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关于劳务派遣法律问题的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳务派遣作为一种新的用工形式,《中华人民共和国劳动合同法(草案)》对其作了规定.本文结合草案讨论劳务派遣的优点、存在的问题,为我国的劳务派遣法律构建提出初步的设想.  相似文献   

.NET分布式构架方案及分布式应用设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
MicrosoftR○.NET远4程构架为在不同的应用域(AppDomains)、不同的进程和不同计算机中活动对象的交互提供了系统框架支持,使其相互之间能够进行畅通无阻的通信。分布式对象处理(Remoting)依托.NET远程处理框架运行库及编程模型的支持,使得分布式对象处理变得异常简捷透明。探索了可利用的.NET远程处理方案,并详细探讨了分布式对象处理实例。  相似文献   

为实现大准铁路2006年及以后大运量的远景规划目标,2005年对大准铁路的既有设备、部分车站及三角线线路进行了扩能改造,为保证施工和运输任务的完成,根据大准铁路运输生产与施工的特点,采取了许多有效的施工组织措施,实现了施工改造和运输生产的双赢。  相似文献   

水库调度的科学与否直接关系到水库运用效果,科学的水库调度离不开水雨情、工情等各类信息的应用,本文从葠窝水库降雨预报信息入手,探究了其在水库调度中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

A new heuristic solution methodology for solving large-scale “traveling salesman” problems is presented. Significant features of the new procedure includes a rapid identification of node location and positive stopping.  相似文献   

在水电梯级运行调度中,事关经济主体利益和工程防洪安全.本文以A、B两个电站的业主因水位衔接问题发生的利益冲突为例,分析了冲突发生的根源在于水位的变化引起了多元化主体间利益分配的不均衡,同时通过对协商、协调、复议等程序措施解决过程的剖析,得出了一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

The certification test standards that presently exist for flame arresters are highly inadequate for inline applications. A proper flame arrester test method should ensure that a unit will work with any flame front conditions that it could be exposed to in actual use. When evaluating flame arrester performance, it is just as dangerous to neglect deflagration testing as detonation testing. The comprehensive inline flame arrester test method outlined here involves exposing a unit to the entire flame propagation pressure spectrum. This includes low, medium and high pressure deflagrations as well as overdriven and stable detonations. The test method also takes into account the following factors: flow restriction on the protected side of the flame arrester, flame propagation through a flowing gas, initial system pressure and temperature, and specified gas mixture. Flow restriction on the protected side of the flame arrester has a very significant effect on performance and has not previously been given consideration in flame arrester testing. Besides moving flame front test, endurance burn testing and hydrostatic pressure testing are also discussed here. Major regulatory organizations have recently adopted these findings as the basis for new standards proposed to cover an inline flame arrester test method.  相似文献   

目的旨在分析现有技术经纪机构服务模式存在的问题,并基于对医药科技成果产业化过程的解析,提出着眼于产业化视角的药学技术经纪机构服务新模式。方法本文主要运用归纳与演绎的分析方法对我国技术经纪机构的服务模式加以解析,并通过对医药成果产业化的流程、瓶颈分析,提出药学技术经纪服务新模式:结论通过对生物医药科技成果的产业化流程以及在产业化过程中遇到的瓶颈问题的分析,可以清晰界定我国药学技术经纪机构的服务对象和服务模式。  相似文献   

The current method for determining the flammable limits for a gas in a closed spherical vessel is based on a specification of the maximum pressure increase during the combustion, usually from 5 to 10% of the initial ambient pressure. This approach is completely arbitrary and is not fundamentally based. For most hydrocarbons this pressure boundary and hence the flammable limits are easy to determine experimentally since an abrupt pressure drop occurs at the flammable limits as the fuel concentration in air is adjusted. However, for some species, particularly hydrogen mixed with air, the drop in maximum combustion pressure is not very abrupt and the fuel concentration can range several percentage points depending on the arbitrary criterion used for the flammable limits. This article will discuss a new approach for determining the flammable limits for a gas in a spherical vessel. The approach is based on the maximum second derivative of pressure rise. The second derivative is indicative of an acceleration of the combustion process and is, hence, fundamentally based. Furthermore, we have identified a new approach to determine the downward propagating flammable limits based on the combustion time, that is, the time that the gas actually burns in the vessel. Experimental data for methane and hydrogen show that the second derivative flammable limit criterion produces slightly conservative values for combustion in air. Visual inspection of the combustion during the tests showed that no visual combustion was observed at the second derivative criterion. For methane, the second derivative criterion resulted in a flammable range in air from 4.6 to 15.8% methane. For hydrogen these limits are 3.6–75.2%. We believe that this method will provide a much more fundamentally based method to determine both the upper and lower flammable limits of upward flame propagation and also provide a means to determine the downward propagation limits in a spherical combustion vessel. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the decision-making mechanism of coordination protocol for a multi-agent system in collaborative, distributed environment requiring resource allocation solutions. The model of distributed collaboration network (DCN) for distributed resource allocation is developed. The use of monitored viability of each agent as a feedback for the agent's reflexivity and goal adjustment mechanisms during the coordination process is introduced. Question: Will (can) a multi-agent system, as a whole, achieve efficient resource allocations, when each agent makes independent decisions, adjusted by feedback of its own viability measure to maximize its own goal based on limited information about the entire system? To investigate this question, experiments were conducted by using the parallel simulator TIE/Protocol to model the DCN and multi-agent system behavior.  相似文献   

Multi-product newsboy problem (MPNP) with budget constraint is a classical inventory control/management problem. However, solution methods for MPNP under general demand distributions are limited in the current literature. In this paper, by analyzing properties of the optimal solution to the MPNP with a budget constraint, we develop a solution algorithm for the constrained MPNP. The proposed algorithm is binary in nature, and is applicable to general types of demand distribution functions, discrete as well as continuous. For continuous demand distribution function, our approach can obtain the optimal or near optimal solution to the constrained MPNP with polynomial computation complexity of the o(n) order. On the other hand, for discrete demand distribution functions, it can effectively provide good approximate solution. Numerical experiments are presented to show the performance of our method.  相似文献   

Although supplier selection in multi-service outsourcing is a very important decision problem, research concerning this issue is still relatively scarce. This paper proposes a decision method for selecting a pool of suppliers for the provision of different service process/product elements. It pioneers the use of collaborative utility between partner firms for supplier selection. A multi-objective model is built to select desired suppliers. This model is proved to be NP-hard, so we develop a multi-objective algorithm based on Tabu search for solving it. We then use an example to show the applicability of the proposed model and algorithm. Extensive computational experiments are also conducted to further test the performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

为了更快更准地确定B细胞线性表位,提出了一种新的预测方法——MLEP(Prediction of epitope based on MCFS and LSTM,MLEP)算法。采用5种性质氨基酸理化性质作为学习特征,利用多聚类特征选择算法进行特征选择,用降维后的数据作为输入,用长短期记忆网络进行训练,获得预测性能好的模型,对多聚类特征选择算法及MLEP算法的性能进行评价。对非冗余LBtope数据集进行多组实验,结果表明,使用多聚类特征选择算法降维到25时获取性能最优模型,多聚类特征选择算法比主成分分析法获得的模型准确率更高,基于MLEP算法获得的模型准确率达到94.81%。因此,MLEP算法能更好地预测B细胞线性表位,对于表位预测研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid cell evaluated genetic algorithm (CEGA) for optimization of the dedicated remanufacturing system with simulation. The paper first summarizes the special characteristics and problems of the dedicated remanufacturing. The paper then proposes a simulation model with a prioritized stochastic batch arrival mechanism, considering factors that affect the total profit. Based on the simulation model, the CEGA algorithm is developed to optimize the production planning and control policies for dedicated remanufacturing. A case study is provided based on the remanufacturing facility located at Austin, USA  相似文献   

V型带传送系统在农业、矿山、石油等机械设备中有着广泛的应用。采用常规方法设计的V带传动系统,可靠性分析与计算繁琐、不准确,无法确定设计系统的工作可靠程度。本文基于MATLAB对V带传送系统进行可靠性分析,通过建立可靠性数学模型,确定软件设计流程,完成计算程序编写、图形界面开发和程序的调试,进行实例计算验证,节省了机械设计人员对于V带传送可靠度的计算与分析时间。  相似文献   

A method for identifying and assessing key customer group needs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a methodology for identifying and weighing the importance of product attributes used by a key customer group of a company. A central feature of the technique is the introduction of a new concept: competition factors (CF). These factors address the influence of substitute products in the specific product attributes that a customer group considers. A better knowledge of substitute products can surface previously hidden or latent customer needs. CF allow dealing with this problem, providing a powerful tool for market-oriented businesses that seek to understand customers' expressed and latent needs. The wood products industry and architects are used to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple, fast method (or management tool) for the analysis and improvement of software-intensive complex products and systems (CoPS) called software analysis-software improvement (SA-SI). The tool relies on outside intervention, rapid data collection and structured in-company workshops. The distinctive feature of the method is that it focuses on the 'soft', human side of the software development process and examines and compares formal (or rational) processes ('what should be') with real, actual practices ('what is'), in order to identify problems, their causes and strategies for improvement. The tool complements existing formal approaches by delivering a 'bottom up', grass roots, practitioner view of real processes in action. The purpose of SA-SI is to help overcome the severe problems of measuring, analysing and improving performance in large scale, complex software projects. An illustrative case example (Company X) is used to show how the tool is applied and how it confronts the problem of actual/real processes differing from ideal/formal processes. It also shows how SA-SI is used to identify process 'hot spots'(severe problems), analyse their causes and identify solutions. The paper provides guidance on typical problems encountered in running SA-SI and how to overcome them. It also shows how the tool has been modified and extended to deal with other complex domains and innovation management issues. Although SA-SI cannot be a substitute for a change programme, it can play a useful part in complementing ongoing improvement activities. From a research perspective, the method helps link up studies from the organisational development and software fields and assists in 'closing the loop' between innovation research and business practice.  相似文献   

介绍了利用电子图板(EB)快速绘制齿轮齿廓的简便方法,该绘制方法充分利用了电子图板的公式曲线功能,使比较困难的手工绘制变得简单、实用,解决了传统手工绘制误差较大、精度不高的问题。利用此方法还可进行给出齿廓公式的各种齿廓曲线的绘制,如圆弧齿廓、摆线齿廓等。  相似文献   

Disruption management in industrial areas consists in dealing with unanticipated events that get the plans deviate from their intended course. The solution results from the design and the maintenance of an operating mode ensuring a relevant deployment of individual recovery behaviours.The paper proposes an approach to minimize the impact of disrupting events on the whole system. It is based on an analysis of disrupting events and the characterization of the recovery process, and on a cooperative repair method for distributed industrial systems. This method is based on a cooperative distributed problem solving approach supported by a multi-agent system framework.  相似文献   

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