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汇率冲击和行业就业调整 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据Campa和Goldberg的贸易结构理论,我们对国内15个行业就业和汇率间的关系进行了实证研究。结果发现大多数行业在汇率冲击后的反应和理论一致,即人民币升值会抑制其就业增长,而贬值有利于其就业扩张,尤其是对高开放度和劳动密集型行业影响显著。但由于其他行业就业汇率弹性并不显著,因此降低了整体就业汇率弹性的显著性。此外,由于我国各行业开放度高于美国,因此就业汇率弹性也较大。 相似文献
日本FDI在中国:趋势、结构和汇率中的角色 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文分析了 1981年到 2 0 0 1年日本在中国直接投资的趋势、结构和特征。从产业和企业层面 ,对在中国的日系制造商进行了深层次的研究。本文概括如下 :(1)日本对中国制造业的直接投资 ,主要是出口导向型的。将中国作为一个全球市场的生产基地 ,是日本跨国企业的主要目的 ;(2 )推动中日贸易增长的逆向进口 ,是在华日系制造商的主要生产目的之一 ;(3)人民币持续贬值和人民币盯住美元的汇率政策 ,是推动日本在华投资大幅增长的主要因素。本文的研究 ,部分解释了日本直接投资 ,从东南亚四国 :印度尼西亚 ,马来西亚 ,菲律宾和泰国 ,转向中国的原因。本文的研究表明 ,日本跨国公司在华以出口为导向的直接投资 ,加深了中日两个经济体产业之间的纵向结合 ,有效地将中国国内产业整合到全球生产链中 相似文献
Michael Bleaney 《Open Economies Review》2008,19(2):135-146
The puzzle that real exchange rates are less volatile in open economies is an important challenge to exchange rate theory.
Adjustment of domestic prices to nominal exchange rate movements can account for only a small proportion of this effect. Real
and nominal shocks display no obvious correlation with openness. It is shown here that real effective exchange rates are more
strongly mean-reverting in more open economies, even after controlling for exchange rate regime effects. This is predicted
by the theory of current account sustainability, because of its emphasis on ratios to GDP rather than to trade flows.
Michael BleaneyEmail: |
文章通过理论机制分析认为,资本账户开放通过经济增长、通货膨胀和经常账户波动三个渠道对一国的就业率产生影响。鉴于此,文章使用多门槛面板回归模型,对66个样本国家进行多层嵌套分组并分析了不同类型国家资本账户开放与就业的非线性关系。研究发现:首先,资本账户开放对就业确实存在门槛效应,且在人均GDP水平、通胀水平和经常账户余额三个门槛变量上都存在显著的双门槛效应;其次,资本账户开放对就业的影响与经常账户余额之间呈现非单调的关系;最后,不同类型国家资本账户开放的就业效应存在显著差异,为了提高就业率,一些新兴经济体可以适当推进资本项目的开放,对于部分发达国家应当加强对跨境资本流动的管制,而我国则应在逐步放开资本账户的同时维持经常账户的盈余以及深化金融市场的发展。 相似文献
固定汇率下资本账户开放对经济的影响——基于修正的Mundell模型的动态分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文拓展了蒙代尔(1960)的模型,并用该模型分析了固定汇率体系下资本账户开放对实际汇率和利率的影响,以及资本完全流动时经济的动态稳定性。本文的主要发现是,随着资本账户的开放,资本流动性的加强将会引起实际汇率和利率相对于初始状态的调整。而且,随着资本账户的放开,国内货币政策越来越受制于外部因素。模型的另一个发现是,当资本完全流动时,固定汇率体系呈现一种稳定的稳态。 相似文献
随着汇率限制和资本流动障碍的解除,一国的汇率与股市价格之间呈现出一种联动性。在对以利率为核心中介要素的传导机制进行理论分析的基础上,运用计量方法进行实证检验发现,外汇汇率与股市价格之间存在长期负相关关系。在长期内,我国上证综指是汇率变动的Granger原因。借鉴日本经验,我们不仅要看到人民币温和升值对股票市场价格的积极效应.同时更要重视股市泡沫破灭后的严重后果。中国可以采取循序渐进的汇率改革方式,坚持汇改的主动性、可控性以及渐进性,根据国际国内经济情况的变化适时、适度、逐步完善汇率机制,严控异常国际资本的流入,同时加强股市监管,努力营造公开、公正、透明的证券市场,为人民币将来的完全国际化提供一个市场制度基础。 相似文献
This study uses the panel smooth transition regression model with a debt ratio as the transition variable to evaluate the level of exchange rate pass-through. This model can investigate the threshold effect of the debt ratio on the pass-through. To perform the empirical estimation, we choose the 22 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries during 1994–2013 as sample objects. The empirical results show that the exchange rate pass-through displays a nonlinear and smooth transition process, depending on each period of debt ratio of the export country in different regimes. That is, the pass-through is nonlinear and varies with time and across countries. The larger the debt ratio is, the lower the pass-through would be. The threshold for the pass-through to generate smooth regime switching is 36.62% of debt ratio. 相似文献
资本开放、外汇储备累积与货币政策独立性——中国数据的实证研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在开放和发展条件下,基于凯恩斯动态货币需求调节方程和Cavoli模型,本文构建了一个包含外汇储备增加的国内市场利率决定模型。对中国2001~2008年月度数据的OLS和TSLS回归结果表明,国际市场利率和外汇储备增加对国内利率影响并不显著,而物价水平、产出和滞后一期的货币供给等变量系数符号不仅与理论预期一致,且检验显著。论文进一步采用了递归的SVAR模型来分析国际利率和外汇储备增加对国内利率的动态冲击效应,脉冲响应函数表明这种动态冲击效应同样十分微弱,说明了中央银行的货币冲销有效性和国内货币政策的独立性。 相似文献
This study assesses the response of the trade balance to exchange rate fluctuations across a large number of countries. Fixed-effects regressions are estimated for three country groups (industrial, developing and emerging markets) on annual data for 87 countries from 1994 to 2010. The trade balance improves significantly after a real depreciation, and to a similar degree, in the long run for all countries, but the adjustment is significantly slower for industrial countries. Emerging markets and developing countries display relatively fast adjustment. Disaggregation into exports and imports shows that the delayed adjustment in industrial countries is almost entirely on the export side. The rate of adjustment in emerging markets is slowing over time, consistent with their eventual graduation to high-income status. The ratio of trade to GDP is also highly sensitive to the real effective exchange rate, with a real depreciation of 10 % raising the trade/GDP ratio across the sample by approximately 4 %. This result, which presumably reflects movements in the prices of tradables relative to non-tradables, raises questions about the widespread use of the trade/GDP ratio as a trade policy indicator, without adjustment for real exchange rate effects. 相似文献
In an extended Balassa–Samuelson model, long-run real exchange rates are determined by relative productivity and terms of trade. We present evidence of systematic long-run relationships between these fundamental variables and real exchange rates in a data set covering 15 OECD countries from 1960 to 1996. High relative productivity is associated with real exchange rate appreciations in most cases. There is less support for the hypothesis that the terms of trade affect equilibrium real exchange rates. 相似文献
Ying Wu 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2010,38(3):345-357
In an economy dominated by labor-intensive processing trade, such as China, real exchange rate appreciation can possibly increase rather than decrease net exports. As the import content of processed exports (a proxy for dependence on processing trade) increases in its continuum, the stable equilibrium for the exchange rate and price level eventually yields to a saddle-point equilibrium. Unless the initial inflation (or deflation) rate is uniquely moderate at a given exchange rate, either the depreciation-inflation spiral or the appreciation-deflation spiral can dominate. Monetary and fiscal policies can help a processing-trade dependent country in structural transition from excessive engagement in processing trade (the saddle-point equilibrium) to a more sustainable and balanced trade structure. 相似文献
Kenza Benhima 《Open Economies Review》2012,23(3):501-529
This paper studies how liability dollarization conditions the effect of exchange rate flexibility on growth. It develops a model with credit-constrained firms facing liquidity shocks denominated in tradables while their revenues are both in tradable and nontradables. With frictions in the reallocation between tradables and nontradables, a peg is more growth-enhancing than a float in countries with dollarized debt because it stabilizes firms?? cash flows and therefore allows them to face liquidity shock and complete their innovation process. However, this relative advantage diminishes when dollarization decreases. These theoretical predictions are confirmed by an empirical analysis on a panel of 76 countries spanning 1995?C2004: the higher the degree of dollarization, the more negative the impact of exchange rate flexibility on growth. The empirical results are robust to various specifications and to the treatment of endogeneity. 相似文献
汇率与日本对华直接投资 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16
本文以日本对华直接投资为背景分析了汇率和外国直接投资 (FDI)之间的关系。通过使用从 1 981年到 2 0 0 0年日本在中国 9个制造业部门的直接投资的数据 ,研究发现 ,日元对人民币的双边真实汇率和日本对华直接投资之间存在显著的正相关关系。具体地说 ,日元的升值显著地刺激了日本对外投资的流量 ,而日元贬值则导致了日本FDI外流的减少。由于人民币的大幅贬值可归因于 90年代初中国刻意采取的人民币贬值并盯住美元的策略 ,中国的汇率机制在加强中国吸引日本FDI的竞争力中起到了极其重要的作用 相似文献
We incorporate technical trading into the monetary approach to exchange rates, and estimate the model for four Central and
Eastern European countries that introduced the policy of free floating in the late 1990s; the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland
and Slovakia. We find that past exchange rates contribute significantly to the determination of the spot exchange rate. We
also find a feedback behavior driving the exchange rate to its fundamental value although the mean reversion parameter is
small. Overall, this means that these currency markets have developed a complex structure of different trader types, which
already is documented for developed countries. 相似文献
中美贸易和汇率问题的分析与建议 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
近期美国国内关于人民币升值的辩论日益高涨,参议院于4月6日通过一项提议,如果中国不让人民币升值到市场水平,将对从中国进口的商品一律实行27.5%的进口税。越来越多的迹象表明,中美之间将要爆发一场“贸易战争”,其结果则是“两败俱伤”。过去20年美国贸易赤字大幅度增长,中国已经成为美国第一大贸易赤字国家,占美国贸易赤字总量的1/4;不仅中国的劳动密集、低附加值产品在美国市场的占有率不断上升,而且近年来高技术、高附加值产品在美国市场的占有率也迅速扩大,使美国成为先进技术产品净进口或贸易赤字国,的确对美国制造业包括先进技术产… 相似文献