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By participation in lotteries, people reject the goals of equality of outcome or of opportunity - fortunately because both are infeasible.  相似文献   

Homelessness and housing insecurity in the United States are not so much a housing problem or a poverty problem as a visible sign that growing wealth inequality has left millions of people unable to earn enough to afford adequate housing. The classical economists David Ricardo and Henry George linked wealth inequality by arbitrage to unequal income and wages. The greater the inequality of wealth, the greater the inequality of income and the lower the wages at the bottom. Neoclassical economics has largely obscured this relationship. Consequently, proposals from both conservatives and liberals to address homelessness focus narrowly on housing. Ultimately, reducing wealth inequality requires national tax reform and a return to vigorous antitrust enforcement. However, cities can reduce local inequality by making property tax assessments uniform, or, better yet, by shifting to taxing land only.  相似文献   

A bstract . The institutionalist approach to income distribution and economic progress is compared to the conventional approaches such as neo classical and neo-Keynesian schools. A two step causal model reflecting the institutionalist view on the relationship of these two variables is constructed. The empirical results show that the greater the inequality in the distribution of personal incomes, the greater the level of socio- political instability , and that the greater the level of socio-political instability, the slower the economic progress.  相似文献   

苏金玲 《价值工程》2011,30(21):74-75
文章使用省际人均GDP和消费的面板数据,利用回归模型,揭示出劳动力流动会缩小城乡消费差距。因此,排除阻碍劳动力流动的限制措施,尤其是改革城乡分割的户籍政策,是当务之急。  相似文献   

本文从劳动力跨部门配置效应的角度,分析了我国劳动力跨部门配置的时期和地区特征,使用面板数据模型估计了我国劳动力转移对城乡居民收入差距的作用。结果表明,在改革开放的后一阶段,我国劳动力转移的收入分配均等化效应下降,且西部地区下降更加显著。而收入均等化效应下降的一个重要原因是各次产业部门间生产率差距扩大。文章指出产业协调发展是提高劳动力转移收入分配效应的迫切要求。  相似文献   

Distributional patterns evolved quite differently and stabilized at diversified levels across the Central–Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries which underwent transition. In this paper we provide an overview of income inequality dynamics for 22 transition countries from 1989 to 2008 and of the explanations and interpretations proposed by the main literature. We then highlight that while the effects of different transition approaches on output dynamics and other macroeconomic aggregates have been largely analysed, scarce attention has been devoted so far to their impact on distributive patterns. However, this kind of analysis might usefully contribute to complete the complex picture of the many social, economic and structural factors affected by transition and provide useful policy insights for those countries still experiencing deep institutional change.  相似文献   

王照泉  李丽 《价值工程》2010,29(11):210-210
如果某一知识跟很多学科或者一个学科的很多分支有着密切联系,那么这个知识肯定是很重要的,而二次型、欧式空间内积、詹森不等式都是高等数学中代数、实函、微积分的基本内容。本文运用二次型理论、欧式空间中内积性质和詹森(Jensen)不等式三种方法证明柯西不等式,并简要说明柯西不等式与高等数学之间的联系。  相似文献   

在现代商业社会里,具有发达而聪颖的头脑,才能捕捉到变幻莫测的商业机会。有人赚大钱,有人赚小钱,有人赔钱,其区别在于,当人们都认为一加一等于二的时候,有的人却坚信一加一永远大于一。  相似文献   

世界上没有一成不变的定式,市场竞争的变量之间并非是完全对应的关系.加入WTO后的中国全球化竞争日趋激烈,国内企业自然要克服传统思维的影响,尽早破除陈规,积极创新发展.尤其要注意以下六个方面的"不等式".  相似文献   

The American sciologist John Rawls of Harvard has influenced academic discussion by his argument that justice requires equality as a primary purpose of governent policy. The British philosopher Antony Flew, formerly of the University of Reading and currently teaching at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center of Bowling Green State University in Ohio, questions Rawls reasoning. He affirms that equality is not justice, a truth seen and expounded by the classical philosophers, but neglected by egalitarians.  相似文献   

随着后工业化进程加深,闲暇活动对经济体的影响愈加显著,本文将闲暇引入基于创新的增长模型并利用近20年的OECD国家跨国面板数据,指出闲暇时间和不平等状况之间存在显著相关关系,健康而积极的闲暇可经由闲暇的积极效应直接促进经济增长。所以,在建设后工业化社会或和谐社会过程中,在不损害效率(保持一定程度不平等)的情况下,通过积极健康的闲暇安排即可以弥补维持高效率所引致的个体效用损失,还可以保证经济长期增长。  相似文献   

研究目标:测度中国经济发展地区差距并识别随机收敛俱乐部。研究方法:基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,利用Dagum基尼系数及分解方法测度中国经济发展的空间非均衡程度,并通过面板单位根检验对地区内经济发展收敛俱乐部进行识别。研究发现:中国总体地区差距主要来源于地区间差距,而不同地区间交叉重叠的影响极小。东部地区的河北、江苏、浙江、福建等省份,中部地区的河南、湖北、湖南等省份,西部地区的广西、重庆、四川、贵州等省份,它们的经济发展存在向局部均值随机收敛的趋势。研究创新:基于夜间灯光数据重新审视了中国经济发展的地区差距与随机收敛特征。研究价值:揭示出中国总体地区差距的主要来源,并进一步识别出各地区内经济发展收敛俱乐部。  相似文献   

This paper examines how endogenous time preference interacts with inequalities in economic development. We consider two distinct groups of households with intrinsic inequality (e.g., capitalists and workers), and show that (i) under decreasing marginal impatience (DMI), an unequal society may be preferable for poor households than an egalitarian one in which every household owns an equal share of asset; (ii) poor households tend to benefit more under DMI than CMI (constant marginal impatience) from positive shocks; (iii) inequality exhibits a sharp inverted-U shape as more people become rich, which should be good news for developing countries in catching up; and (iv) a tax on capital income reduces poor households’ income when the fraction of the rich is sufficiently small. We also examine immigration and discuss capital mobility.  相似文献   

张博 《价值工程》2011,30(24):243-244
通过若干实例较系统地介绍了积分不等式的证明方法和技巧,以便使积分不等式的证明更为简捷。  相似文献   

随着中国城镇住房分配体制的转型,居民的居住条件在很大程度上依赖于家庭的收入水平,因此不断扩大的收入差距也在无形中影响着住房的不平等状况。基于2002年和2013年的城镇和农村的住户调查数据,本文从住房面积和房产价值两个角度分析中国农村和城镇居民住房不平等的总体状况。研究发现,在住房市场化体制建立和发展的过程中,虽然从财产所有权上的住房均等化有所提升,家庭居住面积有了很大的改善,但人均居住面积分布的不均等程度却进一步扩大。房产价值的不平等分析表明,虽然这一时期居民的住房财富高速增长,但城乡内部和城乡之间的房产差距都急剧扩大。基于回归分解的方法考察住房财富不平等的影响因素后发现,区域差异、收入差异和人力资本是造成居民房产价值分布差距不断扩大的重要因素。  相似文献   

This article develops a unifying framework for analysing the effects of: (i) the changing distribution of individual incomes by main factor sources, (ii) the increasing participation of wives in the labour force, and (iii) the changing distribution of family types on the distinctive trends towards inequality in equivalent household income in Italy between 1977 and 2004. Changes in the distribution of work and pension incomes explain most of the trend. The higher average likelihood of wage‐earning wives had an unequalizing effect on households on the left tail of the income distribution. Little is explained by the changing distribution of family types.  相似文献   


This paper examines 60 years of regional income inequality dynamics across the states of Mexico. Drawing on recent developments in exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) we examine the role of spatial clustering and heterogeneity in the evolution of regional inequality. We pay particular attention to the choice of the regionalization scheme that has been applied in previous work and we suggest a number of new approaches to evaluate the sensitivity of inferential conclusions to this choice. We also investigate if temporal shifts in equality are reflected in the NAFTA era.

Dynamique de l'inégalité interrégionale au Mexique

Résumé la présente communication se penche sur la dynamique des inégalités régionales entre les revenus pendant 60 ans dans les états du Mexique. Sur la base de développements récents dans les analyses exploratoires des données spatiales (ESDA), nous examinons le rôle du groupage et de l'hétérogénéité spatiaux dans l’évolution des inégalités régionales, en nous penchant tout particulièrement sur le choix du plan de régionalisation appliqué à des travaux précédents, et en proposant un certain nombre de méthodes nouvelles pour évaluer la sensibilité de conclusions déductives sur ce choix. En outre, nous tentons d’établir si des changements temporels dans les inégalités sont reflétés dans l’ère de NAFTA.

Dinámica de la desigualdad interregional en Méjico

Extracto Este trabajo examina 60 años en la dinámica de la desigualdad regional de ingresos a través de los estados de Méjico. Haciendo uso de desarrollos recientes en el análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales (ESDA) examinamos la función del agrupamiento espacial y la heterogeneidad en la evolución de la desigualad regional. Prestamos particular atención a la elección del esquema de regionalización que se ha aplicado en trabajo anterior y sugerimos varios planteamientos nuevos para evaluar la sensibilidad de conclusiones inferenciales de esta elección. También investigamos si los cambios temporales en igualdad se reflejan en la era NAFTA (Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte).



Studies on intra-regional inequality are scarce, particularly for European countries. This paper aims at further investigating inequality by focusing on wage differences within regions. We consider the case of Portugal, which is considered one of the countries with the highest level of economic inequality. In particular, we analyse the evolution of intra-regional wage inequality between 1995 and 2005, employing a quantile-based decomposition method. Our results show that wage inequality evolution has been different across the various regions, increasing in some regions and decreasing in others. Different changes in the workforce composition explain these diverse developments.  相似文献   

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