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随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对生活质量的要求越来越高,因此近年来人们对水质的要求明显提升,瓶装水经过层层过滤使水质达到各项检测指标,饮用瓶装水已经逐渐在大众心中留下“健康、安全”的种子。通过查阅市场报告数据可知,瓶装水在市场上近10年来销售额稳步增长,本文从瓶装水市场近10年的发展状况及消费者消费意愿倾向的角度展开此次调查分析。本次调查方案设计以网络调查问卷为主,以线下拦截式采访、电话访谈法、入户访谈法为辅,将范围扩散到全国,按最佳样本量进行简单随机抽样,为瓶装水市场的未来发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在世界瓶装水市场上,依云水可算当之无愧的贵族品牌,占世界饮用水总量0.00000004%的依云矿泉水,以高档的品质和不菲的价格拥有世界瓶装水市场高达10.8%的市场占有率。  相似文献   

瓶装水产品“就低不就高” 经销商对瓶装水的关注达到了38%,主要是因为2005年瓶装水着实“火”了一把,很多经销商对今年瓶装水市场的预测是稳中有升,他们除了看好瓶装水的市场潜力外,补充酒类淡季所造成的网络闲置,也是一个重要因素。  相似文献   

<正>全世界已在水中测出2221种有机化合物。我国有上亿人口饮用着这种被污染的水,越来越多的人被发现患有各种代谢性疾病。医务部门和有关专家证实:这与饮用水不洁有直接关系。专家:九成瓶装水不宜长期饮用企业负责人:不喝自己瓶装水冰露矿物质水、统一Alkaoua饮用天然水、屈臣氏蒸馏水/饮用矿物质水、雀巢饮用水(源自深层地下水)……市场上名目繁杂的各类瓶装水令人眼花缭乱。业内专家近日向《第一财经日报》透露:所谓的天然水、蒸馏水及矿物质水等五花八门的瓶装水,其本质大都是玩弄概念,水的品质并无多大变化,真正能够适合人体长期饮用的只有极少部分,九成市场上的瓶装水都不宜长期饮用,长期饮用将对身体不益。  相似文献   

我国饮料市场已经有过两次浪潮,一个是两乐带来的碳酸饮料浪潮。一个是水业巨头们带来的瓶装水浪潮,20世纪80年代至90年代中期,碳酸饮料(汽水)就是饮料的代名词。到了90年代后期,瓶装水在边打边唱的闹剧中发展起来,产销量跃过了碳酸饮料,坐上了老大的位子。到了2001年,种种迹象表明,茶饮料已经以锐不可挡之势走上了前台。  相似文献   

张炜 《商业文化》2006,(8):66-67
在世界瓶装水市场上。依云水可算当之无愧的责族品牌。占世界饮用水总量0.00000004%的依云矿泉水。以高档的品质和不菲的价格拥有世界瓶装水市场高达10.8%的市场占有率。[编者按]  相似文献   

中国瓶装水行业发展至今,已有三十多年,从最初的几家企业变成现如今数百家企业,企业竞争地域态势也分为本地化与全国性品牌,但瓶装水营销策略基本沿用欧美模式,寻求差异化则是该行业的主流竞争策略。本文从服务管理与全面质量管理角度进行探索性分析,旨在消费者需求调研的基础上建立一套更深远的竞争态势,促使中国制造瓶装水产品走向国际市场。  相似文献   

赵烁  梁素萍 《糖烟酒周刊》2004,(26):B007-B008
据AC尼尔森的一项调查,2000~2003年这几年,中国茶饮市场发展速度超过300%,是所有饮料类别中增长最快的。2002年,茶饮全国市场渗透率达326%,仅次于碳酸饮料和瓶装水。  相似文献   

2003年的瓶装水市场水波激荡,瓶装纯净水、矿泉水纷纷跌破1元大关;另一方面,各厂家又纷纷推出新品如康师傅矿物质水、农夫山泉矿泉水、脉动维生素水等。那么,今夏的瓶装水市场又有什么变化呢?  相似文献   

刘美楠 《新财富》2014,(6):22-24
离端瓶装水成为中国消费升级中新的投资热点,水源地的争夺更成为重中之重,但诱人的高利润率背后是高投入和漫长的投资周期。尽管本土高端瓶装水的品牌数量已接近外资品牌,但短期内外资依然是这一市场的绝对主力。  相似文献   

This research investigated the determinants of bottled water consumption using household survey data from a small, poor town in Guatemala. Hurdle (two‐part) models were estimated to account for 73.3% of sampled households that did not consume bottled water. Findings indicated that the vast majority of respondents perceived minimal health risks from drinking bottled water. In contrast, few respondents (3.2%) believed that tap water is totally safe to drink. Estimation results indicated that bottled water consumption was positively associated to health risk perceptions, household income, education and market access. Household size had a negative effect on the likelihood of consuming bottled water. However, once the household had decided to consume bottled water, its consumption increased with each additional household member.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of household buying decisions to purchase bottled water or purified water from refilling stations among households in Metro Cebu, Philippines. A survey of 360 households was conducted to obtain data on household sources of drinking water, household bottled water buying behaviour and perceptions of water quality. A binary probit model was used to examine the effects of socio‐economic and perception‐based variables on the likelihood that a household regularly bought bottled or purified water. Results show that households that perceived their primary source of water, whether from the tap or from other sources, to be unsafe were more likely to buy bottled or purified water. Education of household heads, the presence of children ages 0–5 years, household size and price were also found to have significant effects. Income, however, was not found to have influenced the decision to buy. Having piped access to the local water district and knowledge of government assurances about water safety were also not found to have a significant impact.  相似文献   

This study illustrates how consumers realize the concept of value creation when making quick selections for a commodity in the Saudi market. Data were collected through a self-administered survey to customers; 1,045 completed and usable responses were received and analysed. The proposed model was tested through structural equation modelling using AMOS 22. Results indicate that product design and brand trust affect electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), and product design, brand trust, and e-WOM influence consumers’ value creation. However, e-WOM does not mediate the relationship between product design and consumer value nor does it mediate the relationship between brand trust and consumers’ value creation. This study focused on one product (bottled water). Caution must be exercised in generalization of the results to other products/countries. Theoretically, this study extends the perception of value creation on a commodity and the influence of trust on perceived value. Although this study is based on a sample of Saudi Arabian consumers that is oversampling the age group of young consumers, it extends the rare empirical evidence base on the perception of value creation in the bottled water market, and the influence of trust on perceived value. The results suggest that firms could benefit from altering the design of their bottled water products to create higher perceived value and higher brand trust, differentiating themselves further from competition. The study contributes to the existing literature on consumers’ perceptions of bottled and branded water, taking into account e-WOM communication, and providing rare evidence on brand trust from outside of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

To date, the primary focus of research in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been on the strategic implications of CSR for corporations and less on an evaluation of CSR from a wider political, economic and social perspective. In this paper, we aim to address this gap by critically engaging with marketing campaigns of so-called ‘ethical’ bottled water. We especially focus on a major CSR strategy of a range of different companies that promise to provide drinking water for (what they name as) ‘poor African people’ by way of Western consumers purchasing bottled water. Following Fairclough's approach, we unfold a three-step critical discourse analysis of the marketing campaigns of 10 such ‘ethical’ brands. Our results show that bottled water companies try to influence consumers' tastes through the management of the cultural meaning of bottled water, producing a more ‘ethical’ and ‘socially responsible’ perception of their products/brands. Theoretically, we base our analysis on McCracken's model of the cultural meaning of consumer goods, which, we argue, offers a critical perspective of the recent emergence of CSR and business ethics initiatives. We discuss how these marketing campaigns can be framed as historical struggles associated with neo-liberal ideology and hegemony. Our analysis demonstrates how such CSR strategies are part of a general process of the reproduction of capitalist modes of accumulation and legitimation through the usage of cultural categories.  相似文献   

Private or store brands improve the efficiency of consumer decision making by offering equivalent quality products at lower prices. The present study evaluated consumer attitudes towards private brands with the goal of understanding their appeal in order to enhance efforts to convince more consumers to buy them. We used three samples (ns = 279, 245 and 305) of US consumers to compare attitudes of buyers of private and national brands in three product categories: orange juice, cereal and bottled water. The results show that private label buyers (23% of orange juice, 6.5% of cereal and 14% of bottled water buyers) consider brands themselves to be less important and private brands to offer better performance than do national brand buyers. When asked about specific brands, national brand buyers tended to be price insensitive towards national brands, and private label buyers price insensitive towards store brands. In addition, the national brand buyers saw some of the national brands to be more relevant to their lifestyles and needs, but the private label buyers saw the private labels the same way. Being relevant to consumers' lives appears to influence brand selection. Besides touting lower prices, private brand promotions might stress the equivalent performance of private labels and create promotions showing how these brands can be relevant to consumers' lifestyles and needs.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) research has focused often on the business returns of corporate social initiatives but less on their possible social returns. We study an actual company–consumer partnership CSR initiative promoting ecologically correct and conscious consumption of bottled mineral water. We conduct a survey on adult consumers to test the hypotheses that consumer skepticism toward the company–consumer partnership CSR initiative and the moral emotion of elevation mediate the relationship between company CSR motives perceived by consumers and consumer behavioral responses following this CSR initiative. Favorable consumer behavioral responses, in turn, relate positively to consumer support of other green products. The results provide scholars and managers with means of improving their understanding and handling of company–consumer partnership CSR initiatives.  相似文献   

Can two-way trade in similar products lead to lower welfare than if such trade was banned? Theory answers yes. To empirically investigate this proposition we examine Swedish imports of bottled water. Assuming one-shot (Bertrand and Cournot) competition, we can use the estimates from a structural model of demand to uncover marginal costs. We simulate the effect on consumer and producer surplus of banning imports. We do not find convincing evidence that banning imports would increase overall welfare. Given our choice of market this suggests we should not be overly concerned with the welfare effects of two-way trade in consumer goods that are close to homogenous.  相似文献   

Stakeholder maneuvers such as Internet media attacks or consumer boycotts can have devastating effects on companies. By contrary, vital relationships between companies and their stakeholders can be highly beneficial. A review of the existing stakeholder-management literature suggests to engage stakeholders in business activities in a positive manner. However, the types of successful engagement activities differ across industries. The purposes of this article are to develop an explanatory framework based on the literature findings, to introduce stakeholder-engagement literature to a segment of the water sourcing industry, and to unfold industry’s stakeholder-engagement measures. Based on a content analysis of 11 cases, we investigate if and how companies in the natural mineral water bottling industry in Austria inform, communicate, and therefore engage with stakeholders. It became evident that fewer than three of eleven companies published information on sustainability or corporate social responsibility reports, open house days, workshops, or international community activities. Most companies maintained a website for their bottled natural mineral water or communicated quality consciousness. We conclude that most companies in the Austrian mineral water industry could increase their stakeholder-engagement activities to positively respond to challenging business environments.  相似文献   


Producers of bottled wine have their products evaluated at various wine exhibitions for the purpose of receiving awards that can be displayed on the bottles. This contribution introduces an approach for retailers and producers to estimate optimal prices for wine exhibition awards. A case study has been employed in cooperation with a major Czech wine company to investigate the practical application of the method. Wine exhibition awards are found to be among the important factors affecting consumer preferences for bottled wine. A Conjoint experiment allowed for estimating the relative importance of selected wine exhibitions as award origins and for determining the partial utilities of selected awards (medals). Calculating the individual price equivalents for those awards and three selected wines enables the estimation of prices for maximum turnover. According to the approach, price equivalents and markups can be estimated based on consumer preferences. Retailers as well as producers can employ the procedure for matching their offers with specifically designed prices to their target group's needs and wants in their individual markets.  相似文献   

This study, using scenarios, examined the impact of two kinds of cause-related marketing (CRM) efforts (a traditional donation of a portion of sales to a related cause and a more strategic one-for-one donation of donating a product to a related cause when that product was purchased) on millennials’ (those born between 1982 and 2000) attitudes and purchase intentions for four different consumer product categories. The four different consumer product categories selected included a specialty good (laptop), a shopping good (hat), a convenience good (bottled water), and a service (food restaurant). Given the importance of social media to millennials, this research also examined the role of social media on CRM awareness. While millennials had relatively low awareness of CRM campaigns, there was a positive correlation between social media use and CRM awareness. Additionally, CRM efforts may not work for all products as there was no impact on attitude or purchase intention for the product category of laptops. Additionally, the positive attitudes created by marketers’ CRM efforts will not always translate to increased purchase intentions. The use of a strategic one-for-one CRM effort though had a greater impact, specifically for products that deal with needed fundamentals, such as food and water.  相似文献   

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