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Fracture prevention strategies will be most cost-effective if targeted at groups of frail elderly people who are at particularly high risk of falls and fractures. Elderly people living in residential and nursing homes are one potential target population, but fracture incidence in this setting remains poorly defined in many countries. We have used the All Wales Injury Surveillance System (AWISS) in a population-based study of people aged over 65 living in the city of Cardiff. We linked a postal code-based register of all care homes in the city with injury data from Cardiff’s only Accident and Emergency department. Cardiff has 47,520 residents aged over 65, and 1,874 (3.9%) live in residential or nursing homes. Fracture incidence was 25/1,000/year overall, and 5/1,000/year for hip fracture. During 1997, the care home residents suffered 162 fractures, 82 of which were of the hip; an incidence of 86/1,000/year overall, 44/1,000/year for hip fracture. Even after adjustment for the age and sex profile of the care home population, fracture incidence remained 2.3 times higher and hip fracture incidence 3.6 times higher than in the general elderly population. Such figures support the potential cost-effectiveness of strategies that prevent fractures in care homes, and are of special interest to those planning intervention studies in this setting.  相似文献   


This research was carried out on behalf of the Australia National Audit Office to obtain an estimate of the direct hospital and medical treatment costs of consumer product-related injury in Australia.

Overall, it is estimated that there are almost 5.5 million cases of consumer product-related injury seeking medical attention annually with over 238,000 of these requiring hospitalisation and over 4,000 resulting in death. It is estimated that almost half a million of these cases were related to product failure or malfunction with 18,000 of these requiring hospitalisation and 200 resulting in death.

The direct hospital and medical treatment of all non-intentional consumer product-related injury in Australia is estimated to cost at least $A i 355 million annual ly. This includes treatment costs of injury associated with product failure or malfunction of at least $A95 million.

The Commonwealth government of Australia bears most of this burden through its support of State hospital systems and the universal health insurance scheme Medicare. The report concludes that the high cost of medical and hospital treatment of consumer product-related injury indicates the need to undertake a coordinated program aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of such injury and makes several recommendations particularly in relation to data collection and the dissemination of information in the area of consumer product safety in Australia.  相似文献   


Online consumers make frequent use of the Internet to search for product and price information. In this study, an online model is proposed and empirically tested in investigating the role of tolerance for sacrifice gap in understanding customers' intention to seek for a better deal. Data was collected through an online survey. Structural equation modeling was employed to test hypotheses. The results show that tolerance for sacrifice gap was not only a strong predictor of intention for continuing search but also itself being related to consumer product knowledge, perceived control, and consumer product involvement. Direct relationship between another construct “perceived reduction in sacrifice gap” and “intention to seek for a better deal” was also found. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which consumers' price consciousness affects their purchase intentions for a newly introduced product when the price of the product is unknown. Based on data from 186 consumers exposed to a new product offering, the results show that price consciousness indeed has a negative effect on purchase intentions, but only for consumers with a high level of product category knowledge. Although perceived risk and perceived value are significantly related to purchase intentions in general, price consciousness seems to affect only those consumers who make inferences about price based on their knowledge of the product category. Both theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are offered.  相似文献   


Ever since the ‘new approach’ to the achievement of the Internal Market was adopted, the importance of European Standardization has increased. The standardization institutes are now responsible for the technical elaboration of requirements touching upon health and safety of consumers. Therefore, it is of major importance for consumer movements to have an input in the process. In this study, the consumer interest articulation in the ‘new approach’ policy-making process is looked into. The role consumer organizations play in both the pre-standardization and the actual standardization stage are dealt with. Toy safety is taken as a case-study, and the information for the research was mainly gathered from interviews with about 30 representatives of European and national consumer movements, government agencies and industry involved in this field

The study shows that the influence of consumers in the pre-standardization stage, when a directive is drafted and a mandate negotiated between the European Commission and the standardization institutes, is limited

As concerns the standardization stage, consumers have representation in technical committees and working groups of the European standardization institutes. The participation of European and national representatives is compared

The main findings of this research are that consumer input in the actual standardization process is crucial, since their input in the pre-standardization phase is limited. In addition to this, the European and the national consumer representatives are not equally successful in assuring consumer input in this particular policy area. The causes for this difference are considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(3):533-542
Retailers recently became required to provide specific country-of-origin information for muscle cuts of beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and goat. Drawing from the consumer inference and activation theory literatures, hypotheses are offered regarding how consumers use country-of-origin labeling (COOL) to draw inferences related to specific product attributes and how these inferences, in turn, lead to differences in mediation effects for purchase intentions. Results from a pilot study and two experiments reveal that consumers are more likely to purchase meat when it is identified as a U.S. product. Furthermore, the relative strength of the mediating effects of perceived food safety, taste, and freshness differs as expected. The authors show how the direct and indirect effects of the country-of-origin disclosure are attenuated by the presentation of objective information about the meat processing systems of competing countries. Given the recently mandated COOL disclosures, results have important implications for food retailers, members of the supply chain, and consumers.  相似文献   


The role of team and organizational factors affecting new product quality and their interactions as moderating the effects are examined. Results from a domestic study suggest that new product quality is positively affected by information capability in the team and quality orientation in the firm; in contrast, it is negatively related to the innovativeness of the new product as seen by the firm and speed-to-market pressure in the team. However, teams' information capabilities alleviate the negative effect of innovativeness on quality. Quality orientation lessens the relationship between information capability and new product quality. Functional diversity and tenure diversity do not affect new product quality. In addition, managerial implications and directions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

In environmental policy, it is increasingly accepted that more emphasis should be placed on consumption and its implications from the point of view of the environment. Another relatively new feature is the focus on products. At the policy level, this perspective is known as product‐oriented environmental policy or, in brief, product policy. This approach is closely related to the idea of product chain thinking, which means recognizing the fact that environmentally relevant decisions are made at all stages during the products’ life cycle, from raw material extraction to consumption and beyond. Based on a Finnish study on product chain actors and environmental improvements, this article discusses the role of consumers in product policy (i) with respect to theories on consumer mecision‐making and (ii) in the light of product chain thinking. As consumers’ decision‐making models with respect to consumer products are most often based on heuristics simplifying the decision process, incorporating environmental considerations into these models is a challenging task for environmental policy.  相似文献   

Street food vending is still popular in developing countries despite the giant stride recorded in the areas of food processing and global food supply in the last century. Its contribution to the socio‐economic development of the countries is evidenced by the volume of trade involved and provision of employment for significant portion of rural and urban populace. However, there has been persistent global concern on the risks of street food to the health of consumers because of the attitudes of practitioners throughout the chain. This review summarizes the findings of studies on awareness and perceptions of street food consumers to the hazards involved in street food, and their willingness to pay (WTP) premium for safety intervention. The major limitation to WTP is the extra cost that could result from the implementation of reports of WTP studies which could disenfranchise those consumers that may not be able to afford the premium. This review, therefore, recommends the formulation and enforcement of appropriate public policies that would cover the entire chain of street food vending for the safety of everybody along the chain and the protection of the health of the consumers.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present data from an 18-month-long longitudinal study of a sample of 40 people who received a test for cancer and who were subsequently advised by health professionals on the dietary changes that would lead to improved health. This study investigates the ways that behaviour change is instigated (or not) and how people cope with these changes. We use the Stages of Change model to categorise people by their dominant behavioural response to the test (maintainers, recyclers, no change). From these categorisations, we develop an in-depth understanding of the experience of their behavioural response. By looking at the three possible behavioural responses in this way, we provide insights into the different cognitive, emotional, and behavioural response to the disease trigger. We evaluate the implications for social marketing theory and public policy makers.  相似文献   

Purpose: Although alliances offer tremendous strategic potential, firms still struggle to successfully manage new product development alliances (NPD alliances). A prominent explanation for this is the institutional economics' view (see Williamson 1985 Williamson, O. E. 1985. The economic institutions of capitalism: Firms, markets, relational contracting, New York: The Free Press.  [Google Scholar]) that, in general, a key disadvantage of alliances versus vertical integration is that administrative control mechanisms are weaker. Here, a key control mechanism is formalization (the use of explicit rules to govern business activities).

However, regarding formalization's influence on both NPD and alliance performance, conceptual views and empirical findings are mixed, which suggest that unexamined variables moderate formalization's influence on NPD performance.

Therefore, it is surprising that there is no research on whether formalization's influence differs in alliances pursuing an NPD exploration strategy versus an NPD exploitation strategy because both (1) require varying levels of freedom of action and adherence to procedural rules to achieve success, and (2) are extensively employed in NPD.

Further, there is also surprisingly little intrafirm NPD and non-NPD alliance research on formalization in exploration and exploitation contexts because here as well formalization's influence on performance (1) is central, and (2) differs based on the project's innovative and learning intent.

The purpose of this research is to begin to close important literature and industry practice knowledge gaps about formalization's influence on NPD alliance performance in exploitation versus exploration strategic contexts.

Originality, value, and contribution: This research is the first examination ever of two key NPD strategies—exploration and exploitation—in an NPD alliance context. The research sheds light on conflicting views about formalization's NPD performance-enhancing and inhibiting aspects, and offers implications for industry best practices.

Methodology/approach: Empirical examination of survey data from 151 NPD alliances via hierarchical regression and tests of group moderation.

Findings: Results shed light on when and why formalization moderates the influence of key fundamental alliance success mechanisms on NPD alliance performance based on strategic context.  相似文献   

This research aims to understand the process of cars' disposal, its context, its influences and its impacts on the meanings for consumers and their identities, as well as the new behaviours of these consumers when living without their car(s). We conducted, analysed and interpreted 20 in‐depth interviews with consumers that had previously owned at least one car and had no financial reasons for disposing of their car(s), but had decided to do it, and started to live without them, adopting alternative methods of transportation. Our findings show that these consumers faced a complicated process regarding the disposal of their car(s) but, due to the changes in their circumstances, they re‐signified relevant concepts that were connected to the ownership of a car: Their perception of freedom, comfort, safety and status changed during and after the disposal of their car(s). We also noticed that there were implications in terms of changes in their attitudes and behaviour as both citizens and consumers. As a contribution to the literature, our findings indicate that the re‐signifying of concepts related to possession of the object as well as changes in attitudes and behaviours that consumers undergo in the postdisposal stage, must be included in the model proposed for evaluating consumer behaviour in product disposal.  相似文献   

在双循环新发展格局的背景下,文章以新结构经济学理论为指导,选取中国苹果优势主产区现货市场和期货市场数据,运用可解决内生性问题的自回归分布滞后模型和误差修正模型,从空间结构和时间结构两个维度检验中国苹果市场整合关系,并从生产要素结构视角揭示市场整合异质性的产生原因。研究表明:(1)从主产区内部结构看,环渤海湾产区山东、辽宁和河北市场之间存在长期分割现象,黄土高原产区陕西、甘肃和山西市场之间也存在长期分割现象;(2)从主产区外部结构看,山东和陕西市场之间处于长期整合状态;(3)从时间结构看,期货市场与山东、陕西现货市场存在长期整合关系,期货市场与其他省份的现货市场不存在长期整合关系。  相似文献   

EC transport law is set to be complemented by a series of Regulations giving rights to passengers for almost every mode of transport. These Regulations not only give transport law a distinct consumer dimension but also add new elements to European private law. This paper attempts to provide a horizontal, or intermodal, survey of these Regulations, adopted and proposed. It is argued that passenger law, although originating separately and remaining a sector distinct from other fields of law, has become part of a wider, three-stranded notion of European consumer policy deserving due attention as the force most dynamically expanding the area of Community law of contracts and of torts. The paper will point to the elements of consumer contract law and the law on travel and tourism related to passenger transport and elaborate on the basics for finding a common notion of the key terms like “passenger” and “damage” for Community law. It concludes with some points for further reflection.
Jens KarstenEmail:

Purpose: The study aims to examine the critical factors affecting the implementation of a formalized new product development (NPD) process in a business-to-business (B-to-B) company with product-driven growth.

Methodology/approach: Case study using a combination of survey, artifacts, and long interviews

Findings: The findings suggest that (1) the initial phase proficiency can improve NPD effectiveness (NPD program performance) and NPD efficiency (i.e., time-to-market), but this relationship is moderated by the effective communication of the new NPD process throughout the entire firm; (2) the process formalization enhances time-to-market and NPD program performance, but its effects are asymmetric and contingent upon the decision concerning the inclusion of ad hoc and extended NPD team members; and (3) the product approval (executive) committee’s (PAC) ineffective communication could alienate team members from NPD efforts while resource availability moderates the influence of PAC’s decision making quality on time-to-market.

Research implications: Future research could examine the PAC decision-making quality as a multidimensional construct, composed of rigor and timeliness dimensions. That way, a more granular understanding of the effect of PAC decisions could be achieved. Future studies could make a clear distinction of the NPD process type in the study context when NPD decisions are examined.

Practical implications: Managers should acknowledge that decision-making processes and their comprehension by worker bees affect an NPD program’s success. It is interesting to note that removing go-no go decisions by the product approval committees at each phase may not lead to faster product development as these executive committee meetings have double entendre: they are not only to get the executives informed and get their signoff, but also is a facilitator to capital approvals. Hence, appropriate measures must be taken to remove or ease all bottlenecks in the NPD process.

Originality/value/contribution: This study uncovers several crucial factors that can improve the effectiveness and time-to-market of an NPD program in B-to-B companies, especially when firms implement a new formalized NPD process.  相似文献   

In rapidly developing economies, like urban India, where road traffic injury rates are among the world's highest, the corporate workplace offers a non-traditional venue for road safety interventions. In partnership with a major multinational corporation (MNC) with a large Indian workforce, this study aimed to elicit local employee perspectives on road safety to inform a global corporate health platform. The safety attitudes and behaviours of 75 employees were collected through self-report survey and focus groups in the MNC offices in Bangalore and Pune. Analysis of these data uncovered incongruity between employee knowledge of safety strategies and their enacted safety behaviours and identified local preference for interventions and policy-level actions. The methods modelled by this study offer a straightforward approach for eliciting employee perspective for local road safety interventions that fit within a global strategy to improve employee health. Study findings suggest that MNCs can employ a range of strategies to improve the road traffic safety of their employees in settings like urban India including: implementing corporate traffic safety policy, making local infrastructure changes to improve road and traffic conditions, advocating for road safety with government partners and providing employees with education and access to safety equipment and safe transportation options.  相似文献   

This article examines the 1866 Oaks Colliery explosion as a case study for the wider context of coal mining safety. Behaviour within the mine is explored, along with how safety legislation was actually enacted there. Doing so allows the changing attitudes of the state, the owners and management, and the workers to be understood, and combines disparate literatures. It displays the process of establishing state responsibility for industrial workers, and the safety duties understood by other parties. Findings reveal the closeness of the state to the owners that created vague safety laws, and the risks deemed suitable to work under.  相似文献   

Even though a large amount of research has investigated how different factors impact new product performance in different contexts, little attention has been paid to exploring the drivers of new product success for businesses in Asia. This study therefore focuses on this issue by using a meta-analytic approach to aggregate the empirical findings of studies published before 2011. By controlling several contextual factors (product type, unit of analysis and time), the results from generalized least-squared analyses show that the predictor–performance relationships are stronger for Asian firms when the predictors are market orientation, marketing synergy, technological synergy, product advantage, product innovativeness, cross-functional integration, top management support, pre-development proficiency, technological proficiency, market potential and technological turbulence. In addition, the results also reveal that most of the performance effects of the predictors are different between low-technology and high-technology products.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):9-16
Data protection is important to businesses, and increasingly so as the paper-based world fades into memory. Information safeguards that were sufficient in the past no longer are in the current digitized environment. It is incumbent upon companies to keep their data secure, but what constitutes reasonable protection? In this installment of Business Law & Ethics Corner, we tackle this question and proffer Draper’s Catastrophe Value Curve as an assessment tool toward that end.  相似文献   

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