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This paper develops a model to value defaultable bonds in emerging markets. Default occurs when some signaling process hits a pre-defined default barrier. The signaling variable is considered to be some macro-economic variables such as foreign exchange rates. The dynamics of the default barrier depend on the volatility and the drift of the signaling variable. We derive a closed-form solution of the defaultable bond price from the model as a function of a signaling variable and a short-term interest rate. The numerical results show that the model values generated by using foreign exchange rates as the signaling variables can broadly track the market credit spreads of defaultable bonds in South Korea and Brazil. Given an expected level of the foreign exchange rate, defaultable bond values under a stressed market situation can be obtained.  相似文献   

Volatility spillovers among the stock markets of Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia are investigated using the concept of stochastic volatility and structural time-series modeling. The results reveal volatility spillovers, in which the Kuwait market plays the major role. It is also found that volatility in one market cannot be explained fully in terms of volatility in the other two markets, but that, out of the three markets, the Kuwait market seems to be the most influential. Some explanations are put forward for why this is the case.  相似文献   

全球金融危机以来,国际资本的大量流入推动了新兴市场的经济增长。但这种由外债驱动的增长,使其更易受到发达国家利率、汇率等外部因素的制约,造成金融不稳定。本文从经常账户、外汇储备和对外债务等三个不同的角度探讨上述外部因素对新兴市场的风险传递效应。根据对新兴市场国家的总体和分项脆弱性指标进行的情景分析,本文得出的结论是,如果国际资本流动等金融市场条件发生不利变化,巴西、印尼、俄罗斯、南非和土耳其等五个国家将面临较大的金融风险。  相似文献   

The combination of ineffective corporate governance at the company level and an uncertain legal and regulatory environment can significantly reduce the prices investors are willing to pay when investing in companies in emerging markets. The authors report the findings of their recent survey that asks investment professionals to compare the value of a hypothetical Australian company with that of its identical counterparts located in five emerging markets: Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Iran. The responding investors said they would value the emerging markets investments at discounts from the value of the Australian company that ranged from a low of 13.5% for its Malaysian counterpart to 51.2% for the Iranian company. Moreover, they indicated they would require costs of equity for these investments that were consistent with even larger valuation discounts. The investors' responses to the survey also suggest that corporate governance is especially important in countries with weaker investor protection. Well‐governed companies located in these countries enjoy significant value premiums that can partly offset the negative effect of the poor institutional environments, which suggests there may be a significant payoff for investors that succeed in improving the governance of the companies they invest in.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of systemic risks and financialdollarization on real interest rates in emerging economies.Higher systemic risks induce both higher real interest ratesand increased dollarization. Using appropriate instruments forthe dollarization ratio, the study overcomes the simultaneousequation problem and correctly estimates a negative coefficientfor the dollarization ratio in the interest rate equation. Itconfirms the theoretical prediction that a strategy of "dedollarizing"the economy will raise the equilibrium domestic real interestrate if the strategy fails to address fundamental macroeconomicrisks. Even so, it also finds that this effect is small, aftercontrolling for the risks of dilution and default. The resultsbring to light the systemic-risk reasons for high interest ratesin emerging economies—and contribute to evaluating thedifficulties of dedollarization policies.  相似文献   

Valuation in Over-the-Counter Markets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We provide the impact on asset prices of search-and-bargainingfrictions in over-the-counter markets. Under certain conditions,illiquidity discounts are higher when counterparties are harderto find, when sellers have less bargaining power, when the fractionof qualified owners is smaller, or when risk aversion, volatility,or hedging demand is larger. Supply shocks cause prices to jump,and then "recover" over time, with a time signature that isexaggerated by search frictions: The price jump is larger andthe recovery is slower in less liquid markets. We discuss avariety of empirical implications.  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy about the correct discount (or "hurdle") rate to use when performing valuations of investments in real assets in emerging markets. The topic is particularly relevant because of the growing need to evaluate privatizations, direct private acquisitions, and greenfield investments in new productive facilities throughout the world.
This article argues that the traditional practitioners' approach of building a country risk premium into the discount rate is generally inappropriate, mainly because country risk is not the same for all projects nor is it totally systematic. Moreover, there is no reason for the discount rate to be closely related to the spread on the government bonds of the country concerned. The author also points out that, in determining the appropriate discount rate, what is important is not the segmentation of the market, but the extent to which the investor is locally or globally diversified. The article accordingly reviews a selected group of models for calculating discount rates for both segmented and integrated markets. Adjustments to the valuation procedure are also suggested for cases in which investors are not well diversified or the investment is illiquid.  相似文献   

李蕊 《银行家》2004,(11):113-114
大量新兴国家所采取的积极的债务管理措施使得本国资产负债表的波动性显著降低,节约了为数可观的债务成本。本文引用两个典型例子:巴西采取减少其与美元相关的负债的政策,使得这部分负债的规模从2002年底占净负债总额的30%下降到2004年7月的15%。墨西哥实施富有创意的全球债券债务交换的方案,以期利用全球债券收益率曲线的特性来节约债务成本。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes theoretical and empirical research on the roles and functions of emerging derivatives markets and the resulting implications on policy and regulations. Previous studies revealed that commodity derivatives markets offered an effective and welfare-improving method to deal with price volatility. Financial derivatives markets have helped to support capital inflows into emerging market economies. On the other hand, the use of financial derivatives has led to exacerbated volatility and accelerated capital outflow. There is a consensus that derivatives are seldom the cause of a financial crisis but they could amplify the negative effects of the crisis and accelerate contagion. Previous studies of derivatives markets have supported the hedging role of emerging derivatives markets. Empirical results from a few emerging countries suggest a price discovery function of emerging futures markets. The findings on the price stabilization function of emerging derivatives markets are mixed. Finally, recent research has documented that constructive development of derivatives markets in emerging market economies needs to be supported by sound macroeconomic fundamentals as well as updated financial policies and regulations.  相似文献   

Research in the economics, finance, and management literature has sought to describe the predominance of business groups using an economic lens for decades. Yet, theory still falls short of explaining the role of business groups as a substitute for external markets as their influence only increases as countries develop. This article synthesizes the literature and posits that three main problems hinder its explanatory power; the difficulty of defining and identifying business groups, the focus on social welfare implications, and that the embeddedness of the central theories in a decidedly Anglo-American, developed economy perspective. Finally, suggestions for addressing these issues, along with accompanying hypotheses, are presented to further future research.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between downside risk and expected returns on the aggregate stock market in an international context. Nonparametric and parametric value at risk are used as measures of downside risk to determine the existence of a risk-return trade-off. For emerging markets, fixed effects panel data regressions provide evidence for a significantly positive relationship between monthly expected market returns and downside risk. This result is robust after controlling for aggregate dividend yield and price-to-fundamental ratios. The relationship between expected returns and downside risk is weaker for developed markets and vanishes when control variables are included in the specification.  相似文献   

资本市场与资产评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、资产评估对我国资本市场持续健康发展的作用 资产评估作为一种专业化中介服务行业,服务于诸多重要经济领域和经济活动.在规范交易行为、降低交易成本、维护经济秩序、保障金融安全、促进经济发展等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the properties and portfolio management implications of value‐weighted idiosyncratic volatility in 24 emerging markets. This paper provides evidence against the view that the rise of idiosyncratic risk is a global phenomenon. Furthermore, specific and market risks jointly predict market returns as there is a negative (positive) relation between idiosyncratic (market) risk and subsequent stock returns. Idiosyncratic volatility is the most important component of tracking error volatility, and it does not exhibit either an upward or a downward trend. Thus, investors do not have to increase, on average, the number of stocks they hold to keep the active risk constant.  相似文献   

David L. Stulb, joint leader of Ernst & Young's global Fraud Investigations & Dispute Servicespractice, said,“Major fraud and corruption scandals attract headlines around the world, dramatically affecting corporate and market values. With the fear of fraud greatest in emerging markets, and with 20% of all companies having been victims of fraud, the consequences for those companies that continue to underestimate the risk could be severe.” at the launch of the 9th Global Fraud Survey, Fraud Risk in Emerging Markets.  相似文献   

评估方法是资产评估中重要的基础性概念,从本辑开始将陆续介绍有关评估方法的相关术语和用法. 在国外早期的经典评估理论书籍及评估报告中,多将评估方法表示为valuation method,然而在现代英文评估书籍和评估报告中,使用Valuation Approach的趋势日渐增多.一方面,在许多场合这两个词不作区别,可互相替代,都可用来表示"评估方法".(在我国早期从国外引进评估理论和概念时,还曾将Cost Approach中的Approach理解为动词,进而形象地译为"成本逼近法",并沿用至今.)另一方面,目前在专业文献中越来越多地有意将Valuation Approach和Valuation Method予以区别,虽然缺乏明确的定义,但前者往往是指一种总的评估思路或途径,而后者往往是指其中的一种具体方法.  相似文献   

This paper studies dollarization using the implications of three versions of a money-in-utility function model. These versions accentuate the roles of the exchange rate, the interest rates on foreign and domestic currencies time deposits, and domestic and foreign inflation. Monthly Georgian data for the period 1996-2007 are employed in the analysis. Findings indicate that the U.S. dollar is a strong substitute for the domestic currency and has a significant share in domestic liquidity services. The historical dollarization is well explained by the exchange rate model.  相似文献   

本文对中国、印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、韩国和泰国六个新兴市场国家的股票回报率和通货膨胀率之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,在中国和菲律宾,名义股票回报率和通胀率之间存在正相关关系,但在其它四个国家,并未发现同样的关系存在。这表明股票作为通货膨胀的对冲工具,可能仅在个别国家里成立。此外,本文还对真实回报率和通胀率之间的关系进行了检验,结果普遍表明当期通胀率和单期滞后通胀率对真实股票回报率有负的影响。  相似文献   

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