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This study provides a long-term assessment of economic education by examining an individual's decision to have a bank account. Using the results of a nationwide telephone survey, high school courses in economics and business reduced the probability that an adult was unbanked, ceteris paribus. In addition, adults who demonstrated a higher level of understanding of basic economic concepts were less likely to be unbanked. The results indicated that an individual's understanding of the economic system was as important as formal coursework in explaining access to basic financial services.  相似文献   

传承传统重义轻利观念的大学教育,对学生的财富意识具有极大的压抑作用。改革开放以来,一部分人陷入拜金主义的泥潭,一部分人则保持着“饿死事小失节事大”的极端思想。调查的结果令人担忧,大学生财商整体水平较低。对大学生进行财商教育,是实现教育“使人更幸福地生活”目的之必然要求。  相似文献   

高校财务管理问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,高校财务管理主要存在着领导对财务管理的重要性认识不足,经费审批不规范,财务管理的人员素质不高,对往来款项的风险不重视,项目管理缺失,财务分析能力不够等问题,与国家的要求和经济发展的形势不相适应,其原因既有体制、政策、制度方面的问题,也有内部管理弱化的问题,且财会队伍的建设还有待完善.为此,高校应强化财务管理意识,加强高校的内部控制制度建设,提高财务管理人员的素质,重视往来账风险管理,系统化相关的规章制度,并作好财务分析工作.  相似文献   

Researchers and policymakers in many countries are interested in better understanding the relationship between financial education participation and cognitive outcomes such as financial knowledge and self‐efficacy. We used two waves of the nationally representative Canadian Financial Capability Survey along with propensity score matching (PSM) to compare outcomes between persons who had taken a financial education course to those who had not. After matching and adjusting for demographic and economic factors, financial education participants exhibited significantly higher objective and subjective financial knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores. Post‐estimation analysis showed that higher overall objective financial knowledge scores were at least partially driven by higher scores of men. Financial education participants had higher subjective knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores for both genders and across age. Future research into financial education ought to consider cognitive dimensions in addition to behavioral and financial outcomes.  相似文献   

This study investigates how financial education in high school, college, or in the workplace affects the short‐ and long‐term financial behaviors of adults using the 2015 National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) data. Financial education appears to have generally insignificant effects on short‐term behaviors for which there is regular feedback and penalties, and thus greater opportunity for learning by doing. If consumers do not pay off their credit card bill, they get a monthly statement showing interest charges and penalties. Financial education appears to have more positive and stronger effects on long‐term behaviors with less timely feedback, and for which the adverse consequences are not fully realized until later in life, so learning by doing may not work. Not saving enough money for retirement cannot be easily or quickly corrected, if at all. The benefits to financial education may differ based on the time horizon for the financial behaviors.  相似文献   

知识经济背景下企业财务管理创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随科技的飞速发展和知识经济时代的到来,现代企业资本配置中知识成本的比例越来越高,在企业财务管理中数字化、智能化的特点越来与突出,财务管理观念和内容都发生了改变。知识经济背景下,企业财务管理要创新企业的理财观念,创新企业的财务管理目标,创新融资管理,创新优化企业的风险管理方法,创新财务工作内容,创新财务管理人员培养体制。企业财务管理创新,应深入研究知识资本理论,应用财务再造策略,建立财务资源计划系统,构建网络财务系统,使公司的财务管理更加正规简洁化。  相似文献   

郭琳 《市场与人口分析》2004,10(5):59-63,78
2 0 0 3年 5月和 2 0 0 4年 1月 ,通过问卷跟踪调查方式对海淀区某居民小区的中学生有关SARS的认识和反应进行了研究 ,内容涉及中学生对SARS的了解程度及了解方式、关于预防SARS的知识和相应的行为变化等。中学生对SARS有一定的认识和了解 ;各大媒体在SARS期间对于宣传公共卫生知识起到了重要的作用 ;中学生群体目前对SARS仍旧有一定的恐惧心理 ;中学生注重卫生的程度因为SARS的远去而有所降低。加强公众对于流行疾病的基本认识 ,进一步改善其卫生习惯 ,仍然是我们需要面对的问题。  相似文献   

2003年5月和2004年1月,通过问卷跟踪调查方式对海淀区某居民小区的中学生有关SARS的认识和反应进行了研究,内容涉及中学生对SARS的了解程度及了解方式、关于预防SARS的知识和相应的行为变化等.中学生对SARS有一定的认识和了解;各大媒体在SARS期间对于宣传公共卫生知识起到了重要的作用;中学生群体目前对SARS仍旧有一定的恐惧心理;中学生注重卫生的程度因为SARS的远去而有所降低.加强公众对于流行疾病的基本认识,进一步改善其卫生习惯,仍然是我们需要面对的问题.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a controlled field experiment designed to estimate the short‐term effects of a 45‐minute financial education program on the financial literacy and savings behavior of children in Dutch primary schools. Among fifth and sixth graders, the program led to a pre‐ to posttest improvement in financial literacy on almost one of eight questions, with about one‐third of the increase in correctness attributable to the program. It also raised the probability of willingness to save by 4 percentage points. Nonetheless, whereas the program appears effective in respect to questions that explicitly address program content, its significant effects on financial literacy seem primarily driven by the results for girls, although we cannot reject homogeneous treatment effects with respect to gender.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in and funding for financial literacy and financial education programs in the private and public sectors, the field of financial literacy still has a major obstacle to overcome: the lack of a widely disseminated measure of financial literacy, developed through rigorous psychometric analyses. In this article, we develop such a measure, focusing specifically on financial knowledge. Using item response theory (IRT), we analyze items from three national surveys, resulting in a psychometrically sound 20‐item financial knowledge scale. By using IRT, the current analysis uses individuals' answers to inform which questions to include in the scale in the first place, rather than simply confirming relationships between these answers and other financially relevant outcomes post hoc. Widespread use of this index and the continued use of modern psychometric techniques would allow for the comparison of financial knowledge, measured consistently and reliably, across studies, populations, and programs.  相似文献   

The effects of consumer education and information treatments on choice of alternative products are described. Knowledge of upholstery serviceability and flammability before and after these treatments is measured as well as simulated purchase behavior of 448 Canadian consumers. Subjects show an increase in knowledge between pre- and posttests. The choice of fire resistant upholstery differs among consumer information treatments but not among education treatments. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

洪敏 《北方经贸》2009,(7):49-52
研究分析我国上市公司股权融资和债权融资的财务治理效应发现,目前我国上市公司资产负债比例并不高,同时分布比例也不是很合理,大部分上市公司偏好股权融资,利用债务融资的深度和广度都还不够。没有充分发挥债务融资的优势。这就表明融资契约的财务治理效应的有效发挥需要一定的前提条件:一是要不断完善上市公司的内外部财务治理机制,二是要建立有效的债务契约履行机.  相似文献   

在高等教育市场化过程中,实行教育成本分担机制已成为社会各界的共识,然而对高等教育中政府财政职能的定位与政策工具的调整学术界尚无一致的看法。通过对我国高等教育经费的拨款、成本分担及经费筹措方面进行系统的综述,总结现有研究中共同的角度及内容,尝试找出更新的角度来分析问题。  相似文献   

钟娟  张庆亮 《财贸研究》2010,21(5):98-104
金融发展水平对提高技术吸收能力至关重要,并对FDI技术溢出效应的实现产生重要影响。利用中国1983—2007年的时间序列数据,从金融发展水平与FDI技术溢出效应间的线性和非线性关联假设出发,研究金融发展水平对FDI技术溢出效应的影响。研究结果发现:FDI确实对中国的技术进步有明显的积极作用,并存在显著的技术溢出效应,而FDI技术溢出存在显著的金融发展"门槛效应"。  相似文献   

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