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现代农业生物技术与政府管理:一个研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考察了目前国内外现代农业生物技术与政府管理方面的研究进展,主要涉及现代农业生物技术的经济福利分析、各利益相关者的行为和态度分析、农业转基因生物安全性管理、与现代农业生物技术相关的知识产权和公共投资、转基因农产品国际贸易等方面,并在此基础上提出了现代农业生物技术全面创新管理的思想。  相似文献   

In this article we adapt Burtless and Hausman's (1978) methodology in order to estimate farmers' demand for irrigation water under increasing block-rate tariffs and empirically assess its effect on aggregate demand and inter-farm allocation efficiency. This methodology overcomes the technical challenges raised by increasing block-rate pricing and accounts for both observed and unobserved technological heterogeneity among farmers. Employing micro panel data documenting irrigation levels and prices in 185 Israeli agricultural communities in the period 1992–1997, we estimate water demand elasticity at −0.3 in the short run (the effect of a price change on demand within a year of implementation) and −0.46 in the long run. We also find that, in accordance with common belief, switching from a single to a block-price regime, yields a 7% reduction in average water use while maintaining the same average price. However, based on our simulations we estimate that the switch to block prices will result in a loss of approximately 1% of agricultural output due to inter-farm allocation inefficiencies.  相似文献   

徐雁 《水利经济》2003,21(2):22-24
讨论WTO对我国农业的主要影响以及预测我国农业生产方式的发展方向,根据这种预测,分析了由农业引发的水权水市场问题,提出了水权水市场在加入WTO后,前期不利、中期发展、后期成熟的观点。  相似文献   

农业形势与发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文围绕如何保持和发展农业和农村经济的好形势,重点讨论了工农协调发展、城乡统筹发展、发挥区域比较优势、发展优质高效农业和乡镇企业、推进农业产业化经营、坚持科技进步等几个方面内容。  相似文献   

农业性质与中国的"三农"问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从农业的性质出发,分析了我国“三农”问题的本质。指出农业要素具有自然依赖性;农业生产是联合生产,产品具有多种功能,大部分农产品具有公共产品或准公共产品性质;同时多数农产品又是独特的,没有非农以外的供给途径;作为私人产品的农产品还具有价格弹性低、收入弹性低等特点。农业的以上性质决定了农业和农民的弱质性以及市场在农业和农产品配置方面的先天不足,“三农”问题在我国又被基本国情和城市偏向政策所强化。要解决“三农”问题必须从农业的性质出发,给农业和农民以应有的政策支持。  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at those who do not specialize in agricultural trade policies, but who wish to know more about the issues involved in the agricultural component of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. The preparatory work on agricultural policy reform in the OECD and on agricultural trade reform in the GATT are described, as is their synthesis in the negotiating proposal made by the United States. Implications for Canadian agricultural policy and programs are drawn. Some areas needing further research to support the negotiations are identified, with particular emphasis being placed on the use of the “producer subsidy equivalent” as a trade negotiating tool, the trade effects of supply management and stabilization programs, and the process of adjustment in agriculture to more competitive conditions. Le présent document s'adresse aux personnes qui ne sont pas spécialisées dans le domaine des politiques du commerce agricole mais qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les questions qui seront abordées dans la composante agricole de la ronde des négociations commerciales qui se tiendra en Uruguay. Nous décrivons les travaux préparatoires portant sur la réforme des politiques agricoles de l'OCDE et sur la réforme du commerce agricole au sein du GATT et nous étudions la synthèse qu'en on faite les représentants des Éms-Unis dans leur proposition de négociations. Nous en exaxninons en outre la signification pour la politique agricole du Canada. Nous cernons certains des domaines qui devraient faire l'objet de recherches ultérieures à l'appui des négociations en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur l'utilisation de 1‘“équivalent de subvention au producteur” comme outil de négociation, sur les effets sur le commerce de la gestion de l'offre et des programmes de stabilisation et sur le processus d'ajustement du secteur agricole à des conditions de concurrence accrue.  相似文献   

本文从传统水经济问题出发,重点论述了我国经济转型时期水的供需关系和水污染问题,进而提出构建规范、有序的水经济命题,特别提出治理水污染的司法程序问题。  相似文献   

当前要弄清楚现代农业的内涵和怎样发展的问题。现代农业是大农业,包括种植养殖业,贯穿一二三产业,单一的原料性生产不能叫现代农业。“殖民地”式的经营模式不能发展现代农业;没有农业本身的自强能力,解决三农问题和发展现代农业就只是空话。要将人的口粮与饲料粮分开生产,分别由政府和市场调节,改变粮食生产的微利和无利状况,保障广大农民增收。我国耕地紧缺,开发林木生物能源可加快山区现代农业建设和小康社会建设。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of tax policy issues that arise with the taxation of the Canadian agricultural sector. The scope of the paper encompasses the federal income tax, the goods and services tax (GST), payroll taxes, provincial sales taxes, provincial and municipal property taxes, and excise taxes. The paper focuses primarily on measures that apply only to farmers or, in a few instances, to small business owners. The paper identifies numerous areas where additional in-depth research is required and some of the considerations that should be addressed in such analyses.  相似文献   

The specialised livestock industry is poised for excellent growth and development in both Saskatchewan and Canada. … Specialised livestock have the potential to meet market demands in other parts of the world as well as local opportunities for healthy and exotic foods. (Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2000).
… there are now 4000 deer farms in New Zealand. They are running 1.8 million animals, in a country somewhat smaller than Saskatchewan! (Haigh 2000).
There are domestic and export markets for venison and export offers the best returns. Over 80% of Australian-produced venison is now exported … They are large markets with limited Australian market penetration because of the current small size of our industry and our inability to provide the volume required (Mackay 2000).
…the behaviour of new enterprises follow a very predictable pattern. Unfortunately, despite the highly predictable nature of these issues and problems, the same mistakes are made over and over (McKinna 1999).  相似文献   

This essay assesses the U.S. government's role in managing rapid biotechnological change in agriculture. Many scientists hail recent agricultural biotechnology developments as steps toward solving the health, nutrition, and environmental problems that have plagued the world for decades. At the same time, some fear these biotechnological advances will leave a legacy of environmental threats, health problems, and ethical dilemmas for future generations. The impacts of these technologies on economies and the environment are unpredictable and government's role in regulating GM (genetically modified) technologies will need to be different than its functions in traditional agricultural policy. In this article, we consider current federal regulation of GM products, consumers' apprehensions about GM food, possible market failures due to agricultural biotechnology, and the policy significance of scientific uncertainty. We then suggest policy approaches that can address concerns about biotechnology and ensure that the potentially widespread public benefits from GM crop production are not ignored.  相似文献   

财政支农资金管理行为若干问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面建设小康社会对农业和农村发展提出了新的更高的要求.促进农业和农村快速发展,离不开国家财政的有力支持.要大幅度增加财政支农力度,在我国目前财政收入和支出规模相对较小的情况下,短期内难以实现.因而加强支农资金的使用和管理,提高有限资金的使用效率,比单纯强调扩大投入性支持更具有意义.现阶段我国财政支农资金管理中存在着两个主要问题:一是支农资金管理体制不完善;二是支农资金结构不合理.因此,如何进一步加强财政支农资金的管理,提高财政支农资金的效益,成为需要我们深入研究的课题.  相似文献   

Land Tenure and Tenure Regimes in Mexico: An Overview   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article provides an overview of the evolution of land tenure and tenure regimes in rural Mexico from colonial times to the present. It shows how, by the late nineteenth century, the dual system of indigenous communal tenure and Spanish and criollo landholdings was undermined by liberal legislation that sought to privatize community lands. This resulted in a process of disappropriation and concentration of land in a few hands, which created the setting for rural upheaval during the Mexican revolution and for the subsequent redistributive land reform and the creation of a 'social sector' consisting of ejidos and agrarian communities. By the 1960s, however, the reform sector began to enter into crisis. A reform of the Constitution and new agrarian legislation of 1992 opened the way to privatization of land in the social sector, expecting that this would dynamize production. It is shown that this has not been the case. In a context of globalization and asymmetric free-trade relations the crisis has only deepened.  相似文献   

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