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This paper argues that national differences in levels of trust impact perceptions of transactions costs and thereby influence the desirability of internalization and the choice of foreign market entry mode. The paper tests this framework on industry level data from the United States Commerce Department's Benchmark Survey of operations of U.S. -based manufacturing multinational corporations in 1977 and 1982, and shows that cultural differences in trust do influence perceptions of transaction costs and the preference for direct foreign investment across countries.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to investigate two relatively underexplored factors, namely, the R&D (research and development) capabilities of target firms and the strength of intellectual property (IP) institutions in target economies, that influences the choice of equity ownership in cross border acquisitions (CBAs) undertaken by multinational enterprises (MNEs) from BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) economies. They developed the key hypothesis on foreign market entry through CBAs by incorporating insights from transaction costs economics, the resource-based view and institutional theory to investigate the determinants of full versus partial equity ownership. Using logistic regression estimation methods to a sample of 111 CBA deals of BRICS MNEs in 22 European countries, it was found that BRICS MNEs were likely to pursue full rather than partial acquisition mode when target firms have high R&D capabilities. However, the greater the degree of strength of IP institutions in target economies and higher the target firms’ R&D capabilities, the more likely it is for BRICS MNEs to undertake partial, rather than, full acquisition mode. They provided interesting theoretical insights and managerial implications that might underlie some of the key findings on CBAs by emerging market MNEs.  相似文献   

The Effects of Business-to-Business E-Commerce on Transaction Costs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies transaction costs changes arising from the introduction of the Internet in transactions between firms. We divide transaction costs into coordination costs and motivation costs. We classify coordination efficiencies into three categories: process improvements, marketplace benefits, and indirect improvements. For motivation costs, we focus on informational asymmetries. We apply this framework to internal data from an Internet-based firm to measure process improvements, marketplace benefits, and motivation costs. Our results suggest potentially large process improvements and marketplace benefits. We find little evidence that informational asymmetries are more important in the electronic marketplace than in the existing physical ones.  相似文献   

Africa has achieved the fastest growth rate of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) recently. Yet heightened political hazards present substantial challenges to foreign firms in Africa. This study examines the entry strategies that firms may take to mitigate such hazards by exploring the relationship between political hazards and entry mode choices in Africa. We further consider how an investing firm’s host country experience and foreign aid provided by its home country government to host countries in Africa can influence this relationship. In a sample of listed Chinese firms’ investments in Africa from 2000 to 2014, we find that Chinese firms tend to use the joint venture mode when political hazards are high in an African country. This relationship is weakened when they accumulate host country experience and when the Chinese government’s foreign aid to an African country increases. Our findings point to firm-level strategies to mitigate political hazards as well as instruments available to home country governments to help their multinational firms operating in host countries characterized by unstable political environments.  相似文献   

This paper examines ownership decision of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) with a focus on the choice between a wholly owned subsidiary and a joint venture entry mode. Based on literature review and findings from our case study of ten Chinese outward investing firms, we develop a conceptual framework that integrates the resource-based and institution-based views of international business strategy. The framework reflects special characteristics of Chinese outward FDI. On the resource side, Chinese outward FDI is both asset exploiting and asset augmenting, and accordingly, both transaction costs and strategic intents have an impact on the FDI ownership decision of Chinese firms. On the institution side, when investing overseas, Chinese firms adjust their entry strategies to attain regulative and normative institutional legitimacy in host countries. Meanwhile, they also need to comply with the rules set by the Chinese government, which provide incentives to and impose restrictions on Chinese firms’ FDI ownership decisions.  相似文献   

信息技术应用对企业纵向边界的影响--实证研究与讨论   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
基于交易成本理论的分析表明:信息技术应用节约了企业的内部协调成本和外部交易成本,从而影响企业纵向边界的变动,然而这一理论推断需要进一步的检验。本文利用我国信息技术行业的数据进行实证研究.分析信息技术应用与企业纵向边界变动之间的关系。结果表明:现阶段的信息技术应用使企业纵向边界呈现扩大的趋势。文章据此讨论了中外企业信息化进程的差异和影响.并解释研究结果对企业规模边界和能力边界变动趋势的含义。  相似文献   

A critical issue for firms considering conducting business overseas is the choice of market entry mode. The two most widely options are exporting and foreign direct investment. This study examined a number of factors which have been suggested in the literature as important determinants of the choice between these two entry modes. Key factors examined included international business experience, immigrant effect, service requirements, and market size. The study employed a logistic regression analysis method to examine the market entry mode decisions of 124 New Zealand firms operating in a single foreign market (Taiwan). Significant factors identified included product type and proxy experience (firms' experience with Japan), and an immigrant effect which impacted on the choice of FDI mode.  相似文献   

Trust plays a key role in the electronic market that involves high uncertainty and lack of legal protection. Building trust online is proposed as a solution to consumers' privacy concerns. Drawing from relationship marketing and social exchange theory, this study examined several key mechanisms that can help increase customers' trust of e-commerce and decrease privacy concerns. These mechanisms include characteristic-based (e.g., community), transaction process-based (e.g., repeated purchases), and institution-based trust production (e.g., digital certificate).  相似文献   

In many industries, a regulator designs an auction to select ex‐ante the firms that compete ex‐post on the product market. This paper considers the optimal market structure when firms incur sunk costs before entering the market and when the government is not able to regulate firms in the market. We prove that a free entry equilibrium results in an excessive entry when the entry costs are private information. Then, we consider an auction mechanism selecting the firms allowed to serve the market and show that the optimal number of licences results in the socially optimal market structure. When all the potential candidates are actual bidders, the optimal number of firms in the market increases with the number of candidates and decreases with the social cost of public funds. When the market size is small, as the net profit in the market decreases with the number of selected firms, entry is endogenous. As increasing competition in the market reduces competition for the market, the optimal structure is more concentrated than in the previous case.  相似文献   

This paper proposes design principles for the ‘sustainability syndicate’: shared responsibility among diverse stakeholders for sustainability; an agenda for unifying economic and ethical rationales; and plural governance based primarily on markets, contracts and collaborative relationships. The paper suggests a research agenda directed at issues that constrain sustainability syndicates. Syndication's contributions to sustainability build upon its trans-organizational structures for shared responsibility. Syndication works as an insurance cooperative that reduces the financial burden of risk. In addition, members could rent skill sets from other stakeholders, reduce barriers to entry into bigger projects, and improve efficiencies. As underlying sustainability are both economic and ethical rationales for shared responsibility, sustainability syndicates induct diverse non-commercial stakeholders into inclusive settings. A unifying agenda in these settings, as it grapples with externalities and constructs welfare-enhancing solutions, enhances sustainability brand differentiation. Plural self-governance, as it corrects for failures of individual self-governance modes, enables market making and market access, reduces transaction costs in contracting, and enables members to build the trust and commitment necessary for collaborations. Sustainability syndicates obviate the need for command-and-control interventions. Although institutional, performance and instrumental constraints still remain, syndicate business models offer potentially game-changing strategies in sustainability marketing.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes spinoffs of Japanese firms and the use of the spinoff as an instrument to achieve corporate growth objectives. The initial separation of the organizations and its governance mode are analyzed in the context of transaction costs theory. Spinoffs may be created in order to (1) balance costs associated with managing diversified businesses, (2) generate growth based on core competencies of a firm, and (3) pursue an efficient internal labor market. In a changing environment, the spinoff has been a widely used flexible organizational arrangement that is suitable to survival and offers an alternative way of diversification.  相似文献   

We develop an institutional change perspective to examine the tension that can exist between evolving external environmental influences and internal organizational influences on foreign entry attempts. Using data on the entries of 215 U.S. public firms made into 11 Central and Eastern European transition economies during the period of 1990–2003, we find that shifts in national institutional environments, from a socialist to a market economy, reduce the extent of challenges encountered to make a hierarchical entry, which leads to an increase in foreign hierarchical entry attempts but not necessarily to a decrease in relational entry attempts as institutional transformation. We find evidence of inertial influences as experienced entrants tend to follow their previous decisions when making subsequent entry attempts. Further, they are less responsive in their foreign entry strategies to the institutional transformation in a given host country than inexperienced firms. We also find that the experience gained from relational entries results in more hierarchical entry attempts, but hierarchical entry experience results in fewer relational entry attempts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Through the use of business-to-business electronic commerce (B2B e-commerce), leading companies are transforming interorganizational transaction processing, trading, and collaboration into a competitive advantage. The research empirically examines several models with B2B e-commerce overall use as the dependent variable and innovation characteristics, context, channel factors, and organizational structure as the predictor variables. The results demonstrate that compatibility with existing systems, cooperative norms with customers, lateral integration within a firm, technocratic specialization, and decentralization of information technology decisions facilitate B2B e-commerce overall use. In addition, large firms are more likely than small firms to have greater levels of B2B e-commerce and firms are more likely to use B2B e-commerce with customers that use recommendations rather than threats to encourage e-commerce use.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates current antitrust policy in light of our current understanding of how transaction costs influence the ability of firms and consumers to deal with market power. The paper shows how the failure to consider transaction costs can lead to erroneous policy decisions. Many models employed today make simplifying assumptions about transaction costs that can lead to biased results in analyzing vertical and horizontal issues. The increased ability to monitor the effect of promotional behavior should cause us to reexamine whether free riding justifications, previously accepted as justifications for various vertical restrictions, still hold. Nash bargaining and Nash-in-Nash models raise concerns about the simplified assumptions assumed in which supposedly high transaction costs restrict the choice and form of the assumed competitive alternatives. The increasing importance of two-sided markets together with an understanding of transaction costs is needed to understand antitrust conduct in those markets. The recent Amex case is likely to lead to confused litigation in these types of markets. Finally, the establishment of property rights for a consumer to his or her data could fail to remedy antitrust concerns that certain dominant firms are immune to competition because consumers do not own their data unless that property right is limited so that consumers cannot exclusively sell their data to one firm.  相似文献   

Choosing governance modes for external technology sourcing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This study examines the effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice of interfirm relationships in new business development (NBD). We combine transaction cost economics and real options reasoning, arguing that in the early stages of NBD, where technological and market uncertainty are very high, companies are better off using governance modes that are reversible and involve a low level of commitment. When uncertainty has decreased as a result of prior R&D investments, transaction costs considerations become dominant and companies will shift towards governance modes that are less reversible and more hierarchical. We argue that technological distance leads to less hierarchical governance modes and prior cooperation between firms leads to subsequent choices for more hierarchical modes. Finally, we propose that higher exogenous uncertainty leads to less hierarchical governance modes.  相似文献   

Pseudo-Generic Products and Barriers to Entry in Pharmaceutical Markets   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper examines incentives for brand-name pharmaceutical producers to market pseudo-generic versions of their own branded products upon the expiry of patent protection.Using a two-stage game model, we determine that under plausible demand and cost conditions, brand-name incumbents can find it profitable to produce pseudo-generics as a means of blocking rivals' entry even when independent firms producing true generics face low entry costs.The model shows that social welfare can be higher when firms use pseudo-generics instead of capacity for entry deterrence as long as substitutability between brand-name and generic products is sufficiently high.  相似文献   

A large body of research examines the modes by which multinational firms enter foreign markets, yet little work has considered how host country executives evaluate alternative modes of accepting inward foreign direct investment (FDI). This study adopts the host country firm's perspective to investigate the factors that affect Chinese executives' assessments of international joint ventures (IJVs) and divestitures as different modes for engaging inward FDI opportunities. We use an experimental approach to test our argument that executives' preferences for IJVs versus divestitures are driven by multinational firms' resources as well as potential transaction hazards and available remedial mechanisms. This study complements extant research on firms' entry mode choice by offering a direct test of comparative economic organization by explicitly comparing the attractiveness of alternative modes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasingly, companies are using the licensing approach to acquire external technology as an alternative to internal new product development. However, the licensing literature presents lists of benefits and costs without identifying either their relative importance or the underlying dimensions. This article presents the results of a survey of Australian licensee firms designed to fill this gap in the literature. The results show that the major reason for licensing relates more to the immediate need to gain competitive advantage than the relative low cost advantage of technology licensing or having access to future technology. The major impediments to licensing are the entry and exit costs and the loss of decision-making autonomy resulting from licensor-imposed restrictions. Further, only two factors, perceived search costs and low cost market entry advantage of licensing appear to vary among the industries studied. Future research and managerial implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of consumer incomes is a key factor in determining the structure of a vertically differentiated industry when consumer's willingness to pay depends on her income. This paper computes the Shaked and Sutton (1982) model for a lognormal distribution of consumer incomes to investigate the effect of inequality on firms' entry, product quality, and pricing decisions. The main findings are that greater inequality in consumer incomes leads to the entry of more firms and results in more intense quality competition among the entrants. More intense quality competition raises the average quality of products in the market as firms compete for the shrinking share of higher-income consumers. With zero costs of quality improvements and an upper bound on the top quality or when costs of quality are fixed and rise sufficiently fast, greater heterogeneity of consumer incomes also reduces firms' incentives to differentiate their products. Competition between more similar products tends to reduce their prices. However, when income inequality is very high, the top quality producer chooses to serve only the rich segment of the market and charges a higher price. The conclusion is that income inequality has important implications for the degree of product differentiation, price level, industry concentration, and consumer welfare.  相似文献   

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