was expected that the race of the perceiver, the job seeker, would moderate these relationships. Mixed support for the hypotheses was found. Implications for advertising, marketing, and recruitment research given emerging domestic diversity are offered. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

姚颖  李汉铃  吴冲 《商业研究》2004,21(22):174-176
广告虽是市场营销的一个组成要素,在市场营销系统中却是一个不可替代的重要要素。运用系统理论进一步阐明广告与营销系统的关系,以及阐明市场营销系统内部构成要素的逻辑关系是广告自身新质变化的必要依据,从而减少对广告功效的完全肯定或完全否定的误区。  相似文献   

This study revealed that both older and younger consumers generally favour physician advertising, although relatively few wished to see more advertising by physicians. Also, it was found that lower-income consumers thought that physician advertising would be useful to inform potential patients about services and specialties while lower-educated consumers were more receptive to and more likely to believe physician advertisements.  相似文献   

Whilst strategic alliance performance has been extensively researched through the resource-based lens, it has yet to be examined under the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) of the firm. Building on the NRBV, this article argues that a firm’s level of environmental proactiveness affects its level of alliance satisfaction. The argument is tested by surveying Norwegian CEOs, and the results confirm a positive relationship. Moreover, the partner’s environmental proactiveness equally influences the focal firm’s satisfaction with the alliance, in consistent with related studies. In addition to providing new empirical evidence in support of the NRBV, and extending the alliance performance literature, the findings add to the corporate environmentalism literature by offering insights on the virtues of green strategies in an underexplored context.  相似文献   

This study provides a longitudinal content analysis of advertising research articles in 17 top-tier advertising, marketing, and communication journals published over the past 30 years (1980–2010, n = 926). The study's purpose is to shed light on the direction and progression of advertising as an academic field by updating and extending Yale and Gilly's (1988) study of advertising research trends. Nine content characteristics of the journal articles were examined: (1) theory presence (theory driven versus not theory driven), (2) names, types (theory versus theoretical framework/model versus construct), and originating disciplines of theory, (3) topic areas, (4) media of interest, (5) research approaches (empirical versus nonempirical and quantitative versus qualitative versus mixed), (6) methods, (7) types of effects, (8) units of analysis, and (9) research implications. Changes in the content characteristics of journal articles were found across the 30 years analyzed in five-year intervals. Implications for the field, scholars, and advertising practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要利用上海证券交易所发布的上市公司财务数据对企业履行社会责任与营销绩效的关系进行实证分析,增加了数据分析的可靠性,避免采用问卷调查带来数据分析的不可靠性。本文通过分析得出企业履行社会责任与营销绩效存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

本文利用黑龙江省统计数据和大量实际调查数据对黑龙江省水稻流通通道进行了定性和定量分析,认为黑龙江省水稻具有较高的商品率,流通渠道的市场化从水稻流通量上体现得很明显。农民生产的水稻既可以直接卖给粮库、米业公司和私人粮贩,也可以加工后卖给私人粮贩和消费者。私人粮贩既收购水稻也收购大米,收购的水稻或直接卖给米业公司和粮库,或加工后卖给批发商、零售商和消费者;收购的大米卖给批发商、零售商和消费者。稻农种植水稻单位收益较高,但与其所面对的中间商相比经营规模较小,综合流通量和利润率两个因素,其总收益与整个流通环节中其他中间商相比并不高。  相似文献   

An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a model of dynamic advertising competition, and applies it to the problem of optimal advertising scheduling through time. In many industries we observe advertising “pulsing”, whereby firms systematically switch advertising on and off at a high-frequency. Hence, we observe periods of zero and non-zero advertising, as opposed to a steady level of positive advertising. Previous research has rationalized pulsing through two features of the sale response function: an S-shaped response to advertising, and long-run effects of current advertising on demand. Despite considerable evidence for advertising carry-over, existing evidence for non-convexities in the shape of the sales-response to advertising has been limited and, often, mixed. We show how both features can be included in a discrete choice based demand system and estimated using a simple partial maximum likelihood estimator. The demand estimates are then taken to the supply side, where we simulate the outcome of a dynamic game using the Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE) concept. Our objective is not to test for the specific game generating observed advertising levels. Rather, we wish to verify whether the use of pulsing (on and off) can be justified as an equilibrium advertising practice. We solve for the equilibrium using numerical dynamic programming methods. The flexibility provided by the numerical solution method allows us to improve on the existing literature, which typically considers only two competitors, and places strong restrictions on the demand models for which the supply side policies can be obtained. We estimate the demand model using data from the Frozen Entree product category. We find evidence for a threshold effect, which is qualitatively similar to the aforementioned S-shaped advertising response. We also show that the threshold is robust to functional form assumptions for the marginal impact of advertising on demand. Our estimates, which are obtained without imposing any supply side restrictions, imply that firms should indeed pulse in equilibrium. Predicted advertising in the MPE is higher, on average, than observed advertising. On average, the optimal advertising policies yield a moderate profit improvement over the profits under observed advertising.JEL Classification: L11, L66, M30 M37 R12  相似文献   

本文采用实证研究的方法,通过对中小企业的问卷调查,对我国中小出口企业的国际营销行为进行了分析,并从地区、行业、性质等方面对影响企业出口营销的各种因素、企业国际营销能力、企业绩效等进行了分类比较,提出了提升中小企业经理素质、优化产品结构、实施出口市场多元化、合作研发、政府支持等建议。  相似文献   


According to the author, the public's attitude toward advertising is very low. Virginia H. Knauer. Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, discusses some of the reasons for this consumer outlook and how some advertisers have overcome consumer objections.  相似文献   

夏洪波 《广告大观》2007,(4S):93-93
2007年,是08奥运的前奏年,是实现突破的关键一年。2007年,奥运场馆建设、奥运场地测试赛等方方面面的筹备工作将进入关键的冲刺阶段。  相似文献   

姚丽萍  阎振刚 《中国市场》2008,(15):122-123
城市电台的流动性和伴随性决定了它在广告市场上不可替代作用。本文分析了城市电台的经营现状及主要问题,通过对其目标市场特点的分析,提出了城市电台广告的五种营销策略。  相似文献   


In this paper we bring together the concepts of Relationship Marketing (RM) in the marketing literature and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Information Systems (IS) literature to identify and assess emergent Internet-based Information Technologies (IT) that add value for consumers. We focus on the customer's perspective by identifying the key benefits consumers seek when they enter into IT-mediated interactions with sellers. We review the IS-CRM literature and identify 8 critical IT categories that have the potential for changing how buyers and sellers establish and maintain relationships in the Internet era. Subsequently, we introduce a conceptual model, which considers the nature of the consumer's involvement with sellers through emergent Internet-based technologies in juxtaposition to potential technology-based benefits to consumers. We then discuss the implications of this proposed direction. Finally, we discuss a future research agenda, which considers the use of IT in relationship management.  相似文献   

本文认为,我国医院营销行为中存在的主要问题有:营销意识淡薄,营销观念滞后;营销组织不健全,营销人才缺乏;市场调研不科学,信息反馈不到位;医疗服务同质化,市场开拓能力较弱;医药费用虚高,医疗服务定价不合理;营销手段单一,宣传力度不够;医疗诚信缺失,过度推销严重等等。文章提出,提高医院营销管理水平,一要树立营销意识,更新营销观念;二要建立健全专职营销组织,积极培养和引进营销专业人才;三要充分发挥营销部门的主导作用,实现医院营销手段和营销主体的有效整合;四要加强诚信教育,完善管理机制,遏制过度推销行为。  相似文献   

Though the techniques of three-dimensional stereography have existed for 150 years and have been widely used in various scientific disciplines, they have seldom found their way into the marketing mainstream. Yet the applications of stereo 3-D approaches may contribute to enhanced vividness, clarity, realism, and depth in the presentation of stimulus materials, collection of data, analysis of results, and communication of findings by marketing researchers as well as in the design and implementation of marketing-mix strategies by marketing managers. Accordingly, as an introduction to stereographic methods, the present paper demonstrates the power of stereo 3-D and illustrates some potential uses of such effects in the visualization of marketing-related information.W. T. Dillard Professor of Marketing  相似文献   

<正>营销科学与营销艺术的劣势平衡将被打破回顾百年营销史,我们不难发现营销科学和营销艺术始终都是市场营销理念和应用的双螺旋DNA,围绕二者孰轻孰重的话题也从来就没有间断过。营销科学为营销  相似文献   

Using clickstream panel data from an automobile ad campaign conducted on a mobile platform, we investigate the relevance of mobile advertising, the interrelationships between ad content, information search behavior, and advertising response. Temporally, we compare mobile users' search behavior and advertising response before and during a focal campaign event of an automobile show. Spatially, we examine their search behavior and advertising response in relation to their proximity to the show's location. Estimation results from individual-user random effects binary Logit and Poisson count models show that users' responses to mobile advertising are related to the depth and breadth of search and the ad content. While informative and persuasive ad content exhibits differential non-linear effects on the depth and breadth of search, they have similar effects on advertising response. Interestingly, spatial and temporal proximity of mobile ad campaigns may not lead to increased relevance of mobile campaigns; it depends on the type of ad content and the type of measure used to assess relevance.  相似文献   

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