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<正>目前,我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,《交通强国建设纲要》提出,坚持推动高质量发展,构建安全、便捷、高效、绿色、经济的现代化综合交通体系。推进公路交通高质量发展,涉及基础设施、路网运行和运输服务三个方面,这三个方面相互统一、密不可分,无一不需要资金的保障,特别是基础设施建设的资金需求量巨大,后期管养经费也恰恰决定着基础设施高质量发展和全生命周期的健康状况。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国经济社会发展进入“新常态”,处于重要战略机遇期,党中央国务院于2019年印发了《交通强国建设纲要》,对农村公路建设和发展做出了新部署,明确提出要“形成广覆盖的农村交通基础设施网”。认真贯彻落实交通强国战略,高质量推进农村公路建设是新时期交通人的初心和使命;贯彻“交通强国”战略,推动农村公路高质量发展思路具有重要意义。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,随着我国加入WTO的临近,我国经济加快了融入世界经济一体化的进程。“经营资质管理”、“加入WTO对交通企业经营管理的影响”、“发展物流业”、“智能运输”等这样一些热点问题成为交通企业改革与发展必须研究解决的新情况和新问题。一年来,《交通企业管理》杂志作为交通行业为数不多的综合指导类期刊,我们紧紧围绕交通行业、交通企业的改革与发展这个中心,坚持为交通企业服务的办刊宗旨,树立创新思想,在各地记者站、通联站的支持配合下,改进编辑出版工作,提高工作质量,努力提高办刊水平,使杂志整体质量上了一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

闫炜棋 《中国储运》2022,(1):121-122
一、引言 1.研究背景.中共十九大明确指出"我国经济由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段",由此可得高质量发展是我国经济发展的最新方向.物流业作为支撑国民经济发展的重要产业,也进入了向高质量发展转型的关键时期.然而,我国物流业的发展还存在发展不平衡、资源配置不合理等诸多问题,严重阻碍了物流业高质量发展进程.推动物流业高质量...  相似文献   

1.引言: 近年来,在我国轻轨经济背景下,物流行业发展迅速.物流行业作为我国经济高质量发展的基础行业,推动物流行业高质量发展有助于提升社会经济整体运行效率、增强产业竞争力.当前物流业正在加速转型升级,技术创新将成为物流行业高质量的核心支撑.灵活运用区块链技术和物流业的有机结合将对推动物流行业高质量发展有着重要意义.  相似文献   

当下,全球疫情持续蔓延,世界经济复苏动力不足,大宗商品价格高位波动,外部环境更趋复杂严峻和不确定,我国经济发展面临需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱三重压力.对此,2022年的政府工作报告提出:要加快构建新发展格局,全面深化改革开放,坚持创新驱动发展,推动高质量发展,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,...  相似文献   

<正>供给侧结构性改革的目的是调整我国的经济结构,使各经济要素之间实现最优配置,提高经济增长的质量,从而实现经济结构优化和经济的可持续发展。首先分析我国冷链快递的发展现状,然后在此基础上指出冷链快递建设中存在的相关问题,最后给出供给侧结构性改革下冷链快递的建设策略。随着电子商务的快速发展,我国快递业发展迅速,《2022-2028年中国快递行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》指出快递行业供大于求,存在恶性低价竞争。为了维持快递市场的稳定,促进快递业的健康持续发展,需要对快递业进行改革。目前我国经济受到新冠疫情和国际环境的影响,经济增长乏力,居民的收入降低,导致消费能力降低,此时从快递市场的需求端进行改革不现实,  相似文献   

备受瞩目的2005中国国际物流节5月18日在上海隆重开幕。本届物流节是经国家发展与改革委员会、商务部批准,铁道部、交通部、民航总局、海关总署、总后军交部、北京市人民政府、上海市人民政府联合支持,中国交通运输协会主为,中国航务周刊、北京众思齐国际会展有限公司组织承办的大型国际性会展。  相似文献   

地处我国大陆海岸线中段的宁波.毗邻上海和杭州.自古以来便是著名的港口城市.在我国对外贸易发展史上有着举足轻重的地位。改革开放以来.宁波市经济快速发展.经济实力明显增强.已成为我国经济最活跃、最具发展潜力的地区之一。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期加快发展我国物流产业,进一步巩固物流产业在国民经济中的支柱地位,不仅是促进我国供给侧结构性改革“降成本”的主要抓手,更是我国经济高质量发展的重要内容。一、“十三五”时期我国物流产业的发展“十三五”期间,虽然我国物流发展总体水平仍与西方发达国家存在一定的差距,但是物流运行能够保持总体平稳、稳中有进的运行态势,物流需求规模不断扩大,经济结构调整优化,整体物流运行效率有所改善。  相似文献   

Ride-sourcing risks increasing GHG emissions by replacing public transit (PT) for some trips therefore, understanding the relation of ride-sourcing to PT in urban mobility is crucial. This study explores the competition between ride-sourcing and PT through the lens of big data analysis. This research uses 4.3 million ride-sourcing trip records collected from Chengdu, China over a month, dividing these into two categories, transit-competing (48.2%) and non-transit-competing (51.8%). Here, a ride-sourcing trip is labelled transit-competing if and only if it occurs during the day and there is a PT alternative such that the walking distance associated with it is less than 800 m for access and egress alike. We construct a glass-box model to characterise the two ride-sourcing trip categories based on trip attributes and the built environment from the enriched trip data. This study provides a good overview of not only the main factors affecting the relationship between ride-sourcing and PT, but also the interactions between those factors. The built environment, as characterised by points of interest (POIs) and transit-stop density, is the most important aspect followed by travel time, number of transfers, weather, and a series of interactions between them. Competition is more likely to arise if: (1) the travel time by ride-sourcing <15 min or the travel time by PT is disproportionately longer than ride-sourcing; (2) the PT alternative requires multiple transfers, especially for the trips happening within the transition area between the central city and the outskirts; (3) the weather is good; (4) land use is high-density and high-diversity; (5) transit access is good, especially for the areas featuring a large number of business and much real estate. Based on the main findings, we discuss a few recommendations for transport planning and policymaking.  相似文献   

The evaluation, acquisition and use of newly available big data sources has become a major strategic and organizational challenge for airline network planners. We address this challenge by developing a maturity model for big data readiness for airline network planning. The development of the maturity model is grounded in literature, expert interviews and case study research involving nine airlines. Four airline business models are represented, namely full-service carriers, low-cost airlines, scheduled charter airlines and cargo airlines. The maturity model has been well received with seven change requests in the model development phase. The revised version has been evaluated as exhaustive and useful by airline network planners. The self-assessment of airlines revealed low to medium maturity for most domains. Organizational factors show the lowest average maturity, IT architecture the highest. Full-service carriers seem to be more mature than airlines with different business models.  相似文献   

The use of big data is growing in relevance and importance in tourism management research. Companies operating in this industry are exploiting big data analytics and developing systems to manage customer knowledge and provide the best service in the right place at the right time. This paper aims to provide a systematic literature review to present issues associated with the use of big data in tourism and identify future research directions on the topic. To achieve this aim, this paper develops a citation network analysis methodology to drive the content analysis and explore the content of 109 selected papers. The findings of this review highlight that although there is an increasing number of contributions on the topic, there are yet some issues that require to be further developed. In particular, the paper identifies research gaps and consequent research questions that represent an agenda for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

The paper explores how visitors' perception of a destination's heritage management affects satisfaction with actual visits to the sites and overall perception of the destination's cultural image, using Macao as the case setting. The study will also look at how site visit satisfaction influences the intention to revisit and recommend to others. The findings indicated that perception of the quality of heritage interpretation was significantly associated with destination cultural image and site visit satisfaction. However, associations between site visit satisfaction and intention to revisit and recommend were weak. The findings also led to a discussion on whether the labels ‘cultural’ versus ‘non-cultural’ tourists remain stable over time.  相似文献   

薪酬作为一个最基本的激励手段 ,在许多企业中却没有真正起到激励作用 ,从薪酬与激励的具体联系入手 ,将薪酬解构为质与量两个方面 ,力图找出薪酬结构中真正对激励员工起到积极作用的因素 ,为企业的薪酬制度建立和改革提供依据  相似文献   

一块白板挂在编辑部。板子自身洁白光亮,灯光下默默折射出的一种沉静与孤寂。 在我们共同策划本期专题时,“我们为什么去西藏”,这个看似简单的问题一直因扰着我们,一万个游客,就有一万个“西藏”。于是,我们在这块白板上不断书写着方案,书写着自己心中关于西藏永恒的印象,白板上的字写了又被擦掉,擦出的白板又再被密密麻麻的文字所复盖。  相似文献   

明晰"公路"定义   目前"公路"的法定概念和定义是否与公路管理实际相适配呢?<公路法>中没有对"公路"给出一个明确的定义."赋予"公路法律定义的目前只有国务院<公路管理条例>,具体表述为:"'公路'是指经公路主管部门验收认定的城间、城乡间、乡间能行驶汽车的公共道路."……  相似文献   

随着路网的延伸。各类遣假方式越来越多,更加趋于隐蔽化和多样化。就发现可疑“倒卡”车辆及剔出假“绿色通道”车而言,主要靠一线收费人员的责任心,而一旦员工责任心不强,逃费车辆就可能蒙混过关。所以,从技术层面来说,治理偷逃漏费还需要更多的科技手段、更合理的收费系统给予的稽查保证。  相似文献   

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