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在商品检验中,商品的定量包装商品净含量的检验,是检验定量包装商品计量是否合格的一种最为效手段。基于此,本文针对定量包装商品净含量计量的检验进行讨论,并提出相应的检验措施。  相似文献   

包装计量是商品社会法制的产物,也是科学技术进步的表现.本文论述我国实行<中华人民共和国计量法>22年以来,我国包装法制计量的发展,以及定量包装领域取得的伟大成绩.  相似文献   

纪念"世界计量日",加强定量包装计量,是一项长期的、战略性的任务:功在当代,利在千秋.本文介绍欧美国家对定量包装的计量管理.  相似文献   

计量是人类社会法制的产物,也是科学技术进步的基准。我国实行《计量法》20年来,法制计量的发展及在定量包装领域的应用取得了显著的成绩。  相似文献   

定量包装商品是市场经济发展的需要,也是深受广大消费者喜欢的商品,但由于个别生产企业法制意识淡薄,或受利益驱动,致使包装商品的份量普遍不足.本文从市场经济的视角分析、探讨了定量包装商品份量不足的成因及对策。以规范市场,保护消费者的合法权益,使消费者享有一个安全、公平、放心的消费环境。  相似文献   

顾客是企业的根本,定量包装商品的准确性直接关系到顾客的利益,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布的《定量包装商品计量监督管理办法》标准,结合兰州石化公司定量包装产品的计量现状,建立并完善定量包装产品净含量监督检验机制,优化管理流程,确保定量包装产品净含量合格率,从而实现精细计量、准确计量,避免质量投诉事件的发生,为顾客和企业负责,实现经济效益最大化,提高企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

化工企业定量包装线产品计量监测多采用人工定时抽包称重方式,抽样样品较少,不能真实反映包装线计量状态,迫切需要实现计量监测信息化替代人工.采用数字实时通讯和数据库存储技术实现同步记录包装线计量数据,以大数据统计分析的方法跟踪监测定量包装计量性能变化,进而实现信息化计量监测.计量监测信息化的应用可以真实展现定量包装线计量准...  相似文献   

果蔬气调包装的特征与定量设计毛寿松果蔬收获后即形成一种特殊食物,它在收获后仍有生命活动,其主要表现是呼吸作用。果蔬呼吸是一种代谢过程,未成熟的果蔬在采摘后仍可通过呼吸作用逐渐成熟、老化以至变质、腐烂。为延长果蔬的保质期,最有效的措施就是采用气调贮藏与...  相似文献   

加强法制计量监督,规范计量行为计量监督是迫使同计量有关的行为符合规范要求的制约活动,与行政监督不同,它主要是借助于计量技术手段.来判定计量行为的合法性.目的是迫使与计量有关的行为受制于计量规范,以保证行为的科学性及其结果的可信性.  相似文献   

依托于株洲工学院包装与印刷学院的“株洲工学院包装印刷测试中心”于2003年1月21日顺利通过了湖南省质量技术监督局主持的计量认证,将面向包装与印刷工业,提供各类测试服务。株洲工学院是全国唯一从事包装高等教育的本科院校,原属中国包装总公司领导。从2000年开始实行中国包装总公司、中国包装技术协会与湖南省共建,以湖南省管理为主的新体制。全国普通高校包装工程专业教学指导委员会、中国包协包装教育委员会、中国包装技术培训中心、中国包装设计技术专业中心均设在这里。高举包装教育大旗,为包装工业服务,是该校的办…  相似文献   

Manufacturers focus on becoming more agile, software firms deploy rapid application development tools—everyone is in a hurry. Although we all understand the benefits of being first to market, we understand just as clearly that not all first-to-market products enjoy the same, sustainable benefits from being market pioneers. Why do some pioneering products experience a more significant order-of-entry effect than others? Roger A. Kerin, Gurumurthy Kalyanaram, and Daniel J. Howard examine two factors–product hierarchy and brand strategy—which may influence the magnitude of this effect for new consumer packaged goods. First, they hypothesize that pioneering a new product class offers a greater advantage than introducing a new form to an existing product class. Second, they predict that the order-of-entry effect will be greater for brand extensions than for entirely new brands. Finally, considering both product hierarchy and brand strategy, they expect that the order-of-entry advantage for brand extensions over new brands will be significantly greater within new product classes than for new forms of existing products. These hypotheses are tested using data from the Information Resources, Inc. Behaviorscan° data set. Collected from 2,500 household panel members, 75 supermarkets, and 25 drugstores, this database contains weekly measures of brand trial penetration as well as brand distribution, price, and promotion information in eight geographic markets from the period 1983–1988. The models developed in this study explore the relationships among brand trial penetration, product hierarchy, brand strategy, order of entry, lag time between successive brand entrants, and marketing mix variables (i.e., price, promotion, distribution, and advertising). The study strongly supports all three hypotheses. In particular, the analysis clearly demonstrates that the order-of-entry effect is greatest for a new product class pioneered by a brand extension. Order of entry has the least effect on a new product form pioneered by an entirely new brand. For a company seeking a competitive advantage from being first to market, innovation in product function offers greater potential benefit than innovation in product form. Such a company can also benefit from building on the name and reputation of its established brands. Although the study finds these order-of-entry effects significant, the effects of marketing mix variables such as product price and promotion are consistently stronger.  相似文献   

Reduction of cycle time (i.e., time to market) is a fundamental competitive strategy in many industries. With the current proliferation of personal computer (PC) technology, software developers face intense competition. However, unlike their counterparts in other consumer goods markets, product development managers in the software industry appear to be less concerned with (or even aware of) cycle time than they are with other competitive variables. To explore the role of cycle-time reduction in the process of developing software packages, Erran Carmel conducted a study of 15 software package companies in the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area. The survey results indicate that software package developers are generally unaware of cycle-time reduction as a management concept. Instead, software developers tend to focus on rapid development, with an emphasis on “crunch” periods of intense effort aimed at meeting a deadline. During these periods of peak activity, 87% of the developers in core teams worked more than 56 hours per week and 47% worked more than 71 hours per week. In terms of the organizational variables necessary for cycle-time reduction, all of the survey respondents point to the importance of a small, cohesive, core development team, similar to a cross-functional team. Members of the core team are entrepreneurial and share a common vision of the product's design, use, and long-term direction. As for the development variables associated with cycle-time reduction, the software companies in the survey typically do not use process models or risk analysis techniques. Similarly, they devote scant resources to automated tools. For the majority of the firms in the survey, annual investment in automated software development tools is less than $1,000 per developer. On the other hand, reuse (as embodied in object-oriented design and development) and incremental innovation are important to all of the sample firms. Although quality assurance (QA) activities are not addressed in the innovation literature, QA is a significant cycle-time component in software development. As demonstrated by the industry practice of releasing products with long lists of known defects, the software product category clearly has quality problems. With the current boom in new users, pressure will grow for improved quality. To remain competitive, software developers need to determine how they can better integrate QA activities into the development process while reducing cycle time.  相似文献   

北京航天计量测试技术研究所(102所)隶属于中国运载火箭技术研究院,成立于1964年,是国防科工委一级计量技术机构,建有几何量、热学、力学、电磁学、无线电、时间频率和声学七大计量专业。目前已通过国家校准、检测实验室和国防校准、检测实验室认可,可开展相关的校准、检测工作,具有惯导  相似文献   

广东省汕头市质量计量监督检测所是广东省汕头市质量技术监督局依法设立、广东省质量技术监督局授权的综合性产品质量检验和法定计量检定机构,以第三方形式为社会各界提供具有法律效力的产品质量检验报告。计量检定校准证书和各类检测报告,并为客户提供其它相关的技术服务。是粤东、地区规模最大,检测项目最齐全、综合实力最强的的检验检测机构。  相似文献   

随着现代公司企业生产经营逐渐趋于标准化、自动化,传统的办公系统已经无法满足日常生产经营的管理需要,本文通过对计量院管理流程的工作模式进行分析,提出了先进的计量管理系统设计方案,设计并实现了可视化流程定制控件和表单定制模块,可视化流程定制很大程度减少了因业务流调整而导致的重复开发工作,大大提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of taxation in durable good markets with dynamic monopolies. By conditioning the marginal tax rate on the volume of trade, the regulator can provide incentives for the monopolist to accelerate trade. When marginal cost pricing generates a loss for the monopolist, strategic delay cannot be avoided under regulatory budget constraint and the effects of tax policy depend on the monopolist's ability to commit. In the context of binary consumer types, we find a tax policy involving “back-loaded subsidy” that achieves the second-best outcome with commitment. In contrast, without commitment, a “front-loaded subsidy” improves welfare.  相似文献   

阐述了完善计量检测体系合格确认的重要性,以及如何搞好完善计量检测体系合格确认的方法.并指出,完善计量检测体系合格确认的关键是建立文件化体系.  相似文献   

Strategic Vertical Differentiation and Durable Goods Monopoly   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper considers a novel and strategic use of quality as a means for solving the durable-goods time inconsistency problem. It demonstrates how durable-goods producers can exploit the cannibalization of high-quality markets by low-quality goods. Relative to the static product line solution, this strategic dimension of quality choice implies higher quality levels of low-end goods and the production of some low-end products that would not otherwise be produced. In some cases, low-end goods may rationally be sold below cost. The paper, therefore, offers a purely Coasian explanation for vertical product differentiation.  相似文献   

Buying, Sharing and Renting Information Goods   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Information goods such as books, journals, computer software, music and videos can be copied, shared, resold, or rented. When such opportunities for sharing are present, the content producer will generally sell a smaller amount at a higher price which may increase or decrease profits. I identify three circumstances where profits increase: (1) when the transactions cost of sharing is less than the marginal cost of production; (2) when content is viewed only a few times and transactions costs of sharing are low; and (3) when a sharing market provides a way to segment high-value and low-value users.  相似文献   

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