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Previous research has investigated the determinants and consequences of customer loyalty, but, in banking, a critical measure largely neglected in previous studies is the customer's ‘share of wallet’. This study, based on a survey of 1,924 retail banking customers, suggests that a large proportion of the variance in stated behavioural intentions can be predicted, in particular, by customers' attitude measures. More importantly, the study shows that a substantial amount of the variance in share of wallet can be predicted, allowing banks to identify and focus on customer segments where there is most potential for growth. In recognition of the fact that dissatisfied customers are a distinct segment, the study models actual behaviour in terms of share of wallet for dissatisfied customers. Implications for research and for business are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a new factor of the trust model in electronic commerce; namely, internet banking. Internal control of internet banking is very consistent with high levels of trust factors such as security, privacy, and other risk issues. However, this type of association has not yet been widely recognized as a trusted model from the consumer's electronic commerce point of view. This study attempts to create new factors in IT governance and the COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) assurance seal. The empirical results of this experiment show that customer familiarity with IT governance and the COBIT assurance seal has impacted customers' trust in internet banking. Moreover, the results also show that perceived internet banking quality and reputation impact customers' trust in internet banking. Given the results of this study, we propose future research aimed at developing a COBIT assurance web seal of internal control, applicable to information technology based on IT governance.  相似文献   

文章分析了电子商务顾客忠诚研究的重要性,阐述了国内外电子商务顾客忠诚的研究现状,从顾客E-忠诚的内涵、内容、影响因素和驱动模型几个方面梳理了国内外已有研究。为此,研究电子商务顾客忠诚对电子商务和电子商务企业的发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships among customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and market share in nearly 700 users of Kuwaiti bank loan services. The authors show that the expected positive relationships of satisfaction with market share and of satisfaction with loyalty are not supported in this sector of the banking industry. As expected, however, customer loyalty is shown to be related to market share. It appears that, within this product market, loyalty is not derived from customer satisfaction, but rather is based on other factors such as, for example, price, special deals, or bank–customer relationships. Therefore, market share in Kuwaiti loan services is dependent on banks creating and maintaining a large and loyal customer base.  相似文献   

Understanding the financial contribution customers make to their organisations is an initial step in customer relationship management. Set in the banking industry, this paper examines the strength of ‘share of wallet’ as a proxy variable for measuring customer profitability. Data from a study of 1,100 personal retail banking customers of a New Zealand regional bank were used in combination with the bank's own customer contribution data for each of those respondents. Results indicate that although share of wallet might be used as a proxy for customer contribution at a macro level of customer classification, details of specific financial relationships customers have with their main bank are still necessary. Nevertheless, share of wallet ought to become a standard entry in a bank's customer database.  相似文献   

This research paper reports how a credit union applied knowledge from the literature to solve a marketing problem. A credit union serves a unique group of customers who may be in the same profession, have the same employer, or simply in the same regional location. The marketing problem is how to switch bank customers from branches to internet for the main reason of reducing transaction costs. The research model comprises the independent factors of customer, transaction, application, and bank; and the dependent variables the number of internet banking transaction, perceived usefulness of internet banking, and willingness to use internet banking measuring different aspects of internet banking. We carried out an on-site survey in different branches of our subject credit union to capture the opinion of customers who rely solely on branches for banking transactions. To our knowledge, this study provides a pioneer internet banking survey in the context of credit unions. The survey results reveal different internet banking facilitators for customers with and without internet bank accounts. For customers with internet bank accounts, application security is the most important facilitator variable for them to continue its use in the future; while promises for continuous improvement can be a prohibitive variable. In order to encourage customers without internet bank accounts to adopt internet banking, the management should focus on strengthening the variables of bank diversified service, bank responsiveness, bank image, and extra online instruction and feedback for complicate internet transactions; and reducing the negative effect of web fun/entertainment. We also found that the variables of proficiency in using computers, application security, and bank image have opposite effects on customers with and without internet bank accounts.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with examining how contact management influences customer loyalty in the retail banking industry. The concept of contact management is explored and developed with reference to the literature on retention, service quality and loyalty. Customer experiences with contacting their bank and their intentions were obtained by means of an online survey, in which consumers were asked about their points of contact with their banks and their intentions to continue their custom and make recommendations. The findings of the survey suggest that contact management plays a significant role in customers' stated intentions. The study concludes that banks and building societies need to manage customer contacts to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction levels and so that loyalty is strengthened.  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction is an important indicator for customer loyalty, and numerous studies have identified the benefits that customer loyalty delivers to an organisation. Nevertheless, research also suggests that satisfied customers still defect. This study investigated the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty intentions within the Australian banking industry for two distinct customer segments, retirees and university students. Results indicate no significant difference in the satisfaction levels of either group; however, there were differences with respect to two of the five behavioural intentions dimensions: loyalty and switch. Satisfaction was found to have a significant impact on three of the five behavioural intentions dimensions: loyalty, pay more and external response, suggesting that management should initiate service policies aimed at securing improvements in customer satisfaction. However, there are also other constructs at work aside from satisfaction in determining future behavioural intentions.  相似文献   

An observation analysis of e-service quality in online banking   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This study focuses on observing customer perceptions of internet banking and e-service quality from a user-based perspective within an Irish context. The study involves an observational study of a purposive sample of 20 consumers based upon their perceptions of the Bank of Ireland website using unstructured and structured observation techniques. Respondents moved from basic to higher order gratifications according to IT experience and internet usage. While information and transaction gratifications were deemed key to online banking, enjoyment gratifications held limited associations, thus emphasising its functional nature. User group categorisations had a direct impact on online behaviour in terms of time spent evaluating in addition to the level of customer pro-activity. The paper highlights the value of the uses and gratifications categorisations system, which provides a key platform to the study of e-service quality and offers e-banking providers a more effective system of serving individual customer e-service needs. Online banking providers can make the process of using e-banking more enjoyable by enhancing website interactivity and creating unique online experiences. Future e-banking penetration and the success of complex financial product adoption will be dependent on proactive online marketing campaigns coupled with increased website responsiveness. This paper adopts a unique perspective by exploring e-service quality from the user-based approach by assessing the uses and gratifications sought by online users, and subsequently examines their impact on effective web design and the e-service dimensions deemed focal to premium usage.  相似文献   

Having relatively recently embraced the concept of marketing, banks approach the new millennium operating in an increasingly competitive and fragmented marketplace with financially literate consumers. This competition combined with the prevailing low interest rate environment means that traditional banks with extensive branch networks are having their profitability margins squeezed. New technology presents opportunities for banks to become both more efficient (in terms of cost reduction) and more effective (in terms of customer profiling and informed targeted selling). As many groups of customers become more content with interacting with their bank through remote technological channels (eg phone, Internet) the implications for bank–customer relationships are important. Recent research shows that new ‘electronic banking’ channels, while being keenly embraced throughout the industry, are being pursued more for their cost-based advantages than for their business development or relationship management capabilities. Given that the key power of the Internet arguably rests in its interactive capabilities, and that relationships are predicated upon interactively, it seems appropriate to conclude with some key issues for future electronic banking strategy with particular emphasis on staff–customer relationships.  相似文献   

The regulation of deposit interest rates has received little support from economists. The same is true for the original rationale for such regulation: that bank competition for deposits generates inherent ‘instability’ in the banking system. This paper develops an ‘adverse selection’ model of banking in which this rationale is correct. Moreover, in this model instability in the banking system can arise despite the presence of a ‘lender of last resort’, and despite the absence of any need for ‘deposit insurance’. However, in the world described, the regulation of deposit interest rates is shown to be an appropriate response to ‘instability’ in the banking system. Finally, it is argued that ‘adverse selection’ models of deposit interest rate determination can confront a number of observed phenomena that are not readily explained in other contexts.  相似文献   

Relationships and the internet: The mediating role of a relationship banker   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The role technology plays in building (or weakening) relationships with customers has become increasingly debated since the advent of the internet. Arguments, and some emerging empirical evidence, have shown that there is support for both sides of the argument; technology can both build and erode customer relationships. In this paper the authors seek to add further insight into this inquiry. The paper examines relationships that primarily exist within a technology context (in this case the internet) compared to those that primarily exist in a traditional face-to-face context (in this case the branch). The mediating role of a relationship banker is used to explore these dynamics further. Results show that the channel which the customer primarily adopts as the mode of interaction makes little difference to the strength of the relationship. What makes a difference, in terms of trust, is the existence of a ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ one-to-one relationship with an assigned banker. Intriguingly, the effects of the relationship banker are dependent on whether the customer uses primarily the branch versus the internet.  相似文献   

基于客户需求特征的我国私人银行客户服务体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
私人银行业务在我国发展的时间不长,对我国私人银行客户的结构及需求特征的研究和分析尚处起步阶段。鉴于此,针对我国快速扩大的高资产净值人群及其日益增长的金融服务需求,应在研究私人银行客户需求的基础上,以私人银行客户服务体系建设为核心,推动我国私人银行业务持续、稳健发展。  相似文献   

This article investigates how banks build competitive advantage through relationship banking. Using a grounded theory approach, 29 interviews were conducted with relationship managers and corporate banking directors in 21 case banks from 2004 to 2008. Grounded theory models were developed to illustrate the value creation process in relationship banking. It was found that long-term bank–corporate relationships were established through trust-based personal communications. In the case, banks customer information and knowledge advantages were created. Risk-adjusted returns on assets were used to measure customer relationship performance, and relationship managers were rewarded accordingly. The interviewees thought that bank performance could be improved by managing customer credit risk and identifying cross-selling opportunities. This study starts to open up the ‘black box’ of how banks create shareholder value through relationship banking, provides a picture of relationship banking as a social phenomenon, and supplies some theoretical and managerial implications. The article also links the literature relevant to relationship banking from different disciplines. This is a new way of looking at the relationship banking phenomenon and relevant literature in an integrated manner.  相似文献   


This investigates the impact of customer attitude and judgment regarding conventional and Islamic banking system in Pakistan. This study attempts to find out, how the customers of Islamic banks perceive about Islamic banking practices in terms of Shariah compliance and conventional banking system regarding earning more profits. This study consists on primary data through a well design questionnaire. Four hundred and thirty (430) questionnaires were distributed among different customers of all three types of banking, such as Islamic, conventional and stand-alone branches in order to investigate customer’s attitude and judgment toward banking system. The findings indicate that overall 28% of Islamic banking customers don’t know the essential concept of Islamic financial institution’s in Pakistan. Furthermore, 54% customers of conventional banking show their interest to convert their accounts toward Islamic banks.



With new banks entering the South African market and consumers generally not satisfied with their current bank, brand loyalty in the banking sector is receiving greater attention. A gap in the literature exists regarding the issues of bank loyalty and their antecedents in South African retail banking because of the few studies available in the South African context, the new competitive environment in the banking sector, the multi-cultural nature of the market, and the likely switching behaviour by customers. The South African context is a multi-cultural environment and therefore offers a unique background as most previous brand loyalty studies have been in mono-cultural contexts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents of brand loyalty, including satisfaction, brand relationship quality, customer advocacy, and brand trust in retail banking. We report on a survey of 351 banking customers through SEM using AMOS. While the findings are generally supportive of previous studies, some surprising results are discussed and implications for both theory and practice are highlighted.


Banks have the challenging task of managing customer experience across many traditional and technological channels in today’s financial services world. Recent studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that many customers are dissatisfied with their experiences across channels that are supposed to provide a seamless experience. This customer dissatisfaction potentially diminishes a financial service organization’s customer base, and requires the firm to rely on a more fickle customer mix and erodes its reputation. This paper investigates the relationship between individuals’ dissatisfaction with their primary bank channel and their intention to leave their bank in the future. The first study examines individuals’ overall trust in their bank as a potential moderator in the relationship that reduces customers’ likelihood to leave the bank even though they are dissatisfied with a particular banking channel. The second study goes one step further and examines the effect of three trusting beliefs about the bank potentially held by the customer: competence, integrity, and benevolence beliefs. Findings indicate that when customers have a high level of trust in their banks, they are less likely to leave their banks even though they are dissatisfied with their primary banking channel. Furthermore, while competence and benevolence beliefs about the bank have a similar moderating effect, integrity beliefs do not.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of internet users recorded by various agencies, the level of increase of internet usage for banking purposes has not increased at the same rate. One reason for this is continuing consumer fear about security which, despite the media coverage and the technical and verbal reassurances provided by the banks, still preys heavily on consumers' minds. Trying to resolve security fears is perceived to be part of the overall service to customers provided by the internet banking service providers. However, customers are continuing to demand increased levels of service quality. The research described in this paper attempted to identify whether or not specific problem areas exist for UK banks in achieving satisfactory performance on key attributes of service quality, particularly security, as perceived by a sample of UK internet banking customers. Using trade-off analysis to interview 56 internet banking customers, five key service quality attributes were identified and ranked. Cluster analysis was then adopted and revealed two groups of respondents. One group was most concerned about security-related issues while the other group was more interested in the convenience, speed and timeliness of the service. Overall, the internet banks were rated as being good on the five attributes except for the attribute ‘product variety/diverse features’. The question that arises from the findings is whether or not good performance by the internet banks on the service quality decision criteria is sufficient in a highly competitive internet environment, not only to attract new customers, but also to retain existing ones.  相似文献   

Financial institutions are actively developing new electronic banking products for their retail customers. To date, the market leaders have drawn a disproportionably higher share of e-retail banking customers. In response, smaller institutions have become quite active in exploring ways to participate profitably in online banking. A major influence is from a customer relationship management (CRM) perspective, where institutions try to limit the outflow of current customers and direct high-value customers to potential products from a multi-product service offering array. These efforts can succeed only if retail bank marketers focus the promotion of the new products and services that can utilise this channel toward those customers who are most likely to find them attractive. The first aim of this study was to examine the role that online and electronic banking play in defining the customer's primary financial relationship. The analysis of 701 retail customers of a financial institution presented in this study suggests that banks and other institutions are highly vulnerable to loss of customers to rivals with extensive online services. A second aim was to examine to what extent information on banking relationships is able to extend CRM analysis beyond that offered by typical demographic and income data. Current customer account relationships are found to be highly predictive of use of electronic services use in general. And, interest in the use of specific online services is related to differing customer relationships in addition to ordinary demographic and balance information. These findings can be useful for retail banking in identifying potential high-value users from a customer relationship management perspective.  相似文献   

Artificial life     
E-business processes between insurance companies and their private customers allow — in comparison to conventional business processing — savings in administrative expenses up to 30 per cent. However, today’s e-business processes are often described as little transparent and stereotyped. Users, therefore, complain them being far to complex and, as a consequence, do not accept them. Relating to research in the field of customer behaviour, it has been proved that even in e-business processes customers like to be contacted and treated individually. This can be reached by corresponding to the cognitive ability and the personal involvement of each customer. By using those mechanisms information processing becomes ?hospitable‘ or even ?human-alike‘. Chatter-bots simulate human behaviour in e-business processes and will possibly replace personnel in certain areas. Therefore, chatter-bots seem a suitable instrument to introduce successfully e-business processes between insurance companies and their private customers. Two positive consequences could be reached: first, process efficiency could be raised and second, cost-savings in processing could be gained.  相似文献   

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