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当前中国经济金融面临的主要问题是,全球流动性过剩背景下虚拟经济投资过度与实体经济中的消费和生产不足并存.创新金融服务模式,发展价值链金融是解决当前中国经济面临的困局、推动中国经济结构转型的可行选择.在发展价值链金融的同时,必须强化功能监管以确保其高效运作.  相似文献   

孙立坚 《新金融》2013,(9):9-15
当前中国经济金融面临的主要问题是,全球流动性过剩背景下虚拟经济投资过度与实体经济中的消费和生产不足并存。创新金融服务模式,发展价值链金融是解决当前中国经济面临的困局、推动中国经济结构转型的可行选择。在发展价值链金融的同时,必须强化功能监管以确保其高效运作。  相似文献   

酝酿多年的“新三板”扩容终于开闸。企业应如何备战,如何规范才能顺利挂牌?汉鼎咨询结合拟挂牌企业的普遍性特点,提出八点建议,或许给拟挂牌企业一些启发  相似文献   

吴国订 《新理财》2014,(2):42-43
2014年1月24日,全国266家企业在中小企业股份转让系统(下称新三板)集体挂牌。这是新三板扩大到全国范围后的第一次集中挂牌,也是在国务院发布《关于全国中小企业股份转让系统有关问题的决定》之后,在新的制度和规则下新三板举办的首场集体挂牌仪式。而此时恰逢股票交易所市场(包括主板、中小板和创业板)IPO在暂停13个月之后的首轮重启,这也是在注册制的大背景下进行的重启,无论是从定价制度、配售制度还是监管方式等方面都进行了改革。  相似文献   

一直以来为国内外监管者所推崇的“监宵沙盒”,究竟是只怎样神奇的“盒子”?中同人民银行在北京率先启动的金融科技创新监管试点,正一点一点撩开其神秘纱罩。2020年3月16日,中国人民银行营业管理部宣布首批6项创新应用经公示审核通过并已完成登记,将向用户正式提供服务。这被业界普遍认为是中国版“监管沙盒”的正式亮相。虽然尚不能将此次试点等同于“监管沙盒”的构建,但确实已在金融科技创新监管方面闪现出了“监管沙盒”的监管理念。  相似文献   

当下经济时代,会计信息质量不高是当前会计行业所面临的突出问题之一。如何加强与提高会计信息监管效率,已经成为时下会计师们所关注的热点。会计信息监管是保证会计工作能够顺利进行的必要措施.也是不断提高会计信息质量的必要保证。本文从我国目前会计信息失真问题出发,首先论述了加强会计信息监管的重要意义。然后分析出我国会计信息监管体系的现状和存在的主要问题.最后提出相应的完善会计信息监管体系的措施。  相似文献   

罗平 《新金融》2005,(12):7-8
《银行业监督管理法》对银行监管机构界定的职责:一是规制,即法规建设;二是监督,即实施。在成立之初,银监会就明确了把“通过审慎有效的监管保护广大存款人和金融消费者的利益”作为监管的第一目标以及“三管一提高”的新的监管理念,即“管法人、管风险、管内控、提高透明度”。在认真借鉴国际成功监管经验的基础上,银监会对如何全面提升监管水平已经形成了清晰的认识和中期战略考虑。在客观自我评估我国银行业遵守《有效银行监管核心原则》情况的基础上,银监会提出,到2006年底,我国要建立起有效银行监管的重要基础,到2012年基本达到核心原则的各项标准。  相似文献   

蓝苹 《福建金融》2003,(3):26-28
本文阐释“借新还旧”是银行客观存在的一种业务,监管部门评价商业银行具体执行“借新还旧”时应作全面深入分析,并联系实际提出规避风险的过渡性操作模式。  相似文献   

协调“三大监管关系”提升监管有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正确处理好现场检查与非现场监管、规制导向监管与原则为基础监管、合规性监管与风险为本监管"三大监管关系",是新形势下适应银行业改革发展和金融创新日新  相似文献   

Finance theorists have long argued that DCF undervalues investment opportunities with significant flexibility to respond to future events and that real options valuation methods provide a solution to that problem. But for most corporate managers, real options analysis continues to be a "black box" when applied to real investment decisions.
This paper begins by considering why these approaches have not yet made it to the mainstream of practical application. It then shows how a traditional DCF approach can undervalue a project that provides management with operating flexibility and illustrates a case study that demonstrates to senior management how a real options valuation method with a few clear value drivers can build upon and be made consistent with the traditional DCF framework.
Critical to this process is ensuring consistency with the company's planning assumptions such as future price forecasts and discount rates. The article shows how to separate the static ("optionless") DCF value from the additional real options value that is shown to be a direct consequence of the assumptions about price dynamics.  相似文献   

李仲林 《南方金融》2012,(12):42-45
本文对我国城市商业银行跨区域经营进行了利弊分析,认为监管政策取向应区别对待、合理引导。在回顾我国对城市商业银行监管政策发展历程的基础上,本文通过借鉴与城市商业银行发展路径相似的股份制商业银行的监管经验,提出了完善城市商业银行跨区域经营监管政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

金融市场是金融监管当局与金融市场参与者之间动态博弈、合作共生的信息不对称系统。通过把信号博弈和重复博弈思想引入金融监管理论研究,构建以金融市场有效运行为反馈信号的金融监管当局与金融市场参与者之间的监管信号传递模型,分析金融市场治理中有效监管信号的传递机制。结果表明:金融监管力度与金融市场有效运行水平之间存在分离、混同两种均衡关系;在金融监管声誉效应的驱动下,金融监管当局倾向于选择混同均衡策略,而不是分离均衡。因而只有建立通畅的金融监管信号传递及反馈机制,强化并放大金融监管信号显示,增大监管乘数效应,形成良性的监管声誉效应,才能保障金融市场的有效运行。  相似文献   

This study examines whether firms engage in accruals management to beat the zero earnings benchmark from the perspective of earnings per share (EPS). Based on net income scaled by lagged market value of equity (E/MV) to define just‐miss and just‐beat test bins, previous studies provide no or inconclusive evidence of accruals management to beat the zero earnings benchmark. I conjecture that because managers focus on shares scaled earnings performance rather than market value scaled earnings performance, forming test bins based on EPS instead of E/MV is a better approach to detect accruals management. As expected, I find evidence of accruals management to beat the zero EPS benchmark. I also find that firms are more likely to manipulate accruals when managers have stronger incentives to beat the zero EPS benchmark. In addition, accruals of firms just beating the zero EPS benchmark are more likely to reverse the next year, resulting in relatively lower future earnings for firms just beating the benchmark compared with firms just missing the benchmark.  相似文献   

We analyze the internal capital markets of a multinational conglomerate, using a unique panel data set of planned and actual allocations to business units and a survey of unit CEOs. Following cash windfalls, more powerful managers obtain larger allocations and increase investment substantially more than their less connected peers. We identify cash windfalls as a source of misallocation of capital, as more powerful managers overinvest and their units exhibit lower ex post performance and productivity. These findings contribute to our understanding of frictions in resource allocation within firms and point to an important channel through which power may lead to inefficiencies.  相似文献   

Penetrating the Book-to-Market Black Box: The R&D Effect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The book-to-market (BM) phenomenon – the positive association between BM and subsequent returns – looms large among capital market enigmas. Economic theory postulates that the difference between market and book values of companies reflects their future abnormal profits. We capture these abnormal profits for a large sample of science-based companies by estimating the value of the off-balance sheet investment generating those profits – the value of R&D capital – and show empirically: (i) Firms' R&D capital is associated with their subsequent stock returns. (ii) For R&D intensive firms, this 'R&D effect' subsumes the 'book-to-market effect.' (iii) The association between R&D and subsequent returns appears to result from an extra-market risk factor inherent in R&D, rather than from stock mispricing. We thus provide an explanation for the book-to-market phenomenon of R&D companies.  相似文献   

In summarizing the findings of their recent study, the authors report findings that suggest that not all socially responsible corporate policies are likely to have the same effect on a company's ownership and value. Using environmental policy as their proxy for CSR activities, the authors classify corporate environmental practices into two categories: (1) actions that reduce the likelihood of harmful outcomes by reducing the corporate exposure to environmental risk; and (2) actions that enhance companies' perceived ‘greenness’ through investments that go beyond both legal requirements and any conceivable risk management rationale. Although both groups of environmental practices are likely to be viewed as socially beneficial, corporate expenditures that reduce a firm's environmental risk exposure are more likely to benefit shareholders by limiting the risk of losses arising from environmental accidents, lawsuits, and fines—and possibly thereby reducing the firm's cost of capital. By contrast, corporate expenditures that enhance the firm's perceived greenness by going beyond legal requirements and risk management rationales could actually reduce shareholder value. Consistent with this hypothesis, the authors find that institutional investors tend to own smaller than average percentages of both companies the authors identify as ‘toxic’ and make limited efforts to manage their environmental risk, and companies they label ‘green’ with low environmental risk exposure but relatively high CSR spending on the environment. At the same time, such investors hold larger‐than‐average positions in ‘neutral’ companies with relatively low, or effectively managed, environmental risk exposures and limited investment in ‘greenness’ programs. The authors also find that both toxic and green companies have lower (Tobin's Q) valuations than neutral companies, and that otherwise toxic companies that effectively manage their environmental risk exposures have higher valuations.  相似文献   

张扬  童沁  胡坤阔 《银行家》2012,(2):117-118
正目前国内商业银行最主要的利润来源,是银行吸收存款和发放贷款的利差收入。银行要增加利润总额,就需要增加利差收入,而要增加利差收入,就应增加贷款业务。因此,贷款业务是银行的传统业务,更是银行的主营业务。保持贷款业务的稳健增长和建立风险防范体系,一直是各家银行工作的重中之重。对商业银行而言,贷款业务主要包括信用贷款、担保贷款  相似文献   

王光宇 《银行家》2011,(4):68-70
2010年以来,中国银行业面临的外部监管环境不断变化,随着国际范围内对金融业实施宏观审慎监管共识的达成,中国银行业监管部门也加快了这些共识的本土化进程。作为对商业银行实  相似文献   

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