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The aim was to highlight the role of childcare products as causes for mild brain injury (concussion) in small children (0-4 years of age) and to determine the most dangerous products. By childcare products this report means the following items: child and baby furniture, nursing tables, baby walkers, toys, baby carriages, sport equipment for children, playground equipment and security equipment for children. The data were derived from the EHLASS (European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System) for 1998 and 1999 and covered a restricted population of Sweden (approximately 5 per cent). According to this register 182 mild brain injuries (concussions) were recorded following a fall, an accident or a blow to the head among children (0-4 years of age) during 1998 and 158 for 1999. Of those injuries, childcare products were the cause of the accident in 84 (46 per cent) and 76 (48 per cent) cases respectively for 1998 and 1999. The number of children admitted for hospital care was 68 (57/84) and 74 (56/76) per cent respectively. The home was the most common place of the accident and play and leisure activity were the most common activities. More than 50 per cent of these accidents took place during daytime. The product type that caused most accidents was nursery furniture and, in this category, the baby walker was the most dangerous. The product type that caused the second most frequent accidents was playground equipment.  相似文献   

As the field of injury outcomes measurement has moved beyond counting deaths and injuries, the need for instruments to measure long-term outcomes has increased. Early validation efforts indicated that the Functional Capacity Index (pFCI12) was a promising tool for predicting functional loss 12 months post trauma, but that the predictive validity for lower extremity fractures was low. The pFCI12 was recently revised in conjunction with the 2005 revision of the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). This preliminary study was undertaken to assess the performance of the revised pFCI12 in predicting outcomes for patients with lower extremity trauma. This case review study used the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Research (CIREN) database which includes AIS codes, extensive clinical data and 3- and 12-month outcomes. Generally predicted functional loss at 12 months was greater with the pFCI12 (AIS 2005) than with the original FCI based on AIS 1990. All patients whose pFCI12 scores predicted functional loss experienced some morbidity at 1 year. The pFCI12 appears to provide improved predictions of functional outcome 12-months post-trauma for persons experiencing lower extremity trauma.  相似文献   

The diversity between the country-scores of Hofstede, Schwartz, GLOBE, Håkanson and Ambos and Dow and Karunaratna is the main focus of this study. To investigate the correlation between the country-scores of these CD (Cultural Distance), pPD (perceived Psychic Distance) and PDs (Psychic Distance stimuli) instruments we apply the Mantel test, a test predominantly used in anthropology and genetics, which can be particularly insightful when examining “distance” data. The matrix correlation findings provide evidence supporting the high diversity between these measures and their lack of consistent results for the same countries. Therefore, despite the similarity between the way of conceptualizing and operationalizing CD that Hofstede, Schwartz and GLOBE share, these CD measures do not report consistent findings. Consistently, the lack of correlation, between the PDs measure of Dow & Karunaratna and pPD of Håkanson & Ambos, indicates the diversity between PD stimuli measures and perceived PD measures. At the same time, while the two Psychic Distance (PD) measures indicate high correlation in some cases, overall they are highly diverse from the CD measures. We argue, therefore, that identical studies could reach significantly different conclusions by simply using different measures of CD,pPD&PDs which then denotes significant implications for the reliability of research findings. Additionally, we point out potential weaknesses of these measures when examining culturally proximate countries and multicultural nations.  相似文献   


In this paper the results are presented of a national survey on playground safety in The Netherlands. Thirteen trained inspectors each inspected 51 playgrounds in their own region. In total, 663 playgrounds with 7150 pieces of playground equipment were subjected to an inspection. The following safety criteria were inspected: entanglement, surfacing material, installation and maintenance aspects. The results show that one out of every three pieces of playground equipment fail on one or more criteria. The number of pieces of equipment that fail in playgrounds operated by local authorities or recreational companies is higher than that in playgrounds operated by voluntary associations. The smaller the playground the higher the number of failures per piece of equipment

The time has come for experts to provide the operators with information which will improve the safety level. More funding should be provided for the local authorities to prevent the occurrence of accidents.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the geographic and social differences in injury risks across living areas in a small semi-urban Swedish municipality. The study population consisted of all people living in the municipality during the years 1992–1996 (31,820, December 1996). Area comparisons were made based on data related to the municipality’s 15 census districts and grouped according to the geographic location and three different social characteristics (proportion of unemployed, of low educated, or of people born outside Sweden). Injury data was gathered for the period 1992–1996 from two data sources: Sweden’s National Hospital Discharge Register, and the local outpatient register. Three diagnosis groups were used: all injuries aggregated, traffic injuries and other unintentional injuries. Odds-ratios were calculated for males and females separately. There were no remarkable differences in injury risks between areas, whether compared on the basis of their geographic location or some of their socio-economic characteristics. These findings could be attributed to either a lack of sensitivity of the measures employed or the existence of a well-functioning safety promotion program in the municipality that impacts on injury risk distribution between areas. This, in turn, does not imply that members of underprivileged social groups are not in need of special support regardless of the area to which they belong.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a modeling framework that keeps track of the interdependency between firms’ external financing structure and the state of the economy. Accordingly, it is based on the well‐known Kaleckian model which is combined with a modeling strategy of a sentiment index that was proposed by Franke (2012, 2014). The sentiment influences firms’ subjective sales expectations and thus their planned level of investment. As it turns out, the non‐linear model set‐up appears to be flexible in the sense that it is able to generate different interesting dynamic scenarios. It is shown that it may produce (a) sentiment‐driven business cycle fluctuations, including endogenously determined Minsky‐Koo‐kind recessions, and, more interestingly, (b) two distinct economic environments that exist contemporaneously: a ‘low‐’ and ‘high‐indebted’ regime.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution of motorcyclists, including drivers and passengers, who were involved in road traffic crashes and admitted to hospital in Vientiane Capital, Laos. The focus was on child motorcycle drivers and passengers under 15 years. A hospital-based injury surveillance database in Vientiane Capital was used. The surveillance was performed in two hospitals. From 1 September to 31 December 2009, 3968 patients were admitted to the participating hospitals with road traffic injuries. Patients under 15 years accounted for 10.8% (427/3968). The majority of patients under 15 years were motorcycle drivers or passengers (71.7%, 306/427). Child motorcyclists including drivers and passengers were less likely to wear a helmet than adults (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.3, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.2–0.5, for children 10–14 years; adjusted OR: 0.1, 95% CI, 0.05–0.4, for children under 10 years). It is suggested that stricter regulation enforcement for child motorcycle drivers and passengers may be needed. In addition, barriers against wearing helmets for motorcycle drivers and passengers in Laos should also be examined in further studies.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of external and internal scale economies on the decision to start exporting and the level of exports of innovating firms. Based on new trade theory, increasing returns to scale—both internal and external scale economies—are considered an important source of comparative and competitive advantage. The empirical analysis of (small) innovating firms in The Netherlands leads to two main findings. First, firms that are located in technical Marshallian clusters seem less inclined to become exporters. Availability of technical knowledge alone does not help to reduce entry costs that come with the decision to export and/or marketing and sales costs in order to achieve a higher export performance. Second, firms that experience difficulties in appropriating innovation rents due to labour poaching also seem to be less inclined to become exporters. The explanation for this second finding is the importance of outgoing knowledge spillovers, which is particularly relevant for small, product innovating firms. This reduces their probability to export. However, if firms export, the knowledge leaking argument is not valid for the export performance of the firm.  相似文献   

This study examines the gender gap in start-up activities to determine whether it is family status or employment status that is responsible for the observed gender gap. We consider independent entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as two different start-up modes: While intrapreneurship is conducted within an established organization, independent entrepreneurship is solely an independent activity. This study focuses on this fundamental distinction to identify the parameters of our empirical model. Using nationally representative US data, we find that the effects of being a part-time worker on the likelihood of becoming an independent entrepreneur differ across genders. The obtained results suggest similar findings for intrapreneurship, but in opposite directions. Furthermore, our decomposition results suggest that for both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, the gender differences in the employment-related variables are more significant than those in the family-related variables in affecting the observed gender gap negatively (for entrepreneurship) or positively (for intrapreneurship).  相似文献   

<统计法>及一系列配套的统计法律法规的颁布和实施,为统计活动提供了具体而明确的行为准则,解决了统计工作有法可依的问题.由于各种因素的影响,统计工作中有法不依的现象还大量存在,造成了部分统计数据失实,严重影响了政府的宏观调控和决策的正确性,也影响了政府统计的声誉.因此,加强统计法制建设,充分发挥统计工作在现代化建设中的重要作用,是我们亟待研究和解决的一个课题.  相似文献   

This paper studies cross-country differences in productivity from an open economy perspective by using a Helpman-Krugman-Heckscher-Ohlin model that embraces the single-cone model and a one-sector economy with factor deepening as particular cases. To estimate the model, I combine tools from development accounting and the factor content of trade literature. When simultaneously fitting data on income, factor prices and the factor content of trade, I find that the one-sector model is by far better supported by the data than the single-cone model. Rich countries have far higher productivities of human capital than poor ones, while differences in physical capital productivity are not related to income per worker. Finally, I estimate an aggregate elasticity of substitution between human and physical capital that is significantly below one.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the frequency and distribution of swimming pool injuries in The Netherlands. Data and methods: We used data of the Dutch Injury Surveillance System, which collects national data on patients treated in a hospital emergency department anywhere in The Netherlands. This system is based on a sample of 16 hospitals, which is representative for the whole country. With the help of pooled data for the years 1995 and 1996, we estimated the annual frequency of swimming pool injuries treated in a hospital emergency department. We made a comparison with the epidemiology of sports injuries with respect to the observed distribution by age, gender, type of injury and injury severity. Results: The average annual number of people seeking treatment at an emergency department after a swimming pool accident is small compared with the average annual number of sports injuries. Almost half of the swimming pool injuries (45%) concern 5–14 year-old children, a much higher proportion than found in sports injuries (27%). In addition, the relative importance of head injuries is considerably higher in swimming pool injuries (35%) than in sports injuries (12%). Swimming pool injuries and sports injuries have equal proportions of patients who are subsequently admitted to hospital (3%). Conclusion: The epidemiology of swimming pool injuries is characterized by a high proportion of 5–14 year-old children and a high share of head injuries. Although the frequency of swimming pool injuries is low, preventive efforts should not be neglected.  相似文献   

Conclusion In the analysis of economic phenomena either within or across industries there is room for integrating the role of small business. This contribution can be made by aggregation or generalization of the findings at the meso level, which again are partly based upon analyses at the micro level.The Netherlands has a long history in macro model building. A recent discussion among Dutch macro-economists considered the future of econometric model building at the macro level, and considered how best to improve this model building. The explicit integration of scale effects, however, was not mentioned. I am convinced that improvements in this respect are possible. In particular, I have in mind the role which small businesses play in certain areas such as wage structure, employment or investments. The dissection of macro prognoses into a small business component and a remaining component is a traditional practice in The Netherlands. Finally, there is much concern in The Netherlands for the calculation of regulatory effects, decomposed into effects for small and large businesses. If anywhere in the world there is a solid foundation for studying scale effects in both macro and sectoral models, it most certainly has been in The Netherlands. There is a strong tradition of macro-econometric model building; groups of econometricians specialized in small business research exist; Dutch policymakers show concern and the required research apparatus is available.

保障数据库系统安全,不仅涉及应用技术,还包括管理等层面上的问题.  相似文献   

文章对会计管理存在的问题及存在问题的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

现代社会经济和技术的迅猛发展,已经将我们带入了一个多元化发展的崭新社会.会计行业的内容也愈加丰富,企业会计、预算会计体系也随着企事业单位的财务工作的完善而逐渐建立起来.由于预算会计体系形成慢,还不够成熟,那么如何让该体系在新社会形式下发挥更加强大的作用,本文就预算会计体系在执行过程中存在的问题展开了深入的讨论.  相似文献   

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