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企业家精神的决定因素——来自中国省级面板数据的经验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业家精神是就业、创新和经济增长的驱动力,经济学和管理学研究者一直探讨影响企业家精神决定因素。本文基于2001年~2005年省级层面的数据,应用面板数据模型实证研究了创新思想、人力资本、金融发展和法治水平等对区域企业家精神发展水平的影响。研究结果表明,创新思想和人力资本是企业家创业活动的基础,金融发展水平的提高有利于提高企业家创业的金融可得性,法治发展是企业家创业成功的基本保证。 相似文献
本文以现代奥地利经济学为基础,关注企业沟通成本与企业演化的关系.文章认为沟通成本由企业家精神所依赖的意会性知识以及企业家与要素所有者的主观素质差异所决定,沟通成本的大小是决定新企业成功创建和企业初始资本结构的一个关键因素.文章最后还分析了沟通成本对新企业组织形式、创新以及纵向一体化的影响. 相似文献
创业成本是影响创新创业活动开展的重要因素,但关于城市创业成本的量化研究却很少。本文从显性成本和隐性成本两个方面将创业成本划分为生活成本、环境成本、融资成本、运营成本、研发成本和失败成本六类,在此基础上建立了城市创业成本指数,选取了我国创业活动较为活跃的10个城市进行了2012-2016年创业成本指数的实证研究。研究结果表明:在10个样本城市中,深圳的创业成本一直居于较高水平,北京、上海近五年创业成本总体呈上升趋势,长沙、成都的创业成本呈下降趋势,重庆的创业成本一直保持在较低的水平。经济发展水平越高的城市,其创业成本中的显性成本相对较高,但隐性成本则相对较低。 相似文献
对国家开发银行在经济体制改革背景下的制度创业进行了案例分析,构建了转型经济下国有企业制度创业的影响因素模型和策略选择模型,并提出了相应的研究假设。研究发现:当国有企业与地方政府合作进行制度创业时,交易成本、创业者特质、功能压力、社会政治压力以及边界错位对制度创业的动机有正向作用;新兴场域中的网络边缘位置、边界桥接和边界错位对制度创业的机会发现有正向作用;合作策略和蓝海战略对制度创业的经济结果有正向作用;合作策略、蓝海战略、政治策略和理论化策略对制度变迁有正向影响;合作策略和政治策略对制度创业的外部性有正向影响。 相似文献
完善的法律制度是保持中小企业持续快速发展的制度保障,为促进河北中小企业进一步发展,必须建立和完善中小企业法治环境。 相似文献
企业创业管理既不同于传统管理,也不同于首创业管理,而是它们之间的一种中间形式.本文为转型期的国有企业创业提炼出三个核心要素:创业机会、创业能力、创业文化,认为企业创业管理就是围绕这三个核心要素,以及如何获得和平衡创业资源进行的,为此构建了一个企业创业管理框架. 相似文献
Bruno Ćorić 《Feminist Economics》2013,19(4):56-82
ABSTRACTScholarly studies in economics, sociology, psychology, and management emphasize the low number of women in management as one of the main indicators of gender discrimination in the labor market. This study investigates the differences in the percentage of women in senior management across forty-five countries. The results of the regression analysis show that women are more represented in senior management in developing countries than in so-called “liberal Western democracies.” Women also participate more in senior management in countries in which prejudice and discrimination against women are greater. The study presents empirical evidence for two economic explanations for these puzzling results: the weak functioning of the legal system and the large size of the shadow economy. 相似文献
Gabriel A. Giménez Roche 《Journal of economic issues》2016,50(3):695-715
In spite of its use to explain market processes, neoclassical economics still has not integrated entrepreneurship into its analyses. This explanatory gap is the consequence of the analytical closed-endedness of the “market” processes described by the neoclassical framework, where social interactions do not result in new unpredictable information. However, entrepreneurship as profit-seeking under uncertainty is an open-ended process characterized by a creatively reflexive and emergent interactive behavior in society. This open-endedness involves the generation of novel, complex, and extensive future information that is not what anyone intended it to be. Neoclassical economics, with its predetermined assumptions on economic behavior, cannot really account for the fundamental uncertainty of open-ended processes because it cannot explain reflexivity or emergence. Therefore, it cannot explain entrepreneurship as either an innovatively cohesive or disruptive behavior that converges toward future market situations. 相似文献
An Evolutionary Theory of Collective Action: Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship for the Common Good 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Stephan Kuhnert 《Constitutional Political Economy》2001,12(1):13-29
This paper presents the foundations of a dynamictheory of collective action. Firstly, the role of public entrepreneursin processes of institutional development is characterized. Secondly,the protagonists of social change are analyzed in regard to theirmotivation, strategic options, levels of action, and specificcapabilities. A new perspective on successful collective actionis opened up. 相似文献
劳动合同法是顺遂法治潮流应运而生的。劳动合同法当然是要保护劳动者,但这并不是唯一目的,其最终目的是要促进劳动者和企业共同发展,实现双赢,并促使企业提高有效竞争力。尤其是在强调"以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展"和全面构建和谐社会的历史背景下,劳动合同法希冀唤醒的是企业的社会责任感。劳动合同法的颁布实施不是一个孤立的事件,从整体和长远来看,它从一个侧面标志着一个伟大时代的到来——走共同富裕、科学发展与和谐社会之路。 相似文献
Crystal A. Ennis 《New Political Economy》2019,24(3):365-384
This paper explores women’s entrepreneurial activities in the Oman and Qatar in light of the state attention given to promoting entrepreneurship in the region over the past decade. In the Gulf Arab countries, like in many rapidly developing economies, neoliberal growth discourse abounds. Along with this, the promotion of entrepreneurship and embrace of individual enterprise is paramount. Despite the dominance of the state in political and economic spaces, Gulf governments have embraced the rhetoric of the market and entrepreneurship. Drawing from semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participant observation conducted between 2011 and 2015, this paper examines this phenomenon. In a region stereotyped with weak gender development outcomes, female entrepreneurship is largely cast as a positive development aimed at liberating and empowering women through individual enterprise. In contrast, this paper finds that the same forces that are meant to empower women often reproduce or reinforce certain gender norms while introducing new forms of dependency. Gulf female entrepreneurs confront competing tensions within three intersecting political economy logics: the structural logic of the economy, the logic of development narratives, and the logic of socio-economic organisation. 相似文献
目前,循环经济已成为人类社会发展的主流趋势,绿色贸易成为当今国际贸易发展的重要潮流。作为规范绿色贸易的绿色贸易法律制度的构建深受循环经济的影响。可以说,循环经济是我国绿色贸易立法的重要指导思想。本文在结合循环经济对我国绿色贸易法律制度发展意义的基础上,分析了主要发达国家绿色贸易法律制度的现状,提出了在循环经济背景下建立和完善我国绿色贸易法律制度的建议。 相似文献
本文从企业家职能入手,探讨了创业精神与创新精神影响我国产业技术效率的微观机理,并以36个工业行业1998-2007年的面板数据为样本,运用随机前沿分析的方法进行实证检验。结果表明:创业精神基于纠错机制对技术效率的促进作用,在行政壁垒越大的行业越明显,对全部行业却并不显著;创新精神通过推动生产前沿边界的外移成为提升我国产业技术效率的主导力量,且该效应在市场竞争较充分的行业会得到强化。 相似文献
组织的发展离不开企业家精神的引领,也离不开员工创新行为的支撑。为了探讨组织中上级企业家精神对员工创新行为的影响机制,基于人际互动视角,建立了以上级企业家精神为自变量,员工工作投入为中介变量,创新行为为因变量以及领导部属交换为调节变量的理论模型。多层次分析结果表明:上级企业家精神对员工创新行为有着显著正向影响;下属工作投入在上级企业家精神和员工创新行为之间起部分中介作用;领导部属交换正向调节员工工作投入对创新行为的关系。 相似文献
Path Dependence,Behavioral Rules,and the Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Change: The Case of the Automobile Industry 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper develops a complementary theory of path dependence based on rigidity resulting from the choice of management system within the firm. Rules-following behavior introduces rigidity which can lead to inefficient path dependence within a firm. Entrepreneurial alertness, in a crisis, can prevent lock-in from occurring since it leads people to alter perceptions and change behavior. An empirical look at the automobile industry explores the idea of rules-following behavior inducing path dependence development and the potential for change despite inefficient path dependent behavior. 相似文献
《China Economic Journal》2013,6(1):65-80
Whether and how will the state treat different kinds of enterprises, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and non-SOEs, in the related industry differently? Does this concern give its industrial policy any special Chinese characteristics? This article looks at a particular aspect of the Chinese automotive industry policy, that is, regulating entries, which poses special problems for the government. It explores why the government still retains this method of control even after it has been shown to be ineffective, and how the government tries to reconcile it with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship. The government finds that it cannot do away with entrepreneurship brought by the unplanned entrants (SOEs or not) to keep the industry competitive. Moreover, with SOEs accounting for the major part of the auto industry, the government has to protect the SOEs and propel them to upgrade at the same time. The government is thus likely to continue regulating entries, while trying to find a balance between the needs of keeping entrepreneurship and managing SOEs. 相似文献
本文以我国大中型企业科技活动为研究样本,在对创业环境、公司创业战略和组织绩效进行系统测度的基础上,实证检验了三者之间的内在关系。研究结果表明,创业环境与公司创业战略、公司创业战略与组织绩效之间都存在正相关关系,而且公司创业战略对创业环境与组织绩效关系有中介作用。 相似文献
I. Introduction Recycling economy melts cleaner production with multipur- pose use of wastes. According to material cycle of natural ecosystem and the rule of energy flow, recycling economy aims at reconstructing economic system to make economic system melt into the process of material cycle of natural eco- system and to establish a new kind of economy [1]. China is a populous country whose natural resources are comparatively poor and the ecological environment is very much fragile. Neither t… 相似文献