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3G时代手机广告的可行性与必要性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋健 《广告大观》2009,(2):81-84
本文在对国内外手机广告发展现状描述基础上,从技术、资金和政策层面分析3G时代手机广告的可行性;从企业营销和广告经济两个角度论述3G时代手机广告的必要性。同时指出,随着3G时代的到来,手机广告将迎来更加光明的发展前景。  相似文献   

手机广告的兴起与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于3G技术的成熟与普及,使手机已由一种单纯传输信号的通信设备变成一种传播符号、信息与内容的新型媒介。手机广告作为一种全新的广告形式,具有针对性强、信息抵达率高,交互性强、能与用户形成有效沟通,有效性强、信息覆盖范围广大、智能化强、能大大提高广告主的经济效益等优势和特点。手机广告呈现出产业化、广告与信息服务相结合、定制方式逐渐取代群发、Push方式、表现力越来越强、由手机广告引发的实现闭环销售五大方面的发展趋势。手机广告将发展成为横跨通信、IT、贸易、金融、物流行业的庞大产业。  相似文献   

周翠 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(11):36-37
科技的进步神话般地改变着人们的生活,继互联网以后,手机成为"第五媒体"。从3G手机媒体的概念出发,简述了3G手机在国内外的发展现状,并向读者阐释了3G时代我国手机媒体的传播内容及特性,接着提出了3G手机在管理方面存在的问题以及对策,希望借此使读者对我国的3G手机媒体有一个较为清晰面的了解。  相似文献   

马中红:今天我们要讨论的话题是3G时代影视互动营销。大家对于3G这个名词都不陌生,但是3G究竞是什么?3G到底能带给我们什么商机?当3G手机成为大众工具,并且借助这样一种移动媒体,去从事广告、营销和传播的时候,前景又会是如何?  相似文献   

5G时代下,互联网技术愈加成熟,手机和平板电脑也得到了普及,因此应用程序的数量激增.在手机和平板电脑应用程序的浪潮中,小红书App脱颖而出,拥有着大量的用户群体的同时以其独特新颖的分享式社交成为了服装品牌广告投放的主要平台.本文以小红书App为例,对服装品牌在当前5G时代如何进行广告传播进行了分析.  相似文献   

王雪 《商》2016,(4):217
随着科技的不断发展,网络通信技术更新更加迅速。短暂时间内经历了2G到3G的更迭,现在已经进入了4G的发展时代。在这种形式下手机媒体的发展也要与时俱进,跟得上4G时代发展的步伐,紧密和手机这个重要载体保持联系,真正的把二者融为一体。通过分析4G手机广告的类型与受众特点,文章从广告传播者、广告受众和整合营销的角度提出了4G手机广告的发展策略。  相似文献   

新媒体环境下手机广告传播有多种实现形式,每种形式都有其特定的优点和实施条件.这类广告传播具有区别于传统媒体环境下的广告传播的若干特点,分析和研究这些特点对于转变广告传播模式、优化广告决策和广告管理过程、提高广告传播的效率和效果具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

植入革命 传统植入形式重在提高品牌的知名度,是典型的植入式广告1.0时代的产物。随着网络的普及和3G手机的应用,植入式广告2.0时代已经到来,它具有以下几种典型特征:  相似文献   

《中国广告》沙龙:老字号在新传播时代下的品牌化之路,3G战场系列  相似文献   

宋健 《中国报业》2009,(8):46-49
3G时代的到来使手机成为集通讯与信息传播功能于一身的多媒体信息终端,手机媒体化倾向也逐渐清晰。可以预料,在3G手机普及之后,手机媒体将成为所有媒体形式中最具普及性、快捷性、最为方便并具有一定强制性的媒体平台。手机与互联网的进一步融合,也使手机报的表现形式及实现方式更加丰富。技术瓶颈的一一打破,让手机报成为真正意义上的多媒体报,依托3G技术的手机报将迎来新一轮发展高潮。  相似文献   

分析了 3G网络规划和设计中应考虑的影响网络性能的各种因素 ,指出了第二代和第三代网络规划技术的主要差别 ,并举例介绍了 3G中的WCDMA网络规划方法。  相似文献   

Yang Feng  Quan Xie  Chen Lou 《广告杂志》2019,48(2):137-152
In this study, we compared three 360-degree video ads with their counterparts—three standard video ads—in terms of perceived ad novelty, presence (i.e., spatial presence, engagement, ecological validity), ad attitudes, and brand attitudes. We proposed hypotheses based on the narrative processing literature, presence literature, the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing (LC4MP), and novelty literature. We tested our hypotheses through three experiments. Results demonstrated that the superiority of 360-degree video advertising, compared with standard video advertising, is maximized when its standard version features a moderate degree of narrative structure and is attenuated when its standard version depicts either a low or a high degree of narrative structure.  相似文献   

<正>刘光溪同志是笔者比较熟悉的青年才俊。他是我国第一位"WTO与区域经济合作"研究方向的经济学博士,从1988年开始直接参与复关入世谈判,1991~1996年分别在我国驻美大使馆和驻日内瓦联合国代表团做商务外交工作,1997年担任外经贸部WTO首席谈判代表的特别助理,参与了中国复关/入世谈判的实质性工作。他写过不少专著,经常发表一些很有分量的文章。早在1996年,他写的《互补性竞争》一书就获得了中国国际贸易学术最高学术奖。笔者同他很早就认识,每次同他谈话都有一些新的收获,感到他的学问根底深  相似文献   

Although corporate identity was originally defined in terms of the visual representation of a company, later writers employed broader definitions, which have highlighted the importance of the various forms of communication in corporate identity management. Recent models of the corporate identity management process have reflected the importance of communication in the management of corporate identity. Corporate communication has been regarded as being composed of three forms: management, marketing and organizational communication. Most organizations are structured such that management and organizational communication are closely aligned with the corporate identity of an organization. However, the conjunction between corporate identity and marketing communication is less discernible. It has been noted that the interaction between corporate and marketing communication is 'tentative and embryonic in nature'. The authors conducted empirical research, which explored the extent to which corporate identity was integrated into the marketing communication campaigns of these practitioners. The conclusions from this exploratory research suggest that there are substantial barriers to the successful integration of corporate identity with marketing communications. Barriers such as the importance of integration not being accepted by clients, the focus of marketing managers on short-term goals, too many people involved with managing the core message of corporate identity and an ad hoc approach towards marketing communication were important. Further research into structural and behavioural ways of overcoming these barriers could prove to be extremely valuable.  相似文献   

介绍了GSM向3G过渡时期GSM用户的认证与密钥协商过程,分析了GSM用户对3G系统的安全威胁,并对GSM用户接入3G系统提出了改进认证与加密算法。它可以有效防止攻击者假冒合法GSM用户滥用UTRAN网络资源,并可以保证用户的通信安全。  相似文献   

In this article the MP3 is described as a marketplace icon. The MP3 is a good proxy to understand digital virtual objects of consumption and market mediation in the digital economy. Using the concept of stewardship as a type of compromised possession reliant on devices, software, market mediators and consumers themselves coming together in a particular way, the article maps out some practices that define MP3 consumption today.  相似文献   

This posttest-only experiment examined how source attribution and the personality characteristic of fatalism affect evaluate and behavioral intention responses to direct advocacy print advertisements. Two commercial sources, a noncommercial source, and no source were manipulated in an identical print advocacy ad. Regression analysis revealed that subjects exposed to the two commercial source treatments evaluated the ad more negatively than subjects exposed to the noncommercial and no source treatments. The commercial and trade association source treatments also produced a negative intent to respond to the advocated request. Fatalism was found to be significantly related to behavioral intention, but not the message evaluation. Overall, the results indicate that commercial sponsors should employ direct advocacy print advertisements with the knowledge that their commercial identification elicits critical and negative responses from uncommitted audience members.  相似文献   

This paper reports four experiments that investigated whether puffery in advertising deceives or not. The first study tested the effects of six levels of puffery on consumer perceptions of ad truthfulness and brand attitude. Study 2 tested the effect of puffery on perceptions of ad truthfulness under conditions of low- and high-product involvement. Study 3 compared puffery to fact-based claims and found that fact-based claims increased perceptions of ad truthfulness. Study 4 found that perceptions of ad truthfulness decreased when the consumer was exposed to puffery in an ad and also in a competitor’s ad.  相似文献   


The present study analyses the impact of ad scepticism on the way consumers perceive advertising and process its effects, and considers the influence of ad disclaimers. We conduct an experiment that explores three different contexts, namely (1) the total absence of ad disclaimers, (2) the presence of a retouch-free disclaimer and (3) the presence of a retouched disclaimer. By showing how ad scepticism fits in the advertising attitudinal approach, and how new digital developments affect consumers’ processing of advertisements, the results of this experiment can contribute to the marketing literature and clarify relevant topics for practitioners. This paper shows the significant influence played by ad believability and attitude towards the ad on behavioural intentions. This underlines, particularly for marketing practitioners, the importance of an ad’s believability and the credibility of its claims in the sales outcome. Most importantly, the framework offered by this paper shifts the attention towards the believability of advertising disclaimers aimed at clarifying the use of digitally enhanced images.  相似文献   

The international business literature has suggested various linkages between multinationality (M) and performance (P). A number of authors have recently put forward an S-shaped curve, allegedly describing a generalized MP relationship. However, internalization theory, in line with Buckley and Casson (Buckley, P.J., & Casson M. (1976). The future of the multinational enterprise. Macmillan: London) and Hennart (Hennart, J. F. (1982). A theory of multinational enterprise. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press; Hennart, J. F. (2007). The theoretical rationale for a multinationality–performance relationship, Management International Review, 47(3), 423–452), challenges the concept itself of such a generalized relationship between these two parameters. This paper adopts an internalization theory perspective, meant to improve the design of MP studies, and cautions against assuming too quickly a generalized MP relationship. In line with internalization theory, we argue that firm-level performance depends primarily on the characteristics of the companies’ firm specific advantages (FSAs) rather than on their degree of multinationality. We propose triple-testing the quality of MP studies, by assessing how well they address the various challenges related to conceptualizing and measuring M, P and the MP relationship itself.  相似文献   

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