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马述忠  袁山林 《技术经济》2002,21(12):31-33
一、生物技术及转基因农产品的内涵生物技术可以分为传统生物技术、工业生物发酵技术和现代生物技术。现在人们所指的生物技术实际上是现代生物技术。现代生物技术包括基因工程、蛋白质工程、细胞工程、酶工程和发酵工程五大工程技术 ,其中基因工程技术是现代生物技术的核心技术 (马述忠、黄祖辉 ,2 0 0 1a)。本文将现代生物技术简称为生物技术 (Biotechnology)。不同生物具有不同特性 ,基因是决定生物特性的内在物质基础 ,它是由细胞核里的脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)构成 ,一个基因就是DNA分子的一个片段 ,故人们就很自然地想…  相似文献   

欧盟转基因生物——安全立法和管理情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因生物(包括微生物)是指通过人工基因工程或DNA重组技术,而不是通过自然配对法,使遗传物质从一个生物体转移到另一个生物体,这种转移可以在不同物种之间进行。20世纪80年代以来,随着现代分子生物学和生物技术,特别是基因工程技术的迅猛发展,转基因生物的研究开发和利用也得到了前所未有的发展。但是,由于转基因生物是通过人工基因工程技术把一种生物体的基因转移到另一种生物体中。因此,转基因生物释放到自然环境中后,可能会发生基因转移,对环境、人类的健康和物种演化会产生潜在的危险,而这种潜在的危险往往在短期…  相似文献   

美国是生物农业强国,在转基因农产品的生产和商业化方面一直处于世界领先地位。近年,特别是特朗普政府执政以来,为保持在全球生物农业技术领域的领先地位,联邦政府通过系列改革,扫清制度障碍,不断优化其高层协调机制和产业组织体系,激发转基因、基因编辑等前沿生物技术作为其现代农业发展的"推进器",为产业经济高效发展提供强劲动力。美国的生物农业政策新动向值得跟踪研究。  相似文献   

土壤中的一种微生物──Bacil-lusthuringiensis(简称Bt)产生的毒素对多种害虫具有很好的防治作用,而对人畜和大多数益虫无害且不对环境产生污染。Bt已广泛用于农业生产,对世界可持续农业的发展发挥了巨大作用。利用发酵工程技术生产的Bt生物农药在农业上的应用已长达30多年,约占世界农药市场1巩的份额。随着基因工程技术的发展,Bt有效基因被成功地转入植物,具有抗虫性的Bt转基因棉花、玉米、马铃薯、西红柿、油菜等相继问世。1996年,Bt转基因作物在美国实现商业化生产,使有机磷、除虫菊酯等危险性农药的使用大大减少,甚至被取…  相似文献   

王沂刚 《经济前沿》2002,(11):14-15
生物技术的迅猛发展给人类社会带来了福音,以医药生物技术为依托的生物制药率先为世界医药行业注入勃勃生机。与此同时,转基因技术催生的基因农业正在迅速崛起,为蓬勃发展的生物技术产业增添了又一道亮丽的风景。  相似文献   

发展转基因作物面临的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代生物技术的发展使人们能够知道生物体内某一基因对特定性状或产物的决定关系。转基因作物就是将来自某一植物或微生物,甚至是动物的一段遗传物质(DNA)转移到另一不同的植物中,使人们所希望的生物性状或产物在后者的生产中得以表达。   目前主要有两个途径来进行农作物的转基因操作。一个是“农杆菌”,一个是“基因枪”。农杆菌途径是以被称为自然界的天然遗传工程师的农杆菌作为载体,将目的基因导入要改造的农作物。原先普遍认为这种转基因的方法只适用于阔叶植物,但最近已在谷类植物的转导方面取得了很大进展。这种途径的优点是手段相对简单,可以在具备组织培养条件的任何实验室进行,缺点是易发生遗传物质的意外转导及活体转导菌对环境产生影响。基因枪途径是将目的基因包裹上金或钨粉做成现代生物技术的发展使人们能够知道生物体内某一基因对特定性状或产物的决定关系。转基因作物就是将来自某一植物或微生物,甚至是动物的一段遗传物质(DNA)转移到另一不同的植物中,使人们所希望的生物性状或产物在后者的生产中得以表达。……  相似文献   

美国农业生物技术发展状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、美国农业生物技术的应用简况及发展潜力 从有机体(包括动物、植物、细菌和病毒)中提取一个或几个DNA基因片段,并把它组合到某特定的作物品种之中的技术就是DNA重组技术,即基因工程。同样的基因在不同的品种中仍然能表现出相同的性状。如细菌的抗盐基因转入到水稻或小麦上,转基因水稻或小麦也会表现出耐盐性状。无疑,生物技术将给人类社会带来无限前景。 1.美国农业生物技术的应用简况 经过数十年的研究与开发,基因工程从一定意义上讲已进入实用商品阶段。全球转基因作物的市场销售额已由1995年的7500万美元增长…  相似文献   

生物技术的负面影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了生物技术给人类社会带来的益处后,主要探讨了生物技术带来的若干负面效应,诸如转基因作物的潜在危险性,克隆人带来的问题,基因武器的灾难,基因歧视和基因鸿沟问题,生物技术的专利授予和生物资源保护等问题,最后,作者提出要正确认识科技进步,要用道德,伦理和法律杜绝其负面效应。  相似文献   

美国农业生物技术新进展转基因增值农作物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早年 ,美国农业科学家通过常规育种方法 ,获得一系列高附加值农作物特殊品种。由于受市场限制 ,当生产激增时 ,这种传统育种方法就显得“力不从心”。基因工程技术在农业的应用大大推动了农作物改良新品种的发展。它比传统的育种方法更具市场前景和发展潜力。农民们已认识到并得益于第一代转基因农作物的优点 ,这是因为农业生物技术帮助解决了农作物生长过程中的诸多问题。如 :通过生物技术处理的转基因农作物克服了传统农作物的弱点 ,改良了农学性质 ,增强了农作物自身抗病虫害能力并减少用水量 ,从而促进了产量的提高。农业生物技术的下一…  相似文献   

论基因工程技术对绿色食品产业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以DNA重组为核心内容的基因工程技术是一种新兴的现代生物技术。利用基因工程技术不但可以提高食品的营养价值,去除天然食物中的有害成分,同时还可以通过对农作物品种改良,大大减少种值过程中农药、化肥等化学品的使用量。基因工程技术作为一门高新技术将在生产安全、优质和高营养价值的绿色食品中起到重要作用。对近年来基因工程技术在减少农作物化学品使用、提高食品营养价值及去除食品中有害成分等方面的研究进展进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

以计划行为理论、目标设置理论和信息不对称理论为分析框架,并设计问卷对我国科研人员的转基因作物环境风险控制行为进行了调查,以主因子分析方法对调查结果进行了统计分析。结果表明,影响我国科研人员转基因作物环境风险控制行为的3个主因子是风险认知和控制能力、行为意向和同行影响,存在机会主义行为动机和监管信息不对称。最后根据调查分析结果提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文概述了转基因作物的发展概况与趋势,讨论了转基因作物对农业生态系统的潜在影响及转基因食品的安全性问题,并结合国情对我国转基因作物安全的研究和管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

全球转基因大豆发展概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1996年以来,全球转基因大豆得到迅速发展。从1996年至2004年,转基因大豆的种植面积从50万hm 2增至4840万hm 2,增长了约96倍;转基因大豆种植率从0.8%升至52.6%,增长了约63倍;转基因大豆分布国家从2个增至9个。在2004年,转基因大豆主产国依次是美国、阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭。转基因大豆是全球最重要的转基因作物。虽然转基因大豆安全性存在很大争论,但是,全球转基因大豆预计仍将得到进一步发展,而中国仍将禁止商业化种植转基因大豆。  相似文献   

Although genetically modified (GM) organisms have attracted a great deal of public attention, analysis of their economic impacts has been less common. It is, perhaps, spatial externalities where the divergence between efficient and unregulated outcomes is potentially largest, because the presence of transgenic crops may eliminate or severely reduce the planting of organic varieties and other crops where some consumers have a preference for non-GM crops. This paper constructs a simple model of the possible spatial external effects of the introduction of transgenic varieties and considers some of the public policy options for regulating the divergence between market outcomes and the efficient allocation of resources to GM crops. It is shown that co-existence may be impossible without strong regulation on planting patterns.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how different institutional structures shape the research and development (R&D) of genetically modified crops (GM-crops). Whether this R&D is conducted within companies, cooperatives or public research organizations (both publicly and privately funded R&D) is expected to influence the type of crops and traits that are developed and therefore the effects on society and ecosystems that potentially could follow from the use of GM-crops. This issue is analyzed empirically by statistical analysis of 1323 notifications for field trials with GM-crops that have been submitted under two EU Directives in seven European countries. The results show that the type of R&D organization influences the traits and crops that are developed. Companies are more likely to submit notifications that concern GM-crops that secure the potential for profit than are other types of R&D organizations, while R&D organizations that are purely publicly funded are more likely to submit notifications that only concern biosafety research than are cooperatives and companies. Consideration of the environment, food safety and food security might justify institutional reforms of R&D of GM-crops. This might include increased public funding combined with changes in intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

新兴技术这柄“双刃剑”虽然给国家带来新发展动能,但也同时引发诸多社会风险,如何化解新兴技术社会风险成为新兴技术治理面临的难题。前瞻性治理研究为新兴技术社会风险化解提供了一些思考,但是相关研究较为分散和模糊,相关经验难以奏效。运用文本分析法和层次分析法,聚焦治理主体、过程和结果3个要素,提炼新兴技术社会风险化解的前瞻性治理特征,并在中国情境下检验其适用性。结果表明,公众参与结果纳入既定政策议程、否决权、新兴技术公众参与法律法规等前瞻性特征得到专家一致认同,认为它们是新兴技术社会风险化解的必要条件。研究结论对提高新兴技术社会风险治理绩效具有一定理论启示。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the capabilities of three different governance regimes for adequately handling uncertain and unknown effects of genetically modified (GM) crops. Adequate handling requires the development of sound procedures for identification of uncertainty and ignorance (U&I), reduction of U&I, decisions on how to treat irreducible U&I and monitoring of unexpected effects. The nature of U&I implies, however, that these procedures will be highly incomplete. Governance mechanisms that facilitate cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality are therefore needed. The three governance regimes (GRs) compared are: GM-crops are produced by private firms and these firms are made liable for harm (GR1); GM-crops are produced by private firms and the government decides whether the crops should be marketed (GR2); and GM-crops are produced and the government decides whether the crops should be marketed (GR3). The effect of bringing the civil society into the decision-making process is also analyzed. GR3 will be stronger in cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality than GR2. Public research organizations have fewer conflicts of interest with the government than private firms, and academic norms are important. Difficulties in proving harm and identifying the responsible firm will make GR1 weak in cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality.  相似文献   

The complexity and advanced nature of modern biotechnology, and its extensive implications for society regarding prosperity, risk and ethics, make a view of the future that is comprehensible and transparent to society desirable. The objective of this feasibility study was to investigate methodologies for strategic planning and regulatory decision-making in technologies involving genetically modified (GM) crops. The planning and regulatory decisions of both the biotechnology industry and public authorities are considered. In the study, knowledge and opinion about a well-defined problem complex are systematically brought together in the consultation of a larger number of stakeholders and experts representing as many major perspectives as possible. On the basis of a test case on the development of a GM-ryegrass, this paper suggests a methodological approach to the uncertainties faced by the biotech industry and public authorities when GM crops are commercialized. The method used was a technology foresight (TF) framework, using a life cycle inventory (LCI) to define the problem complex, a stakeholder panel to identify drivers (of change) that influence the direction of future developments, and weighted stakeholder questionnaires to prioritize these drivers. Once quantified, the weighted stakeholder opinion generated a clear criterion for prioritizing drivers that were judged to be important in the future development of a GM-ryegrass but whose precise impact was uncertain. The four drivers prioritized were: being the first to market the GM-ryegrass, an efficient network on biomolecular know-how, public dialogue and participation in regulation procedures and utility value.  相似文献   

Multinational companies in the life science sector are heavily influenced by government policies and regulations and in turn attempt to influence these actors nationally and internationally. This paper focuses on recent and on-going research, principally on the agro-biotechnology and, to a lesser extent, on the pharmaceutical industries, covering the evolution of policy and regulation in Europe, how policies are influenced by stakeholder pressures and how policy in turn influences company strategies for product development. We focus particularly on new ‘governance’ agendas in Europe and consider the relative impacts of enabling, constraining, discriminating and indiscriminate policies on company strategies as part of our development of an integrated approach to policy and governance. We also consider changes in external operating environments for multinational companies and compare past histories and present pressures on agro-biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. The paper argues, with evidence, that a more enabling and discriminating policy and regulatory environment can achieve public goals more efficiently and effectively, taking account of impacts on innovation, than more blunt policy instruments. This type of environment takes into account the resources and capabilities available to firms and research laboratories rather than relying on broad brush carrot and stick approaches.  相似文献   

北京市中水回用问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市是一个严重缺水的城市,水资源短缺已成为制约北京市社会经济发展的主要因素。北京市已敲响了水危机的警钟,为了缓解缺水现状,中水回用被提上日程。本文从北京市资源短缺、经济发展和环境改善三个方面论述了北京中水回用的必要性,并对中水回用过程中存在的问题进行分析,指出了北京市政府必须解决的中水回用中存在的问题,并提出了多种解决方案。  相似文献   

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