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市场的变化促使服装零售企业探索高效零售运营模式。本文深入分析零售运营各个环节,设计精益零售运营模式。该模式以产品管理为核心,按店铺订货,通过高频率补货维持店铺最低一手码库存,并可根据销售进度及时促销。在某零售企业的试点证明了该模式确实能够显著提升运营效率。  相似文献   

中国传统零售企业的现状 组织化程度低:行政区割、数量繁多和分散经营.中国商业零售企业在计划经济时代是为满足当地居民生活服务的,因此有较强烈的地区属地限制,由于区域格局,中国商业企业规模都比较小,少有跨区域经营的企业,更谈不上全国性的大型商业企业,以致于形成了大量分散经营的小型零售企业和店铺群.  相似文献   

<正>进入财富全球企业500强的零售企业无一不实施了零售连锁经营模式,可见连锁经营模式已成为全球零售业发展的潮流,也是零售企业实现规模优势的一个最主要手段。连锁经营模式通过多家店铺的统一采购、统一配送、统一管理,使成本在各店铺之间分担,信息和利润在各店铺之间共享。而这种优势的发挥需要以前台店铺和后台物流保持最高程度的合作作为后盾。我国连锁零售业正面临着越来越复杂多变的市场环境,通过高效的物流运作来提高整个供应链运行效率是一条行之有效的途径。  相似文献   

预算管理是现代企业财务管理的重要组成部分,也是企业管理人员运行管理工作的重要通道。零售企业由于其多样的经营模式,繁杂的经营内容,预算管理执行的成效就直接影响着企业的经营效率。本文主要提出了零售企业预算管理中的现状,根据其模式及特性,分析了其影响因素,并提出了优化的措施,能够有效地通过零售企业预算管理保证企业的稳定发展,真正做到预算的有效性。  相似文献   

商业模式即商品流通模式,是把企业生产的物品销售给终端需求的一种商品流通,商业零售模式有很多种,包括连锁经营、加盟店经营等传统店铺式经营模式及网络虚拟店铺经营模式。胖东来作为河南二级地市的一家连锁零售企业,在传统连锁经营理念的基础上增加了一站式服务,向全能型卖场发展,并开展多项增值服务,创造了一种全新的零售模式。  相似文献   

零售业态发展规律与城市商业网点规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴小丁 《商业时代》2005,(23):10-11,13
零售业态的发展规律 零售业态是店铺经营决策的产物零售业态,即零售店铺的营业形态,是零售业的经营者在店铺这一零售业经营的具体场所,采用或实行的各种经营战略的总和。经营者以特定目标市场为对象,针对店铺的选址、备货、规模、价格策略、销售方法、附加服务和设施等经营内容进行决策。这些决策的结果形成了零售业态。  相似文献   

张闯 《财贸经济》2006,(8):59-65
本文应用35个中国跨区域经营的零售企业和23个在中国市场跨区域经营的跨国零售企业店铺布局的调查数据对中外零售企业在中国市场的跨区域扩张战略进行了比较研究.研究结论表明,中外零售企业都选择了大型超市和超市作为跨区域扩张的主导业态,而本土企业的业态组合更加复杂;本土企业的市场覆盖率高于跨国企业,但其店铺网络呈现出"广泛覆盖,局部密集"的特征;跨国企业在跨区域扩张过程中的战略布局意图比本土企业更为明显.  相似文献   

随着商业零售企业的数量不断增多,企业之间的竞争日趋激烈。为了提高商业零售企业自身竞争力,创建良好的内部经营环境,企业必须重视内控管理,将会计管理、资金管理、存货管理、应收账款管理以及内部审计作为内部控制的重要内容,以保证企业稳健经营。本文对商业零售企业内控管理存在的问题以及加强内控管理的措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

超市防损是近年来讨论比较多的一个话题,大家对防损所涉及的内部审计、残损管理、店铺防盗等进行了很多有益的探讨.根据国际零售企业的经验,店铺的损失率在销售额的3‰~5‰为合理范围,但从国内超市的经营实践看,损失比率远高于此.而一个好的连锁企业一年的纯利也不过1%~2%,所以防损已被零售企业提升到越来越高的层次.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的持续发展,经营资本管理创新工作大面积推进,依靠零售和批发业进行分析,从业人员采用科学方法管理创新经营资本是非常重要的,如此有助于全面突出企业内在优势,并大幅度提升企业经济利润。文章从理论方面首先介绍了批发和零售公司的经营资本管理,由批发和零售产业的整体与主营业务层面介绍了经营资本管理的基本情况。然后将批发和零售公司作为经营资本管理的重要研究对象,由此为立足点,对经营资本管理创新对策展开深入探究,希望提高我国批发和零售公司经营资本管理创新水平。  相似文献   

The article argues that well-established principles of urban design are highly relevant for retail management and applicable in regards to a much needed customer-centric turn in space management within retailing management. In particular, supermarkets, hypermarkets and larger retail chains are governed by a space management tradition that heavily draws on principles of utilitarianism and instrumental rationality. Yet, any physical retail space accommodates a separate and distinctive, but not independent, social space which must equally be addressed if attractive retail spaces are to be grasped, created and maintained. In fact, the standardized and repetitive design of many larger retail environments such as supermarkets appears to build on uncontested traditions of space management and tenacious myths about consumer behaviour and preferences that are challenged as urban design studies are consulted. In reference to current urban design research, the article concludes by suggesting five propositions and measurements for the customer-centric quality of retail spaces that take as a starting point the appreciation of the social space that any retail space management presupposes.  相似文献   

The retail environment is globalizing, requiring high levels of consistent experimentation. Project management can be used to help retailers test new ideas and implement the most successful ones. Unfortunately, project management in the retail setting often delivers unsatisfactory results. Project management has traditionally focused on conventional planning tasks. The people dimension is often overlooked as a key to project management success. However, human behavior is particularly important in the retail setting, where projects are generally focused on testing new concepts, increasing collaboration, and implementing new technologies. This research examines the role of the behavioral dimension in retail project management and supports the view that the behavioral dimension is central to retail project management success.  相似文献   

Understanding consumer behavior across channels is the fundamental basis for implementing successful multichannel retailing strategies. This study analyzes the crosswise and reciprocal relationships between offline and online brand beliefs, offline and online retail brand equity and consumers’ conative loyalty to a retailer in multichannel structures. The relationships are contextualized by investigating fashion and grocery retail sectors and different prior channel performances that are likely to affect the paths to loyalty across channels. To provide insight into these issues, two cross-sectional and two longitudinal models are employed. The results show that former brick-and-mortar retailers are able to significantly increase consumers’ loyalty to the firm by primarily designing offline (secondary online) attributes and beliefs. The results hold for retailers in both fashion and grocery retailing, however, with stronger effects in fashion, as well as for retailers with strong vs. weak prior channel performance. However, indirect effects indicate that online brand beliefs and offline retail brand equity are the central strategic levers for prior strong (vs. weak) retailers. Reciprocal relationships between online and offline retail brands underline important channel interdependencies. Managers thus need to take these crosswise and reciprocal interdependencies between channels into account when designing successful multichannel retailing systems. This study introduces the novel idea of simultaneous crosswise and reciprocal relationships within multichannel retail structures and shows that paths to loyalty vary for retailers in different retail sectors and retailers with strong vs. weak offline and online channel performances.  相似文献   

从商业零售企业增值税税务风险构成及管理现状出发。以增值税税负率为模型构建的切入点,结合10家上市商业零售企业的相关财务数据,通过论证该模型的适用性,得出了影响商业零售企业增值税税务风险的主要因素,并提出我国商业零售企业可通过加强销售终端和财务管理、加强税务风险管理组织建设、加强增值税税务风险的动态评估等措施以应对增值税税务风险。  相似文献   

Multi-channel retailing—selling through multiple, distinct channels—has been a part of the retail industry as long as there have been main street merchants selling through catalogs. Since the mid-1990s, however, multi-channel retailing has increased dramatically due to traditional retailers selling over the Internet. This trend presents considerable operational challenges because Internet and traditional retail have vastly different demand drivers, product variety issues, optimal inventory configurations, cost structures, supply chain structures, and delivery mechanisms. Consequently, the optimal supply chain configuration for Internet delivery differs considerably from the optimal supply chain configuration for a retail store structure, so designing a supply chain system to serve both channels well is difficult. Accordingly, a set of strategic choices and trade-offs must be made. Here, we present some strategic alternatives.  相似文献   

零售业主要是销售消费用品,直接面向终端顾客。关于缺货反应的研究,对后期的零售业具有重大的借鉴意义。缺货问题涉及供应链管理、顾客关系管理等诸多方面,它的研究对制造商、经销商、零售商都有很大的指导作用。否则,商品缺货可能导致零售门店损失销售额,也会削弱消费者对零售商和缺货商品品牌的信赖。  相似文献   

Retailing has undergone significant changes over the years, tremendously impacting how the retail customer experience is managed. We use this opportunity to present the key findings of the contributors to our Special Issue, along with our observations, to introduce new approaches to retail customer experience management. Buoyed by the research presented in this Special Issue, we highlight the key trends and shifts in retail customer experience management in terms of consumer behavior and what drives the decision-making process of retail customers today and in the future.  相似文献   

Design is an increasingly important part of the competitive strategy of food retailers in the UK. This paper examines the design management process within one of the leading UK food retailers to provide a model of the process. This model constitutes a contribution to design management theory in the retail sector. The process of retail design management is explored and discussed. This paper attempts to provide an exploratory base for future linkages to be made between design management and retail marketing theories.  相似文献   

Retail alliances are a mechanism which enables small and medium retail businesses to compete with corporate retail chains. Alliances face different organisational problems from those of corporate chains because of the need to ensure convergence of interests between the individual member and the organisation as a whole. This paper examines how retail buying groups organise in terms of membership structures, control mechanisms, incentive structures and management systems to meet these needs. A study of retail buying groups in the United Kingdom is reported. Results show that these groups are not mirror images of corporate retail chains but vehicles to preserve the independence of their members through voluntary participation and democratic control structures.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,零售行业逐步开放,许多大型国际连锁超市纷纷涌入哈尔滨,使得零售行业竞争更加激烈。新的零售业态虽然给当地消费者带来了全新的消费方式和购物模式,但也给本地零售业带来前所未有的冲击。哈尔滨大型零售企业存在运行机制不灵活,管理运作不规范,零售业态单一,连锁业态组织化程度低,企业规模小,市场份额低等问题。政府应兼顾服务贸易自由化和发展我国零售业的双重目标,尽快健全零售领域的法律、法规体系,推动企业机制转换,规范管理运作,积极开展新型零售业态,进行战略资源整合,以扩大市场份额。  相似文献   

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