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中泰关系历史悠久,早在700年前的暹罗时代,两国之间就已经开始了陶瓷贸易.自中国与泰国在2003年10月1日起对双方蔬菜、水果贸易实行零关税,中国和东盟迈开了"早期收获"协议实质性的第一步后,中泰的贸易经济迅速升温,为了促进中国对泰国的贸易投资,本文对泰国的投资环境进行了分析研究,希望能为中国企业早日走向世界提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

6月27日,记者在第二届"泰中展览业合作交流会暨泰国展览业推介会"上获悉,泰国会议展览局(TCEB)特别推出资助政策,以吸引更多的中国主办单位、参展商和买家前往泰国。此项资助政策预算达到35万美元,旨在开拓潜力巨大的中国市场。  相似文献   

翁东文 《大经贸》2009,(8):81-81
——狠抓招商引资,提高引资质量。今年3月,惠州市成功举办了“2009惠州高新科技产业和现代服务业招商引资推介会”,签约外资项目167宗,投资总额74亿美元。会上还与香港贸易发展局、深圳外商投资协会、世联顾问(中国)签订了联合招商框架协议,此后双方开展了一系列合作行动:联合香港投资推广署在芬兰举办了“香港-惠州”投资环境推介会,  相似文献   

在我国经济出现产能过剩、供给侧结构亟待改革、经济下行压力大的形势下,国家加大了"一带一路"对外投资战略的实施力度,鼓励企业"走出去"投资兴业,充分利用境外市场优势,向境外发展高科技、智能化、资源类等产业。但是机会与风险同在,世界格局动荡不定、经济规律变化无常,境外投资项目风险管理措施势在必行。本文以A公司在泰国投资为例,对其境外投资存在的问题进行剖析,提出了风险管理措施,通过细化境外投资环境的尽职调查、参与泰国的社会活动、依法经营、提高风险分析力、运用金融杠杆五方面,来强化风险管理的建议。  相似文献   

泰国被世人称为“微笑的国土”,拥有无数令人赞叹的名胜,独特的文化和持续相传的风俗习惯,可谓东南亚最具异国风情的国度。近年来,中泰两国不断在贸易、投资、科技、文化、卫生、教育等众多领域开展合作与交流。泰国投资促进委员会(BOI)在中国的第二个办事处——北京办事处的成立,为泰国在中国举办的一系列经贸活动拉开帷幕,随后泰总理将率经济顾问团访华;BOI在中国的第三个办事处——广州办事处,也将在今年第三季度成立……这些都预示着泰国全面展开在中国的招商部署,以强劲姿态吸引中国投资。  相似文献   

刘畅 《中国海关》2002,(2):52-53
泰国,素以"微笑的国度"著称,以美丽的自然风景和良好的人文社会环境吸引着成千上万的世界旅行者.由于毗邻中国,加之良好的旅游环境和低廉的消费价格,泰国成为了富裕起来的国人出境旅游的首选之地.  相似文献   

中泰关系历史悠久,早在700年前的暹罗时代,两国之间就已经开始了陶瓷贸易。自中国与泰国在2003年10月1日起对双方蔬菜、水果贸易实行零关税,中国和东盟迈开了“早期收获”协议实质性的第一步后。中泰的贸易经济迅速升温,为了促进中国对泰国的贸易投资,本文对泰国的投资环境进行了分析研究,希望能为中国企业早日走向世界提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

正中国个协举办区域投资合作推介会为进一步推动经济协作,支援扶贫,在国家工商总局的指导下,4月23日,中国个协在京举办区域投资合作推介会。总局对口帮扶的江西省泰和县、黑龙江省同江市,革命老区山东省梁山县的政府主管领导和有关部门负责人,以及来自全国各地的企业代表近200人参加了会议。相关负责人对本地投资环境优势和鼓励投资政策进行了详细介绍,并和企业代表进行了互动交流,推介会得到了各方好评。(彭琪欢)  相似文献   

吕莱 《国际市场》2006,(11):74-74
正值秋高气爽、茶香飘逸的季节,印度茶叶协会和印度驻沪总领事馆联合举办“印度茶叶推介会”。上海茶叶界和印度茶叶界在上海欢聚一堂,进行面对面交流。  相似文献   

上海的龙眼市场不再是进口的泰国龙眼和国产的莆田龙眼的一统天下.日前在沪举行的"泉州市龙眼(上海)推介会"上传来消息说从今天开始,中国龙眼之乡的泉州龙眼及其加工产品将源源不断地进入上海市场从鲜龙眼到桂圆干,及其龙眼肉、龙眼罐头、龙眼果冻、龙眼膏、龙眼酱等系列产品近10个为上海人带来好的口福.  相似文献   

Step Options     
Motivated by risk management problems with barrier options, we propose a flexible modification of the standard knock‐out and knock‐in provisions and introduce a family of path‐dependent options: step options . They are parametrized by a finite knock‐out (knock‐in) rate , ρ. For a down‐and‐out step option, its payoff at expiration is defined as the payoff of an otherwise identical vanilla option discounted by the knock‐out factor exp(-ρτB) or max(1‐ρτ-B,0), where &\tau;B is the total time during the contract life that the underlying price was lower than a prespecified barrier level ( occupation time ). We derive closed‐form pricing formulas for step options with any knock‐out rate in the range $[0,∞). For any finite knock‐out rate both the step option's value and delta are continuous functions of the underlying price at the barrier. As a result, they can be continuously hedged by trading the underlying asset and borrowing. Their risk management properties make step options attractive "no‐regrets" alternatives to standard barrier options. As a by‐product, we derive a dynamic almost‐replicating trading strategy for standard barrier options by considering a replicating strategy for a step option with high but finite knock‐out rate. Finally, a general class of derivatives contingent on occupation times is considered and closed‐form pricing formulas are derived.  相似文献   

Innovative companies often place their emphasis on invention, research, and new product development, even as they neglect the process of bringing products to the marketplace in a way that is advantageous over the long term. Small to medium‐sized businesses that are scaling up are particularly vulnerable to entering into unfavorable distribution arrangements with large mass‐market retailers. Often, managers assume their firm will automatically benefit from a technological or creative breakthrough. Rather than focusing solely on new innovations and viewing distribution as an afterthought, we suggest that innovative firms make channel management a priority as their products are discovered and they attempt to reach more customers. In this article, strategies are offered as paths managers should consider as they use their innovations to scale up from small or medium‐sized firms into large companies. Steps for implementation as well as concurrent risks are also presented. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

网络营销是企业营销实践与现代信息通讯技术、计算机网络技术相结合的产物,是指企业以电子信息技术为基础,以计算机网络为媒介和手段而进行的各种营销活动.它最突出的特点是利用国际互联网开展营销活动.  相似文献   

软件外包 热流涌动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李栋 《电子商务》2005,(4):36-38
今年的”两会”期间,IT产业没有再次成为”宠儿”,但在身为人大代表的东软集团董事长兼总裁刘积仁和浪潮集团总裁孙丕恕的简短的报告中却提到了一个词“软件外包”  相似文献   

李朝晖 《广告大观》2007,(2S):41-43
有位哲人说,成功者在于比别人先进了一小步,往往是一小步而不是超出几大步。也就是说,我们离成功也就是一小步而巳。这是一个简单但却实效的哲学理念。它具有普遍的适用性,电视广告营销也不例外。本文借这个理念谈了对媒体推广会的认识,以及形式创新和内容创新对广告经营的重要作用。  相似文献   

There is every reason to celebrate the first anniversary of the Chinese yuan (CNY) trade settlement pilot scheme ('the scheme'). CNY settlement volumes have grown in leaps and bounds in recent months, albeit from a very low base. The scheme's scope was further expanded in June - it now includes 20 provinces, which together account For 95% of China's exports.  相似文献   

Gift card purchases have grown significantly in recent years. The growth has been attributed to recipients being able to make personal selections that best meet their needs while reducing the giver’s risk of improper selection and wasted time. However, while gift cards have positive benefits for both giver and recipient, certain fees, and terms and conditions involved with their use and nonuse ultimately may impact the level of satisfaction derived. This paper provides background into the use of gift cards and the development of “open‐loop” and “closed‐loop” cards. Further, it examines current levels of legal protection afforded to consumers. The paper discusses how disclosure and notice, concepts intended to protect consumers, are often neglected or unusable because the actual party at risk is not the party with whom the purchase transaction was consummated. Implications are drawn for those who are charged with creating effective public policy and consumer affairs professionals who wish to provide assistance to both consumers and regulators.  相似文献   

TILL THE END OF 2010,NONFINANCIAL DEPARTMENTS OF SAKHALIN HAVE RECEIVED US$227.6 MILLION THROUGH CHINESE INVESTMENT, ACCOUNTING FOR 0.08%OF THE TOTAL FOREIGN INVESTMENT.Chinese enterprises engaged in the power industry are the biggest buyers of Sakhalin hydrocarbons.So far in 2011, Chinese companies have purchased 11%of the oil in Sakhalin,Konstantin Stroganov, the first deputy governor of Sakhalin,said during an interview in Beijing in March. He also mentioned that China is one of the main buyers of Sak...  相似文献   

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