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本文通过事件研究方法,对2007~2009年金融危机期间美联储货币政策的效果进行了实证分析.研究发现,以利率为主的传统货币政策工具、针对金融机构与金融市场的贷款机制等非传统货币政策工具的操作,在危机中有效地改善了货币市场条件;但对个别金融机构的救助、大规模资产收购计划,并没有改善货币市场条件,反而导致UBOR-OIS利...  相似文献   

后危机时代我国货币政策的调控研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要研究了后危机时代我国货币政策的调控,指出了后危机时代我国货币政策调控的变化。进一步地,本文系统研究了我国流动性管理的数量型工具和价格型工具,分析了央行的数量型工具和价格型工具对宏观经济的调控。最后本文指出后危机时代我国央行货币政策的调控将足相机抉择的,需要在多种因素之间平衡。  相似文献   

在金融危机管理的过程中,发达国家中央银行通常采取非常规的货币政策手段,在此框架之下的中央银行资产负债表的有效运用对于危机救助起到了举足轻重的作用。通过对日本银行与美联储在此问题上的比较分析,发现建立在各自资产负债表变化特征基础之上的规模与结构的差异性,乃是源自"数量宽松"与"信用宽松"货币政策本质的不同。日美央行在金融危机管理中也因此各具特色,表现为货币政策工具的创新以及资产购买种类的差别等方面,究其根本原因在于两国金融体系结构的区别。而它们的共同点则是运用零利率政策有效引导市场预期,以配合非常规货币政策的应用。  相似文献   

非常规货币政策是在常规货币政策失去效应的前提下,旨在恢复金融市场融资功能和促进经济增长的一系列非常规货币手段、措施,即非常规货币政策工具。国际金融危机爆发后,常规的通过降低利率刺激经济货币政策工具不再有效,全球主要发达经济体的中央银行持续使用了大规模的非常规货币政策工具。  相似文献   

如果说2008年爆发了次贷危机,那么2009年是金融危机和经济危机爆发并被暂时克服的一年,2010年则极可能是主权债务危机爆发的一年,这是一个连锁的反应:次贷危机诱发金融危机,而政府为了救助金融系统破产的惨况,被迫实施激进的量化宽松的货币政策,但量化宽松的货币政策的必然结果就是资产价格上涨压迫CPI上涨。政府为了挽救经济,必须实施挖坑填坑式的凯恩斯扩张主义,这就造成了政府自身的危机,债务和赤字不断扩大,最终演化为主权债务危机。  相似文献   

彭华 《特区经济》2006,(1):62-63
本文按照货币政策的实施情况,把我国的货币政策分成3个阶段:适度从紧的货币政策阶段、相对宽松的货币政策阶段和相对紧缩的货币政策阶段。在这3个阶段中又依据货币政策的实施工具,分别通过数量型工具与价格型工具,对货币政策的实施情况进行阐述。  相似文献   

货币与财政政策后续效应评估:40次银行危机样本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马勇  陈雨露 《改革》2012,(5):24-32
以20世纪80年代以来40次重要的系统性银行危机为基础,对金融危机后的货币政策和财政政策选择进行实证评价。实证结果表明,"适度扩张"的货币政策和财政政策能产生相对较优的经济效果,应成为金融危机后的主要政策选择,但由于两种政策刺激或稳定经济的效力都集中体现在短期,为避免持续和大规模货币扩张和财政赤字带来的负面影响,一旦危机消退、经济企稳回升,之前作为"反危机工具"出现的扩张性货币和财政政策就应该逐步淡出。  相似文献   

王潇潇 《亚太经济》2012,(4):96-102
2007年在美国爆发的次贷危机和金融危机对全球经济造成了巨大、强烈而深远的影响和冲击。中美两国各自根据国情及危机产生的根源的不同分别采取了及时积极的货币政策和财政政策,本文从两国货币政策实施的具体操作措施、实施的时间、目标、政策工具和力度、实施效果、经济恢复情况及目前仍存在的经济问题进行了详细的比较和分析。  相似文献   

张瑾  张思尧 《中国经贸》2010,(10):112-113
美国次贷危机以来,各国中央银行采取应对金融危机的货币政策成为最受关注的焦点。而分析各国货币当局的资产负债表能清楚地告诉人们中央银行到底作出了哪些努力。本文分析了金融危机前、中、后期中美两国央行的资产负债表变化,从中透视出美联储和中国人民银行采用的货币政策工具及其有效性。  相似文献   

基于VAR模型的我国货币政策有效性实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币政策有效性包括工具的有效性、传导机制的效率以及能否达到预期目标,而评价货币政策是否有效的最终依据是货币政策的实施效果.文章构建了测度货币政策有效性的VAK模型,利用脉冲响应函数分析了相关变量对CPI影响的强弱程度及其对货币政策发生效力的滞后时间,认为我国的货币政策是基本有效的,货币供给量M0是近期货币政策中较合适的货币政策工具,并提出了将价格型工具和数量型工具混合使用以实现货币政策预期目标的建议.  相似文献   

至今为止,关于货币政策有效性的研究一直存在争议并受到学者和政策调控部门的持续关注。各种学派在理论上对货币政策有效与否的争论并没有阻碍学者们对现实货币政策有效性的探讨,大量研究都集中在货币传导机制本身及其影响因素上。本文从金融排斥角度解读货币政策可能失效的原因,并指出忽视金融排斥存在的货币政策可能导致的问题,从而赋予金融包容政策新的职能。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how financial development and financial structure affect the growth effect of monetary policy using panel data from 49 countries over the period 1980–2014. We find robust evidence that financial development has a significantly negative impact on the growth effect of monetary policy. We also find that the growth effect of monetary policy tends to be more pronounced as the financial structure of a country becomes more market-based. These results not only add interesting new evidence to the recent literature on the growth effects of monetary policy, but also provide some important insights into the financial determinants of monetary policy effects on economic growth, which have largely been ignored in the previous literature.  相似文献   

随着货币政策与金融稳定之间联系的不断深化,中央银行理应在防范金融市场系统性风险中发挥重要的作用。文章首先构建我国金融稳定指数,并将其加入线性货币政策规则,研究结果表明,中央银行在调整名义利率时的确对金融稳定状况有所关注,相比于传统泰勒规则,纳入金融稳定指数的泰勒规则中通胀系数与产出缺口系数均有显著改善,其能够更好地拟合中央银行的实际政策操作。随后,为了进一步考察货币当局对名义利率调整的动态变化特征,文章通过TVP-SV-VAR模型对拓展的时变参数泰勒规则进行了再估计。研究发现,随着经济周期和金融形势的更迭,中央银行也会不断动态调整其政策目标。其中,货币政策对通货膨胀的调控不存在明显的惰性区域,控制通胀始终是中央银行工作的重心。其次,中央银行存在规避经济收缩的偏好,在经济下行时期其对货币政策的调整会向产出缺口倾斜。最后,为了抑制金融机构的过度风险承担,货币当局在本次金融危机之后显著增强了对于金融稳定的关注。  相似文献   

The recent financial market turmoil has initiated another search for insightful understanding of the interactions between the financial market and monetary policy. This paper explores these interactions in terms of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in China. We argue that evolving financial development, enhanced by the expansion of the financial market, has altered the conventional channel for monetary transmission in China. Analyzing marked changes in the financial landscape and taking into account policy regime shifts in China, the paper provides clear evidence showing that the financial market has become a new and important channel for transmission of monetary policy in China.  相似文献   

文章首先使用混频动态因子模型(MF-DFM),构建中国首个混频金融稳定指数(MF-FSI),接着把MF-FSI作为金融稳定的代理变量,使用文章新构建的混频IS-Phillips模型,比较分析纳入与不纳入金融稳定的中国货币政策损失函数差异,最后对货币政策目标选择和时效选择进行了敏感性分析,实证分析表明:(1)中国混频金融稳定指数是金融稳定的一个实时性有效测度指标;(2)中国货币政策目标应纳入金融稳定,以减少货币政策福利损失;(3)无论中国货币政策目标偏好和预期偏好怎样变化,央行都应给予金融稳定固定且不可忽略的关注度,但物价稳定和经济增长仍为主要货币政策目标。  相似文献   

We investigate the optimal design and effectiveness of monetary and macroprudential policies in promoting macroeconomic (price) and financial stability for the South African economy. We develop a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model featuring a housing market, a banking sector and the role of macroprudential and monetary policies. Based on the parameter estimates from the estimation, we conduct an optimal rule analysis and an efficient policy frontier analysis, and compare the dynamics of the model under different policy regimes. We find that a policy regime that combines a standard monetary policy rule and a macroprudential policy rule delivers a more stable economic system with price and financial stability. A policy regime that combines an augmented monetary policy (policy rate reacts to financial conditions) with macroprudential policy is better at attenuating the effects of financial shocks, but at a much higher cost of price instability. Our findings suggest that monetary policy should focus solely on its primary objective of price stability and let macroprudential policy facilitate financial stability on its own.  相似文献   

雷蕾  彭孙琥 《南方经济》2016,34(2):106-117
基于中国2002-2015年3月的月度经济金融数据,作者利用简单相关性、VAR模型、ADCC-GARCH模型对价格稳定和金融稳定关系进行了研究。实证结果表明,价格稳定并不能保证金融稳定,二者并不存在稳定的相关性。同时,作者还研究了数量型和价格型货币政策对二者关系的影响,结果表明:货币政策对二者关系影响微弱,单独依靠货币政策很难同时实现价格稳定和金融稳定的双重目标。最后,本文选取了股票市场和房地产市场数据进行了稳健性检验,进一步论证本文观点。本文的研究结论有助于更深入理解二者关系,进一步强调了货币政策和宏观审慎政策协调的重要性,为决策部门制定合适的政策、促进宏观经济金融体系的良好运转提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Emerging Asia has seen a transformation of its monetary policy environment over the past two decades. By far, the most relevant change has been the maturing of its financial systems and the growing relevance of the global financial cycle: financial inclusion has spread, financial markets have deepened and financial globalisation has linked domestic markets closer to international markets. One consequence of the maturing of the financial systems has been the weakening of the traditional case for the monetarist view of the roles of monetary aggregates in the conduct of monetary policy. In addition, the maturing of the financial systems has elevated concerns of financial stability, as both a source of shocks and a responsibility of central banks. These developments have been further complicated by monetary policy spillovers from the advanced economies. All this points to the need to consider alternatives to conventional inflation targeting frameworks. This paper lays out a policy framework based on a multi-pillar monetary policy approach as a potentially attractive alternative for EM Asia. The three pillars are based on economic, financial and exchange rate stability, respectively. This framework not only offers an alternative conceptual framework but also implies institutional reforms to ensure central banks take a longer term perspective when setting policy.  相似文献   

This paper develops a portfolio choice model by incorporating monetary policy and analyzes the determinants of financial investments of nonfinancial firms in China. Unlike the literature assuming financial investments are riskless, we allow risks in both financial and real investments in firms' portfolio choice model. Our theoretical framework suggests that monetary policy, relative risk in fixed investment, and the risk-adjusted return gap between financial and fixed investments are determinants of firms' financial investments. Using firm-level panel data over the period from 2006 to 2016, we find that the relative risk in fixed investment and quantitative expansionary monetary policy have led to rising financial investments of nonfinancial firms in China over the post-2008 financial crisis period, whereas the rate of the risk-adjusted return gap between financial and fixed investments plays no role in firms' financial investments. The impact of monetary policy on firms' financial investments is also interlinked with their ownerships, with distinct impacts emerging between state-owned and non-state-owned firms.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effect of US monetary policy on South Africa during the period 1990–2018. We separately analyse and compare the effect of conventional monetary policy, before the Global Financial Crisis, and unconventional monetary policy, after the US monetary policy reached the zero-lower bound. Our impulse response function results indicate that monetary policy in South Africa responds mainly to local inflation, economic activity and financial conditions. While there is strong correlation between the global and South African financial cycle, the financial cycle is not transmitted to the real economy because of the sluggish response of industrial production and domestic credit, especially after the global financial crisis. We see this as an indication of the effects of structural issues to the real economy and constrained households’ balance sheet which has prevented the local economy to take advantage of low local interest rates and the global economic recovery after the crisis.  相似文献   

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