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Extant literature in marketing capability with an inside-out perspective stresses existing internal resources as the basis for developing marketing capability. This study, taking an outside-in perspective, argues that starting from external environment and developing strong buyer-supplier relationship can help formulate strong marketing capability of the buying firm. Using survey data from 199 Chinese manufacturing buyers who identified 937 suppliers, we found that strong buyer-supplier relationship can breed strong supplier information sharing and supplier flexibility, which fully mediate the effect of buyer-supplier relationship on buying firms' marketing capability. The findings provide support to the outside-in approach and reveal how external inter-firm relationship can be turned into intra-firm capability, and suggest that strong upstream buyer-supplier relationship can be a necessity for building downstream buyers' marketing capabilities. The findings also suggest an alternative strategy for developing marketing capabilities starting from external suppliers, and may help close the gap between marketing capability and dynamic external environment.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the behavioral theory of the firm, this study explores the behavioral antecedent of buying firms' decisions in supplier selection through relational referrals, beyond the predominant argument from relational network theory. Centering on the risk and uncertainty of searching for new suppliers, this study attempts to integrate the behavioral theory and relational network theory in explaining buying firms' supplier selection. Data from 112 Chinese manufacturing firms were used to test the hypotheses. The results suggest that performance feedback triggers buying firms' decision on the extent of reliance on relational referrals to select suppliers. Outperforming firms are more likely to use relational network to select suppliers while underperforming firms are less likely to use. This relationship will be strengthened when the intensity of market competition and specific investment in buyer-supplier relationship are high.  相似文献   

How externally acquired resources may become valuable, rare, hard-to-imitate, and non-substitute resource bundles through the development of dynamic capabilities? This study proposes and tests a mediation model of how firms’ internal technological diversification and R&D, as two distinctive microfoundations of dynamic technological capabilities, mediate the relationship between external technology breadth and firms’ technological innovation performance, based on the resource-based view and dynamic capability view. Using a sample of listed Chinese licensee firms, we find that firms must broadly explore external technologies to ignite the dynamism in internal technological diversity and in-house R&D, which play their crucial roles differently to transform and reconfigure firms’ technological resources.  相似文献   

This research examines collaborative and transactional relationships in buying firms to determine whether collaborative relationships offer greater benefits than transactional relationships, and to ascertain which relational factors drive satisfaction and performance for both collaborative and transactional relationship types. Factor analysis, t-tests and step-wise regression were used to analyze data from a survey of buying firms. Results show that collaborative relationships offer higher levels of satisfaction and performance than transactional relationships. Satisfaction factored into two separate constructs: satisfaction with the relationship and satisfaction with the results. Of the relational factors examined, trust is the most important predictor of performance and satisfaction with the relationship regardless of the type of relationship examined.  相似文献   

Peter Moran 《战略管理杂志》2005,26(12):1129-1151
This paper examines the impact of managers' social capital on managerial performance. Two dimensions of social capital are compared—the structural embeddedness (i.e., configuration) of a manager's network of work relations and the relational embeddedness (i.e., quality) of those relations. Based on a sample of 120 product and sales managers in a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical firm, this paper presents evidence indicating that both elements of social capital influence managerial performance, although in distinct ways: structural embeddedness plays a stronger role in explaining more routine, execution‐oriented tasks (managerial sales performance), whereas relational embeddedness plays a stronger role in explaining new, innovation‐oriented tasks (managerial performance in product and process innovation). This research considers resource exchanges within firms as key to value creating behaviors and contributes a deeper understanding of how social capital influences productive resource exchanges. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a typology for provider roles in defining business services. The starting point of the study is the underlying rationale of much of the service purchasing literature that buyers have or can easily access the necessary know-how to procure business services. If this does not hold, the implication is that buying firms would shy away from buying complex services. An alternative perspective recognizes that purchasing business services requires its own set of sourcing capabilities, which may be lacking. Buying firms may have limited know-how in terms of defining and articulating their requirements or not be fully aware of them in the first place. However, the buyer's lack of sourcing capabilities need not be an injunction to internalize the service. In these circumstances, service providers step in, help buying firms specify their requirements and play a key role in defining what is procured and how. We build on this interactive view of service definition to undertake a comparative case analysis of four business service contracting situations arrayed along two dimensions — buyer perceived uncertainty and provider's buyer-specific experience. We conclude that service providers play different roles in each case. These are classified as translating, re-engineering, developing, and fine-tuning roles.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, digitalization has revolutionized not only consumer marketing but also industrial marketing. Both industrial marketing scholars and industrial marketers seek insights to understand how our knowledge and practice of digital marketing has been structured and configured. To address this gap, we adopt the resource-based perspective as an organizing framework and systematically review 129 articles spanning two decades of research to identify different digital marketing capabilities in industrial firms. From this analysis, we identify four themes: channels, social media, digital relationships, and digital technologies. We then stress-test this knowledge with managerial practices by conducting an online survey of 169 managers, designed to establish the repertoire of current and future marketing capability needs of industrial firms. Herein, we identify two marketing capabilities gaps: the practice gap—which identifies the deficit between managers' ‘current’ practices and their ‘ideal’ digital marketing capabilities; and, the knowledge gap—which demonstrates a significant divide between the digital marketing transformations in industrial firms and the extant scholarly knowledge that underpins this. Based on these results, we build an agenda for future research on digital marketing capabilities.  相似文献   

What explains differences in firms’ abilities to acquire competitive capabilities? In this paper we propose that a firm’s embeddedness in a network of ties is an important source of variation in the acquisition of competitive capabilities. We argue that firms in geographical clusters that maintain networks rich in bridging ties and sustain ties to regional institutions are well‐positioned to access new information, ideas, and opportunities. Hypotheses based on these ideas were tested on a stratified random sample of 227 job shop manufacturers located in the Midwest United States. Data were gathered using a mailed questionnaire. Results from structural equation modeling broadly support the embeddedness hypotheses and suggest a number of insights about the link between firms’ networks and the acquisition of competitive capabilities. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-based industrial clusters have been a prominent form of economic organization in several emerging Asian markets. Characterized by close interdependence and intertwined personal linkages, firms of Asian OEM-based industrial clusters participate in the phenomenon of strategic alliances. However, how these alliances can be effectively managed through formal governance mechanisms within embedded networks requires further investigation. This study uses social network analysis to identify personal, ownership, and technology networks in 141 semiconductor firms in an OEM-based industrial cluster in Taiwan that feature different types of OEM-led alliances and the prevalence of Guanxi. We find that relational embeddedness based on personal ties and structural embeddedness based on ownership ties support the employment of formal governance mechanisms. We also pay particular attention to the moderating role of network embeddedness in diminishing the relationship between transaction hazards and formal governance mechanisms. By identifying the embeddedness context in the governance of alliances, our research contributes to a better understanding of the ways in which formal governance mechanisms are contingent on the network embeddedness of OEM-based industrial clusters in Taiwan and other similar Asian economies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic, firm‐level study of the role of network resources in determining alliance formation. Such resources inhere not so much within the firm but reside in the interfirm networks in which firms are placed. Data from extensive fieldwork show that by influencing the extent to which firms have access to information about potential partners, such resources are an important catalyst for new alliances, especially because alliances entail considerable hazards. This study also assesses the importance of firms’ capabilities with alliance formation and material resources as determinants of their alliance decisions. I test this dynamic framework and its hypotheses about the role of time‐varying network resources and firm capabilities with comprehensive longitudinal multi‐industry data on the formation of strategic alliances by a panel of firms between 1970 and 1989. The results confirm field observations that accumulated network resources arising from firm participation in the network of accumulated prior alliances are influential in firms’ decisions to enter into new alliances. This study highlights the importance of network resources that firms derive from their embeddedness in networks for explaining their strategic behavior. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effects of firms' heterogeneity in the context of competitive alliances' innovation development efforts. Prior research has mainly focused on how relationship embeddedness facilitates innovation development, with little attention to heterogeneity among firms and the role it might play. We addressed this gap by examining the relationships among firms' heterogeneity, relationship embeddedness, and innovation development in competitive alliances. We distinguished three dimensions of firms' heterogeneity and collected data from 481 surveys. We demonstrated that heterogeneity with regard to operational routines and organizational responsiveness, heterogeneity was found to have positive direct effects on innovation development while also undermining relationship embeddedness. By contrast, technological heterogeneity had a positive effect on both innovation development and relationship embeddedness. Competitive-alliance firms are more sensitive to heterogeneity regarding operational routines than to organizational responsiveness. These findings highlight the importance of overcoming the adverse effects of firms' heterogeneity through several means, such as full interpretation, observation, and offsetting incongruence through intermediaries or brokers. This study contributes to the strategic management and embeddedness literature by examining the implications of firms' heterogeneity and identifying how these effects influence relationship embeddedness as antecedent factors.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the technological and organizational innovations which have facilitated rapid growth in a small firm. Evidence from the case suggests that the relational elements of inter-firm transactions provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to expand their organizational capabilities. The importance of business networks is that they have resources which can supplement internal skills and knowledge. The two owner-directors of RWL have been instrumental in building relationships with suppliers and customers which have benefited all parties. In doing so, they have renewed their own firm's dynamic capabilities by creating a structure and associated routines that focus on opportunity recognition and exploitation. These new capabilities are based on a recognition that competitive advantage can be created by acting as a knowledge-integrator. In that sense, RWL is a knowledge-dependent firm because there is no emphasis on the acquisition of intellectual property rights nor even an attempt to retain knowledge in-house. In pursuing this strategy to achieve growth, the directors have resolved a number of concurrent crises that suggests it is necessary to revisit traditional linear models of firm growth ( Greiner, 1972; Churchill and Lewis, 1983 ).  相似文献   

治理机制与企业网络的规模:嵌入性视角的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
企业网络的规模直接影响着一国产业的竞争力。本文以能够使成员企业合作激励达到最大的自由交易的概率衡量企业网络规模的大小.运用随机图表示企业网络内部的关系结构。通过博弈分析研究了企业网络规模与网络治理机制的关系。结果表明。企业网络的规模是由合作的张力决定的.当企业单纯依靠网络成员之间自发的嵌入关系维持相互间的合作时.网络规模只能在较低的水平上达到均衡。要想从根本上扩张企业网络的规模。必须引入外部治理机制。我国当前推动企业网络的发展。重点应放在强化外部司法惩罚机制上。  相似文献   

Much of the discussion surrounding dynamic capabilities has focused on mature and established corporate enterprises escaping core rigidities. Less understood is the role of dynamic capabilities in corporate spinoffs that represent a category of de alio (“from others”). These firms offer a novel context when investigating dynamic capabilities, as they are technically “new” firms yet demonstrate a level of establishment due to privileged access to resources from a corporate parent. We explore how incubation and attachment to a parent influences tacit and explicit transfer of resources and supports sensing and seizing in the early growth corporate de alio spinoff, promoting opportunities for transformation as the spinoff matures. Through an analysis of a longitudinal, empirical, illustrative case, we integrate Garnsey's Penrosean-inspired Theory of the Early Growth of the Firm with Teece's dynamic capabilities framework to illustrate how micro- and macro-foundations of dynamic capabilities unfold in a corporate de alio spinoff during incubation and following spinoff. This study builds an understanding of how corporate de alio spinoffs can more successfully navigate ambiguity by leveraging dynamic capabilities, the foundations of which emerge in a parent entity.  相似文献   

A taxonomy of segmentation bases is presented which builds a multi-disciplinary approach to the categorization of suppliers. Supplier segmentation, from a purchasing perspective, still appears to be in the early stages of providing a coherent strategic intent behind supplier assessment. Whilst fragmentary in nature, current portfolio models are grouped into two principal taxonomic constructs of power and dependence and relational factors. In particular, the prevalent use of transaction cost economics (TCE) in portfolio modelling provides a foundation for purchasers to appraise risks from supplier opportunism. We augment existing approaches with reference to inter-organisational theory and the resource-based view to show different modes of inter-firm value creation that act as constituents of a strategic intent for segmentation. Our resulting taxonomy draws together a holistic view of supplier segmentation covering supply market conditions, product/service characteristics, supplier characteristics, buyer characteristics, and buyer-supplier relational factors.  相似文献   

This research is aimed at understanding firms' different types of ‘networking behaviors’, i.e., how and why firms affect their strategic network position by activities/routines/practices aimed not just at their business partners, but beyond such direct relationships. Thus, we adopt a network perspective to examine how firms exploit their webs of direct and indirect business relationships in order to assess and embrace the potential opportunities and constraints in the network. Based on the industrial network approach (INA), this exploratory research specifically focuses on networking behaviors in the UK manufacturing sector. Thirty-one semi-structured interviews with executive managers from fifteen firms were conducted. We identify four types of organizational networking behaviors by the way in which firms utilize their web of relationships to achieve certain goals. By using the concept of networking behaviors based on the INA as well as the strong-and-weak-tie argument in economic sociology, purposeful networking behaviors can be categorized into the following: information acquisition, opportunity enabling, strong-tie resource mobilization and weak-tie resource mobilization. These four ‘types’ of organizational networking behaviors provide a deeper understanding of how firms operating in business-to-business exchanges relate to and exploit their webs of direct and indirect relationships, taking into consideration the embeddedness and interconnectedness of the network context.  相似文献   

This research attempts to extend the discussion of business groups in emerging economies by treating business groups as a form of interorganizational network that generates relational rents among affiliated firms by creating technological and managerial capabilities. Based on the relational view, this research investigates whether value created by business groups depends upon sharing, combining, and exchanging unique and specific resources or assets among affiliated firms. Results show that technological capabilities contribute to create relational rents in terms of affiliated firms’ investment in R&D and human capital. Managerial capabilities also contributed to generating relational rents through investment in managerial knowledge acquisition for affiliated firms without R&D units and in training for affiliated firms with R&D units. However, learning by exporting and learning from imported input do not yield relational rents within business groups. Overall, these findings reveal that business groups as interorganizational networks are contingent on their internal, unique, and specific capabilities, as social capital theory argues.
Tirta Nugraha MursitamaEmail:

Gaining a competitive edge in today's turbulent business environment calls for a commitment by firms to two highly interrelated strategies: globalization and new product development (NPD). Although much research has focused on how companies achieve NPD success, little of this deals with NPD in the global setting. The authors use resource‐based theory (RBT)—a model emphasizing the resources and capabilities of the firm as primary determinants of competitive advantage—to explain how companies involved in international NPD realize superior performance. The capabilities RBT model is used to test how firms achieve superior performance by deploying organizational capabilities to take advantage of key organizational resources relevant for developing new products for global markets. Specifically, the study evaluates (1) organizational NPD resources (i.e., the firm's global innovation culture, attitude to resource commitment, top‐management involvement, and NPD process formality); (2) NPD process capabilities or routines for identifying and exploiting new product opportunities (i.e., global knowledge integration, NPD homework activities, and launch preparation); and (3) global NPD program performance. Based on data from 387 global NPD programs (North America and Europe, business‐to‐business), a structural model testing for the hypothesized mediation effects of NPD process capabilities on organizational NPD resources was largely supported. The findings indicate that all four resources considered relevant for effective deployment of global NPD process capabilities play a significant role. Specifically, a positive attitude toward resource commitment as well as NPD process formality is essential for the effective deployment of the three NPD process routines linked to achieving superior global NPD program performance; a strong global innovation culture is needed for ensuring effective global knowledge integration; and top‐management involvement plays a key role in deploying both knowledge integration and launch preparation. Of the three NPD process capabilities, global knowledge integration is the most important, whereas homework and launch preparation also play a significant role in bringing about global NPD program success. Tests for partial mediation suggest that too much process formality may be negative and that top‐management involvement requires careful focus.  相似文献   

This paper examines how firms learn in new product development (NPD) networks. While existing research in business and industrial marketing has significantly advanced our understanding of learning within single firms and in dyadic relationships, our knowledge of inter-firm learning across direct and indirect business relationships in NPD networks remains limited. We address this limitation by conducting multiple case study research to develop a more holistic understanding of learning in NPD networks that is captured in the proposed 4S model. Drawing on an integrated theoretical perspective and the empirical results of three case studies, we propose that firms engage in iterative cycles of syndicated, situated, selected and synergised modes of learning in NPD networks.  相似文献   

This paper explores the importance of relational embeddedness in external networks as a strategic resource for performance and competence development in multinational corporations (MNCs). Two different types of relational embeddedness at the subsidiary level—business embeddedness and technical embeddedness—are proposed to have an influence on the subsidiary's market performance as well as its importance for competence development in the MNC. Using data on 97 Swedish MNC subsidiaries, five hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model analysis. The results suggest that technical embeddedness has a positive impact on both the subsidiary expected performance and its role in the development of products and production processes in the MNC. Indirectly, through external technical embeddedness, external business embeddedness also influences the sister units' product and process development and subsidiary market performance. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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