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In the current paper, a model of possibilistic location-allocation is proposed for designing a multi-period bi-objective humanitarian logistics network that pursues a reduction in the total cost and maximizes the total network coverage. The model considers the inventory management of perishable relief items and the flow of affected and wounded people in pre-disaster and post-disaster phases, simultaneously. Moreover, wounded people are categorized according to the injury severity. The uncertainty associated with key parameters is also addressed. To handle the uncertainty, a fuzzy chance-constrained programming method originated in the Me measure is used. The purpose of this measure is to prevent the extreme attitudes of the decision maker by considering the combination of possibility and necessity measures and using the optimistic-pessimistic parameter. This paper presents a solution procedure derived from a fuzzy interactive programming approach and two meta-heuristic algorithms, imperialist competitive algorithm and invasive weed optimization, so as to solve the study model. As for the validation of the proposed model and solution procedures, a number of test problems have been generated. A real-life case study is also implemented to instantiate whether the proposed model is applicable or not.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a logistics model for delivery of prioritized items in disaster relief operations. It considers multi-items, multi-vehicles, multi-periods, soft time windows, and a split delivery strategy scenario, and is formulated as a multi-objective integer programming model. To effectively solve this model we limit the number of available tours. Two heuristic approaches are introduced for this purpose. The first approach is based on a genetic algorithm, while the second approach is developed by decomposing the original problem. We compare these two approaches via a computational study. The multi-objective problem is converted to a single-objective problem by the weighted sum method. A case study is presented to illustrate the potential applicability of our model. Also, presented is a comparison of our model with that proposed in a recent paper by Balcik et al. [6]. The results show that our proposed model outperforms theirs in terms of delivering prioritized items over several time periods.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel two-period option contract integrated with supplier selection and inventory prepositioning. A two-stage scenario-based mixed possibilistic-stochastic programming model is developed to cope with various uncertainties. The first stage's decisions include supplier selection and capacity reservation level at each supplier/period and the level of inventory prepositioning. Furthermore, decisions regarding the time and exercised amount are made in the second stage. Applicability of the model is validated through a real case study. Finally, several sensitivity analyses are conducted to examine the effect of important parameters on the solutions to gain useful managerial insights.  相似文献   

The main contribution of this paper is to develop a new decision tool that interprets strategies for determination of resilient supply portfolio under supply failure risks. The strategic decisions include the allocation of emergency capacities to be pre-positioned at backup suppliers, the output of which can be increased in the event of mitigating a shortage caused by another supplier's failure. The model contains three objective functions – minimising the total cost, minimising the net rejected items and minimising the net late deliveries – while satisfying capacity and minimum order quantity requirement constraints. A weighted additive fuzzy multi-objective model is proposed to simultaneously consider the imprecision of information and the relative importance of objectives for determining the allocation of order quantity and emergency capacity to each supplier. The application of the proposed model is illustrated using an example case of global supply chains with different supplier characteristics.  相似文献   

The need for efficient blood supply is of more significance in the event of disasters, when there is a lack of coordination between distribution and inventory management. The recent earthquake in Kermanshah province in Iran is among such cases that confirmed the need for coordinating such schedules. In this respect, a two-stage stochastic programming (SP) approach is presented for planning supply of blood after disasters that can assist in inventory decisions under hybrid uncertainty, minimizing the shortage and wastages. The uncertainty stems from imprecise parameters and scenario variability, and a robust-fuzzy-stochastic programming (RFSP) approach is devised to hedge against the uncertainty. The perishability of blood, the substitutability of blood groups, and the age-based characteristic of blood are taken into account to make the model more reliable. The compromise programming is applied to solve the multi-objective model. The results illustrate that the RFSP model can make a reasonable trade-off between mean value, feasibility robustness, and optimality robustness, which results in a robust and reliable solution under disastrous conditions.  相似文献   

In uncertain circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic, designing an efficient Blood Supply Chain Network (BSCN) is crucial. This study tries to optimally configure a multi-echelon BSCN under uncertainty of demand, capacity, and blood disposal rates. The supply chain comprises blood donors, collection facilities, blood banks, regional hospitals, and consumption points. A novel bi-objective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is suggested to formulate the problem which aims to minimize network costs and maximize job opportunities while considering the adverse effects of the pandemic. Interactive possibilistic programming is then utilized to optimally treat the problem with respect to the special conditions of the pandemic. In contrast to previous studies, we incorporated socio-economic factors and COVID-19 impact into the BSCN design. To validate the developed methodology, a real case study of a Blood Supply Chain (BSC) is analyzed, along with sensitivity analyses of the main parameters. According to the obtained results, the suggested approach can simultaneously handle the bi-objectiveness and uncertainty of the model while finding the optimal number of facilities to satisfy the uncertain demand, blood flow between supply chain echelons, network cost, and the number of jobs created.  相似文献   

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