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The primary objective of the study was to examine parental perceptions on the role of toddler swimming ability and pre-school swimming lessons in drowning prevention. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain information on toddler water safety from parents (n = 882) whose 2 - 4-year-old toddlers were either attending early childhood centres (n = 327) or who were enrolled in swim schools (n = 555). Differences in attitudes between two groups of parents were measured by frequency, with Mann-Whitney U tests used to discern significant differences between groups. More swim school parents believed that: swimming was best taught at 2 years of age or less (42% vs. 29%); swimming lessons were the best way to prevent toddler drowning (57% vs. 47%); toddlers could learn to save themselves if they fell into water (43% vs. 33%); and that it was better to develop swimming ability rather than rely on adult supervision (35% vs. 30%). Many parents have an overly optimistic view of the role of swimming ability and pre-school swimming lessons in drowning prevention. This was especially so for parents with toddlers enrolled in lessons. Swim schools in particular need to counter parental misconceptions of the protective role of swimming and reiterate the importance of close adult supervision of toddlers around water.  相似文献   

As an affluent and warm weather country, Australia faced an epidemic of drowning in children under five as the popularity of home pools increased in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In one state child drowning rose by 6.62 per 100,000 in the five years from 1968. Variation across jurisdictions in actions to regulate domestic pools has resulted in Australia representing an unfortunate natural experiment in interventions to prevent child drowning in pools. Mechanisms adopted by various authorities were analysed in detail to identify factors that contributed to success and failure in regulating domestic pools. Despite early identification of the problem and development of what were later demonstrated to be effective interventions, best practice solutions were not established in any jurisdiction until 2002, 25 years after identification of the problem. Key failures in intervention were found to be: failure to act in a timely way, flawed regulation, blockage of timely action and repeal of effective state regulation under political pressure, and blockage of effective standards. Lessons are identified as: inherent weaknesses in the standard setting process, failure of interventions to address major risk categories, failure to act before the hazard grew, failure to consider lesser interventions for tactical reasons, failure to pay attention to advocates, and the need for continuing effort. The paper argues that analysis of the identification of the problem, development of interventions and implementation of mechanisms of prevention illustrate where systemic changes are required and indicate lessons that should be applied in developing and implementing future interventions.  相似文献   

数字内容产业的内涵、界定及其国际比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不久以前,国家《文化产业振兴规划》明确提出要加快发展我国数字内容产业。本文详细介绍了信息产品、内容产品、数字产品与数字内容产品之间的相互联系和区别,指出以往资料文献对相关定义的模糊和混用,全面比较、归纳和总结了国内外有关数字内容产品和服务的概念内涵,明确界定出数字内容产业的对象和范围,进而得出促进数字内容产业快速发展以振兴和繁荣我国文化产业的政策建议。  相似文献   

自从我国加入世贸组织以来,农产品出口频频遭遇国外以质量、卫生和技术标准为借口的技术性贸易壁垒,出口规模受到制约,造成很大损失。本文结合福建省农产品出口受阻的情况,重点分析福建农产品出口遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的内外因,并提出应当采取的应对策略,以推进现代化农业发展。  相似文献   

This population-based retrospective case series study examined the frequency and distribution of protective stratagems (legislatively compliant safety barrier, adequate caregiver supervision, water familiarisation and early administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR]) amongst drowning deaths of young children (0–4 years) in private swimming pools or spas in Victoria, Australia. In 65.0% (52/80) of deaths, none of the four protective stratagems were known to be present and there was only one case where all four were known to be present. This indicates that if the presence of all four stratagems is increased, this may reduce drowning in this age group and setting. While these results are positive, further examination of the presence and interaction of these stratagems for effectiveness is required. Further research is also warranted to explore the impact of enforcement of pool fencing legislation and potential associations between water familiarisation and drowning risk. In addition, a consensus on the definition of adequate supervision in needed.  相似文献   

探讨信息技术产品中锂离子电池的安全性和环保性。研究其安全测试标准与测试项目、其组成特性和所含的有害物质,为锂离子电池的安全及环保应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   


In many countries, beaches are a high-risk location for drowning. In New Zealand, youth and young adults are particularly at risk of drowning at beaches, accounting for 17.4% of drowning deaths and 18.4% of rescues at surf beaches between 2008 and 2013, over 90% of fatalities were male. This study explored New Zealand youth risk perceptions of drowning and their coping appraisal processes at a surf beach. A cross-sectional survey of high school students (n = 599) was conducted between February and April 2014. Females and non-New Zealand European students reported higher levels of perceived vulnerability and severity of drowning risk, and New Zealand European students reported higher levels of self-efficacy of preventive actions. By addressing the underlying causes of underestimation of risk and overestimation of ability, these findings can be utilized to increase awareness and to enhance water safety risk strategies for youth, especially males, in the surf beach setting.  相似文献   

All consumption-based models of asset pricing imply that the relation between the conditional mean and conditional volatility of any asset reflects the effectiveness of holding that asset as a hedge against intertemporal variation in the marginal utility of consumption. For Treasury Bonds of various maturities, we find significant positive relations. Our empirical findings support the conclusion that investors must sell bonds short to hedge shocks to marginal utility, because realized bond returns tend to be high (low) when investors least (most) desire an additional dollar of consumption. Implications for special cases of the general consumption-based model are also discussed.  相似文献   

《农产品质量安全法》实施对批发市场经营行为影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
农产品质量安全问题是关系城乡居民身体健康、农产品市场竞争力与社会稳定和谐的大事.而农产品批发市场作为农产品集中批发交易的平台,是农产品生产、运输、消费链条上的关键环节,农产品批发市场主体安全经营行为对于保障农产品质量安全具有非常重要的作用.2006年11月,我国<农产品质量安全法>颁布实施,该法的实施加强了批发市场主体的安全经营行为,提高了农产品质量安全水平,同时各地政府职能部门与批发市场通过积极的宣传和推广,使批发市场管理人员对该法的内容有了较为全面的了解.但受某些因素影响,该法的实施效果却不尽理想.为保障<农产品质量安全法>的有效实施,必须加强农产品市场准入制度建设,加大各级政府对农产品质量安全检测体系建设的公共财政投入,加强政府在批发市场质量安全监管方面的宏观调控作用,培育农民专业合作组织,推行标准化与基地化生产,充分发挥优质品牌的带头作用.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered consumer behaviour, leading to varying levels of perceived risk for different products and services. Companies must reassess their market segmentation strategies and adapt them to take effective countermeasures to improve employee performance and achieve the desired results. Research on post-pandemic segmentation is lacking. Thus, this study aims to create consumer archetypes based on perceived risk and examine how they affect behaviour and emotions post-pandemic. Based on 1,140 survey responses from Taiwanese consumers, consumer segments are classified into three archetypes: Moderate, Aggressive, and Hesitant. The Hesitant group mainly comprised senior women who faced high physical and psychological risks. In contrast, the moderate archetype group had the lowest levels of perceived risk but showed less interest in shopping activities and personal hygiene than the other two groups. Aggressive shoppers prioritise quality and convenience, with fluctuating emotions during shopping, despite moderate concerns about the virus.  相似文献   

臧新  林竹  邵军 《财贸经济》2012,(10):102-110
文化产业是一种高能低耗的新兴产业形态,是体现一国"软实力"的核心力量;作为国际贸易的组成部分,文化贸易日益彰显其特有的战略性和重要性。本文选取1996-2009年中国核心文化商品的出口作为研究对象,通过贸易引力模型的面板数据来分析文化亲近、经济发展水平等相关变量对我国文化产品出口的影响状况。研究表明,我国及贸易对象国的GDP、人均GDP、文化距离、语言同一性、贸易条件等因素对我国文化产品的出口有着重要影响,其中文化距离及是否使用同一种语言这两个因素的影响最大;最后,在实证分析的基础上本文提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

We identify and demonstrate the merit of a novel institutional factor, safety risk, which likely affects multinational corporations’ (MNCs’) international investment decisions. Safety risk refers to the extent to which security and physical well-being are endangered due to normalized aggression and criminality in society. Despite concerns from executives and policymakers, safety risk has attracted little research attention. We validate a safety risk measure and evaluate the construct’s effect on MNCs’ investments. The findings indicate that countries’ safety risk deters MNCs from investing. Further, in post hoc analyses, firms’ prior experiences with safety risk and countries’ private security investments moderated this relationship.  相似文献   

本文对电子电气产品中铅、镉、铬测量的不确定度进行了评定。用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定电子电气产品中铅、镉、铬含量,通过对影响样品测量结果的不确定度分量的分析和量化,计算出被测量(铅、镉、铬含量)的标准不确定度和扩展不确定度,从而给出各分量对总测量不确定度的相对贡献,并对测量结果进行了表述。  相似文献   

Drowning is a major cause of injury and death worldwide. This study aims to expand the evidence in fatal and non-fatal drowning. A retrospective study was conducted to investigate fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents attended by ambulance paramedics in Victoria (Australia) from 2007 to 2012. A total of 509 drowning incidents were identified, 339 (66.6%) were non-fatal, with 170 (33.4%) resulting in death. Children aged 0–4 years had the highest crude drowning rate (7.95 per 100,000 persons). Non-fatal incidents were more likely to be witnessed by a bystander when compared with fatal incidents (43.7% vs. 20.0%, p < 0.001). Spatial analysis indicated that 35 (43.8%) local government areas (LGAs) were considered at ‘excess risk’ of a drowning event occurring. This study is the first to apply spatial analysis to determine relative risk ratios for fatal and non-fatal drowning. These findings will enable geographically targeted and age-specific drowning prevention activities.  相似文献   

进口贸易与美国的经济增长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过实证研究试图证明进口较出口更能够拉动美国的经济增长,并从生产要素的质量、进口带动出口、物价水平与投资等方面进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

陕西省高新技术产品出口状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就高新技术产品出口对陕西经济的贡献程度进行了测量,结果发现陕西高新技术产品出口严重滞后。在对陕西高新技术产品出口影响因素全方位分析的基础上,认为出口结构和贸易方式不合理、科技成果转化率偏低是造成陕西高新技术产品出口滞后的根本原因。最后提出了以出口总量增长、贸易方式优化和出口结构合理化为目标,促进陕西高新技术产品出口发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

Many states that formed the Southern Confederacy defaulted on sovereign debt sold in international capital markets during the 1840s. The Confederacy also elected President Jefferson Davis, who openly advocated the repudiation of U.S. states' debts while a member of Congress. Despite its poor credit record, the Confederate government managed to float cotton bonds in England that constituted under 2% of its expenditures. The bonds were largely issued to settle overdue debts with gun contractors who had cut off trade credit. The South serviced the bonds as late as March 1865, a time of domestic hyperinflation and weeks before the fall of Richmond. Although the Confederate experience shows that trade sanctions can promote debt repayment, the gunboat model can only account for a small amount of lending. A reputation or another type of sanction would be necessary to support higher levels of lending in international capital markets.  相似文献   

备案是出口木制品检验的首要环节,目前的做法从出口企业准备资料到备案完成,存在环节繁琐、效率低下、统计汇总和查阅不便等弊端。本系统可实现网上申报,建立企业数据库,在检验监管时实行动态管理,快速反应,信息预警,定期公布检验情况,互相交流,从而全面提高检验检疫人员和企业的技术水平。  相似文献   

A number of routes can be followed towards the prevention of drowning, such as educating on water safety, installing barriers between non-intended users and water, mitigating the consequences of submersion incidents, and design. The human factor approach to safety is that design should always be the primary route. Human factors can be applied to the design of personal protective equipment such as buoyancy aids, barriers such as pool fencing, ancillary equipment such as swimming pool covers through to information and organisational factors such as safety signs and swimming campaigns. Design should consider all potential drowning scenarios and accommodate the characteristics of those at risk. A framework is presented with examples on how human factor principles can be applied to the design of potential drowning sites and products, with suggestions for methods and techniques that can be used in the key stages of predicting potential hazards and assessing risk.  相似文献   

Given the high risk of severe accidents at level crossings (LCs), this study examined legal and illegal crossings by pedestrians and cyclists at a high-traffic LC in Zagreb, Croatia. Survey data and field observations were collected to identify reasons for risky behaviour. Behaviour was observed under normal conditions and in the presence of various safety measures in order to identify measures that can reduce risky behaviour. Results show that the presence of police officer at the LC was most effective at reducing illegal crossings, while the presence of cameras contributes significantly as well, especially after safety educational campaign when illegal crossing decreases for 59.23%. We can assume that in future the improvement regarding human behaviour on LC could be made with cameras on LC and more frequent educational campaigns. This is the first reported use of field survey and video surveillance methods to analyse user behaviour at LCs in Croatia.  相似文献   

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