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Should the FED try to set some monetary aggregate, or should it try to create certain credit conditions by setting interest rates? This question has been examined extensively within models that are essentially non-stochastic or certainty equivalent; however, the question is not meaningful to the monetary authority unless one postulates a stochastic setting. This paper attempts to analyze the question within a stochastic setting. It illustrates the new dimensions added by incorporating risk adverse economic behavior, “rational” expectations, and randomized policy settings.  相似文献   

官方发展援助:作用、意义与目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官方发展援助又被称为政府开发援助(Official DevelopmentAssistance),包括国家间的ODA和多边国际组织的ODA,因此,其援助主体不仅包括国家,也包括国际组织。前者是一种国家之间具有战略意义的经济性、政策性的政府行为;后者主要是指由经济合作发展组织(OECD)下属的“发展援助委员会”(Development AssistanceCommittee)对发展中国家提供的赠与比率不低于25%的大规模经济援助。本文所要探讨的,主要是前者,即国家间的官方发展援助对援助国的经济意义及其对我国的借鉴意义。ODA的主要内容ODA是以主权国家为基本行为主体,由发达国家或…  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an analytical framework for studying learning processes in the context of efforts to bring about system innovation by building new networks of actors who are willing to work on a change towards sustainable development. We then use it to evaluate two specific intervention programmes carried out by a self-proclaimed ‘system instrument’. The framework integrates elements from the Innovation Systems approach with a social learning perspective. The integrated model proposes essentially that these kinds of systemic instruments can serve to enhance conditions for social learning and that such processes may result in learning effects that contribute to system innovation by combating system imperfections. The empirical findings confirm the assumption that differences in learning can be explained by the existence or absence of conditions for learning. Similarly, the existence or creation of conducive conditions could be linked to the nature and quality of the interventions of the systemic instrument. We conclude that the investigated part of the hypothesised model has not been refuted and seems to have explanatory power. At the same time we propose that further research is needed among others on the relation between learning, challenging system imperfections and system innovation.  相似文献   

In US horse racing, there is increasing emphasis placed on the creation of exotic wagers - those bets beyond the standard win, place and show. Bets on multiple races that typically do not result in a winner for several days are of particular interest to the industry. The growing carryover pool helps attract people to the racetrack in a way similar to a growing carryover in the lottery attracts more people to participate. This article examines several multiple race bets and provides a framework for their comparative analysis. The results of the analysis will help racetrack management decide if a proposed bet is appropriate for their particular track. This analysis shows a tradeoff between the difficulty of winning the bet versus the amount of the ultimate payoff. If a bet is too easy to win, then the carryover pool will never reach an attractive level. If the bet is too difficult to win, then the bettors will lose interest before the carryover pool is able to grow sufficiently large. The amount of money wagered daily is an important consideration in determining the appropriate type of exotic wager to implement.  相似文献   

Many individuals within the ambulatory division have benefited both personally and professionally as a result of this shared governance model and its concepts. Staff who rarely volunteered for projects became involved, and others developed their leadership skills. Although the ambulatory division's shared governance model did not reach maturity, many tasks were accomplished through collaborative efforts. As a result, there were many positive staff outcomes such as a greater understanding of their workplace, and a greater appreciation of their peers.  相似文献   

There is evidence that risk-taking behavior is influenced by prior monetary gains and losses. When endowed with house money, people become more risk taking. This paper is the first to report a house money effect in a dynamic, financial setting. Using an experimental method, we compare market outcomes across sessions that differ in the level of cash endowment (low and high). Our experimental results provide support for a house money effect. Traders’ bids, price predictions, and market prices are influenced by the amount of money that is provided prior to trading. However, dynamic behavior is difficult to interpret due to conflicting influences. JEL Classification C91 · C92 · D80 The views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System.  相似文献   

Energy policy, environmental planning and economic development play a key role in sustainable development. Sustainable development requires suitable and strategic policies satisfying multiple and conflicting objectives. Fuzzy goal programming (FGP) is a well-known approach in multi-criteria decision-making for its practical application. In this article, a FGP approach is proposed to analyse environmental, energy and sustainability goals of India by the year 2030 with reference to the key economic sectors of India. The presented model analyses the improvement opportunities, requirement of efforts and implementation of the sustainable development plans. Numerical illustration is also provided for validation and application of the proposed model.  相似文献   

We develop a stylized application of a new evolutionary model to study an energy transition in electricity production. The framework describes a population of boundedly rational electricity producers who decide each period on the allocation of profits among different energy technologies. They tend to invest in below-average cost energy technologies, while also devoting a small fraction of profits to alternative technological options and research on recombinant innovation. Energy technologies are characterized by costs falling with cumulative investments. Without the latter, new technologies have no chance to become cost competitive. We study the conditions under which a new energy technology emerges and technologies coexist. In addition, we determine which investment heuristics are optimal in the sense of minimizing the total cost of electricity production. This is motivated by the idea that, while diversity contributes to system adaptability (innovation) and resilience to unforeseen contingencies (keeping options open), a high cost will discourage investments in it.  相似文献   

Katy Cornwell 《Applied economics》2013,45(17):2269-2278
Where an economy cannot meet its external debt service obligations, it is forced to appeal to creditors for rescheduling of the debt. As such, rescheduling is evidence of a country's incapacity to carry a debt burden. This article explores factors that explain the probability of a country requiring debt rescheduling in a panel framework. The current literature is extended by modelling a dynamic random effects panel probit, in order to identify a presence of state dependence after controlling for country heterogeneity. We find clear evidence of state dependence when a 2-year lag of the dependent variable is allowed for, suggesting that overall, the fact that a country has experienced a rescheduling arrangement in the past does indeed make them more likely to experience further rescheduling. The article stresses that in order to draw the appropriate policy conclusions from this finding, one must understand that the debt rescheduling variable is itself a policy response variable. The fact that further rescheduling is often required within 2 years of a previous action suggests that rescheduling as it took place in the 1980s and 1990s was an inadequate response that often did little to help countries move beyond their current debt crisis.  相似文献   

In this study, we employ the difference in difference approach to estimate the impact of heavily indebted poor countries initiative on Millennium Development Goals for education in Africa. Using the World Bank data for the period 1990–2015, the studies further identifies other factors that contribute to the achievement of millennium development goals for education. For instance, because of HPIC, the level of the following education MDGs indicators increased: gross enrollment in primary school (21.69%), female-to-male ratio (8.68%) and primary completion rate (13.69). Our study also show that the probability to achieve the millennium development goals for education increases in: female primary education teachers; school enrollment in tertiary, private school enrollment; pupil–teacher ratio; control of corruption and political stability and decreases with increase in the rural population. In this perspective, government of African countries should promote governance, subsidy private schools and recruit female teachers.  相似文献   

The transformation of the economic systems taking place in Central and Eastern European countries has ruined the previous structures, even though the market economy mechanisms have not been created yet. The present mechanisms of economies in transition have not been recognized yet. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to apply traditional quantitative methods such as statistics, time series analysis, and econometrics to describe the economic system and to forecast the further development of the economic phenomena. In this paper, the author discusses the experience of constructing artificial neural networks and forecasts (using neural networks) for the Polish Stock Exchange in the early transition period. The traditional approach to prediction using an econometric model to compare the results obtained applying different methods will also be presented.  相似文献   

A simple 3 good, 1 consumer, 1 firm model of fixed price, quantity constrained equilibrium is developed. A game is then defined on the set of (globally unique) equilibria. The consumer sets the money wage, the firm sets the money price of output (money is numeraire). Nash solutions of the game exist and may involve Keynesian unemployment but never involve Classical unemployment or Repressed inflation.  相似文献   

The changing structure of international trade practices has caused reciprocal effect between the factors of politics, diplomacy, military, and technology over the past twenty years. In particular, the new burgeoning countries expect to acquire extra advantages such as technology or compensation from other parties during this interactive trade.  相似文献   

With the aim of the harmonious development of economy-environment system in coastal cities in China. an index ,system used to evaluate the economy-environment system is built up in this paper, which includes four aspects: economy, environment, resources, and ocean industry. Based on the analysis on present condition and future trends of economic development in Tianjin and the quantification of various evaluation indices, the aathor applies integrated index valuation model to valuate the harmonious development af economy-environment of Tianjin. The results show that the coordinated degree of economy-environment would drop down in the future, from 0.95(superior level of harmonious development) in 2000 to 0.59(inferior level of harmonious development) in 2015. under the circumstance of the current economic development mode. The level of comprehensive development of Tianjin also presents to descend. Based on the analyzing of status and future trends of environment-economy coordinated development, the paper puts forward the countermeasures such as industry, structure adjustment, increasing the level of environmental protection investment, strengthening the enforcement of en vironmental policies to improve the coordinated development of environment-economy in Tianjin municipality.  相似文献   

新疆建立医疗保险制度的难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本针对新疆经济及医疗保险制度现状,通过对建立医疗保险制度难点及问题的剖析,力图寻求符合新疆实际情况的医疗保险制度的对策。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aufgrund der existierenden empirischen Belege wird Österreichs Exportindustrie überwiegend als Preisnehmer auf Auslandsmärkten angesehen. Dies entspricht auch der populären Kleines-Land-Annahme theoretischer Formulierungen. In der bisher detailliertesten einschlägigen Untersuchung schließt dagegenMarin (1983) auf Basis eines Aufschlagspreismodells auf vornehmliche Preissetzerschaft österreichischer Exporteure.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird einleitend gezeigt, daß die Existenz positiver Aufschläge auf die Durchschnittskosten für die kurze Frist mit unterschiedlichen Marktformen, sowohl mit unvollkommenem wie auch vollkommenem Wettbewerb, vereinbar ist. Ein Test auf Aufschlagspreissetzung ist daher kein entsprechendes Diskriminierungskriterium. Für die eigene Untersuchung wird deshalb explizit von bestimmten Marktformen ausgegangen, für die entsprechende Preisgleichungen abgeleitet werden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden die ökonometrischen Tests auf relativ niedrigem Aggregationsniveau (Basis: 48-Sektoren-Input-Output-Tabelle) durchgeführt.Dabei lassen sich etwa fünf Branchen als Preisnehmer, maximal vier als oligopolistische Preissetzer und etwa sechs Sektoren in quasi-monopolistischer Marktstruktur identifizieren. Weitere Resultate können als Hinweis aufgefaßt werden, daß die letzten beiden Branchengruppen allerdings aur Märkten mit relativ geringen Preissetzungsspielräumen agieren. Eine Sichtung der zugeordneten Branchen zeigt, daß einerseits vor allem Grundstoffindustrien als Preisnehmer und andererseits eher Branchen mit höherem Verarbeitungsgrad als Preissetzer anzusehen sind.

We would like to thank the anonymous referees for valuable comments on the paper and J. Richter who kindly provided a large set of disaggregate export and import price data. The usual proviso applies.  相似文献   

‘This study measured the effectiveness of US dairy export promotion programmes on increasing foreign demand and enhancing producers’ revenues. An import demand equation based on panel data was used to test whether export promotion has a positive and significant impact on US dairy exports. The effects of various promotion scenarios on the dairy market were then simulated, and benefit–cost ratios (BCRs) for these programmes were estimated. There were three key findings. First, the combined effort of public and private dairy export promotion expenditures had a positive and statistically significant impact on demand for US dairy products in the world market. The findings indicated that export promotion stimulated total dairy exports by 4.14 billion pounds, on average, per year, which represented 55.8% of total exports. Second, US dairy export promotion has been highly profitable for the nation’s dairy farmers. The calculated BCRs, based on assumed elasticity of supply, ranged from a low of 8.54 for the most elastic assumption to a high of 30.12. Third, from an optimality standpoint, dairy farmers are underinvesting in export promotion. The marginal BCRs ranged from a low of 3.79 to a high of 15.22, which means that, at the margin, increasing export promotion expenditures would be profitable for dairy farmers.  相似文献   

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