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This study evaluated Haitian consumers’ preferences for three attributes of roasted peanuts: form (dry‐roasted vs. honey‐roasted), country of origin (Haiti vs. USA) and price (lowest vs. most common vs. highest). A sample of 199 respondents from three locations near Port‐au‐Prince revealed that price was overwhelmingly the most important attribute, although three well‐differentiated consumer segments were identified: the largest (44% of the sample) based strictly on price; a second (29%) distinguished by preference for honey‐roasted peanuts of Haitian origin; and a third (27%) preferring dry‐roasted peanuts imported from the USA. Segment membership was predicted by gender, education, household size, survey location and whether or not respondents were themselves the purchasers of the peanuts and peanut butter they consumed. Market simulation of a proposed, new domestic product (honey‐roasted peanuts from Haiti) revealed that a price near that of the currently imported product would maximize domestic revenues at about 15% above the current base.  相似文献   

Worldwide incidence of food‐borne disease has increased in recent years and data suggest that inadequate food‐handling behaviour in the domestic environment may be an important factor. As a consequence of this, research into aspects of consumer food safety has been undertaken, especially in the UK and USA. The overall aims of conducting such research have been to investigate aspects of consumer food safety behaviour and to utilize information in the development of effective food safety education initiatives. In the past 25 years, 87 consumer food safety studies have been undertaken using different research methodologies; 75% utilized survey techniques (questionnaires and interviews), 17% were based on direct observation, and 8% utilized focus groups. The advantages and disadvantages of the different research methods used are discussed. Similarly, different forms of reliability and validity have been considered in the context of each research method used. A comparison of results from consumer food safety studies has shown that use of different research designs and approaches has resulted in differences in the findings about consumer food safety behaviour. Survey responses have provided a more optimistic portrayal of consumer food safety behaviour than data obtained from focus groups and direct observation. Although consumers have demonstrated knowledge, positive attitudes and intentions to implement safe practices, substantially larger proportions of consumers have been observed to implement frequent malpractices. This suggests that observational data provide the most reliable information denoting consumers’ actual food safety behaviour and should be used preferentially with risk‐based data for the design of communication strategies.  相似文献   

[目的]研究开发针对PVC玩具中包括欧盟指令1999/815/EC禁用的DBP、BBP、DEHP、DNOP、DINP、DIDP在内的8种增塑剂的GC/MS测定方法.[方法]采用二氯甲烷做萃取剂,用溶剂抽提仪在两个小时内实现快速增塑剂提取,采用总离子流色谱(TIC)和选择离子色谱(SIM)测定增塑剂含量.[结果]解决了含多种同分异构体的DINP、DIDP与DNOP之间色谱峰重叠的问题,具有较好的线性关系及回收率.[结论]可满足欧盟法规的检测限要求.  相似文献   

本文以销售人员的新产品采用为视角,在回顾相关文献的基础上,构建了销售人员新产品采用形成机理的理论模型。该理论模型指出销售人员自身的特征会影响其对新产品特质的评价,继而影响其预期顾客需求(ECD),这会最终影响其对新产品的采用和顾客采用;另外销售经理的产品采用、组织管理因素也会对销售人员的产品采用产生影响。  相似文献   

This study explores how customers utilize multiple channels in a recent retail environment. It provides a compatible framework for customer segmentation for overall products and major online-focused product categories, which reflect dynamic purchasing needs in multiple channels, using latent class cluster analysis and focusing on demographic characteristics. It extends prior studies’ frameworks by analyzing 15,938 Japanese single-source panelists’ data on low-involvement frequently purchased categories with customers’ demographics. The analyses revealed eight segments, including the specific properties of multi-channel enthusiasts. The findings imply that FMCG product classes and the corresponding consumer segments that are appropriate for cross-selling can be specified in our system, which incorporates possible future dynamic customer needs and can reduce the possibility of significant profit losses.  相似文献   

扩链剂应用于试制高聚合度PVC树脂工艺技术实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以扩链剂异氰脲酸三烯丙酯为研究对象,通过应用于试制SG2PVC树脂,从工艺技术角度介绍了应用过程和结果,指出了该扩链剂的应用条件及特点,可供工业生产SG2及更高聚合度PVC系列树脂作参考。  相似文献   

Stigmatization has only recently been linked with the perception of risk, and research into this area has mainly concentrated on measuring the differences between nationalities, gender and socio‐economic status. The concept of stigmatization helps us understand why the public views certain places, products, technology and environments as dangerous and in a negative manner. To date, little has been done to assess the relationships between the effects of stigmatization on situations and people's decision‐making capabilities with regard to food. The aim of this research is to examine food consumers’ knowledge of food‐related risk issues to provide insight into the process of stigmatization and its relationship to food risk management, thereby improving awareness of the information consumers require from food risk communication. To meet this aim, two phases of data collection were implemented. Phase 1 used a baseline survey to investigate consumer knowledge of food‐risk‐related issues, identify how much attention consumers pay to information and what they remember about the particular issues. Factors affecting participant's recollection included how recently the event associated with the issue occurred, the level of media coverage and the reported severity of risk outcome. Phase 2 involved a follow‐up survey to investigate consumer knowledge of food risk issues and determine any changes in consumer behaviour. Research results and conclusions of Phases 1 and 2 of the study will be presented to highlight the relationships between participant recollection of particular food issues and whether knowledge of such issues caused any change in behaviour.  相似文献   

This study analyses whether the perceived risk of purchasing technological products is less influential on the process of technological adoption when this effect is moderated by the product's multifunctional category (hedonic vs. utilitarian product characteristics). Four experiments were developed according to scenarios related to the multifunctional content (level of complexity according to the product category) of the technology and the number of functionalities in the products. The perception of risk has less effect on adoption when the product characteristics are manipulated to be more utilitarian or heighten the consumer's social value. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of which categories are less influenced by the perceived multifunctional risk of purchasing and adopting a new technology, as well as of when individual values overlap with consumers' risk perceptions. It also contributes managerially by identifying the profile of individuals who are more likely to consume innovations characterized by high complexity and functionality, and by providing guidance for the development of innovative products that prioritize utilitarian, rather than hedonic, characteristics.  相似文献   

国际供应链发展动因及其风险因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对国际供应链的产生和发展动因,以及国际供应链风险进行了分析,以使中国企业主动利用国际供应链,增强中国的国际竞争优势,从而促进中国经济的发展。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的发展,战略联盟系互联网技术不断发展与运用的产物,在企业战略中的作用越来越重要,风险是战略联盟的一个固定属性,联盟失败的比率一直居高不下,给参加联盟的各方都带来了相当大的经济和战略方面的损失。因此,在联盟管理过程中,要正视与规避风险,以真诚的合作促使战略联盟的健康发展。  相似文献   

ISM模型在风险结构分析中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
了解同一风险项目面临的不同风险之间的相互关系,知晓它们之间的关系是非常重要的,从这个方面应用ISM(解释结构模型)绘制风险关联层次图,为项目开发的风险管理提供一个科学的风险管理办法。  相似文献   

Psychological responses of consumers to specific stages of self-production activities are investigated in four studies. Findings reveal that consumer participation in the realization stage (physical production) enhances affective commitment to the product. However, physical production without opportunity to express choice or creativity during the production process does not change the symbolic meaning of the product (how self-expressive it is) and, therefore, does not result in identification with the product. Participation during the design stage (input-specification) enhances identification, leading to affective commitment, which in turn enhances evaluation of the self-made product. Finally, engaging consumers in both the realization and design stages of the production process does not create value for consumers over and above the main effects created by a high level of participation in either stage.  相似文献   

Based on the extant literature on the cultural/subcultural differences in socialization goals and parental practices in the childrearing process, this study compares Chinese–Canadian and Caucasian–Canadian families with respect to three issues central to consumer socialization – family communication patterns, children's consumer decision-making styles, and children's influence in family purchase decisions. Some significant results include: (1) Chinese–Canadian children perceived both of their parents as more socio-oriented than Caucasian–Canadian children perceived theirs whereas no significant between-group difference was found on the perceived level of concept-orientation for either parent; (2) Chinese–Canadian children, relative to their Caucasian–Canadian counterparts, exhibited more utilitarian and confused-by-overchoice consumer decision-making orientations but less social/conspicuous and impulsive orientations; and (3) Chinese–Canadian children exercised greater purchase influence than their Caucasian–Canadian counterparts for the adolescent ‘convenience’ product category but no difference was found for the adolescent ‘durable’ product category.  相似文献   

A two‐phase study was conducted in the Mopani and Vhembe Districts of the Limpopo Province of South Africa to identify types of small‐scale businesses used by households to improve their income. The study sample was made up of 240 households from 16 villages and members from 16 organizations working with households in small‐scale, business‐related activities. Phase one of the study collected data on the types of small‐scale businesses carried out by households and organizations assisting them. Phase two developed training manuals and offered training to households. The findings revealed that self‐employment from sales of prepared and processed foods provided the main source of income for most households. Clothing and needlework and housing and art/craft were also used by families to generate income. Problems experienced included lack of technical/management skills, lack of marketing/business skills, inadequate operational funds, low profit margins, unavailability of raw materials and competition from big businesses. The findings highlighted the importance of consumer science‐related skills in poverty alleviation programmes targeting low‐resource households.  相似文献   

我国企业并购过程中的风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年,企业并购行为在我国呈增长趋势,存在着大量的风险,在详细分析企业并购的各项基本步骤和可能存在的风险之基础上,结合我国企业并购行为的特点,提出了降低和规避风险的建议。  相似文献   

本研究发现企业员工的激励因素受社会经济发展水平、文化环境和人口学变量等方面的差异性的影响,省级改制企业员工激励因素的排序是管理机制与领导能力、工作环境、个体发展、薪酬保障和才为所用,而当前最迫切需要解决的企业员工外在激励因素是"薪酬保障"、内在激励因素是"个体发展",这与行为主义和国内学者关于激励因素的研究结论不尽一致.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with mothers’ use of strategies directed toward their 10‐year‐old children to pressure them to eat. The objective is to document the repertoire of strategies and their context of use. This child‐feeding practice is of interest because of its impact on the child's opportunities for the development of self‐control based on responsiveness to hunger and satiety cues. A total of 24 interviews and one focus group were conducted with French Canadian mothers. Data analyses reveal four major themes associated with the contexts in which pressure to eat were used: food purchasing, food preparation, meal service, food consumption. Strategies related to the context of food purchasing stress the importance of children's influence on family decisions. The strategies used at the time of preparation of meals illustrate the burden of tasks a mother takes on to ensure that her child consumes a particular food. With regard to meal service, very few strategies take into account the appetite of the child. Finally, the variety of strategies deployed at the time of consumption of foods supports the importance of informing parents of the undesirable effect of techniques associated with forcing the child to eat. Avenues for future research are presented.  相似文献   

本文根据竹(浆)纤维和棉纤维的物理化学性质及产品特点,采用不同批次的竹(浆)纤维和棉纤维混和进行试验,确定了用60%硫酸溶解竹(浆)纤维。试验条件为硫酸溶液浓度:60%±0.5%;溶解温度25℃±2℃;溶解时间20min±2min;浴比:1g试样:100~150ml溶剂;振荡速率140±10次/min。棉纤维的重量修正系数d=1.03,从而可准确、便捷地确定竹(浆)纤维/棉纤维混纺产品的纤维含量。  相似文献   

我国成品油价格形成机制评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现阶段我国采取国际三地原油价格加权基础上追加相应成本和利润的办法来确定国内成品油价格。此种定价机制曾起到一定的积极作用,但没有涉及价格机制的核心问题。随着近几年特别是2005年以来国际市场油价的频繁波动,现行成品油价格机制逐渐暴露出矛盾和问题,主要包括成品油价格变动滞后、国内油价长期低于国际油价和国内石油企业之间不平等竞争。改革我国现行成品油定价机制,必须充分发挥价格机制和供求机制,破除垄断和过度行政干预,建立风险分摊和转嫁机制,并完善政府的经济职能。  相似文献   

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