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近年来,我国债券市场快速发展,债券市场成为很多投资者的重要投资领域,与此同时债券投资的各种风险也越来越受到投资者的关注。本文采用VaR技术,并借鉴国外先进的风险计量模型对债券投资的市场风险和流动性风险进行准确计量。在此基础之上,利用VaR技术在风险管理中的作用,构建债券机构投资者的风险管理机制。  相似文献   

文章以1997年1月~2017年12月的沪深A股为研究对象,从流动性风险角度检验价值溢价的风险来源,对价值股和成长股的流动性风险与收益进行对比研究,分析中国股票市场中流动性因子对价值因子的解释能力。研究发现:价值股的市场流动性风险大于成长股,价值溢价的成因是价值股承担了更高的市场流动性风险,从风险补偿角度解释了价值溢价;同时发现在中国股票市场中投资因子与盈利因子并不能解释价值因子,而流动性因子可以解释。  相似文献   

规模小流动性差我国于 1 991年开设了主要针对境外投资者的B股市场 ,目前挂牌公司有 1 1 0多家 ,分别以港元、美元报价 ,在深圳及上海交易所交易。但自 1 997年亚洲金融危机以来 ,由于B股上市公司业绩不好且市场流动性差 ,规模偏小 ,大量外国投资者已经撤离了B股市场。事实上 ,  相似文献   

中国股票市场B股上市对A股价格影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐小庆  朱世武 《上海金融》2002,(8):20-22,51
本文利用事件分析的标准方法检验了中国股票市场B股上市对A股价格的影响。本文发现:A股上市企业在B股招股公布前价格出现明显的正超额收益,但上市后就大幅下跌,主要原因在于投资者预期收益随着市场分割程度的降低和投资者数量的增加而下降,与国外情况不同的是,B股上市后A股流动性降低也是导致价格下跌的原因之一,这说明国内企业管理层双重上市的主要目的不是为了增加股东价值,而存在其他的非经济利益的考虑。  相似文献   

QDII,即Qualified domestic institutional investor.它是在一国境内设立,经该国有关部门批准从事境外证券市场的股票、债券等有价证券业务的证券投资基金.QDII使得投资者可以以合法的途径投资海外资本市场上丰富的产品,实现风险分散化,资本全球配置.但同时QDII也存在一系列风险.而QDII的实施,也给我国资本市场带来了广泛的影响.在A股市场,资金分流现象首当其冲.随之而来的是A股市场定价的再调整.但是到目前为止影响却并不如预期的那样显著.原因有很多方面,很多投资者对其持谨慎态度 QDII表现欠佳 流动性差.但从长远来说,分流和再定价不可避免.而且分流和再定价可以减少部分投资者的宏观投机行为,使A股市场更加成熟.在B股市场,资金分流应较A股市场更为明显.在香港股市,有观点认为QDII的注入会助其走出低迷.也有观点认为,QDII的资本对于香港股市来说影响力有限.且投资者对QDII已有所预期,H股升值空间也有限.  相似文献   

尹中立 《中国金融》2007,(16):50-52
2001年2月28日,深沪B股市场正式向境内居民开放,深沪两个B股市场当天涨幅达9.88%。从此,B股市场成为境内投资者关注的热点。在此之前,B股市场的投资者仅仅限于境外人士,境内投资者很少参与B股市场的投资活动。  相似文献   

一、引言 由于市场的各种不确定因素的影响,例如:企业的违约、通货膨胀、企业效益、外部等,证券市场上的绝大多数证券对投资者而言是有风险的.投资者对投资的期望是回报尽可能的高,风险尽可能的小.这两个相互矛盾的目标导致投资者所确定的投资是组合投资而非单一证券的投资.这也正是马柯维茨投资组合理论的基本思想,即投资组合是一个风险与收益的Trade-off问题,此外,投资组合通过分散化的投资来对冲掉一部分风险.马柯维茨投资组合理论也为我们对我国B股市场投资组合进行实证研究提供了强有力的理论基础.  相似文献   

以2010年至2018年A股市场数据为样本,实证检验了中国A股市场的羊群行为。研究发现:第一,沪深两市没有检测到显著的羊群行为,从公司规模和性质来看,上证超大盘市场和上证央企市场存在羊群行为,小规模和民企市场不存在羊群行为;第二,市场暴涨暴跌期间容易产生羊群行为,且上涨行情和下跌行情的羊群行为不对称,下跌时更容易产生羊群行为;第三,B股市场涨跌对A股市场投资者的羊群行为具有一定抑制作用。基于此,提出如下建议:一方面,对个人投资者而言,应当时刻保持风险意识,加强对投资理财知识的学习,避免盲目跟风,追涨杀跌;另一方面,对政府监管部门而言,积极开展投资教育活动,培养投资者理性投资的良好习惯,同时加强市场监管,完善市场交易制度,防止出现市场暴涨暴跌行情。  相似文献   

个股流动性与市场其他股票流动性之间存在共性运动,是引发系统性流动性风险的重要来源。本文以“个股—市场”联动层面的流动性共性为切入点,研究资本市场制度型开放对系统性流动性风险的差异化影响和叠加效应,并考察气候风险的影响。结果显示:资本市场制度型开放从总体上降低了流动性共性,但A股纳入MSCI指数的政策效应弱于沪深港通,未出现政策叠加效应;机构投资者关联交易作用渠道差异以及放宽跨境资本限额的外生制度安排,是造成政策效应显著弱化的主因;纳入气候风险的进一步研究发现,物理风险和转型风险影响显著弱化了境外机构投资者的稳定市场作用。  相似文献   

李强  王元 《重庆金融》2001,(5):30-31
目前中国证监会决定:允许境内合法持有外汇的投资者(自然人)投资B股市场,这将给一直受制度、交易环境制约而极为低迷的B股市场带来重大转机,沪深B股3月26、27日两天内的新开户数超过34万户,而此前十年内全国B股总开户数只有28万多户,出现了两天大于十年的新奇景观。复牌后两市B股连续5天全面涨停,亦可见投资者的高涨热情,由于B股市场的开放可以看作中国证券市场开放的前奏,所以对吸引外资、增加投资渠道和品种、提高投资者技术水平和投资理念、提高金融监管水平等方面都会产生积极影响。但是由于相关配套措施的不完善,B股市场的开放也带来许多棘手问题,需要慎重对待。  相似文献   

Using a broad data set of 20 US dollar exchange rates and order flow of institutional investors over 14 years, we construct a measure of global liquidity risk in the foreign exchange (FX) market. Our FX liquidity measure may be seen as the analog of the well-known Pastor–Stambaugh liquidity measure for the US stock market. We show that this measure has reasonable properties, and that there is a strong common component in liquidity across currencies. Finally, we provide evidence that liquidity risk is priced in the cross-section of currency returns, and estimate the liquidity risk premium in the FX market around 4.7 percent per annum.  相似文献   

We build a model that helps to explain why increases in liquidity—such as lower bid–ask spreads, a lower price impact of trade, or higher turnover–predict lower subsequent returns in both firm-level and aggregate data. The model features a class of irrational investors, who underreact to the information contained in order flow, thereby boosting liquidity. In the presence of short-sales constraints, high liquidity is a symptom of the fact that the market is dominated by these irrational investors, and hence is overvalued. This theory can also explain how managers might successfully time the market for seasoned equity offerings, by simply following a rule of thumb that involves issuing when the SEO market is particularly liquid. Empirically, we find that: (i) aggregate measures of equity issuance and share turnover are highly correlated; yet (ii) in a multiple regression, both have incremental predictive power for future equal-weighted market returns.  相似文献   

An asset is liquid if it can be traded at the prevailing market price quickly and at low cost. We show that in addition to risk, liquidity affects asset prices and returns. Theories of asset pricing suggest that the expected return of an asset is increasing in its risk, because risk-averse investors require compensation for bearing more risk. Because investors are also averse to the costs of illiquidity and want to be compensated for bearing them, asset returns are increasing in illiquidity. Thus, asset prices should depend on two asset characteristics: risk and liquidity. This paper surveys research on the effects of liquidity on asset prices and returns, showing that liquidity is an important factor in capital asset pricing.  相似文献   

Listed companies in China, upon meeting certain requirements, can issue two types of shares: A shares and B shares. Local investors in China can only buy and sell A shares, while foreign investors can only buy and sell B shares. We argue that foreign investors may receive news about China faster than domestic Chinese investors because of information barriers in China. Since foreigners participate in the B-share market, the price movements of B shares should reflect the common information that the foreigners have. Rational A-share investors can therefore condition their trading decisions on the previous price movements of B shares. As a result, returns on B shares should lead the returns on A shares. Using daily prices of A and B shares, we demonstrate that returns of B shares are correlated with those of A shares and that this correlation depends on the information transmission mechanism at work. The pattern of the asymmetric cross-autocorrelation is robust to the inclusion of lagged realized returns and trading volumes.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on the relation between hedge fund returns and restrictions imposed by funds that limit the liquidity of fund investors. The excess returns of funds with lockup restrictions are approximately 4–7% per year higher than those of nonlockup funds. The average alpha of all funds is negative or insignificant after controlling for lockups and other share restrictions. Also, a negative relation is found between share restrictions and the liquidity of the fund's portfolio. This suggests that share restrictions allow funds to efficiently manage illiquid assets, and these benefits are captured by investors as a share illiquidity premium.  相似文献   

In this paper, I formulate and test a one-period capital asset pricing model under ownership restrictions to explain the price differentials between the classes of shares that can be bought by Chinese citizens and by foreign investors, respectively. I find that time-series variability in the spread between domestic and foreign share returns is consistent with differences in risk exposures and expected risk premium, thus supporting the hypothesis of effective market segmentation and price discrimination. I also find that cross-sectional differences between domestic and foreign share returns are correlated with individual shares'; market betas. The result further supports the price discrimination hypothesis.  相似文献   

We extend the market timing literature to show that SEO timing can be characterized by the dynamics of liquidity risk. That is, firms tend to issue SEOs when liquidity risk declines to the point where investors have least concern of the risk. In the absence of liquidity risk, market risk rises right before SEOs and then gradually falls afterwards, consistent with the Q-theory (Carlson et al., 2010). However, once we include liquidity risk factor into the model for expected returns, issuing firms' market risk behaves like that of matched non-issuers, suggesting an omitted risk factor problem in SEO studies that does not take into account the effect of liquidity risk on stock returns. Furthermore, there is no evidence of post-issue long-run underperformance. Our results imply that, instead of timing alpha (i.e., exploiting overpricing, as behavioral finance has suggested), issuing firms time liquidity beta to minimize their cost of equity capital. The liquidity beta timing is especially evident in large offer size issuers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the liquidity effect in asset pricing by studying the liquidity–premium relationship of an American depositary receipt (ADR) and its underlying share. Using the [Amihud, Yakov, 2002. Illiquidity and stock returns: cross-section and time series effects. Journal of Financial Markets 5, 31–56] measure, the turnover ratio and trading infrequency as proxies for liquidity, we show that a higher ADR premium is associated with higher ADR liquidity and lower home share liquidity, in terms of changes in these variables. We find that the liquidity effects remain strong after we control for firm size and a number of country characteristics, such as the expected change in the foreign exchange rate, the stock market performance, as well as several variables measuring the openness and transparency of the home market.  相似文献   

Loss aversion has been used to explain why a high equity premium might be consistent with plausible levels of risk aversion. The intuition is that the first-order-different utility impact of wealth gains and losses leads loss-averse investors to behave similarly to investors with high risk aversion. But if so, should those agents not perceive larger gains from international diversification than standard expected-utility investors with plausible levels of risk aversion? They might not, because comovements in international stock markets are asymmetric: correlations are higher in market downturns than in upturns. This asymmetry dampens the gains from diversification relatively more for loss-averse investors. We analyze the portfolio problem of such an investor who has to choose between home and foreign equities in the presence of asymmetric comovement in returns. Perhaps surprisingly, in the context of the home bias puzzle we find that loss-averse investors behave similarly to those with standard expected-utility preferences and plausible levels of risk aversion. We argue that preference specifications that appear to perform well with respect to the equity premium puzzle should be subjected to this “test”.  相似文献   

作为全球规模最大、流动性最好的市场,美国固定收益市场一直是国外投资者追求稳定收益回报的首选地。文章比较了我国相对于其他国家,在美国固定收益市场的投资规模、品种及投资特点,重点分析了随金融市场动荡的加剧,国内商业银行外币债券的持仓变动,以及次贷危机对其外币债券投资造成的潜在损失,建议商业银行应采取更为审慎的投资策略,降低风险资产的投资比例。  相似文献   

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