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卡缪搬家了。马奎斯搬家了。卡尔维诺搬家了。莫内搬家了。林布阑搬家了。毕加索搬家了。瑞典KOSTA BODA彩色玻璃搬家了。英国WEDGWOOD骨瓷搬家了。法国HEDIARD咖啡搬家了。诚品敦南店搬家了。写下以上文字的许舜英搬家了。  相似文献   

“刚当兵就想跑,到了兰州发了一件棉大衣,毛的,给了一缸子肉,我觉得可以了,吃饱了,也够本了,想回家了,就准备逃跑了,实际上还是怕吃苦呗。”  相似文献   

在地产界,因为有了“她势力”,自然也就多了几分颜色:不仅有了气度还有了风度,不仅有了手段还有了身段。  相似文献   

商场在疯狂甩卖,其降幅和冷清堪比非典时期;出租车的空位多了,地铁公交却更拥挤了;公司的年终奖打折了,企业都在喊亏损;华尔街爆发危机了,全球的股市都在跌;公司晚会不办了,出国旅游取消了,皮草名车也不买了……经济危机真的来了。企业家们受影响了么?显然不会例外。央行行长的头发都白了,而更多企业家的头发都掉光了;有的企业家绝处逢生,东山再起,而有的从云端落下,光环尽失;有的企业家卷款逃  相似文献   

苗友义 《活力》2005,(3):58-58
从上个世纪的80年代开始,我们感受到了前所未有的社会变化,人们的生活发生了巨变,以“芯片”作为主要电子元件的设备充斥着人类的生活。我们传输信息的速度加快了,我们收集、整理信息的速度也加快了,我们的管理水平提高了,我们工作的速度也提高了,我们对世界改变的速度也加快了。人们感受到了由于技术进步带来的好处,工资的待遇提高了,汽车、洋房增多了,人们所需的日常物品丰富了,人们休闲娱乐的方式增多了。人们的寿命增长了。  相似文献   

近十多年来.我国城镇住宅业发展已经取得了举世瞩目的成就:一是许多居民不同程度改善了居住条件,二是拉动了经济增长.推动了几十个行业的发展,增加了财政收入,三是促进了劳动就业,四是改变了城市形象。在取得重大成就的同时.也产生了一系列问题:一是房价持续上涨,过分脱离了大多数居民收入水平,使许多住房困难家庭看不到改善住房的希望;  相似文献   

本文首先对航天型号产品供应商管理的阶段进行了分析,然后针对当前管理上存在的问题,建立了供应商管理体系,设立了管理机构,完善了规章制度.最后通过有效运行供应商管理体系,优化了供应商结构,提升了外包产品质量,提高了人员能力,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

有人说,古罗马人学会了奢华,就有了名利的庄园:英国人看透了工业,就有了乡村的庄园;俄国人得到了农奴,就有了贵族的庄园;法国人创造了葡萄酒,就有了飘满酒吞的庄园。  相似文献   

3293李承鹏V:有人说法兰熄了,意大离了,葡萄哑了,英格烂了,巴惜了,阿根停了,接下来巴拉归了,乌拉归了,西班哑了,荷烂了,嗯,最后就剩德过了……转发7月4日18:38来自新浪微博|评论(1193)  相似文献   

王兵 《中外企业家》2013,(2S):48-48
销售战略的确定和销售策略的实施,规范了价格体系,完善了销售渠道,找准了市场,培育建全了销售队伍,达到了效益最大化,使副产品的销售走上了正常化、规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

本文以手机为研究对象,通过问卷调研和深度访谈法构建了消费者品牌忠诚度的影响因素模型,运用结构方程模型实证探讨了消费者品牌忠诚度的影响因素,得出了这些影响因素之间的相互关系,即:功能价值负向影响工具型关系,对情感型关系有一定正向影响,但不显著;情感型关系受情感价值正向影响,两者存在较强线性关系,但与工具型关系不显著;财务价值同时正向影响情感型和工具型关系;工具型关系分别正向、负向影响行为忠诚、态度忠诚;态度忠诚正向影响行为忠诚。  相似文献   

杨华 《价值工程》2014,(5):302-304
近年来,加热油气管道对农作物生长的影响问题越来越受到重视。本文对中国石化管道公司所辖埋地管道附近土壤温度场影响因素进行分析,并选取了小麦、水稻、玉米、棉花、蔬菜等代表性农作物进行研究。结果表明:热油管道温度场对小麦产量有消极影响;除魏荆线、钟荆线部分地区、部分时段外,管道温度场对水稻的产量无影响或有积极作用;对玉米无影响;对棉花的生长有积极促进作用;北方地区热油管道温度场对蔬菜生长的利弊无法确定,南方地区管道温度场对蔬菜的生长无影响或有积极作用。  相似文献   

朱汐 《中国企业家》2012,(14):102-107,17
他是演员,也是商人,而闯入生活中的女儿让他所寻找的自我更加清晰那双皮鞋看起来穿了很久,鞋面连着鞋底的那一圈儿被磨得泛了白,鞋型也有些变形,但这双鞋似乎让李亚鹏感到特别舒适:5月25日,李亚鹏第一次穿上嫣然天使儿童医院(以下简称嫣然医院)的董事会会服,出席第三届中美唇腭裂修复技术学术研讨会,这双棕色皮  相似文献   

郭海燕 《价值工程》2010,29(35):137-138
为了克服FD2传统检测瓶颈,设计触点感应器并开发数据自动采集与处理系统,对FD2传统检测系统进行数字化改造,建立了FD2自动化检测系统,并将此系统应用到FD2自动化检测中。应用实践表明该系统能够显著提高检测效率和检测精度。  相似文献   

Development of the Irish Peat Fuel Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract . Over the past three decades peat (or turf ) production in Ireland has been transformed from a rudimentary hand-won operation to a highly mechanized and commercially profitable national industry. Through a pragmatic admixture of government policy-making and technological advancement 130,000 acres of bogland have been converted into a major fuel production complex. Peat has captured a large share of the domestic solid fuel market, both rural and urban, and accounts for one-quarter of the nation's electricity output. Owing to recent international energy shortages and inflated fuel import costs, the economic viability of peat fuel has been greatly enhanced. As a consequence, a major expansion program has been initiated. Nascent recognition of the new "peat economics" has stimulated interest in other countries and prompted serious re-examination of long-neglected boglands. Apart from providing a valuable source of indigenous energy, the industry has made appreciable social and economic contributions, particularly in terms of buttressing balance of payments and generating employment in rural districts.  相似文献   

本文结合人力资本平均存量的高低及我国人力资本分布结构的规律性,实证分析了我国人力资本离散度与经济增长的关系。结论表明,具有较高人力资本平均存量地区的人力资本离散度正向于经济增长,而具有较低人力资本平均存量地区负向于经济增长。依据高等教育拉动、正态分布和低等教育拉动三种类型,文章从人力资本的追赶效应出发,归纳了内生增长理论的趋同思想,并发现具有高等教育拉动型和正态分布型人力资本分布结构的地区与前沿人力资本存量地区有增长趋同性,而具有低等教育拉动型的地区与之具有增长发散性。  相似文献   

BATNEEC is a regulatory concept which has caused concern both in terms of definition and application. BATNEEC has relied on end of pipe technology to prevent and control pollution, which has tended to ignore the role of managerial techniques, such as waste minimisation. Waste minimisation has been publicised widely as a method of reducing costs and assisting compliance, but no robust methodology has been presented. There is evidence that this weakness has slowed down its use in compliance. HMIP (now the Environment Agency) has recently developed and tested a more robust methodology, the 3Es, which should enable more industrialists to use the concepts of waste minimisation as BATNEEC, thus moving away from the end of the pipe up into the process. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

许凯朋 《价值工程》2014,(20):240-241
西北工业学校化学工艺专业办学历史悠久,但一直沿袭着传统的教学模式。随着职业教育的不断发展,对于化学工艺专业教学,该校在改革方面做出了积极的探索,同时调整了课程设置,进而为职业教育的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

汪成杰 《价值工程》2012,31(2):302-303
我国管理学体系已建立起来多年,但是对于管理学的一些基本问题,至今没有达到一个共识,仍存在诸多分歧。深入探索管理学的几个重要基础问题,对于加快我国管理现代化,促进管理学的学科建设与发展,无疑具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

Whereas the pound has remained outside the EMS for the last ten years, the Irish punt has been a fully participating member since the inception of the EMS in March 1979. As such the punt experienced the depreciation of the EMS bloc against the pound in 1980-1 and, largely because of this, it suffered from a higher rate of inflation in the first half of the 1980s. But against a background of greater intra-EMS stability, Irish inflation has fallen steadily. It is now closer to German inflation than at any time in the last twenty years and in the nearly three years since the last EMS realignment, has been well below inflation in the UK. At the same time output in Ireland has advanced steadily and the trade balance has moved into surplus. The Irish experience has therefore paralleled that of the EMS as a whole. After a shaky start, the EMS has proved to be a powerful force for convergence and by switching from a fixed link to the pound to one against the DM, the Irish economy is being transformed into a relatively low inflation economy. The contrast with the pound panty period is marked. It is different not to conclude that the UK' recent economic performance, particularly on inflation, would have been significantly improved if it too had chosen the route of full EMS membership.  相似文献   

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