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经济全球化与我国的政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化是大势所趋势,充分利用国际资本和技术,实现国民经济的跨越式发展是我们的必然选择,然而,一个国家要想成功地参与全球化,就要学会如何参与,我国能否抓住经济全球化的机遇,关键在于能否把握主动权,能否学会在变动中积极主动地参与。要真正克服经济全球化带来的负面影响,寻求到全球化与国家利益的最佳结合度,充分获取,放大和享受经济全球化的正效应,就必须经济全球化战略,运用一系列配套的政策来规范经济、防范风险。  相似文献   

我国电子商务关税政策的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行怎样的关税政策是由一个国家社会经济制度和该国的经济发展水平决定的。对电子商务实行怎样的关税政策,同样如此。由于电子商务关税政策问题的复杂性,我国政府对于此项政策讨论和实践的反应切不可简单化和操作之过急。我国应密切注意电子商务关税政策国际讨论和政策实践的发展趋势,注重借鉴、吸收其合理内核,在此基础上,结合我国国情和信息技术进步的成就加以利用,形成自己的方针,制定适合我国国情的电子商务关税政策和相应对策。  相似文献   

碳排放配额政策的环境效应和贸易效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨仕辉  胥然  魏守道 《经济前沿》2012,3(6):119-127
基于不完全市场竞争理论,构建了两个对称国家碳排放配额政策选择与企业碳减排选择的两阶段博弈模型,运用逆向求解法求得了均衡解,并通过进一步分析碳排放许可证政策、碳排放配额许可交易政策和许可交易碳排放权合作政策的福利效应,得出了两国政府碳排放配额政策选择的激励相容条件和参与约束条件,确定了全局稳定均衡最优解及其条件;此外,还分析了两国政府碳排放许可证政策、碳排放配额许可交易政策和许可交易碳排放权合作政策的环境效应和贸易效应。结果表明:从福利效应来看,许可交易碳排放权合作政策是全局稳定最优解,可以资源的有效配置,实现Pareto改进;从环境效应来看,许可交易碳排放权合作政策也是严格占优的,有助于减少各国和全球净污染排放量;从贸易效应来看,碳排放配额许可交易政策好于许可交易碳排放权合作政策。因此,北-北型对称国家会优先选择许可交易碳排放权合作政策,南一南型对称国家在一定时期内仍然会优先选择碳排放配额许可交易政策,南-南或北-北型对称国家之间容易实现碳排放政策合作,实现全球环境合作还有待时日。  相似文献   

扩张性财政政策的效应及今后的政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙海鸣 《财经研究》1999,(12):32-34,40

我国进口贸易与经济增长关系探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李磊 《经济论坛》2005,(7):53-55
一、引言 长期以来,关于出口贸易对我国经济增长的带动作用一直是关注的焦点。因为出口就意味着扩大市场,增加就业和取得外汇收入。但是,对于中国这样一个拥有巨大国内市场的国家,决定经济增长的因素主要还是国内市场的需求状况,而进口贸易的作用则不容忽视。一方面,伴随经济高速增长而产生的国内投资和消费需求扩张,超出了本国的生产供给能力,势必引起国内市场价格上涨,从而需要增加进口来弥补供求之间的缺口。  相似文献   

经济结构转换期的经济政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

地方主导产业选择与区域经济政策●吕晋铭崔建宏高云龙世纪之交之时,研究地方主导产业选择与区域经济政策必须置身于历史发展的大潮流和大背景中,高屋建瓴,审时度势,把握时代脉络,洞察发展全局,只有从更深远的时代大背景和更宽阔的空间座标上观察我们所处的国内外社...  相似文献   

外资银行监管政策的国际比较与我国的政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO后,外资银行将更多地进入我国,例如,在中美双边协议中,我国已作出承诺:入世后5年,外资银行在华设立营业性分支机构的地域限制和在华客户服务限制都将被取消。外资银行大规模进入及其经营范围逐步扩大,将对我国金融业的发展产生越来越显的影响。因此,当前较为紧迫和重要的问题是尽快完善和加强对进入我国的外资银行的监管。  相似文献   

经济发展在一定意义上是一系列经济政策选择的过程.在数学上,经济政策的选择与微观经济学消费者选择可以具有同样形式.然而,从内容上看,经济政策的选择无法直接应用消费者行为理论进行分析,因为前者没有市场价格.为了解决这个问题,需要引进交易成本的概念,经济政策的交易成本相当于市场价格.这样,一种经济政策选择的理性模式就可以建立起来.  相似文献   

I study the effect of a small import tariff imposed by the government of an economic union of countries upon the welfare of workers in its member countries. I examine whether workers in some member countries are made worse off by the tariff imposition. Special attention is paid to the population distribution within the union and the geographical relationship among trading countries. I also examine whether the tariff imposition reduces the gaps between the welfare levels of workers in the member countries.
JEL Classification Numbers: F13, R13.  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the issue of tariff and quota equivalence by introducing an upstream market into the Hwang and Mai (1988 ) model, and then allowing the two downstream firms to cross‐haul within each other's market. We assume the upstream monopolist can select either a two‐part or a one‐part tariff pricing strategy. It is found that if the upstream firm adopts a two‐part (one‐part) tariff pricing strategy, then the market price of the final good under a tariff will be higher (lower) than that under an equivalent quota; that is, the quota is set at the import level under the tariff regime. This result stands in stark contrast to the prior findings of both Hwang and Mai (1988 ) and Fung (1989 ). Moreover, if the quota rent is set as being equal to the tariff revenue, the social welfare under a tariff will necessarily be lower than that under an equivalent quota.  相似文献   

文章以异质性企业理论为基础,验证了不同所有制企业面临关进口关税时的行为差异.研究结果表明,国有企业从进口关税水平下降中获益最多,高生产率、大规模的国有企业更倾向于扩大其进口集约边际;经验越足的外商独资企业进口产品质量越高,并且进口规模的扩大更多来源于集约边际;企业规模越大的中外合资/合作企业进口产品质量越高;集体/私营企业进口产品的质量受进口关税的影响不太明显,扩展边际是其扩大进口规模的主要方向.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,关税减让协议的逐步实行对我国进口贸易产生了极大影响.研究结果表明,关税与我国进口贸易额之间存在着高度的负相关关系,在影响我国进口效应的诸多因素中.关税起到了主要作用,但并非唯一因素.而关税减让在影响我国进口商品结构方面的作用不大.可见,在优化我国进口商品结构方面还需要其他政策措施的辅助与调整.  相似文献   

Economists researching the area of optimal protection have tended to analyse the ranking of alternative policy tools in the presence of perfect competition, either when the government in an importing country achieves a non-economic target, or when there is a market distortion. Assuming international oligopolistic competition, I reconsider the choice of optimal policy instruments, i.e. an import tariff and a production subsidy. I show that the choice of optimal policy instruments depends on the relative number of home firms and foreign ones and on the magnitude of international cost differences.
JEL Classification Numbers: F12, F13.  相似文献   

This research paper attempts to determine the relationship between agricultural import tariff and economic growth of Mercosur countries over the period 1996-2007 using regression analysis as well as evaluates the gains and losses from the group's trade policy over the same period. The introductory part of this paper focuses on the dynamics of changes in economic growth, trade, and import tariff of these countries over the last two decades. The results of the performed regression analysis of panel data suggest that trade liberalization has a quantitatively significant positive effect on growth. By using the coefficient estimates on tariff, the authors perform a quantitative evaluation of gains and losses from trade policy, for which tariff measures to trade (imports) are used as a proxy.  相似文献   

World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations rely on tariff reduction formulas. Formula approaches are of increasing importance in trade talks, because of the large number of countries involved, the wider dispersion in initial tariffs (e.g. tariff peaks), and gaps between bound and applied tariff rates. This paper presents a two country intra‐industry trade model with heterogeneous firms subject to high and low tariffs. We examine the welfare effects of applying three different tariff reduction formulas discussed in the literature that were used and proposed in previous and current General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/WTO negotiations (1) a proportional cut, (2) the Swiss formula and (3) a tiered formula. No single formula dominates for all conditions. The ranking of the three tools depends on the degree of product differentiation in the industry and the achieved reduction in the average tariff.  相似文献   

关税、走私和福利效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙烽 《财经研究》2001,27(9):32-37
本文旨在通过构建开放经济条件下中国走私的均衡分析框架,以期探求:存在走私实际成本时,走私者行为如何决定,以及引入政府反走私行动、关税税率上升等外生冲击后,走私相关效应如国民福利效应将发生怎样变化?  相似文献   

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