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《中国企业家》2012年第23期生活《李安撒野》李安的《少年派的奇幻漂流》大获成功,最新的数据显示,全球总票房已达4.5亿美元。不仅在商业上取胜,难得的是观众可能并不把它归为一部通常意义上的商业片,因为它深深地震撼了心灵。这其中最关键的是李安讲了个好故事。当20世纪福克斯公司买下《少年派》这部长篇小说找到李安的时候,  相似文献   

Lavender 《中国新时代》2005,(10):116-119
马塞马拉平原 飞机从肯尼亚首都内罗毕起飞.在飞往马塞马拉平原的途中,导游慕萨就开始向我介绍当地的两大特色野生动物和马塞人。  相似文献   

李开复吐露了心声:“我不想再有老板了!”自己是自己老板的李开复离职创业最大的风险就是他自己  相似文献   

品牌价值位列全球34,在世界电子企业中排名第二的韩国三星企业,无疑是亚洲乃至全球企业中的翘楚。三星的活力源泉何在?不少学者已经从不同的角度对该问题进行了探究。这里,从企业创始人和企业传统入手,提供一个探寻三星力量源泉的新视角。  相似文献   

蔡琳  崔波 《价值工程》2011,30(31):135-136
"逃遁"是美国社会生活中一个不容忽视的现象,美国文学中以"逃遁"为主题的文学作品异彩纷呈。马克·吐温笔下的哈克贝利·费恩与杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格笔下的霍尔顿是美国不同时期文学作品中逃遁者形象的代表。本文试从《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和《麦田里的守望者》两部作品中主人公形象、逃遁原因及作品的现实意义三方面出发,进行分析,以展示美国文学中的"逃遁"主题。  相似文献   

Africa is not a dream but in many ways, human resource management (HRM) in Africa could be a dreamlike experience. This appearance of managing in Africa as being surreal is particularly evident with many Western human resource managers. The sheer complexity and diversity found there can make the HRM process one of the more vexing decisions that management may have to undertake when doing business in Africa. In an effort to dramatize the complex nature of HRM decisions in African context, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland will be used as a metaphor throughout the paper. Just as Wonderland held many surprises for Alice during her adventure, Africa holds many surprises for Western HRM, not only in the form of the alien nature of the 'rules, regulations and laws' of many African nations but also in the extent to which many African organizations/employees ignore or bend the rules It is the intent of this paper to demonstrate a means to develop a classification scheme from which categories of African countries can evolve into more or less homogeneous groupings. These categories can then be used to develop customized HRM policies, strategies and tactics. The classification schema is based upon the European colonization of Africa, the history of leadership in African nations since decolonization, the economic/infrastructure development differences among African economies and the cultural differences among these same countries. It is envisioned that the African HRM decision matrix could provide the basis for making 'informed' HRM decisions by Western managers in an African context, although these Western managers must always be ever mindful of the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland nature of the HRM in Africa.  相似文献   

Jae Chang Lee was born in Chang‐Nyoung, South Korea, on 9 August, 1942. After high school, he attended Seoul National University during a period of military dictatorship. As a leader of the student protest movement, he was forced to flee the country. He completed undergraduate and graduate studies at Ohio State University (PhD 1972) in USA and then joined the faculty at Moravian College in Pennsylvania. He returned permanently to South Korea in 1981 to a faculty position at Korea University. He has held visiting positions at the US National Bureau of Standards, the US Naval Coastal Systems Center, Ohio State University, Temple University, the University of Wollongong and Chuo University. Professional contributions include President of International Statistical Institute, Organiser of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) Congress in Seoul in 2001, President of the International Association for Statistical Computing and of the Korean Statistical Society (KSS), Editor, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society and Co‐Editor, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Honours include ISI Methorst Award, Distinguished Service Award (KSS), Presidential Award for Statistical Contribution and Order of Service Merit from the Korean Government, Certificate of Distinguished Contribution from the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics and elected member, Korean Academy of Science and Technology. The interview was conducted during 23–27 April 2013, at Jae C's country home in Pocheon City.  相似文献   

What is it like for foreign women professionals to work in a country like Turkey—managing subordinates, working with clients and supervisors? What kind of social life do they have? In this article, the authors answer these questions and more, drawing on interviews with foreign women professionals working in Turkey. Using an unusual narrative approach to present their research results, they reveal unexpected insights and identify key success factors such as the importance of foreign education over gender and the influence economic development of the host country may exert on women's success. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

欢乐传媒的总裁董朝晖提起韩三平来,就会感激不尽地说,“他把我拉进了电影的圈子”。在2009年,追随“老大”韩三平,董朝晖投资了三部电影《大内密探灵灵狗》、《火星没事》、《刺陵》。  相似文献   

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