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文章力图通过厘清直销银行概念基础上,进一步明确中小银行发展直销银行的战略意义;同时,面对当前发展直销银行存在的问题,立足中小银行的特点,提出中小银行发展直销银行的目标及思路。  相似文献   

银行效率与规模相关性的主成分分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
伴随经济金融全球化而来的银行业并购和混业经营浪潮引起人们质疑中小银行的生存与发展.但是银行效率与规模相关性的实证研究表明规模并不是决定银行效率的唯一标准,银行业并购的盛行并不影响中小银行在自身运作空间和生存基石上的蓬勃发展.  相似文献   

基层银行的金融管理工作不仅是促进银行个体良好发展的重要举措,对我国整个市场经济的发展更是有着不可代替的促进作用.因此,银行要正确地看待在金融管理方面存在的问题,综合采取各种手段优化金融的管理工作.  相似文献   

近年来,随着金融体制改革的深化,专业银行向商业银行过渡,国内银行同业竞争加剧,各银行及非银行金融的服务质量和服务水平普遍有了明显提高,“客户第一”、“服务兴行”的意识不断增强,靠文明优质服务争取客户,拓展业务已成为各银行的共识和实际行动,在金融系统涌现出一大批文明优质服务的典型。 但是,从总体上看,国内整个银行系统服务工作还是低水平的,金融商品品种单调,结算手段落后,服务质量较差,与国外金融企业和金融国际化发展的要求差距较大。  相似文献   

2010年5月7日发布的《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(亦称新三十六条)指出:"允许民间资本兴办金融机构。在加强有效监管、促进规范经营、防范金融风险的前提下,放宽对金融机构的股比限制。支持民间资本以入股方式参与商业银行的增资扩股,参与农村信用社、城市信用社的改制工作。鼓励民间资本发起或参与设立村镇银行、贷款公司、农村资金互助社等金融机构,放宽村镇银行或社区银行中法人银行最低出资比例的限制。"该文针对这一指导意见,总结已有的以民间资本为主体的中小银行的科学发展经验,并结合自身的实践,提出7条措施建议,为有关决策者提供参考。  相似文献   

我国中小银行成长分析(1999~2003)机遇、挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文围绕银行成长这一核心,以部分股份制银行为考察对象,对1999~2003年期间我国中小银行成长现状、特征以及面临的机遇和挑战进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策建议.研究认为,中小银行成长具有"两不"、"两外"和"两小"的特点,具有这些特点的中小银行成长在新的银行竞争格局下面临新的挑战与机遇.要应对挑战、维持中小银行成长,就要在竞争策略、内部治理和政策扶持等方面加以改进.  相似文献   

我国的中小企业数量众多,分布面广,从业人员多,在国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位和作用,支持中小企业发展应是我国经济发展战略的重点之一。但长期以来,我国的商业银行特别是四大国有商业银行(工行、中行、建行、农行)贷款审批权高度集中,审贷机构远离中小企业,这就在体制上决定了大银行很难及时地满足中小企业融资的合理需求。尤其是90年代中期实行“双大战略”(全国性的国有商业银行的业务,要适当向大中型企业、大城市集中)后,国有大银行与中小企业的关系更疏远了。为支持中小企业发展,央行规定四大国有商业银行均要成立中…  相似文献   

本文将违约损失风险参数内生于网络,兼顾偿还风险传导和流动性风险传染渠道,构建了复杂银行系统网络的级联故障模型,并且结合可得的我国263家商业银行财务数据进行仿真模拟,量化了共同冲击、特定银行倒闭等几个情境下的级联故障程度.研究发现:第一,我国银行系统"多而不能倒"不仅与"大而不能倒"并存,且独立于"大而不能倒"而存在.第二,中小银行相对于大银行能承受的破产故障边界更低、波动更小,更容易发生联合倒闭情形.因而,研究中小银行联合倒闭极具现实意义.第三,大型银行是众多中小银行倒闭的第一道防线,而中小银行的救助成本远低于大型银行.因此,防范化解重大风险时要重视多家中小银行风险集聚现象而规避传染源,兼顾"多而不能倒"和"大而不能倒",低成本救助,从而实现风险在银行间的缓冲疏散和对抗吸收.  相似文献   

由于存款准备金政策效果过于猛烈,该政策被称为货币政策工具当中的"巨斧",中央银行很少通过存款准备金政策调控我国的货币供给。然而,从2007年4月到2011年1月,四年时间内我国中央银行对存款准备金率进行了15次调整,使我国的法定存款准备金率从9%上升到19%,尤其从2010年1月18日到2010年5月2日短短三个多月时间内,中央央行对存款准备金率进行了3次调整,这使得存款准备金政策在引起了广泛的关注。本文基于此背景下对"我国存款准备金政策调控对中小银行的影响"进行分析,探讨我国存款准备金政策调控在银行拆借市场、银行放贷规模、银行套利行为、银行准备金头寸、货币市场银行利率等方面的影响。  相似文献   

何俊蓉 《经济师》2008,(11):155-155
随着我国金融体制改革力度的不断加大,各国有商业银行逐步向商业化转型,银行会计在提供经济信息数据、判定决策方案等诸多方面愈来愈发挥着重要作用。明确银行会计的决策职能,有助于提高银行经济效益和现代化会计管理水平。  相似文献   


The financial crisis of 2008 provides evidence for the instability of the conventional banking system. Social banks may present a viable alternative for conventional banks. This article analyses the performance of social banks related to the bank business model, economic efficiency, asset quality, and stability by comparing social banks with banks where the difference is likely to be large, namely with the 30 global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) of the Financial Stability Board over the period 2000–2014. We also analyse the relative impact of the global financial crisis on the bank performance. The performance of social banks and G-SIBs is surprisingly similar.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of bank performance based on proxy variables that assess the quality of assets, profitability, liquidity and overall performance. Using a sample of 111 Chinese commercial banks over the period of 2000–2012, we find that foreign banks appear to have better asset quality and overall performance although lower profitability compared to domestic banks. In contrast, the state-owned banks tend to be more profitable and have better liquidity position compared with other domestic banks and foreign banks. At bank level, equity/liability ratio exerts significant influence on overall bank performance, while at the macroeconomic level, per capital GDP, GDP growth, inflation and unemployment rates appear to have a bearing on bank performance.  相似文献   

This article analyses noninterest checking (NIC) account fees using a unique data set covering 11 875 observations on 1880 banks from 2008 to 2012. These data identify whether the bank has free or fee checking on NIC accounts and, where relevant, the fee and minimum balance to avoid the fee. Appealing to shrouded equilibrium theory, we hypothesize that banks, and particularly small banks, will avoid drawing the attention of myopic, low-income types by having stable policies, or will attempt to confuse depositors with contradictory policy shifts in the fee and minimum balance requirements. Competition and small bank size should favour consumers, but the meaning of ‘favour’ is complicated by large depositors and the banks subsidizing small depositors with NIC accounts.

The results support the avoid attention hypothesis, particularly for single-market banks, and weakly support the confuse depositors hypothesis. The largest banks, including three too big to fail banks, are most responsive to competition, with single-market banks far less responsive. Competition may be responsible for a dramatic decline in free checking among the largest banks, and substantial increases in minimum balances for those banks, since these effectively reduced subsidies. Simultaneously, single-market banks became more likely to offer free checking.  相似文献   

Since 2004, commercial banks in the United States have been allowed to elect Subchapter S (hence Sub-S) status with up to 100 shareholders. That limitation may promote more effective monitoring of bank managers by shareholders which can, in turn, explain previous findings of superior performance among Sub-S banks. The present research focuses on the possibility that the shareholder limitation also constrains opportunities for bank growth, or a slow growth hypothesis for Sub-S banks. Using a differences-in-differences regression approach for a sample of community banks (i.e., less than $1b in assets) from 2004 to 2014, and controlling for initial assets and urban location, it is found that annual growth in real assets and equity was significantly higher among banks that never held Sub-S status than for banks that always held Sub-S status, and that banks switching to Sub-S later grew significantly faster than those that always held Sub-S status. Fixed effects regressions show that switching to Sub-S status significantly reduced equity growth, with asset growth significantly reduced after 2008. In conjunction with earlier findings, the results suggest that the availability of Sub-S status helped to protect and strengthen community banks across a time period including substantial financial turmoil.  相似文献   

中国商业银行规模、治理与风险承担的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2000-2010年中国13家商业银行的非平衡面板数据对中国商业银行规模、银行治理与风险承担关系进行的实证研究,结果表明银行规模与风险承担呈U形关系;银行治理水平与风险承担呈负向关系;大型商业银行治理引起的风险承担比股份制商业银行高。因此,必须适当限制商业银行的规模扩张,加强商业银行的安全网建设,加大对大型、系统重要性商业银行的监管力度,提高商业银行尤其是大型商业银行的治理水平。  相似文献   

基于因子分析的中国商业银行绩效评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用因子分析法对全国13家主要商业银行15个绩效指标进行分析,得出各家银行在银行规模因子、银行人均效益因子、银行安全性因子、银行成长性因子、银行盈利性因子诸方面的表现,并按照特征值加权给出了各家银行的绩效排序,在此基础上,提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

We study the international transmission of bank liquidity shocks from multinational, Islamic, bank-holding companies to their subsidiaries. Based on a total sample of 120 Islamic and conventional bank subsidiaries, we test whether foreign bank lending for Islamic and conventional banks is determined by different factors. We estimate a model that includes subsidiary and parent bank characteristics as well as host and home country variables. Our empirical findings show that lending is negatively affected by the fragility of conventional parent banks' subsidiaries. Nevertheless, we show that parent Islamic banks do not significantly affect lending by subsidiaries. Finally, we examine the market discipline regarding the transmission of liquidity shocks. We also find that reduction in foreign Islamic bank lending is stronger for those that are dependent on the interbank market. We establish that the depositors react to a deterioration of bank performance and punish their institutions by withdrawing their money. We show that market discipline has a more important role for Islamic banks, whereas liquidity needs determine the change in conventional banks.  相似文献   

We appreciate that the Italian central bank has been able to provide the requested information for our comparison of the research output of European central banks. Based on this information, the ranking of the Italian central bank improves considerably. Still, many small central banks have a better research performance than the Banca d'Italia and, after recomputation, our previous conclusion that “small is beautiful” is not compromised.  相似文献   

The performance of commercial banks and government-owned specialized banks in Thailand is estimated after the 1997 East Asian financial crisis. Commercial banks exhibit increasing returns to scale, whereas government-owned specialized banks exhibit decreasing returns to scale, implying further increases in bank size and market concentration in the commercial bank sector but not for government specialized banks. Cost inefficiency varies by bank and is a function of the ratio of nonperforming loans (NPLs) to total loans, equity to total assets and liquid assets to total assets, as well as the number of branches. On average, banks with fewer NPLs, that are well capitalized and with adequate liquidity are efficient. Thus, stricter rules to regulate credit risk management and ensure capital and liquidity adequacy would enhance efficiency in the banking sector. Although estimated input substitutability appears to be low, labour and loanable fund are substitutes. However, labour and physical capital as well as physical and loanable funds are complements in commercial banks. All the three inputs of labour, physical capital and loanable funds are substitutes for the government specialized banks.  相似文献   

We test a sample of 3,586 banks from 33 European countries to determine whether performances above or below a social aspiration level (median performance of peer banks) influence banks’ aggregate risk levels. Our results are consistent with the behavioural theory of the firm and prospect theory in that we find that bank performance below a bank’s social aspiration level is followed by increased aggregate risk, i.e. risk-taking behaviour in the subsequent year. Although under-performing banks tend to be risk-takers, large banks and banks with high aggregate risk levels tend to limit the increase in their aggregate risk levels.  相似文献   

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