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近年来,我国互联网金融发展如火如荼,互联网企业由于掌握先进的技术,庞大的用户群,亟待将客户流量转化为资金流量。由此对传统的金融带来极大挑战,尤其券商目前主营业务仍是通道服务,一旦互联网企业甚至银行业拥有这块业务牌照,对券商带来的竞争压力可想而知。券商只能转型,主动发展互联网金融,才能化解当前的危机。  相似文献   

互联网金融一经问世,便获得了巨大的关注。以余额宝"花呗"、京东白条等为代表的消费金融产品深受消费者喜爱。基于互联网金融的信用活动互联网化、风险控制互联网化、经营模式互联网化的特点,以京东白条ABS为例,对京东白条应收账款证券化案例进行了介绍,分析了互联网消费金融资产证券化的优势、劣势,并从提高资产证券化市场活跃度、强化信息披露、完善风险隔离机制三方面提出了加快推动企业资产证券化发展的建议,希望能够为企业资产证券化融资未来发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

汤傲明 《中国广告》2007,(10):147-148
面对中国日益庞大的金融消费人口,作为众多提供金融产品的企业最关心的自然是:如何让自己的产品拥有最多消费客户,扩大自己的市场份额,提升自己的品牌形象,企业应如何制定最适用于市场的广告营销计划,提供金融产品?本文试图回答这些问题。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,互联网金融理财产品层出不穷,越来越多的消费者开始购买互联网金融理财产品。从金融企业的角度分析,随着市场需求的进一步扩大,金融企业开始构建互联网金融平台,发布了很多的金融理财产品,通过这种方式扩大企业的运营范围,提升营业收入,为企业提升市场竞争力提供可靠的保证。本文针对互联网金融理财产品使用影响的因素进行分析,希望能够帮助企业更好的完善自身的理财产品,提升理财产品的市场认可度。通过加强金融理财产品使用因素的研究分析还能够最大限度满足消费者的理财需求,提升消费者的理财收益。  相似文献   

随着中国互联网的不断发展,互联网金融行业面对市场需求的不断扩大,出现了突飞猛进的增长。其中十分具有代表性的就是蚂蚁金服推出了的蚂蚁花呗和蚂蚁借呗。蚂蚁花呗和蚂蚁借呗利用支付宝的庞大客户群体,在建立之初就拥有坚实的基础,并且利用互联网的金融脱媒作用,拥有较低的中间成本,相比商业银行占据了很大的优势。而且蚂蚁花呗的无申请门槛,只有看信用制定申请额度的方法,相比传统商业银行的信贷门槛较高,需要抵押等因素,迅速的获得了消费者的认可。经过以上种种优势,蚂蚁金服所提供的蚂蚁花呗和蚂蚁借呗迅速占领市场份额,对商业银行的信贷业务造成了巨大的威胁。同时在互联网金融中不仅只有蚂蚁金服一家金融企业,例如腾讯、百度等互联网巨头都开始切分互联网金融信贷这一大蛋糕,使商业银行迎来了前所未有的发展危机。商业银行想要维持良好稳定的发展,已经到了必须做出改变的时候。  相似文献   

李绍波 《商》2014,(46):127-127
本文主要是研究互联网金融事业未来金融创新发展的新趋向,拥有很大的上升空间和发展潜力,它不仅有助于填补我国金融市场需要的空缺,而且还有助于完善多层次资本市场体系.进行互联网金融创新发展模式的研究响应了国家更深层次的金融体制改革和推崇金融创新的总方向,切合我国进一步建设金融强国的总方针,以对相对应的创新模式进行监管和规范化为目标的基础上,对今后互联网金融模式发展动向及特点,对优化调整经济组成及推动我国经济社会持续发展,都具备重要的作用.  相似文献   

一、资产证券化(ABS)资产证券化(ABS)是指企业将原始债务人(卖方)不流通的存量资产或可预见的未来收入构造和转变成为资本市场可销售和流通的金融产品,通过一定的结构安排,对风险与收益要素进行分离与重组,进而转换为在金融市场上可以出售和流通的证券的过程,其实质是融资者将被证券化的资产的未来现金流收益权转让给投资者。过程是由发起人将所拥有对原始债务人的债权出售给SPV获得资金,再由SPV向投资者发行ABS证券。通常,服务人就是发起人本身,负责定期向原始债务人收取利息和本金,存入SPV的帐户,使SPV可以定期偿付投资者。二、…  相似文献   

资产证券化是指将企业不流通的存量资产或可预见的未来收入,构造和转变成为资本市场可销售和流通的金融产品的过程。在资产证券化过程中,原始权益人(发起人)将资产出售给为实现证券化目的而成立的特设载体(发行人),发行人以此资产所产生的现金流为抵押向投资者发行可以在二级市场上流通的资产支持证券(ABS),用以购买原始权益人所转让的资产,特设载体的受托人以拥有的转让资产所产生的现金流用于支付投资  相似文献   

我国拥有庞大的金融国有资产,对于这些金融国资如何进行管理一直是各界关注的焦点.自2006年以来,关于金融国资委的讨论就没有间断,可以说热议纷纷、争议不断.本文介绍了相关背景与现状,以及相关提议、构想,并从法学理论角度进行了分析论证,指出金融国资的出资人不应是“金融国资委”这种机构,而应是市场化、盈利性的出资人法人,对各金融企业进行控股、参股的金融控股公司.  相似文献   

互联网金融的即时性,支付的可靠性和安全性逐渐受到了社会各界特别是年轻人的认可和欢迎。随着互联网金融企业积极地开拓线下市场,无现金支付在社会中逐渐普及,越来越多的中老年人也成为互联网金融的用户。对于农村信用社来说,面对互联网金融的发展,需要主动变革自己的业务形态和服务模式,主动适应互联网金融的发展,从而不断提高自己的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

康俊 《江苏商论》2014,(7):56-59
战略选择是一个非常复杂、含义广泛的决策过程,而复杂的决策是管理团队许多决策行为相互作用的结果,研究行为整合在决策过程中的作用机制对战略管理理论、高层梯队理论和行为决策理论有重要的意义。根据行为决策理论,提出了决策行为、行为整合对决策绩效影响的假设模型。实证研究表明,在决策过程中,程序理性和直觉行为正向影响决策绩效,行为整合可以加强这两种决策行为的正向作用;政治行为负向影响决策绩效,行为整合可以削弱政治行为的负向作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates factors influencing causal attributions in managerial decision making. Three categories of factors are identified: (i) prior beliefs (ii) background frequencies, and (iii) covariation cues. The impact of factors in each of the above categories on causal attribution are studied in a marketing decision making context. Subjects demonstrated a bias toward assigning causality to variables that occurred infrequently or were controllable. Also, subjects were particularly influenced by the joint-occurrences of cause and effect variables.  相似文献   

We develop a framework to investigate the foundations of an ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ — described by scholars as the ability to sense, act, and mobilize under uncertain conditions. We focus on metacognitive processes that enable the entrepreneur to think beyond or re-organize existing knowledge structures and heuristics, promoting adaptable cognitions in the face of novel and uncertain decision contexts. We integrate disparate streams of literature from social and cognitive psychology toward a model that specifies entrepreneurial metacognition as situated in the entrepreneurial environment. We posit that foundations of an entrepreneurial mindset are metacognitive in nature, and subsequently detail how, and with what consequence, entrepreneurs formulate and inform “higher-order” cognitive strategies in the pursuit of entrepreneurial ends.  相似文献   

公共预算决策分析框架与中国预算管理制度改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董静  苟燕楠 《财贸经济》2004,(11):38-42
本文的基本分析框架由决策参与者、目标、信息、决策权以及决策模式组成.文章结合中国公共预算管理制度改革实践,探讨在不同历史时期各主要决策要素的变迁与演进.认为只有在公共财政体系背景下,重新调整预算目标的设定,理顺预算权力的分配,完善预算的信息条件,优化预算决策模式,才可能从根本上改善中国公共预算决策的质量,推进预算管理制度改革.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the key conditions under which the index method is valuable for forecasting and describes the procedures one should use when developing index models. The paper also addresses the specific concern of selecting inferior candidates when using the bio-index as a nomination helper. Political decision-makers should not use the bio-index as a stand-alone method but should combine forecasts from a variety of different methods that draw upon different information.  相似文献   

International entrepreneurship literature has indicated that entrepreneurs often increase international activities along unexpected lines of reasoning without having a precise goal, resulting in “unplanned” internationalization. We argue that “unplanned” internationalization does not necessarily involve non-logical decisions; but, entrepreneurs can follow an effectual rather than causal logic and may base their decisions on the affordable loss principle rather than on the maximization of expected returns. Based on five case-studies, we discuss the implication of effectual decision-making on the internationalization process. We find that switching from causal to effectual logic allows firms to rapidly increase the level of commitment in the foreign market and could assist in overcoming liabilities of outsidership and, therefore, successfully increase the level of commitment in the foreign market.  相似文献   

This paper affords a stylized view of individual consumer choice decision-making appropriate to the study of many marketing decisions. It summarizes issues relating to consideration set effects on consumer judgment and choice. It discusses whether consideration sets really exist and, if so, the factors that affect their composition, structure, and role in decision-making. It examines some new developments in the measurement and modeling of consideration set effects on decision-making. The paper concludes with suggestions for needed research. The authors wish to acknowledge the numerous ideas and perspectives contributed by the other members of the Banff Symposium workshop:Mukesh Bhargava (University of Alberta),Bill Black (Louisiana State University),Gary Gaeth (University of Iowa),Hotaka Katahira (University of Tokyo, Japan),Gilles Laurent (Centre HEC-ISA, France),Irwin Levin (University of Iowa),David Midgley (Australian Graduate School of Management),Thomas Novak (Southern Methodist University), andJames Wiley (University of Alberta). This paper has benefited greatly from their contributions.  相似文献   

How entrepreneurs make decisions under extreme uncertainty and ambiguity is central to explaining entrepreneurial success. However, because of their pioneering nature, these decisions also have significant ethical implications. While there has been an increasing focus on the unique approaches entrepreneurs take to decision-making, less attention has been paid to the inherent ethical dimension of making decisions under high uncertainty. This study applies the concept of moral imagination to the challenges of making entrepreneurial decisions under Knightian uncertainty. It examines the extent to which entrepreneurs use moral imagination to integrate the ethical dimensions of pioneering situations into their decision-making.  相似文献   

随着百货超市竞争的白热化,购物中心已经成为我国当今零售业发展过程中的热门话题和新亮点。本文从上海购物中心发展的现状和发展趋势着手,分析了上海购物中心实施差异化经营的必要性,进而提出了实施差异化经营的策略。  相似文献   

Based on the extant literature on the cultural/subcultural differences in socialization goals and parental practices in the childrearing process, this study compares Chinese–Canadian and Caucasian–Canadian families with respect to three issues central to consumer socialization – family communication patterns, children's consumer decision-making styles, and children's influence in family purchase decisions. Some significant results include: (1) Chinese–Canadian children perceived both of their parents as more socio-oriented than Caucasian–Canadian children perceived theirs whereas no significant between-group difference was found on the perceived level of concept-orientation for either parent; (2) Chinese–Canadian children, relative to their Caucasian–Canadian counterparts, exhibited more utilitarian and confused-by-overchoice consumer decision-making orientations but less social/conspicuous and impulsive orientations; and (3) Chinese–Canadian children exercised greater purchase influence than their Caucasian–Canadian counterparts for the adolescent ‘convenience’ product category but no difference was found for the adolescent ‘durable’ product category.  相似文献   

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