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作为世界上最大区域经济体之一的欧洲经济,在此次席卷全球的次贷危机中经受了严峻的考验。危机过后,欧洲经济开始缓慢复苏,遭受重创的银行业也逐渐走出阴影。那么,后危机时代欧洲的经济和银行业呈现怎样的发展趋势?欧洲政府和银行采取了哪些危机应对措施?欧洲银行业又面临着哪些新的挑战?本文旨在通过对以上问题的探索和研究来找到一些答案,为我国银行业的发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

王娜 《新金融》2006,(9):46-49
成为从事全方位金融业务的“金融超市”是美国银行的新构想,其关键环节是投行业务的崛起。美国银行依靠内力,自主创立投行的尝试效果不是很好,而收购其他大型投行又面临整合的难题。中国“十一五”规划提出要“稳步推进金融业综合经营试点”,目前激烈的竞争给国内商业银行带来了严峻的挑战,发展投资银行业务走综合经营之路势在必行。我国商业银行之投资银行业务亟待政策突破和发展模式抉择。在建立投行业务的征途中亟需借鉴国际经验,走金融控股公司之路。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of competition in the banking industry based upon the interplay of two factors: the level of capitalization of banks and their ability to monitor different types of projects (i.e., their expertise). In a setting of moral hazard with limited liability, banks must receive some rents to induce them to monitor projects diligently. The rents are decreasing in the banks' expertise and in the amount of capital that banks are able to commit to a project. This leads to a trade-off between capital and expertise. The analysis shows how shocks to bank capital and interest rates, and technological shocks can affect competition and monitoring efficiency in the banking sector. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G21, G32.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theoretical literature on bank capital regulation and analyzes some of the approaches to redesigning the 1988 Basel Accord on capital standards. The paper starts with a review of the literature on the design of the financial system and the existence of banks. It proceeds with a presentation of the market failures that justify banking regulation and an analysis of the mechanisms that have been suggested to deal with these failures. The paper then reviews the theoretical literature on bank capital regulation. This is followed by a brief history of capital regulation since the 1988 Basel Capital Accord and a presentation of both the alternative approaches that have been put forward on setting capital standards and the Basel Committee's proposal for a new capital adequacy framework.  相似文献   

后危机时代中国银行业发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球进入后危机时代,中国银行业面临着诸多机遇和挑战。面对国内外错综复杂的经济金融形势,中国银行业必须要从把握经济发展节奏、转变业务经营模式、加大金融创新力度、加快国际化经营步伐、加强全面风险管理等方面着手,积极应对挑战,加快有效发展。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机之后,全球经济、金融格局出现了一系列深刻变革,面临着中期的调整。全球宏观经济、金融环境将面临着较大的不确定性。在这一背景下,在未来一段时间内,中国的经济结构以及经济增长模式也不可避免地将出现调整和变化、而经济、金融的运行也会呈现出一定的复杂性。经济环境的变化,将对我国银行业原有的发展模式带来越来越大的挑战,战略转型将成为我国商业银行未来发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

本文结合2009年1000家大银行排行榜的新特征,分析全球银行业格局的变化。结论认为,金融危机对未来全球银行业的经营环境产生了巨大的影响,美欧银行业将很难再现过去10年的辉煌,部分坚持传统稳健经营模式的发达国家银行可望取得良好发展,新兴市场银行仍将是发展亮点和全球银行业角逐之地。  相似文献   

混业经营,中国金融业的必由之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了减少我国的金融风险,加强对金融机构的监管,我国金融业一直实行分业经营机制,即银行、证券公司、保险公司只能分别经营相应的银行业务、证券业务和保险业务,银行不能经营证券业务和保险业务.根据经济学理论,金融资产自身具有专用性软弱的特点,而且随着时间的推移又呈现减弱的趋势,所以尽管目前我国金融业的基本格局仍是分业经营,但随着经济的发展,金融混业经营必将成为未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

新资本协议与我国银行业信用风险评级   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巴塞尔委员会的新资本协议将于2006年底在成员国开始实施,作为国际银行业风险管理的范本,其主要创新——内部评级法一经面世便引起了国际银行界的高度关注,其最终实施必然对全球银行业产生深远的影响。在这种大环境下,应认真探讨我国银行业风险管理的现状,以及面对新资本协议将采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

刘晨 《新金融》2003,(4):10-11
一、衡量银行业效率的指标 在现代金融经济条件下,金融是指资金融通,金融效率就是资金融通的效率.它是指在金融市场上,在健康的金融监督管理体制下和有效的金融调节机制下,由金融机构作为金融中介或者由融资双方或多方在市场服务体系下,以尽可能的成本(机会成本和交易成本),将有限的金融资源(货币和货币资本)进行最优培植以实现其最有效利用.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a liquidity mismatch index (LMI) to gauge the mismatch between the market liquidity of assets and the funding liquidity of liabilities, for 2,882 bank holding companies over 2002 to 2014. The aggregate LMI decreases from +$4 trillion precrisis to ?$6 trillion in 2008. We conduct an LMI stress test revealing the fragility of the banking system in early 2007. Moreover, LMI predicts a bank's stock market crash probability and borrowing decisions from the government during the financial crisis. The LMI is therefore informative about both individual bank liquidity and the liquidity risk of the entire banking system.  相似文献   

谭雅玲 《银行家》2002,(8):82-84
全球千家银行新排队 面对世界经济恢复的艰难,主要国家或区域经济复苏与恢复缓慢,加之公司企业前景暗淡,大公司企业假账和违规行为不断表露,不仅进一步加大了银行改革发展的阻力,而且使银行规模效益面临压力与挑战.  相似文献   

This paper provides new insights into the relationship between competition and diversification based on a sample of 1,570 commercial banks located in 28 European Union member states over the period of 2000 through 2016. The adjusted Lerner index and income diversification are the main indicators that account for bank-level competition and non-traditional activities. As robustness checks, we used Boone indicator along with diversification that was measured by the share of off-balance sheet items in total assets. We ran the estimations using multilevel analysis at country- and bank-level. Overall, competition stimulates bank diversification as financial institutions are continuously searching for additional sources of income to finance their competitive strategies. Bank performance, efficiency and R&D expenditure have positive effects on diversification. Opposite impacts characterize the market capitalization of listed domestic companies and GDP growth.  相似文献   

Is there evidence that market forces effectively discipline risk management behaviour within Chinese financial institutions? This study analyses information from a comprehensive sample of Chinese banks over the 1998–2008 period. Market discipline is captured through the impact of four sets of factors namely, market concentration, interbank deposits, information disclosure, and ownership structure. We find some evidence of a market disciplining effect in that: (i) higher (lower) levels of market concentration lead banks to operate with a lower (higher) capital buffer; (ii) joint-equity banks that disclose more information to the public maintain larger capital ratios; (iii) full state ownership reduces the sensitivity of changes in a bank’s capital buffer to its level of risk;(iv) banks that release more transparent financial information hold more capital against their non-performing loans.  相似文献   

世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。这三种制度各有利弊。由于各种因素的影响,我国目前仍有必要施行法定资本金制度。  相似文献   

By using the spatial econometrics methodology, this paper investigates the contagion of the risk taking by banks in the US banking sector during 2001 to 2012. In addition, the contagion signals up to the Subprime crisis in 2008 are analyzed and different channels of contagion are studied in order to identify fragile groups of banks. Our analysis reveals that there is no significant contagion transmitted to the whole banking system. However, we observe that the bank contagion is significantly spread locally and for the group of banks that share similar characteristics related to size and bank regulations.  相似文献   

政府对私营部门发展给予持续支持,对中国建设以企业为主体的技术创新体系具有战略意义,近期发布的一份世界银行报告这样表示。该报告认为:"在中国目前的国家创新体系中,  相似文献   

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