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This paper proposes a typology for provider roles in defining business services. The starting point of the study is the underlying rationale of much of the service purchasing literature that buyers have or can easily access the necessary know-how to procure business services. If this does not hold, the implication is that buying firms would shy away from buying complex services. An alternative perspective recognizes that purchasing business services requires its own set of sourcing capabilities, which may be lacking. Buying firms may have limited know-how in terms of defining and articulating their requirements or not be fully aware of them in the first place. However, the buyer's lack of sourcing capabilities need not be an injunction to internalize the service. In these circumstances, service providers step in, help buying firms specify their requirements and play a key role in defining what is procured and how. We build on this interactive view of service definition to undertake a comparative case analysis of four business service contracting situations arrayed along two dimensions — buyer perceived uncertainty and provider's buyer-specific experience. We conclude that service providers play different roles in each case. These are classified as translating, re-engineering, developing, and fine-tuning roles.  相似文献   

Despite government support for a number of initiatives to encourage more small firms to adopt information and communication technologies (ICTs) implementation of ICTs has been a slow and very diverse development. This article examines the relationship between small firms and ICTs and highlights a number of typical, but often negated, characteristics that show how small firms use the technology.  相似文献   

The high-tech industry is usually treated as an homogeneous entity, without differentiating between organizations according to the relative importance of technology in their business strategy. This paper investigates the varying impact of technology on the success of strategic business units within the Miles and Snow typology. Although common wisdom might lead to the conclusion that prospectors are more dependent on technological progress than the other strategic types, the results show rather that the influence is greater and more fruitful for the defenders both in the short and the long term.  相似文献   

Business models such as C2B and B2B2C, in which consumers get involved in companies' supply chains and business operations, are burgeoning in many industries. Academic research on the phenomenon is, however, lagging behind, and extant research has typically focused on just one or a few variants of such business models at a time. The present conceptual research addresses this research gap by developing a comprehensive typology that explicates and unpacks the full variety of consumer involvement types in supply networks of contemporary business models. The three-dimensional typology developed contributes to literature by identifying and integrating the relevant dimensions, which have been addressed in prior research only implicitly or in a piecemeal manner. This elucidates the full range and variety of the phenomenon to researchers. For managers, the three-dimensional, cubic typology offers a business development tool, facilitating the identification of altogether 56 alternative business models, wherein consumers may serve as suppliers of various inputs, including work, effort, and entrepreneurial activity; goods; platform goods; natural resources and energy; data, information, and knowledge; attention and presence; as well as money and capital.  相似文献   

中国石油天然气勘探开发公司分析低油价下海外投资业务面临的挑战和内部改革需求,根据市场规律和技术发展趋势,构建了海外油气业务共享服务中心体系框架,建立了人事、财务、信息技术、HSSE、行政、技术支持和商务专家7个服务分中心.海外油气业务实现由投资驱动向创新驱动转变,由粗放式管理向精细化管理转变,由生产经营型向资产经营型转变.通过近两年建立人力资源和财务两个共享服务分中心的探索与实践,海外共享服务中心顶层设计的科学性与有效性通过了验证,为后续各分中心的建立健全提供了指引.  相似文献   

We identify four distinct market-driving processes based on the level of the entity driving the market and the type of change being driven: The Pied Piper; the Guild; the Evangelist; and the Apostles. Following this, we describe a seven-step approach for the Pied Piper process (individual firm driving functional change). The approach builds on prior work on driving markets, and introduces the concept of staggered waves of target customers and ecosystems. In addition, it introduces the role of potential obstructers and calls for developing plans to counter them prior to implementing a market-driving effort. Briefly, the seven-step process includes: (1) articulation of a value proposition for a fairly well-defined set of customers, (2) developing a vision of the ecosystem for delivering the proposed value to target customers, (3) stress testing the value proposition, target customers and ecosystem vision against macro trends and industry forces, (4) identifying “wave 1” customers, ecosystem actors, and potential obstructers, (5) developing a give-get matrix for the “wave 1” customers and ecosystem actors, a go-to-market plan that also addresses potential obstructers, (6) implementing the “wave 1” plan with agility, (7) cascading to subsequent waves of customers, ecosystem actors, and potential obstructers.  相似文献   

This paper describes the action which was taken by the Pharmaceuticals Division of ICI Limited to move into a New Business Venture, the experiences so far and some of the lessons learned which either have confirmed or contradicted the original ideas.
The venture is into the business area of Medical Aids. The first steps were taken by the Division just over three years ago.  相似文献   

The venture is into the business area of Medical Aids. The first steps were taken by the Division just over three years ago. This paper describes the action which was taken by the Pharmaceuticals Division of ICI Limited to move into a New Business Venture, the experiences so far and some of the lessons learned which either have confirmed or contradicted the original ideas.  相似文献   

The process of servitization for manufacturing firms has been studied to help improve understanding as to how manufacturing firms can combine products and services in order to provide business solutions for their customers. Several proposals as to a typology for business solutions have been made. Typologies proposed are static in nature rather than dynamic. The aim of this paper is to propose a typology of the dynamic solution process, taking the aerospace industry as an appropriate context of analysis. A qualitative and exploratory research is adopted, using a case study approach. A triadic approach is applied in the selection of cases in order to capture the multi-actor base element of the network and solution dynamics. The data reveals four different time-based categories of business solution: 1) solutions before manufacturing; 2) solutions for manufacturing; 3) solutions for product performance and 4) solutions for innovation. This paper has theoretical and managerial contributions by presenting a typology for business solutions as a variable combination of products, services and developments over time.  相似文献   

In seeking to understand relationships between smaller suppliers and larger customers, there is a growing interest in examining the characteristics of asymmetry in relationships. However, there is a paucity of research that looks at the consequences of size asymmetry for smaller suppliers. Building on IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) research, this paper presents a typology for analysing the consequences of size asymmetry in customer-supplier relationships from the smaller supplier's perspective. The paper reports on the findings from a study involving a total of 48 interviews and eight in-depth case studies of suppliers in the UK textile industry involved in relationships with larger customers. The findings from the study show that the consequences of size asymmetry may vary widely across different relationship characteristics, with both positive and negative outcomes for suppliers. The implications of these findings are that suppliers may take advantage of the positive and constructive consequences of size asymmetry to capitalise on developing their current relationships with customers. In addition, by focusing on the positive consequences of size asymmetry, suppliers may develop the confidence and assurance to develop constructive and more balanced new customer relationships. The paper concludes by identifying the managerial implications for the development of opportunities and customer relationship options for suppliers in asymmetric relationships and proposes that it is important for suppliers to have an assessment instrument to identify the extent of asymmetry or symmetry across their customer relationships.  相似文献   

Using humor wisely is known to have many benefits in a work-related setting. Despite these potential benefits, there is limited research on this phenomenon in a business-to-business selling context. In light of this absence, the authors introduce a theoretical model explaining the role of humor usage in a salesperson-customer encounter. Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to examine the simultaneous influence of salesperson humor usage on creativity and customer trust, which in turn affect objective sales performance. Using 149 salesperson-customer dyads from a cross-industry survey, the results indicate that (1) salesperson humor usage positively influences salesperson creativity and customer trust, (2) which in turn mediates the influence of humor on objective sales performance. In addition, (3) customer trust also influences word-of-mouth propensity and expectation of relationship continuity. The article's broader contribution is that humor usage may be a fundamental human ability that is central for enhancing creativity and developing strong relationships in a business-to-business setting.  相似文献   

This study reviews the research on foreign business management in China and analyzes 193 articles published in English in 13 academic journals between 1980 and 2008. The studies were classified based on the type of research, the main topic, and the methods employed. The studies were then mapped and their key research findings and conclusions were highlighted. A three-stage model of market transition was developed to contextualize the work, and this helps explain the shifting focuses in the literature and identify directions for future research.  相似文献   

Business friendship refers to the integration of “business” dealings and personal “friendship” that permeates many markets. As relationship marketing and customer relationship management become increasingly prevalent practices, business friendship as a fundamental element embedded in business relationships needs to be better understood. This paper studies how business friendship is formed and its impact on key marketing outcomes. We propose that business friendship is driven by three factors spanning business and personal domains—congeniality, rule adherence and business reputation. Our empirical analysis is based on survey and actual sales data from 263 client firms of a leading provider of business intelligence and strategic planning services. The results show the three factors contribute significantly to business friendship. We find that business friendship between the client and the supplier significantly impacts the sales to the client, and this impact is further moderated by how the two parties share responsibilities in achieving common goals. In addition, we show that business friendship induces one party to accommodate and cooperate with the other (i.e., compliance), and to engage in positive word-of-mouth. The framework and findings shed lights on how companies may influence (and be influenced by) business friendship as they increasingly emphasize long-term business relationships.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial marketing has emerged as a recent perspective within the marketing field, taking the challenges and characteristics of small firms and founding teams into account. Specifically, in the early stages of entrepreneurial marketing, besides potential customers a variety of other stakeholders tend to be in the center of attention. Among these stakeholders, business angels as early-stage investors represent a vital target group. In this paper, we aim to shed light on entrepreneurial marketing in the early phases of new venture creation, in which entrepreneurial firms have an inherent need to market the value of a business opportunity toward potential investors. In particular, we contribute to the literature by introducing the business model as a narrative device for the marketing of early-stage new ventures toward potential business angels. In this regard, the business model is suggested as playing a critical role through making the inherent economic value of a technology explicit. Building on narrative theory, we investigate the role that the business model plays in the decision-making process of 17 business angels. Based on our findings, we propose a model that links the business model to a business angel's interpretation of an investment opportunity and discuss implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

A plethora of definitions for innovation types has resulted in an ambiguity in the way the terms ‘innovation’ and ‘innovativeness’ are operationalized and utilized in the new product development literature. The terms radical, really‐new, incremental and discontinuous are used ubiquitously to identify innovations. One must question, what is the difference between these different classifications? To date consistent definitions for these innovation types have not emerged from the new product research community. A review of the literature from the marketing, engineering, and new product development disciplines attempts to put some clarity and continuity to the use of these terms. This review shows that it is important to consider both a marketing and technological perspective as well as a macrolevel and microlevel perspective when identifying innovations. Additionally, it is shown when strict classifications from the extant literature are applied, a significant shortfall appears in empirical work directed toward radical and really new innovations. A method for classifying innovations is suggested so that practitioners and academics can talk with a common understanding of how a specific innovation type is identified and how the innovation process may be unique for that particular innovation type. A recommended list of measures based on extant literature is provided for future empirical research concerning technological innovations and innovativeness.

Various methods are in use for the ‘top down’ assessment and comparison of the future profitabilities of businesses. The most advanced is the PAR equation of the PIMS programme, which combines quantitative evaluations of the average effect of various business characteristics on profitability. However it is not a true model in the OR sense being essentially a linear regression equation. The proposed new approach is a first attempt to combine the characteristics in a way which models the bargaining of customers with suppliers who are in competition for the supply of a bulk product. All the constants in the resulting non-linear equation (called 5C) are meaningful in marketing or production terms. The model is in a preliminary non-optimized state, but seems to offer opportunities for ongoing development. It is in this spirit that it is offered for discussion.  相似文献   

The paper summarises the results of a survey on behalf of the Alvey Directorate, conducted in 1983—4, of the use made of expert systems in twelve large UK firms. The survey points clearly to the conclusion that firms do not need to start with large state-of-the-art expert systems. A practical and useful entry point is provided by simpler systems, that is, those for which the knowledge base is clear cut, the expert is available and forthcoming, the knowledge is certain, the hypotheses definite and the ancillary data are valid. The author urges influential persons in an institution uncertain whether to use expert systems to make an exploratory entry and observe the results before making a final decision.
The author believes that in the longer term expert systems will have to be designed to interface with 'popular' business language databases and with other systems. He gives some guidelines to relevant developments.  相似文献   

This paper explores and extends the concept of transparency, as transparency-related terminology in marketing management research is limited in its typological development. Building on previous research, it outlines four types of transparency and extends them by adding three related facets. The four types are: cost transparency, supply transparency, organizational transparency and technological transparency. The expanded concept of transparency is discussed and analyzed using four illustrations, based on case studies conducted at two focal firms in the Swedish manufacturing industry. The study contributes to the field of marketing management research by showing the interrelatedness of information technology exploitation, trust and transparency. In addition, the study highlights the dynamic aspects of the transparency concept. In contrast to results of former studies, the present findings indicate that increased transparency in buyer-supplier relationships brings about not only positive, but also some negative effects.  相似文献   

Using four basic principles of service science, we systematically explore value-proposition design as one type of business model innovation. Service science combines organization and human understanding with business and technological understanding to categorize and explain service systems, including how they interact and evolve to cocreate value. Our goal is to apply a scientific approach to advance design and innovation in service systems. Our foundation is service-dominant logic, which provides perspective, vocabulary, and assumptions on which to build a theory. Our basic theoretical construct is the service system, entities that are dynamic configurations of four kinds of resources. Our core principles center on the way value is computed within and among entities, how interaction is based on access to resources and their capabilities, and on how value computation and interaction depend on symbol processing and language guided by mutually agreed-to value propositions. In this context, service science can inform and accelerate value-proposition design by systematizing the search for adaptive advantages that improve existing offerings, create new offerings, or reconfigure the value-creating ecosystem.  相似文献   

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