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根据中学生体育兴趣的现状,找出影响中学生体育兴趣的影响因素,并对其影响因素进行分析,端正中学生的体育态度,激发中学生的体育兴趣爱好,使之顺利地完成中学体育教学工作。  相似文献   

受到疫情的影响,我国目前就业压力较以往更加严峻,根据调查西安市大部分大学生缺乏创业思维,所以团队从中学生开始入手,采用文献调查法,利用《低风险创业》等创业书籍中的理论和高校创业课程中的内容总结出方法提高社会创新创业意识。学生创业思维培养中所面临的三大难题有:中学生创业时无法选择合适的方向;中学生思想意识惧怕创业;中学生很容易陷入能力陷阱。提出了三点解决方案:建议中学生选择一个社会难题创业;告诉中学生创业成功者拥有很强的风险掌控能力;让中学生不要惧怕自己不懂。  相似文献   

近年来,我国中学生的人格健康问题已经引发了社会的高度关注。这主要是由于加强对中学生进行健康人格教育,不仅能够弥补他们的人格缺陷,还有助于进一步促进中学生的全面发展,而中学时期健康人格塑造始终贯穿在思想政治教育过程中,所以必须要重视对中学生的思想政治教育。文章通过对中学思想政治教育在健康人格教育上的不足进行具体分析,提出了一些塑造中学生健康人格的有效途径。  相似文献   

鄢梦 《品牌》2014,(9):175-175
近年来,中学生身体素质逐渐下降,健美操作为体育课堂教学方式之一,有利于提高中学生的身体素质,但是现实效果却并不明显。本文以文献资料法等方法,对健美操教学的动作编排和音乐选用进行了研究,认为通过改变动作编排技巧和音乐选用可以提高中学生对健美操的兴趣。意在促进健美操的课堂教学,提高中学生身体素质。  相似文献   

在当代中学生的教育问题上最为突出的就是法治教育,因为法治教育是影响国家依法治国整体目标的重要因素之一。对于中学生法治教育这方面,受到了党和国家的高度重视,也正是得力于党和国家的重视,使得中学生的法治教育逐渐得到了来自各方面的支持,在一定程度上提升了中学生的法治素养。目前,中学生法治教育所面临的问题有课程内容缺乏、教育方式单一、理论与实践中断、教育评价体系不完善等问题,导致中学生法律意识缺乏、法治观念淡薄。针对存在的这些问题,提出增设法治教育内容,合理安排教材;丰富法治教育途径,营造教育环境;理论密切联系实际,知识运用于实践;加强师资队伍建设,提高教育质量等途径,以增强中学生的法律意识。  相似文献   

加强对中学生的法制教育势在必行。对中学生的法制教育,既不能单单是法律条文的宣讲,也不能单单是法律知识的灌输,更应该是中学生遵纪守法行为习惯的养成、知法守法意识的提高和法制观念的增强。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法等,对邯郸市中学生体育消费现状进行了问卷调查分析,力求掌握更多的信息,了解中学生体育消费现状,旨在为指导中学生建立正确的消费观念,树立终身体育的思想理念。  相似文献   

田雪晴 《商》2013,(3):259-259
心理健康教育是中学德育教育工作的重要组成部分,心理是中学生德、智、体、美全面发展的基础和中介,心理因素对于中学生主体结构的核心因素,中学的身心健康以及自身潜能开发都会在心理素质上得到综合的反映。所以心理的健康程度直接或间接地影响着中学生的全面发展,心理素质的健康教育是中学生素质教育的题中之义。因此,对于中学的心理健康的教育势在必行,是十分重要且必要的,本文主要探讨中学生心理健康教育的必要性。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代。大众传媒围绕在中学生生活方方面面,影响日益扩大。为了解当今中学生面对报纸、广播、电视、网络、手机短信等传播形式消费中有哪些习惯和消费行为.通过问卷调查的方式对中学生媒体接触习惯和消费行为进行了专项调查。调查发现当前中学生选择媒体类型首先网络媒体.其次是电视媒体。中学生接触媒体途径开始由传统媒介向新媒介过渡。使用手机上网的已经占到26.23%.并有持续扩大的趋势。中学生主要关注的信息集中在娱乐、教育等方面。接触媒体的目的主要是为了放松精神,辅助学习.娱乐身心。传媒产品对中学生的世界观、价值观、人生观、消费观都有着极为重要的导航作用.建议多开发正面引导和适合中学生群体的媒介产品。  相似文献   

衡量中学生文化消费水平的高低具体可从文化消费总额和文化消费结构两个方面展开,经过实证研究得出如下结论:中学生文化消费与家庭收入显著相关,城乡差距大;文化消费对中学生知识来源无显著影响。  相似文献   

专业教师兼任大学新生班主任是有着显著优势的。专业教师可以为学生做专业指导,使大学新生学习目标明确;可以指导学生选修专业课程,使学生学到全面系统的专业知识;可以引导学生进行一定的创新性研究,以培养学生的创新能力和实际应用能力,提高他们的专业学习兴趣。而且,专业教师还可为学生的未来发展提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the determinants of and differences between the ethical beliefs of two groups of Japanese students in religious and secular universities. Multiple regression analysis revealed that students of the Japanese religious university perceived that young, male, relativistic, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did older, female, and idealistic students. Students of the Japanese secular university perceived that male, achievement-oriented, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did female and experience-oriented students. Opportunism was found to be one of the most important determinants in explaining misconduct. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) revealed that students of the Japanese secular university tended to score higher on achievement and humanism, and lower on theism and positivism than did students of the Japanese religious university. In addition, students of the Japanese secular university were somewhat more sensitive to academic dishonesty practices than were students of the Japanese religious university.  相似文献   

学生现状、教学方法、课堂举措是教学中的一系列环节。教师把握住学生的特点,采用任务驱动方式,任务驱动”教学是教师和学生双方都参与的活动,教师以引导者、导师的角色,设计和分析情境,使学生了解相关的知识,同时提出任务,引导学生去完成。学生以主体的身份分析情境、理解知识,用计算机操作来完成任务。提高学生的操作能力,也是教师在教学过程中不断思索、不断探讨的问题。  相似文献   

This article investigates how Africa is taught in business and examines African and American student perspectives on business in Africa. Conclusions find that African students, business students or not, had more knowledge about business and economic structures than American business students; however, learning about successful case studies on business in Africa proved to motivate both students and faculty. The nexus between international development and business is emphasized and training business students to seek potential partnerships with African businesses is underscored. The article ends with educational recommendations and cites the advantages of introducing students to emerging opportunities in business on the continent.  相似文献   

The value of involving students in research has been well documented. By including students in research, active and independent learning opportunities are provided, the importance of inquiry and investigation is emphasized, and connections between course material and the discipline become evident. Relevant opportunities for involving students in research projects can sometimes be elusive. Faculty time constraints limit the number of projects that can be undertaken and the number of students involved. Furthermore, many students become intimidated when told that they are required to carry out a research project. The purpose of this study was to use current consumer issues to involve undergraduate students in a relevant research project. The research project was implemented in class settings with teams of students. Faculty selected contemporary consumer issues based upon perceived student interest and experiences as consumers. By using issues of high relevance and familiarity to students and using the team approach within a course that faculty members were already assigned to teach, the issues of time constraint for the faculty members and increased levels of comfort for students were addressed. Prior to undertaking the project, students were instructed in appropriate research methods. Research methods utilized included student development of survey instruments, collection and recording of data, interpretation of data and presentation of results. Students became familiar with various research practices. By working as team members, the students’ comfort level for being involved in research increased; however, other common group challenges arose. Relevant, contemporary consumer issues carry high relevance and interest for student groups, helping generate enthusiasm for the research process. The focus on involving students in research continues to be emphasized. By using research topics related to student's experiences as consumers, students are more readily engaged in undertaking research projects. Through these relevant research projects, students’ consumer decision making is positively impacted.  相似文献   

Using undergraduate students from the Waikato University in New Zealand as a sample, this study compared the ethical positions of students of different field of study and demographic characteristics. It was found that the ethical standard of business students are not significantly different from that of non-business students. The findings also suggest that female students are more ethical than male students, and senior students are more ethical than junior students.Besides sex and year of study, other variables studied were parents' occupation, religiosity and household income of the students. All these variables were found to have no significant impact on the ethical position of the students. Furthermore, all the interaction effects between the variables studied and the students' major field of study were nonsignificant.  相似文献   

谢张爱 《商》2013,(20):317-317
我国有两亿多名在校中小学学生,元论是走跑跳投还是一些别的活动在体育课堂中都要求学生具备过硬的身体和心理素质,然而安全问题在体育课堂上总是容易被学生们忽视,从而造成一些轻重不一的运动损伤。这不仅给学生本人及其家庭带来不幸和痛苦,也给教育行政部门、学校及教师的教学造成管理上的困惑和不安,文章就应对中学体育课堂中运动损伤的出现及避免于东损伤的出现提出相对应的建议与对策,希望能为中学生营造一个有较高安全保障的体育课堂。  相似文献   

高职学院学生学习兴趣的培养直接关系到其教学质量.因此高职学院根据目前的学生学习状况,深刻分析学习兴趣在高职学院学生学习中的作用,并且以此为研究依据讨论如何激发学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

More than 45,000 international students are now studying for bachelor programs in The Netherlands. The number of Asian students increased dramatically in the past decade. The current research aims at examining the differences between Western European and Asian students' perceptual learning styles, and exploring the relationships between students' learning styles and their academic achievements in international business (IB) study. One hundred and seventy-two students from a Dutch university participated in the survey research. Western European students significantly outperformed Asian students in academic performances. Significant differences in learning styles were also found between Western Europeans and Asian students in English, second language, business subjects, and group project learning. Besides, in comparison with Asian students, Western European students preferred to learn from hearing words, taking notes of lectures, and getting involved in some classroom experiences such as role-playing. They may benefit more from lecture-based subjects than Asian students. Based on the findings, practical recommendations are offered for instructors in international higher education.  相似文献   

Given the proliferation of research regarding the ethical development of students in general, and business students in particular, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the contradictory results of many studies. In this meta-analysis of empirical studies from 1985 through 1994, the relationships of gender, age and undergraduate major to the ethical attitudes and behavior of business students are analyzed. The results indicate that female students exhibit stronger ethical attitudes than males. The same is also true for older versus younger students. However, the relationship with undergraduate major is still difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

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