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This study replicates and extends previous research focusing on China, to a sub‐Saharan African emerging economy environment. Specifically, the study directly replicates the impact of social capital derived from the micro‐managerial networking relationships and ties with top managers at other firms and government officials on macro‐organizational performance using data from Ghana. This study further extends previous work by examining the impact of social capital derived from managerial social networking relationships and ties with community leaders on organizational performance. It examines how the relationship between social capital and organizational performance is contingent on an organization's competitive strategic orientation. The findings suggest that social capital developed from managerial networking and social relationships with top managers at other firms, government officials (political leaders and bureaucratic officials), and community leadership enhance organizational performance. The findings from the contingency analyses reveal some interesting trends. The impact of social capital on organizational performance differs between firms that pursue the different competitive strategies (low‐cost, differentiation, and combination of low‐cost and differentiation) and those who do not pursue those strategies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the literature documents the direct effects of managerial ties on firm performance, the empirical results are divergent and inconclusive. To explain these disparities, this study (1) develops and tests a model that establishes the role of external resource acquisition as a salient mediating mechanism through which managers’ business and political ties influence firm performance; and (2) examines the moderating role of environmental turbulence that further explains the impact of managerial ties on resource acquisition (the mediator). Results from a survey of 253 firms in China indicate that resource acquisition plays a partial mediating role in the relationships between the two sub-dimensions of managerial ties and firm performance. Environmental turbulence shows a curvilinear (i.e., inverted U-shaped) moderating effect on the business ties–resource acquisition relationship, whereas it dampens the positive effect of political ties on resource acquisition. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the consequences of alliance portfolio configuration by focusing on contingencies that affect the impact of alliance portfolio size on innovation and financial performance. While increasing alliance portfolio size is expected to positively impact innovation and financial performance, we propose that, at high levels of innovation of the focal firm, increasing alliance portfolio size dampens financial performance. We also propose that firm boundaries moderate the impact of alliance portfolio size on innovation and financial performance differently. Specifically, vertically integrated firms benefit less (more) than their vertically specialized counterparts in leveraging higher innovation (financial) performance with increasing alliance portfolio size. Our analysis suggests that both vertical scope and innovation levels of the firm play an important role in understanding how alliance portfolios impact performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive studies of the organizational slack–performance relationship offer mixed findings in developed economies while little research attends to transition economies. Replicating and extending earlier work by Tan and Peng (2003), this study examines the relationship between organizational slack and firm performance in China and focuses on the moderating effects of firm ownership and competitive intensity. Empirical findings based on longitudinal data from 60,945 firms during 1998–2002 suggest that the impact of organizational slack on performance is stronger for private enterprises than for SOEs and foreign-invested enterprises. Furthermore, industry competitive intensity positively moderates the effect of organizational slack on performance. In a three-way interaction effect, the moderating effect of competitive intensity on the organizational slack–performance relationship is weaker in SOEs than in private enterprises and foreign invested enterprises.  相似文献   

Alliance proactiveness is a key contributor to the performance of firms engaging in strategic alliances in industrial markets. As a foundation of alliance management capability, alliance proactiveness enables firms to react faster to emergent opportunities and gain early mover advantages. We examine the relevance of this construct and its internal and external contingencies. Specifically, we argue that the impact of alliance proactiveness is enhanced by complementary technological and leadership capabilities, as well as market growth opportunities. We test hypotheses derived from these arguments using dual response survey data of firms in China and find empirical support.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how interfirm coopetition—the combination of cooperation and competition—affects collaborative innovation performance in competitive environments. We address this issue by introducing interfirm knowledge creation as a mediating mechanism based on knowledge creation theory and by examining the moderating effects of environmental competitiveness and dysfunctional competition. The hypotheses are tested using survey data from a sample of 170 Chinese high-tech firms. The results show that interfirm knowledge creation mediates the impact of interfirm coopetition on collaborative innovation performance. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the positive relationship between interfirm coopetition and interfirm knowledge creation is stronger under higher levels of environmental competitiveness but weaker under higher levels of dysfunctional competition. The positive relationship between interfirm knowledge creation and collaborative innovation performance is more evident under higher levels of environmental competitiveness. These findings enrich the interfirm coopetition literature, contribute to knowledge creation theory by extending it to the interfirm context, and provide a better understanding and useful advice for enterprise managers and government officials.  相似文献   

We examine how leadership transition affects firm performance in emerging economies. Building upon the social embeddedness and neo‐institutional perspectives, we argue for the importance of alignment between successor origin and social context for firm performance. We suggest that as a baseline outside successors enhance firm profitability because of the large‐scale and rapid changes in emerging markets. However, this outsider premium is reduced in firms embedded in family and business group relationships, where family and inside successors can better access network resources. But the outsider premium is amplified in firms embedded in a mature market‐based logic, such as high tech or foreign invested firms, because the perceived legitimacy of outsiders facilitates resource acquisition. Our arguments are supported through the analysis of Taiwanese listed firms between 1996 and 2005. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Innovation in a firm may be non-technological, such as organizational and marketing innovation, and technological, such as product and process innovation. The aim of this article is to explore how different types of innovation affect the innovation development of the firm across industries. We chose Chile as an emerging market context. Our results show that only product innovations affect significantly innovation performance across industries. However, different types of propensities to innovate are affected differently by technological and non-technological innovations. We discuss implications for managers and policy makers in emerging economies, in which data tends to be scarce to develop new policy models and increase the effect of non-technological innovation on innovative performance.  相似文献   

This research studies the evolution of the composition of an alliance portfolio from a coopetition perspective. Building on resource dependence theory, market uncertainty appears to be a driver of alliance portfolio formation and evolution. Scholars have previously neglected key dimensions in analyzing the composition of firms' alliance portfolios: the partner type (pure partner or competitor) and partner interactions (horizontal, vertical or mixed). We build on the coopetition and alliance portfolio literature to explore (1) the composition of an alliance portfolio and (2) its evolution over time. We illustrate our theoretical framework with a longitudinal single-case study of Air France's alliance portfolio. First, we show that when market uncertainty is high, firms do not increase their reliance on collective strategies, but they do modify the composition of their portfolio. Second, to address high levels of market uncertainty, firms rely more on coopetitive alliances than on collaborative alliances. Third, firms use more horizontal than vertical interactions when market uncertainty is high.  相似文献   

Competitive success now is based less on the strategic allocation of physical and financial resources, and more on the strategic management of intellectual capital. Although intellectual capital is intangible and cannot be accurately measured, companies must develop methods of increasing corporate value by proactively focusing on intellectual capital management. This study examines the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate value in an emerging economy.
This study employs an intellectual capital perspective, resource-based view and a financial perspective, and investigates how to apply the concept of intellectual capital to value creation. After reviewing the relevant literature, this study identifies human capital, organizational capital, innovation capital and relationship capital as four constructs of intellectual capital. Corporate value is measured using three selection methods: (1) Market/Book value, (2) Tobin' Q and (3) Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™). Through a questionnaire survey and secondary data collection, this study applies the Structure Equation Model to analyze the relationships among four constructs of intellectual capital, as well as the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate value.
From the empirical findings, for Taiwanese manufacturers, a positive relationship exists between intellectual capital and corporate value. This study visualizes and mobilizes intellectual capital to articulate eight value creation paths.  相似文献   

Multinational operations confer firms a portfolio of switching options that offer potential operating flexibility in the context of input cost variability, helping firms reduce downside risk. We suggest that two conditions may shape the relationship between multinationality and downside risk. When subadditivity is present in a firm's option portfolio, such as when the firm operates affiliates in host countries with similar labor cost developments, multinationality is less likely to reduce downside risk since less valuable opportunities exist for shifting operations. Multinationality is more likely to reduce downside risk if a firm's organization facilitates the coordination of cross‐border activities, enabling the exploitation of the shifting opportunities. Analysis of a comprehensive panel dataset of Japanese manufacturing firms and their foreign manufacturing affiliates provides support for these conjectures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study draws on theories of organizational inertia and relational view to examine how the pursuit of partnership synergy influences radical innovation in different technological contexts. We differentiate between two types of synergy: explicit synergy, defined as the potential to exchange interfirm operational elements to renew processes or capabilities, and tacit synergy, conceptualized as the potential to synthesize cross-boundary resources to develop new perspectives or thinking modes. We find that both explicit and tacit synergies have positive impacts on radical innovation, and such impacts are contingent on interfirm technological diversity and environmental technological dynamism in opposing ways. Specifically, environmental technological dynamism positively moderates the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation. In contrast, interfirm technological diversity positively moderates the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation. Our study sheds new light on the generation of radical innovation in alliances. It also provides practitioners with useful guidelines for crafting synergy strategies that will facilitate the pursuit of radical innovation.  相似文献   

Research summary: Although previous studies have explored the value of government directors, less attention has been directed at the antecedents of government directors' engagement in value‐adding activities, such as managerial monitoring and resource provision. Drawing on social identity theory, we offer a novel model that specifies how a government director's dual identifications with the focal firm, and with the government individually and interactively affect his or her governance behavior. An investigation of government directors in China shows that their identification with the focal firm enhances monitoring and resource provision, while their identification with the government affects monitoring and resource provision differently. depending on the dominance of state ownership. The synergistic/substitutable effects between the two types of identification are contingent on state ownership and governance roles. Managerial summary: This study examines how a government director's dual identities—as a government official and as a board member of a focal firm affect his or her engagement in managerial monitoring and resource provision. Using data of Chinese listed firms, we find that government directors who strongly identify with the focal firm or with the government are highly motivated to fulfill their fiduciary obligations. However, the positive effects of their identification with the government differ between state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) and non‐SOEs. The combination of the two identifications offers a further boost to monitoring in non‐SOEs, and to resource provision in both SOEs and non‐SOEs, but it acts as a disincentive to monitoring in SOEs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the value a venture derives from an affiliation depends on its relative standing in the portfolio of all affiliations held by its partner. Relative standing refers to how the venture ranks among other ventures in the partner's portfolio with respect to expected returns. The relative standing of a venture in its partner's portfolio influences the venture's access to the partner's resources and the venture's performance. We also argue that a venture's relative standing becomes more important to performance when the partner has a larger portfolio or higher status. In addition to a field study, we test the effect of a venture's relative standing in a venture capital portfolio on its exit likelihood, controlling for endogeneity. We find support for our hypotheses. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of home country institutions on corporate social responsibility (CSR) of multinational enterprises from emerging markets (EM-MNEs). Taking the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an example and using a sample with 2052 firm-year observations from China over the period 2008–2018, we find that the BRI exerts a positive and significant effect on overall CSR of Chinese MNEs involved in the BRI and the positive effect is stronger for Chinese state-owned MNEs. In addition, only two dimensions of CSR (Employee Relations and Products) are improved significantly under the pressure of BRI. Finally, we examine the interactive effect of home- and host- country institutions on Chinese MNEs’ CSR and find the positive impact of the BRI on MNEs’ CSR performance is stronger in host countries with a higher level of CSR related institutional pressure. These results provide practical suggestions for the Chinese government and MNEs to further improve CSR under the BRI, and enrich our understanding of the interactive effect between home- and host-country institutions on enhancing Chinese MNEs’ reputation and promoting regional cooperation with countries along the BRI.


We demonstrate a negative relationship between pro‐market reforms and the sustainability of superior profits in an emerging economy. The decline in sustainability of superior profits shows that pro‐market reforms bring significant threats in addition to the various opportunities such as greater availability of production factors and greater freedom to enter and operate businesses highlighted in the extant literature. Our study thus contributes to a more complete conceptual understanding of the performance consequences of pro‐market reforms in emerging economies. We also show that investment in research and development and greater investments in marketing and advertising are firm‐level resources that provide a measure of protection against the erosion in sustainability of superior profits associated with pro‐market reforms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How do host country institutions influence the value of a firm's local resources? Using a novel dataset on the performance of 47 private equity (PE) firms in 49 emerging economies, we show evidence that the answer depends on the type of institution. Focusing on conditions at the time of initial investment, we find that PE firms with local origins and foreign PE firms with local experience performed better when contract enforcement institutions were weak than when they were strong. Financial development, in contrast, may have undermined the value of PE firm local origins. These results help reconcile contrasting findings on how host country institutions influence performance and lead us to contend that unbundling institutions is necessary for continued development of the institutions‐based view. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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