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Design thinking   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Brown T 《Harvard business review》2008,86(6):84-92, 141
In the past, design has most often occurred fairly far downstream in the development process and has focused on making new products aesthetically attractive or enhancing brand perception through smart, evocative advertising. Today, as innovation's terrain expands to encompass human-centered processes and services as well as products, companies are asking designers to create ideas rather than to simply dress them up. Brown, the CEO and president of the innovation and design firm IDEO, is a leading proponent of design thinking--a method of meeting people's needs and desires in a technologically feasible and strategically viable way. In this article he offers several intriguing examples of the discipline at work. One involves a collaboration between frontline employees from health care provider Kaiser Permanente and Brown's firm to reengineer nursing-staff shift changes at four Kaiser hospitals. Close observation of actual shift changes, combined with brainstorming and rapid prototyping, produced new procedures and software that radically streamlined information exchange between shifts. The result was more time for nursing, better-informed patient care, and a happier nursing staff. Another involves the Japanese bicycle components manufacturer Shimano, which worked with IDEO to learn why 90% of American adults don't ride bikes. The interdisciplinary project team discovered that intimidating retail experiences, the complexity and cost of sophisticated bikes, and the danger of cycling on heavily trafficked roads had overshadowed people's happy memories of childhood biking. So the team created a brand concept--"Coasting"--to describe a whole new category of biking and developed new in-store retailing strategies, a public relations campaign to identify safe places to cycle, and a reference design to inspire designers at the companies that went on to manufacture Coasting bikes.  相似文献   

Security Design     
We explain why an issuer may wish to raise external capital by selling multiple financial claims that partition its total asset cash flows, rather than a single claim. We show that, in an asymmetric information environment, the issuer's expected revenue is enhanced by such cash flow partitioning because it makes informed trade more profitable. This approach seems capable of shedding light on corporate incentives to issue debt and equity, as well as on financial intermediaries' incentives to issue multiple classes of claims against portfolios of securitized assets.  相似文献   

产品是企业的中心,企业的一切政策、规划、运营都是以产品为中心展开的.在产品设计中实现设计管理,对我国企业具有重要意义.设计管理跨越了企业中传统的部门界限,使企业形成一种新的、更加紧密的结构,有助于企业建立协作优势.设计管理在产品设计中的实现应建立产品设计管理的组织框架并遵循产品设计管理的原则.  相似文献   

企业为了实现利益最大化,在不违反国家税法的前提下,可以在筹资、投资、利润分配以及纳税申报等方面进行合理筹划、安排,以达到税负最小化。税收筹划是一种高层次的理财活动,它对税收筹划主体提出了较高的要求。  相似文献   

经过几十年的发展,软件企业的编程理念经历了随意编程、面向结构、面向对象、面向构件、面向Web服务等几个阶段。本文从软件系统的研发过程,结合软件设计过程,研究了软件设计发展中的体系结构、原理和方法,对其系统总体结构进行详细的分析和设计,阐述了SOA对软件研发过程的重要意义以及对软件设计思维的重要变革。  相似文献   

三益中国为商业地产带来了一种全新的商业模式,这或许是一个问号,但它也可能是一个感叹号。  相似文献   

随着Web2.0的进一步深入发展,用户体验设计和优化越来越受到重视,不少公司设置了专门的用户体验工程师或用户体验分析员,对系统进行用户体验测试及改善。对于银行业的应用系统而言,其受众主要是银行客户和内部业务人员,客户对于交易服务、行内人员对于流程操作的体验敏感程度也越来越高。  相似文献   

国内商业银行面临着来自外资独立法人银行的强有力的挑战,需要不断开拓中间业务的范围和市场,顺应市场需要,满足客户需求。完善的中间业务平台是提  相似文献   

2008年是中国改革开发的第三十年,也是中国全面履行加入WTO后金融业开放承诺的第三年,由此中国金融管理体制的改革也进入了更深入的阶段.中国股市经历了近2年的疯狂后从2008年开始急转直下,一路跌穿了2000点,仅两年间便经历了4000点的涨跌,涨跌幅分别高达300%和60%.  相似文献   

中国建设银行(以下简称建行)在实现了内蒙古自治区清算集中后,对原有资金运营体系做了较大的改变。撤消了各二级分行清算中心,内蒙古自治区只保留一级分行清算中心。即只设一个联行号,所有区外汇划往来业务产生的资金汇差,都由一级分行清算中心与总行进行头寸清算。另外,随着建行业务的发展,一些新的业务品种不断涌现,例如证券业务、重要客户服务系统、网上银行、现代化支付等。这些新系统产生的资金汇差也都要求由一级分行清算中心与总行进行头寸清算,然后再在城综网内逐级向下清算。在这种状况下,如果一级分行仍然采用古老的手工方式,于次…  相似文献   

在吴滨看来,用顶尖的设计去影响行业的方向,用一流的软装定制服务高端人群,才是世尊家居的目标。  相似文献   

Informed Lending and Security Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the role of security design when lenders make inefficient accept or reject decisions after screening projects. Lenders may be either “too conservative,” in which case they reject positive‐NPV projects, or “too aggressive,” in which case they accept negative‐NPV projects. In the first case, the uniquely optimal security is debt. In the second case, it is levered equity. In equilibrium, profitable projects that are relatively likely to break even are financed with debt, while less profitable projects are financed with equity. Highly profitable projects are financed by uninformed arm's‐length lenders.  相似文献   

篠原兴 《银行家》2004,(10):120-122
亚洲金融危机以来,亚洲各国一直在讨论如何规避金融风险。建立亚洲货币基金成为一个主要途径。篠原兴教授是日本存款保险公司副总裁,曾任东京银行资本市场部部长,国际通货研究所负责人。他向我们讲述了对亚洲货币基金的构想。  相似文献   

金融期货合约规模的大小会对市场交易造成影响。过小的合约规模将增加交易者的交易成本,而过大的合约规模却会阻止一些小额交易者进入市场,使得成交量减小,买卖价差价值扩大,市场交易效率降低。合约规模是否合理可通过比例法和合约风险价值法来判断。我国开展金融期货,可采用先大合约规模、后小合约规模方式进行。  相似文献   

现代营销学理论指出,在日益成熟的市场经济条件下,市场竞争不断深化,产品的复制与模仿速度不断加快,产品的价格、品质、性能等要素的同质性日趋明显,没有任何一种产品的优势可以长久地保持下去。一家商业银行要比对手更多地赢得市场和客户,必须掌握全面的客户信息,潜心研究客户的需求,不断开发适合客户需求的新产品,通过立体的销售和营销渠道,在合适的时机,将客户最需要的产品,推荐和销售给目标客户。在帮助客户实现价值最大化的同时,实现银行自身价值的最大化。  相似文献   

Rational Beliefs and Security Design   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article studies the security-design problem of a cash-constrainedfirm facing investors with diverse beliefs. Investor "rationalbeliefs" are modeled as varying and yet rational in the senseof Kurz (1994a). With two investors, optimal designs are similarunder rational beliefs and rational expectations. With manyinvestors, however, optimal securities under rational beliefsmaximize investor differences of opinion, while under rationalexpectations optimal designs minimize disagreements. We demonstratethat the common practice of issuing multiple securities backedby a single asset is optimal under rational beliefs but notunder rational expectations. Researching market beliefs cancreate substantial value for firms.  相似文献   

为了与烟草公司开展更深层次的合作,充分发挥银行与烟草公司的网络优势,改进烟草公司原有的配送模式,建设银行江苏省分行营业部在原城市综合网系统的基础上,开发了烟草电子结算系统,实现了银行与烟草公司的联网.该系统的使用方便了卷烟零售户与烟草公司,巩固了烟草公司这一重要客户,为我行进一步挖掘合作潜力提供了有力的技术支持.  相似文献   

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