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飙车事件的频发严重威胁了公共安全,本课题从飙车的机会成本切入,以交易成本理论和博弈论的视角对飙车事件进行研究,得出飙车事件频发的原因是管制不够:处罚力度小,法律法规不健全,管理效率低下。本课题从管制者和飙车者角度出发,结合国内与国外对飙车事件的管理与处理方法,提出我国应提高飙车者的机会成本,加强对管理人员的监督,建立健全法律法规体系。  相似文献   

庄绪龙 《时代经贸》2009,(7):150-151
法益保护是法律的生命,也是刑法价值选择的根本基点。站在法益最大化的角度来来重新审视“5·7”杭州飙车案,并借此来比较交通肇事罪和以危险方法危害公共安全罪的适用,就会得出类似于“飙车”行为应以后者定性的结论。  相似文献   

为了应对风险社会的有组织不负责任,在风险刑法中,除了主张个人责任外,还必须主张不减弱个人责任的法人责任,并采用法人与自然人责任标准同等原则和责任追究双轨制原则指导司法。  相似文献   

詹王镇 《经济师》2005,(8):52-53
刑法成本分析实质是对刑法制度的一种完善,它是市场经济条件必须遵循的一条规则。它有利于发挥刑法的效用促进刑法成本效益的统一。文章对刑法的有关成本进行分析,并在此基础上探寻降低刑法成本的几点思路。  相似文献   

张建成 《经济师》2008,(10):71-73
在中国传统的法律文化中,国家权力主义和刑法工具主义色彩极为浓厚,政治国家占据着垄断地位,对社会进行全面的控制。法律文化的传播使我们看到,作为法治的根本标志之一的刑事法治,以刑法限制国家刑罚权,包括对立法权与司法权的限制,保障公民的自由与权利是人类社会的一直追求和共同期待。因此,我们要建设法治国的刑法文化.使刑法真正起到平衡利益、为和谐社会保驾护航的作用。  相似文献   

胡建 《时代经贸》2008,6(2):203
新中国成立后,我国的金融市场以及金融刑法的发展都经历了一个曲折的过程,本文对此进行历史性的梳理,以期总结立法规律.  相似文献   

对网络犯罪的刑法认定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子网络(主要是互联网,也包括其它局域网等)的出现,给人类的社会生活带来了种种冲击,这其中有好的一面,即促进了社会的发展,但我们也应该看到,网络世界与现实世界一样存在着安全性的问题,网络犯罪也成为一大社会公害,是最严重的破坏网络环境的行为。网络犯罪率正呈逐年上升趋势,严重威胁着网络环境的安全。中国的网络化进程驶入快车道,网络应用日益深化,网络犯罪也相应增多,近几年来,国内利用计算机网络进行的各类违法犯罪行为以每年30%以上的速度递增,因此,有必要利用法律特别是刑法这种显性强制力,在对网络中的人、组织的行为  相似文献   

陶爱萍 《经济师》2006,(5):63-64
毛泽东的刑法思想内容极为丰富,涉及许多方面。他确立了我国刑事立法和司法的指导思想,提出了我国刑事立法和司法的基本原则,创造了具有中国特色的刑罚和改造的方法、制度,丰富了马列主义刑法理论宝库。  相似文献   

刑法的价值作为法的价值的重要组成部分,在市场经济的今天发挥着不可替代的作用,亦是刑法学研究的重要内容。将公正、自由、秩序和效益作为刑法的基本价值有其深刻内涵。本文探讨刑法的价值对于刑罚制度的完善和刑事司法的发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

周明亮 《新经济》2013,(17):72-73
随着世界经济的不断发展,环境污染已成为全球性问题。保护环境权成为国际社会的共识。环境权是人权的一种表现形式,本文阐述了国际刑法与人权、环境权保护间的关系,提出利用国际刑法打击国际环境犯罪,保护环境权。  相似文献   

In this paper we study an industry in which there is an ongoing sequence of R&D races between two firms. Firms are engaged in product innovation. Products are horizontally and vertically differentiated. There are two key characteristics/dimensions to products, and the level at which these are embodied in products can be increased by R&D. At each time firms can spend R&D on improving their product in one or both dimensions. We allow the possibility of economies scope — so R&D undertaken in one dimension can spillover to the other. The question we are interested in is whether a firm that is ahead in a single dimension but behind in another will focus all its R&D effort in the area in which it is ahead (product specialisation), or whether it will try to do R&D in both dimensions in the hope that it might get ahead in both and end up with a superproduct that dominates in both characteristics. The outcome of this R&D competition determines a Markov transition probability matrix determining the evolution of the industry. We show that when the R&D technology is characterized by constant returns then the only steady-state outcome is one in which the economy stays forever in a position in which one firm produces a super-product and the other gives up doing R&D altogether. This outcome is unaffected by the degree of economies of scope. When the R&D technology is characterised by decreasing returns, then the industry will visit all states and so will exhibit both product specialisation and superproduct dominance at various times. Now the extent of economies of scope matters and we show that the greater the extent of economies of scope, the less likely is the industry to exhibit product dominance, and the more likely it is to exhibit product specialisation.  相似文献   

无锡市,地处太湖流域武澄锡低片,滨临太湖,邻近长江,京杭运河贯穿市区腹部,通江入湖河道众多成网,是一座处于洪水走廊上的城市,历来防汛任务繁重。从这一市情出发,多年来无锡市委、市政府以经济建设为中心,总揽全局,切实加强对城市防汛工作的领导,组织和依靠广大干部群众,团结治水,逐步走出了一条城市防汛工作的路子,其特点是“五结合”:工程措施与非工程措施结合,专项防汛工程建设与城市基础设施建设结合,城市因地制宜的自身设防与治理太湖的流域水利工程的屏障作用结合,固实加高防洪堤墙措施与重视保护河道、广泛疏浚河…  相似文献   

We study a model of optimal bankruptcy law in an environmentwhere legal quality can vary along two dimensions: the expertiseof judges and the quality of contract enforcement. We analyzea model in which a judicially influenced bankruptcy processcan enhance the efficiency of incomplete contracts by conditioningthe allocation of control rights in bankruptcy on firm quality.We consider the optimal balance of debtor and creditor interestsas a function of the legal environment and show that the optimaldegree of "creditor-friendliness" in the bankruptcy code increasesas judicial ability to recognize firm quality falls and as thequality of contract enforcement deteriorates. Our model showsthat a bankruptcy law that attempts to preserve going-concernvalue, such as US Chapter 11, requires judicial expertise tobe effective. Where such expertise is unavailable, a law thatfocuses more on creditor recovery is preferred. (JEL D86, G33,G34, K22)  相似文献   

Prior research establishes that the price of parking in the city centre often impacts the decision to travel downtown and the mode of transportation utilized. Other factors that influence the decision to drive and park downtown have received less attention. This study uses time series data to analyse the demand for metered parking spaces in El Paso, Texas, USA. In addition to meter rates, the determinants of demand include personal income, gasoline prices and the price of a substitute good, parking garage spaces. Because international bridges connect downtown El Paso to neighbouring Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, the impacts of trans-boundary traffic flows, bridge tolls and other cross-border economic variables are also included as potential determinants of metered parking demand. Results indicate that parking meter rates, other transportation-related costs, and economic conditions in both countries affect meter use.  相似文献   

“十一五”以来,无锡进入了新一轮转型时期,产业转型、城乡转型、社会转型、政府转型全面推进。在转型发展的历史进程中,无锡新区处于前沿先导地位。转型时期特有的利益碰撞、矛盾冲突、政策博弈、权力制衡等各方面的现状和趋势都在第一时间一览无遗,而承载经济发展的大量企业是转型发展的主体,其中劳资关系更是关系到经济社会稳定和持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper derives Abreu's stick-and-carrot strategy optimal penal codes ( Journal of Economic Theory , 1986, 191–225 in a partial equilibrium model that has been widely used to examine trade liberalization. Unless the asymmetry between countries is significant, the optimal penal codes take a simple form. It is also shown that the difference between the most-cooperative pairs of tariffs supported by two schemes, the optimal penal code and infinite Nash reversion, depends crucially on the size of the surplus from exports that a deviating country forgoes when the other country places an embargo, rather than the (punitive) optimum tariff, on imports in the punishment.  相似文献   

During the 1930s and early 1940s, the problems of economic dirigisme and its theoretical analysis attracted the attention of Bulgarian economists. To some extent, it was compensation for the fact that they missed the socialist calculation debate of the interwar period. Their analyses were placed within the framework of a demand and supply core, combined with various other theoretical approaches. The Bulgarian academic economists identified a number of problems associated with the long-term functioning of the regulated economy: impossibility of the state apparatus to control spontaneous market forces by means of governmental regulation, inherent administrative constraints for government and public officials to introduce and control strict and conscientious implementation of all the laws and normative acts of the system of economic dirigisme, etcetera. A new theory of international trade was developed, the author of which attempted to break away from the old-fashioned labor theory of value. The main content of his concept lies in the claim that protectionism, in certain cases, may have positive economic consequences.  相似文献   

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